Steel Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete: A …

Self-compacting concrete (SCC), which flows under its own weight without being compacted or vibrating, requires no outside mechanical force to move. But like normal concrete, SCC has a brittle character (weak in tension) that causes sudden collapse with no advance notification. The tensile capacity of SCC has increased owing to the addition …

self compacting concrete | PPT

Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a highly flowable concrete that can spread into place and fill formwork without mechanical vibration. SCC has a slump flow …

PowerPoint Presentation

Self compacting concrete (SCC) can be defined as fresh concrete that flows under its own weight and does not require external vibration to undergo compaction. SAY:Before we wrap up the course, let's review what we have learned today. During this course, we have < READ. the bullets from the slide.> GO. to next slide. 6/2/2024

Presentation on bacterial concrete by abhijith suresh | PPT …

36 likes • 7,559 views. A. abhijith suresh. this is simply a presentation on bacterial concreting.lots of time and work are behind this.i hope you will like it. Read more. 1 of 28. Download now. SEMINAR ON BACTERIAL CONCRETING-A …

Self Compacting concrete & Light Weight concrete | PPT

Apr 14, 2017 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 3 likes • 1,897 views. A. Ayushi Mehrotra. Advanced Construction material. Design. 1 of 21. Download now. Self Compacting concrete & Light Weight concrete - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

(PPT) Scc presentation.....1 [Autosaved] | prakash …

Article demonstrates how self compacting concrete is valuable in making fast and solid concrete. How self compacting can enhance the sturdiness, quality and pace of development, what is the genuine capability of SCC …

Light weight self compacting concrete | PPT

This document discusses light weight self compacting concrete that incorporates polystyrene, perlite, and scoria aggregates. It first introduces self compacting concrete and its advantages of being highly fluid and able to consolidate under its own weight. Light weight self compacting concrete combines these benefits with using …

Self curing concrete | PPT

Self-compacting concrete (SCC) was developed in Japan in the 1980s to achieve complete compaction without vibration. ... topics civil engineering topics for presentation seminar topics pdf best seminar topics for civil engineering civil seminar topics ppt civil engineering seminar topics 2019 seminar topics for mechanical …

Self Compacting Concrete Seminar ppt

Self Compacting Concrete Seminar ppt. Pawan Janorkar. 01 July 2021. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an innovative concrete that does not require vibration for placing and compaction. It is able to flow under its own weight, completely filling formwork and achieving full compaction, even in the presence of congested …

Self Compacting Concrete PPT: Properties and Advantages

Welcome to our presentation on Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC), an innovative material transforming the construction industry. SCC is a highly flowable, non …

Self Healing Concrete | PPT

Self Healing Concrete. This document summarizes a seminar presentation on self-healing concrete given by students at VVP Polytechnic in Solapur, India under the guidance of Prof. Sathe. The presentation covered the definition, necessity, working mechanism using bacteria, tests conducted, comparison to traditional concrete, …


concrete is dense, homogeneous and has at least engineering properties at par with and durability as traditional vibrated concrete. The principle behind Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) is that the settlement of aggregates is related to the viscosity of the fresh concrete. SCC can be produced using the same ingredients as that of normal concrete.

A strength study on glass fiber incorporated self compacting concrete | PPT

A strength study on glass fiber incorporated self compacting concrete. It is going to study the strength behavior of SCC with glass fibers.Where In the first phase, SCC mix of M30 grade was developed without glass fibers and In second phase, SCC mix of M30 grade was developed with different proportions of glass fibers. The different …

Self healing concrete | PPT

Akif Perwez presented on self-healing concrete at a technical seminar. Bacteria-based self-healing concrete contains bacterial spores and nutrients that become activated when cracks form, allowing the bacteria to consume the nutrients and seal the cracks with limestone. Laboratory tests showed this concrete could self-heal cracks up …

self-compacting concrete | PPT

Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a highly flowable concrete that can spread and consolidate under its own weight without vibration or compaction. …

Coconut shell as coarse aggregate in the concrete | PPT

Follow. Using same mix design, coconut shell concrete was prepared by replacement of conventional crushed coarse aggregate (CA) with waste coconut shell (CS). Coconut shell replaced conventional aggregate by 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% respectively (by volume) and the effect on compressive strength and density of concrete was …

Self Compacting Concrete | PDF | Concrete | Composite …

Self Compacting Concrete PPT - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document provides an overview of self-compacting concrete (SCC). SCC was developed in Japan in the 1980s to address issues with vibration and quality of traditionally vibrated concrete. SCC has …

Scc-Self compacting concrete | PPT

It begins with an introduction to high strength concrete, fibrous concrete, self-compacting concrete, and the benefits of fibrous reinforced self-compacting concrete. It then summarizes 13 research papers on topics including replacing aggregates with waste materials, using hybrid fibers, determining optimal fiber contents, and using …


Self-compacting concrete (SCC) was developed in Japan in the 1980s to achieve complete compaction without vibration. SCC flows under its own weight, fills formwork and passes through reinforced areas without segregation of ingredients. It consists of cement, fine and coarse aggregates, chemical and mineral admixtures.

Self compacting concrete mix | PPT

Self compacting concrete mix. Jan 17, 2013 • Download as PPT, PDF •. 46 likes • 20,776 views. AI-enhanced description. Suresh Varma Kopanathi. The document presents a study on the design of M30 grade self-compacting concrete (SCC) mixes using different sizes of coarse aggregate. Tests were conducted on fresh and hardened SCC …

Self-compacting concrete Seminar Report

The seminar report on self-compacting concrete which explains the mix design, advantages and disadvantages, applications, properties,process of making self-consolidating concrete, theoretical and experimental …

Self Compacting Concrete | PDF | Concrete | Materials …

self compacting concrete ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.


Fig.10: Test apparatus. Procedures 1)- About 6 liters of concrete is needed to perform the test, sampled normally. 2)- Moisten the base plate and inside of slump cone, 3)- Place base plate on level stable ground and the slump cone centrally on the base plate and hold down firmly. 4)- Fill the cone with the scoop.

Seminar on Self Compacting Concrete SCC (special concrete) | PPT

3. Self compacting concrete is a flowing concrete mixture that is able to consolidate under it own weight The highly fluid nature of scc makes it suitable for placing in difficult conditions and in section with congested reinforcement. 4. By the early 1990's, Japan has developed and used scc that does not require vibration to achieve full ...

Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) – Benefits, Applications, PPT

The idea of self-compacting concrete was initially developed in Japan in the late 1980s to address construction issues including intricate architectural components and substantially reinforced structures. Due to its many benefits, Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) has now become widely accepted and used in the building industry worldwide.

Bio-Concrete | PPT

Akif Perwez presented on self-healing concrete at a technical seminar. Bacteria-based self-healing concrete contains bacterial spores and nutrients that become activated when cracks form, allowing the bacteria to consume the nutrients and seal the cracks with limestone. Laboratory tests showed this concrete could self-heal cracks up …

Presentation on Self Compacting Concrete / SCC | PPT

Presentation on Self Compacting Concrete / SCC. Jan 13, 2019 •. 9 likes • 2,793 views. A. Amit Haridas. Presentation describing the typical parameters of SCC, the tests required to conduct SCC and the issues faced when handling SCC. This is just the slideshow and does not include commentary part of the original lecture. Read more. 1 of …

Self compacting concrete | PPT

Mohamed Saber. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a highly flowable concrete that can spread and consolidate under its own weight without vibration or compaction. Researchers at the University of Tokyo developed SCC in the late 1980s to address labor shortages. By the early 1990s, Japan was using SCC without vibration, …

Self cleaning concrete | PPT

Jul 25, 2017 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 8 likes • 1,463 views. A. Ashi Gupta. all about d self cleaning concept of concrete. Engineering. Download now. Self cleaning concrete - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

Self-compacting concrete Seminar Report

The seminar report on self-compacting concrete which explains the mix design, advantages and disadvantages, applications, properties,process of making self-consolidating concrete, theoretical and experimental studies with test results. Download the latest PDF and PPT on slideshare for civil projects.

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