Aggregate Gradations for Concrete Pavement Mixtures

stone, Sr. is an empirical approach to aggregate proportioning based on his experience in producing lean concrete mixtures with acceptable workability and reduced segregation [11, 12]. The Coarseness Factor Chart plots two different parameters that help divide a combined aggregate gradation into coarse, intermediate, and fine aggregate sections.

Understanding Crushed Stone Grades

Crushed stone #8 includes stone between 3/8" and ½". This is the most common stone used for concrete mixes. #10. Crushed stone #10 is known as screenings or dust. This material is used to create pavers and concrete blocks. #57. Crushed stone #57 refers to stone that is about ¾". This is typically used for concrete mix, landscaping and ...

CA6 Base Stone, Road Gravel & Recycled Concrete

CA6 Base Stone, Road Gravel & Recycled Concrete. Road Rock, Grade 8, Grade 9, Indiana 53, 3/4" Dense Grade, 3/4" Traffic Bond Gravel. Product Information; ... Grade 8 recycled is produced to the same gradation standard as our CA6 product and has the same material properties. However, it is not submitted for DOT certification. Like CA6, …


Specifications. 2018 NCDOT Standard Specifications. Table 1005-1 Aggregate Gradation – Coarse Aggregate. Table 1005-2 Aggregate Gradation – Fine Aggregate. Table 1012-1 Aggregate for Asphalt Pavements and Surface Treatments. Table 1012-5 Lightweight Aggregate Physical Properties. Table 1014-1 Gradation for Lightweight Coarse …

RC2 Recycled Concrete

Our RC2 Recycled Concrete is excellent for stormwater infiltration pits, drainage and erosion control. Also used for construction entrances, roadways, and stabilization of muddy areas. ... Home / Gravel & Stone / RC2 Recycled Concrete – 1.5″ to 3″ Stones. RC2 Recycled Concrete – 1.5″ to 3″ Stones $ 185.99 – $ 190.99. Sold by the ton.

Matls IM 409, Revised 10/20/20

1. Aggregate will be considered durable when it does not contribute to the premature deterioration in concrete. Durability classes will be assigned on the basis of qualifying performance in air-entrained concrete pavements of appropriate age. 2. Meet the durability requirements of Article 4115.01.

Frontiers | Durability behavior of asphalt mixtures in regard …

However, previous studies have focused on a specific gradation type, such as dense-graded asphalt concrete (DGAC), stone matrix asphalt (SMA), and asphalt-treated base (ATB), and mainly vary the aggregate gradations by varying the proportion of different sizes of aggregates through different calculation methods (Zhu et al., 2021; Devulapalli et ...


Aggregates focuses on: natural sands, gravels, crushed gravels, crushed stone, steel slag, air cooled blast furnace (ACBF) slag, recycled crushed concrete, rip rap, reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) used as aggregate. Various tests, including quality, freeze-thaw, and alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) are performed on aggregates used for road and ...

US Aggregates | #8 Stone | US AGG

#8 Stone is a construction-grade material. Contact Us; Careers; ... Production of concrete, landscape material. INDOT #8 AP Gravel. 1″ minus Natural material. Applications: Production of concrete, landscape material ... Uses include... #10 Stone. This product does not have a set gradation. Uses include... #68 Stone. INDOT QA #9 Stone/ ODOT ...

A Review of Concrete Aggregate Gradations

Aggregate Grading. The aggregate gradation and content can impact several properties of a concrete mix: Finishability, workability, pumpability, strength, permeability, and shrinkage. Aggregates having a smooth grading curve size will generally produce mixtures with fewer voids between particles.

SCDOT Quality Acceptance Sampling & Testing Guide

STS: Class 2500 concrete Aggregate, # 89M Stone Agg89M SC-M-203-5 (7/18) Aggregate, # 8M Stone Agg8M: SC-M-205-2 (7/17) *Small Quantity Acceptance Aggregate, Light Weight Stone AggLightWeight Aggregate, CR-14 Stone Crusher Run AggCR-14: Aggregate, Stone Column Backfill AggStnColmnBack


Provide hydraulic cement, selected from the Department's QPL, which conforms to the following for the kind ... Table 903.01-2: Gradation Requirements for Fine Aggregate Sieve Size Total Percent Passing by Weight 3/8 inch 100 No. 4 95-100 No. 16 50-90 No. 50 5-35 ... Provide stone free of silt and clay and having a coarse aggregate portion

Gravel Size Chart, Crushed Stone And Rock Sizes, Uses, Grades

Base layer under brick, concrete or stone pavers; Gravel for driveways and walkways; Base for pipework and culverts; Drainage work; Crushed stone #411: Less than 1" Wide. Similar in size to #67 stone, crushed rocks graded #411 are less than 1 inch in diameter with an average size of ¾ inch.

A Simple Guide to Aggregate Gradation & Sieve Analysis

This gradation contains a wide range of different sizes of aggregates. Voids created by larger rocks are filled by smaller rocks and fines. As a result there are fewer vois and the material compacts well. This type is typicalls used for recycled concrete aggregates, roadbase, and concrete & asphalt stone products.

Aggregate Gradation for Bituminous Concrete | Download …

Aggregates of quartzite type were procured from a local stone crusher, and the grading used to prepare the mix is in accordance with specifications of MoRTH (2001) ( Table 2 ). VG30 (60=70 ...

Freeze–Thaw Damage Characterization of Cement-Stabilized Crushed Stone

The skeleton dense graded cement-stabilized crushed stone base is a widely used material for road construction. However, this material is susceptible to freeze–thaw damage, which can lead to degradation and failure, for which there is still a lack of an in-depth understanding of the freeze–thaw damage characteristics. This study aims to …

US Aggregates | #53 Stone

#53 Stone is a commercial-grade material. Contact Us; Careers; ... Production of concrete, landscape material. INDOT #8 AP Gravel. 1″ minus Natural material. Applications: Production of concrete, landscape material ... Uses include... #10 Stone. This product does not have a set gradation. Uses include... #68 Stone. INDOT QA #9 Stone/ ODOT ...

(303AGGBASE, 10/02/20) SECTION 303 AGGREGATE …

materials from more than one source to meet the gradation requirements of Table 303-1, the material from each source shall meet the abrasion requirements specified in herein. Aggregate subbase and aggregate base material may be comprised in part of salvaged asphaltic concrete, existing aggregate base material, or Portland cement concrete …

AASHTO #10 Crushed Stone

Crushed stone is a popular choice for underground pipe bedding. The aggregate helps level and support the pipe. 6. Concrete Block Production. In addition to constructing concrete pathways, #10 crushed stone is a great option for concrete block manufacturing. Because concrete is inherently porous, it absorbs any moisture it comes into contact with.

Aggregates for Concrete as per American Standards – ASTM …

Reading time: 5 minutes. The aggregates used in the production of concrete are inert granular materials such as gravel, crushed stone, sand, slag, recycled concrete, and geosynthetic aggregates. The aggregates may be natural, manufactured, or recycled. Fig 1: Aggregates used in production of concrete. The aggregates are broadly classified into ...

Sieve Analysis Of Coarse Aggregate Test

The sieve analysis of coarse aggregate test indicates the size distribution of coarse aggregate particles in a given coarse aggregate sample. The fineness modulus is the indication of the mean size of the particles. The fineness modulus is used to grade the given aggregate. We can calculate relationships between different aggregate or …

501 Concrete

501.3.8.1 General. (1) Except as specified in 501.3.5.2 for ready-mixed concrete, place the concrete within 30 minutes of first adding water to the batch. Use placement techniques that minimize segregation. Batch, mix, place, and finish concrete within a monolithic unit as continuously as practicable.

Gradation Of Aggregates And Its Importance

Aggregate comprises approximately 65% of the volume of concrete. Thus it is not surprising that the size, shape, and the way aggregates distribute in the concrete matrix have an important effect on the characteristics of concrete. One of the most important factors for producing durable and workable concrete is a good gradation of …

Research on Fatigue Performance of the Different Gradation of Cement

The 100 mm×100 mm×400 mm girders of three different gradations of cement stabilized crushed stone are tested by fatigue bending test with MTS.The purpose is to analyze their fatigue performances.Based on the test data,it is concluded that the fatigue performance is sensitive to the gradation of the cement stabilized crushed stone.It is infaust to the …

Section 301 Base, Subbase, and Subgrade Aggregate

The final blend must conform to the specified gradation. 2. < 75 percent is reclaimed asphalt, or else the material is classified as reclaimed asphalt. 3. < 90 percent is crushed concrete, or else the material is classified as crushed concrete. 4. < 80 percent is a combination of crushed concrete and reclaimed

Distribution Restriction Statement

concrete and distinguished from large-stone materials by its smaller stone sizes. f. Large-stone refers to the size of granular construction materials generally coarser than aggregate, that is, averaging 3 in. or greater. ... tion, and allowable tolerances. Gradation limits help define these parameters as shown in Figure 2-2. The cost advantage ...

Choosing the Right Aggregate: Why #57 Stone is a Top …

With dedicated services in ia and Maryland, they are just a call away at 1- (703)-940-9949 for ia residents and 1- (301)-691-3215 for those in Maryland. Alternatively, you can visit them online for comprehensive information on how they can supply #57 stone tailored to your specific aggregate needs.


While no specific gradation is required, 10-62 1 2 there shall be equal distribution of the various sizes of the stone within the required size 3 range. The size of an individual stone particle will be determined by measuring its long 4 dimension. 5 Stone or broken concrete for rip rap shall meet Table 1042-1 for the class and size

310 Open-Graded Base

(1) This section describes constructing open-graded base course using crushed stone, crushed gravel, or both. 310.2 Materials (1) Furnish crushed stone or crushed gravel conforming to 301.2, except for gradation. Provide QMP for open-graded base as specified in 730. For gradation conform to the following: SIEVE PERCENT PASSING (by weight)


The grading and composition requirements for coarse and fine aggregates for concrete are set forth in Table 703-1. Table 703-1 CONCRETE AGGREGATE GRADATION TABLE . Percentage Passing Designated Sieves and Nominal Size Designation . Sieve Size . Coarse Aggregates (from AASHTO M43) ... Aggregates for …

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