Cockpit Country still under threat from bauxite mining

Jamaica has exported bauxite and processed alumina for almost 70 years, and new 30 year mining leases awarded or pending would project Jamaica into at least a ­century of extraction. ... This stand against bauxite mining is part of renewed ­activism and community organising in response to the aggressively expanding bauxite mining …

Editorial | Reshape bauxite-alumina industry

Indeed, after 70 years, Jamaica's bauxite/alumina industry faces serious problems and has complex questions to answer about its future. For instance, the island's largest alumina refinery, Alpart, a 1.65 million tonne facility, owned since 2016 by China's Jiuquan Iron and Steel Company (JISCO), has been closed for more than two years.


bauxite mining and alumina refinery headquartered at Halse Hall, Clarendon, Jamaica. • Jamalco has operated as an unincorporated joint venture for over 40 years between entities owned by the Government of Jamaica ("GoJ"), Alcoa Minerals of Jamaica Inc ("Alcoa") and more recently Noble Group Holdings Limited ("Noble").

Mining Laws and Regulations Report 2024 Jamaica

The Mining Act covers mining in general, and it seems the same procedures apply to each type of mineral, but the Act provides another method for the mining of bauxite and laterite. The Minister may grant a special mining lease for the purpose of mining bauxite or laterite if satisfied that the applicant holds the title in fee …

What are the machines used to mine bauxite?

1.Excavators: These are large machines with a rotating bucket that are used to extract bauxite ore from the ground. They are typically used for larger-scale mining operations. 2.Bulldozers: These ...

Public health impacts of bauxite-alumina industry

1. 2. The public health impacts of the bauxite-alumina industry in Jamaica are the focus of this article. These impacts have been explored using community complaints from across the island reported in the media and the review of the only three known studies of the impacts on the health of nearby communities. The findings are limited by lack of ...

The human cost of bauxite-alumina mining in Jamaica

The destructive effects of bauxite mining (used to make aluminium) ... History of Jamaica's bauxite-alumina industry. Bauxite was discovered in Jamaica in 1942 and the deposit there is considered to be of a very fine grain, quite unique in global reserves of this important mineral compound. Mining and processing began in earnest in the ...

Red Dirt: A Multidisciplinary Review of the Bauxite …

Our study seeks to describe the history, evaluate the regulatory framework, and investigate the impact of the bauxite-alumina industry on Jamaica's land, economy, and people over almost seven …

Anthony Greenaway | Environmental impact of bauxite

Based on currently known bauxite deposits, the Mines and Geology Division predicts that Jamaica's bauxite-alumina industry could last for another 50-100 years. While the industry contributes positively to the livelihoods of many individuals and communities, it has serious negative environmental impacts.

The Jamaican Bauxite Industry: Glimpses Into Its Past

Abstract. The commercial possibilities of Jamaican bauxite were recognized in 1943 at a time when there was great need for aluminum for the Allied war effort, and when availability was being made difficult by the harassment by German U-boats of Allied bauxite ships plying from the sources of the ore in South America to the North American mainland.

GIS and bauxite mining in Jamaica

Bauxite mining and alumina processing constitute Jamaica's second largest industry and is the country's leading economic sector in export earnings, accounting for approximately 75% of Jamaica's ...

Jamaica's mining revival turns red earth to gold for hedge …

Under a layer of red dust, they still read "Kaiser Bauxite Co.". Yet this 50-year-old facility is at the leading edge of a revival of the mining industry, turning Jamaica's red earth to gold ...

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Bauxite Companies Improving Safety – Jamaica …

The bauxite/alumina industry has made a quantum leap in safety over the last 25 years, with recorded injuries taking a nosedive from 8,000 in 1974 to fewer than 500 since 1982. "This current level of success can be attributed to the commitment of the companies' management, Government, the workers and generally all the stakeholders in …

Bauxite Mining in Jamaica (Jamaica Bauxite Institute 1997)

Red mud (RM, also known as bauxite residue) is one of the wastes generated by the aluminium industry and its disposal and utilization have been traditionally hindered due to the extreme alkalinity ...

Claim of 'irreparable harm' from Noranda bauxite mining …

The order had blocked Noranda Jamaica Partners II and New Day Aluminium (Jamaica) Limited from doing any mining under the 25-year Special Mining Lease (SML) 173. ... The Government of Jamaica has a 51 per cent stake in Noranda Jamaica Bauxite, which is a partnership with New Day, an American firm. In 2021, …

Summer Programmes

At Jamaica Bauxite Mining (JBM), we are committed to fostering talent and providing opportunities for growth and development. Our Summer Work and Internship Programme is designed to bridge the gap between education and employment, offering school leavers, skilled workers, and students a chance to gain valuable experience in the mining …

sbm equiment used in bauxit mining in

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Bauxite industry export upbeat on recovery, wary of

Bauxite industry export upbeat on recovery, wary of Chinese dominance. Billy Joe 'BJ' Foster. Billy Joe 'BJ' Foster, a name in the bauxite industry in Jamaica and around the world, is this year marking 50 years as a staffer and consultant in the sector. The Alabama-born chemical engineer, who has held line responsibilities and...

Jamaica Bauxite (Mining & History) | In Jamaica

In 1959, a second refinery was built by Alcan at Ewarton, St Catherine, Jamaica. In 1961, a fourth company, Alcoa, began mining bauxite in Jamaica. The production of alumina also increased in the mid-1960s. By 1968, Alcan had brought the capacity of its two refineries to more than 1 million tonnes a year. In 1969 a new plant was commissioned at ...

Social impact of the bauxite-alumina industry

Horace Levy, 1. 2. The social impact of the bauxite-alumina industry on Jamaica's small rural communities has been, for the most part, very hurtful. Communities were directly impacted by being forced to relocate or face mining pits literally in their front gardens. Relocation meant loss of community as not all members were moved to the …

Trailblazing Jamaica's Bauxite Industry – Business Pursuit …

In the late 1950s, Jamaica's abundant bauxite reserves caught the attention of visionaries who recognized the potential for economic prosperity. This led to the birth of Jamalco, an enterprise that has consistently fueled the country's economic engine and provided employment opportunities for thousands of Jamaicans.

The Bauxite Industry and Its Development | SpringerLink

Jamaica's bauxite resources were recognized in 1939 and with focused development work in overcoming processing challenges, commercial bauxite mining started in Jamaica in June 1952. By 1958 Jamaica was the world's leading bauxite producer (Roberts 1971). Just three years before, bauxite was also discovered in …

JISCO to mine another 700 acres for bauxite while

Bauxite-alumina producer JISCO Alpart is looking to mine more ore for the company's plant, which is expanding at a cost of US$1.1 billion. It will be digging through 700 acres in an area referred to as as the 'Outer Valley' that would require the relocation of small farmers operating there, according to an environmental impact assessment report …


The T21 Jamaica model is used to project future consequences of different strategies ... equipment. They also are used in food preservation, animal feed, medicines, water treatment, the ... 1938 and the establishment of bauxite mining and refining operations by major North American aluminium companies, including Alcan, Reynolds and Kaiser ...

Jamaica Bauxite Mining ready to establish Industrial Park at …

The Jamaica Bauxite Mining Limited (JBM), in an initiative to drive rural development, is ready to embark on a $445-million project to establish a state-of-the-art Industrial Park at Lydford in St Ann. ... He said the intent is also to provide them with the necessary equipment to support their endeavours. Additionally, Green outlined efforts to ...

machine used in bauxite mining in jamaica

May 05 2013 · Bauxite Mining Equipment In Jamaica Bauxite Crusher Machine Jamaica Bauxite is mined by opencast methods using the most modern large carried out using a benching method requiring power shovels and draglines Generally we use the professional Ciros mining equipments for bauxite crushing More detailed . WhatsApp Get Price Get …

Bauxite-alumina back on the rise | Business | Jamaica Gleaner

Projected to earn $77b for the economy after pandemic decline. The Jamalco refinery in Clarendon. The Jamaican Government expects the value of mining exports from bauxite and alumina to improve to US$507 million ($77 billion), seven per cent higher than last year, with the pending reopening of the Jamalco plant but there's still …

Noranda Invades Cockpit Country With Bauxite …

The Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) is alarmed to receive reports that extension of haul roads and deployment of mining equipment has begun within Cockpit Country borders south of Stewart Town. Despite …

JBM to establish industrial park at Lydford, St Ann | News | Jamaica …

The Jamaica Bauxite Mining Limited (JBM), in an initiative to drive rural development, is ready to embark on a $445-million project to establish a state-of-the-art Industrial Park at Lydford in St Ann. Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Mining Floyd Green, while addressing a town hall meeting organised by the ministry and JBM at …

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