Ambuja cement project report | PDF

Gujarat Ambuja Cement uses a dry manufacturing process to produce cement. Key steps include: 1. Mining and crushing limestone and other raw materials. 2. Blending materials in silos to ensure proper composition. 3. Heating materials in a preheater to prepare them for the kiln. 4.

Ambuja Cement's strategic plan for 2025: Wins offer for 24 …

Ambuja Cements, Adani group firm which is forcefully pushing for extension, has won 24 offers for new limestone mines assessed to have an all-out asset of 587 million tons of limestone, as indicated by the organization's yearly report. "Winning bids for coal and limestone mines is critical to ensure self-sufficiency, with coal mines in …


Mines Manager Ambuja Cements Ltd PO Ambujanagar-362715 Taluka Kodinar, District: Gir Somnath (Gujarat). Tel: 02795-232064 06 Salient features : a) of the project : Vadnagar Limestone Mining Lease (S urvey No. 44 ) is located at a distance of about 4 Kms from the Cement Plants at Ambujanagar.

Adani group firm Ambuja Cement bags 24 limestone mines …

Ambuja Cements, a subsidiary of the Adani group, has won 24 bids for new limestone mines with a total resource of 587 million tonnes. The company aims to have a capacity of 140 million tonnes per annum by 2028, with sufficient cash to achieve this through brownfield expansion and acquisitions. The company recently acquired …

Ambuja Cements board approves merger of Adani …

The merger is totally based on share swapping and Adani Enterprises will get 8.7 million shares of Ambuja Cements, the consolidation of cement capacities within Adani Group is "to enhance operational efficiency" and strengthen Ambuja Cements' coastal footprint. ... Ambuja Cement bags 24 limestone mines in FY24. Ambuja …

Ambuja Cements Secures 24 New Limestone Mines, …

Ambuja Cements, a company within the Adani Group, has successfully secured 24 new limestone mines in the fiscal year 2024. This acquisition, detailed in the …

Ambuja Cements Acquires 24 Limestone Mines for Self …

The cement industry had a projected growth of 9-10% during 2023-24. Therefore, according to Ambuja Cements' annual report, the company has aggressive plans for expansion, as it has recently won 24 bids for new limestone mines. These mines have an estimated total resource of 587 million tonnes of limestone. Importance of these …

Ambuja Cement Wins 24 Limestone Mines In FY24

Ambuja Cements, part of the Adani Group, has won 24 new limestone mines, adding 587 million tonnes to its resources. This is on top of the 1 billion tonnes …

REGD. A/D ACL/EMD/F-16/2017/ 29.11

IA.II (M) dated 12.05.2010 granted by MoEF to Singsar Limestone Mines of Ambuja Cements Ltd., located at village – Singsar, Thordi & Barevala of Taluka - Sutrapada, ... DGM (Mines) Ambuja Cements Ltd PO : Ambujanagar - 362715 Taluka : Kodinar, District: Gir Somnath (Gujarat). Tel: 02795 - 232064

Ambuja Cement

Limestone mine is surrounded with other existing mining leases. T Il date Around 371536 trees have been p anted in the tota mining lease area. The density Of plantation is 2545 plant/Ha_ The details are enclosed as Annexure — 4, The excavated pit of an area of 17.73 ha Shall be corvertod into an artificial water

Adani Group's Ambuja Cement Secures 24 Limestone Mines

Adani Group's Ambuja Cement, in a strategic move, has successfully acquired rights to 24 limestone mines during the fiscal year 2023-24. This development …

Of Maldi-Mopar Limestone Mines

ML Area 553.656 Ha) of M/s Ambuja Cement Ltd. (Period: Oct 2014 to March 2015) ANACON LABORATORIES PVT. LTD. NAGPUR, MAHARASHTRA Page 1 Compliance Status of Environmental Clearance Conditions accorded by MoEF for the Maldi- Mopar Limestone Mine (capacity 2.0 MTPA, ML area: 553.656 ha) of M/s Ambuja

Ambuja Cement | Annual Report 2020-21

Ambuja Cement has a formalised Sustainability Policy, Green Procurement Policy, and Climate Change Mitigation Policy envisaging commitment to climate change mitigation and adaption at planning and operations level in the most responsible and fruitful manner ... Mining. Limestone and other fuel mining are core to cement manufacturing. The key ...

Ambuja Cement bags 24 limestone mines in FY24

NEW DELHI: Adani group firm Ambuja Cements, which is aggressively pushing for expansion, has won 24 bids for new limestone mines estimated to have a total resource of 587 million tonnes of limestone, according to the company's annual report. This is in addition to 1 billion tonnes of reserve of Sanghi Industries, a Saurashtra-based …


Dibyendu Behra Mines Manager Ambuja Cements Ltd PO Ambujanagar-362715 Taluka Kodinar, District: Gir Somnath (Gujarat). Tel: 02795-232064. : Vadnagar Limestone Mining Lease (Survey No. 44) is located at a distance of about 4 …

Ambuja Cements Acquires 24 Limestone Mines for Self …

Ambuja Cements, part of the Adani Group, has won new bids for 24 limestone mines adding 587 million tonnes, to the 1 billion tonnes reserves acquired by Sanghi …

Compliance of Conditions MoEF for Kashlog Limestone …

EXPANSION OF KASHLOG LIMESTONE MINES OF AMBUJA CEMENTS TIMITED AMBUJA CEMENTS LIMITED (UNIT-RAURI) Page 3 of 8 and siltation should be based on the rainfall data. (x) Plantation shall be raised in an area of 239.06 ha including a green belt around ML area, roads etc. by planting the native

Adani Group Firm Ambuja Cement Bags 24 Limestone Mines …

Adani group firm Ambuja Cements, which is aggressively pushing for expansion, has won 24 bids for new limestone mines estimated to have a total resource of 587 million tonnes of limestone ...

Ambuja Cements

Transportation of limestone by dumper from mine to crusher and then by pipe conveyor to plant. Annexure-Vill Complied. Adequate air pollution control measures have been adopted in the mines to control dust emission. Ambient Air monitorin re ort is enclosed as Annexure-VI Noted. There was no settlement in the mine lease and peoples

Page of

Ambuja Cements Ltd. PO Ambujanagar, Taluka : Kodinar, District: Gir Somnath (Gujarat). Pin. : 362715, Tel: 02795-237011, Fax: 02795 - 220328/232032 ... Compliance Status of Environment Clearance issued to Sugala Limestone Mines vide MoEF Letter No : J-11015/6/2000-IA, II (M) dated 20 th June, 2002 Page 1 of 14 S.N o. Condition …

Influence of Joint Orientation and Spacing on Induced Rock …

The Rawan limestone mine of Ambuja cement lies between latitudes 21°39′N and 21°41′N and longitudes 82° 05′E and 82°07′E in Raipur district of Chhattisgarh, and is covered by Toposheet No. 64 K/2 of survey of India. Topographically, the terrain is undulating to flat in nature. The basement rocks mainly comprised of shale overlained ...

Ambuja Cement Acquires 24 Limestone Mines, Targets Self …

Ambuja Cements Ltd. has secured 24 bids for fresh limestone mines with an estimated total resource of 587 million tonnes, as per the firm's yearly report. This comes on top of …

Ambuja Cement secures 24 limestone mines in FY24

Ambuja Cements, a firm under the Adani group's umbrella, has been actively pursuing expansion efforts. According to the company's annual report, it has …

Ambuja Cement Ltd.

Ambuja Cements is aiming to set a new standard by reducing the average primary road lead by 50 kilometres, with network optimisation along with increasing the share of wallet in the closer market. ... The Company's integrated cement plants are directly connected to captive limestone mines, ensuring a seamless supply of essential raw materials

Adani group firm Ambuja Cement bags 24 limestone mines …

Adani group firm Ambuja Cements, which is aggressively pushing for expansion, has won 24 bids for new limestone mines estimated to have a total resource of 587 million tonnes of limestone ...

Adani group firm Ambuja Cement bags 24 limestone mines …

Adani group firm Ambuja Cements, which is aggressively pushing for expansion, has won 24 bids for new limestone mines estimated to have a total resource …

Environment Clearance Half Yearly Compliance Report

Project of Rawan Limestone Mine from 2.06 MTPA to 6.31 MTPA of M/s Ambuja Cements Ltd. Located at P.O. Rawan, Tehsil: Baloda Bazar, District Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Ref. no. J-11015/330/2006-IA II (M), dated : 8th June 2007 Sr. No. EC Conditions Compliance Status as On 22 May 2024 A. Specific Conditions i.

Environment Data

Ras-I Mines of Ambuja Cements Ltd. Rabriyawas for period Oct 2020-March 2021 Six monthly EC compliance report: April 15, 2021: BIO-Medical Waste Report Mar 2021 ... Compliance of conditions by moef for the expansion of Kashlog limestone mines of Ambuja Cements Limited oct 13 to mar 14: June 30, 2014: Compliance of specific & …

02 Name of the project : So laj Limestone Mine 03 Clearance letter(s) / OM no. and date : J-11015/177 /2006 - IA,II (M), 6th March 2007 04 Location a) District(s) : Gir Somnath ... Ambuja Cements Ltd. has cement manufacturing plant at Ambujanagar in Kodinar Taluka of Gir Somnath District. Limestone & Marl are the main

Limestone mining at Harima village – ProjectX India

Organization: Ambuja Cement Limited . The company is seeking environment clearance for the proposed 3D2 Limestone Block (Auctioned Block) (Area: 434.08502 ha) with Proposed Limestone Production Capacity 3.0 Million TPA, OB/waste 1.15 Million TPA, Top Soil 0.34 Million TPA, (Total Excavation 4.49 Million TPA) along …

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