Current processing technology for antimony-bearing ores a …

The cyanide leaching of the concentrate has yielded consistently low extractions of silver (≤13.8%) confirming the refractory nature of the ore. Alkaline pretreatment of the concentrate was performed in which effects of potassium hydroxide concentration (0.05–3 mol/L) and temperature (20–80 °C) on the removal of antimony …

Flowsheet Development of A Refractory Gold Ore To …

recovery from an ore containing 3 g/t Au and high levels of arsenic. Treatment of the sulphide ore involves gravity separation, flotation, and cyanide leaching. A gravity concentrate is recovered within the grinding circuit before the ore is subjected to froth flotation. The concentrate from the flotation circuit is then


200 antimony and azoque-antimony mineralization occurrences [3], a lot of quarts-gold-antimony deposits, including the Solonechenskoe and Zhipkoshinskoe deposits with average 4.5 – 18 % antimony and economic gold ore grade have been explored in the area. Antimony is a valuable mineral component in gold-bearing ores though it is an …

Antimony: One of the most important critical minerals …

Historically, ore from SXG's Sunday Creek Project in the Victorian Goldfields was treated onsite or shipped to the Costerfield mine, only 54km to the northwest of the project, for processing during WW1. ... McLean says metallurgical test work will be carried out to better understand the potential to produce an antimony concentrate from the ...

Price for Antimony Ore and Concentrate in South Africa

In 2022, the average antimony ore and concentrate export price amounted to $3,388 per ton, waning by -5.8% against the previous year. In general, the export price showed a pronounced setback. The growth pace was the most rapid in 2021 when the average export price increased by 49% against the previous year. The export price peaked at $5,535 per ...

World antimony production top countries 2023

Get in touch with us now., May 21, 2024. China's antimony mine production amounted to approximately 40,000 metric tons in 2023, which was a significant drop from previous years. Tajikistan was ...

Libya's Antimony Ores and Concentrates Market Report …

This report provides an in-depth analysis of the market for antimony ore and concentrate in Libya. Within it, you will discover the latest data on market trends and opportunities by country, consumption, production and price developments, as well as the global trade (imports and exports). The forecast exhibits the market prospects through …

Study on Pre-removal Antimony from Antimony–Gold Concentrate …

Antimony–gold concentrate is a refractory gold ore, and the direct cyanide leaching efficiency is very low [].For antimony–gold concentrate with high antimony content (Sb > 30%), the volatilization melting of blast furnace and reduction melting of reverberation furnace is generally adopted at present, and the gold is finally enriched in …

Bolivia: Market for Antimony Ores and Concentrates 2024

The Bolivian antimony ore and concentrate market surged to $64M in 2023, with an increase of 42% against the previous year. Overall, consumption, however, showed a abrupt shrinkage. Over the period under review, the market hit record highs at $131M in 2012; however, from 2013 to 2023, consumption stood at a somewhat lower …

High-purity antimony sulfide condensate produced from …

The natural mineral processing method is obtained by directly processing antimony sulfide concentrate. ... This research can significantly reduce the mining pressure on high-grade antimony ore while also providing a new technical route for smelting low-grade antimony ore. The vacuum distillation method is environmentally …

Effect of Arsenic, Antimony, and Bismuth in Co-processing …

The ratio of concentrate to laterite for each test was set to provide the necessary acid for leaching the concentrate and laterite ore; in these tests, the concentrate blend made up 25 to 33% of the total solids. ... Over 99.5% of the antimony in the concentrate feed reported to the pressure leach solids. Fig. 6. Effect of antimony on …


Antimony has a range of industrial uses in batteries, chemicals, ceramics and glass but by far the most important is in fire retardants. The economically most important ore mineral and principal source for the production of antimony is stibnite. Majority of antimony-bearing ore deposits are associated with the subduction-related …

Selective alkaline leaching of antimony from Low-grade …

1. Introduction. At present, more than 35% of China's gold resources (with a total amount of more than 1,000 tons) are difficult to be exploited and smelted, and about 700 tons of gold ores with high arsenic, antimony or sulfur are difficult to be directly cyanide leached (Lei et al., 2016).However, as the gradual depletion of easy-to-treat gold ore …

Resilience in the antimony supply chain

Most supply was coming from the Chinese stibnite mines (mainly the Xikuangshan mine), stibnite is the most common antimony ore mineral, ... (e.g. Anzob produces a Hg-Sb concentrate) and one mine produces antimony as by-product of lead processing. By production volume, 56% of antimony is produced as by-product of gold, …

The metallurgy of antimony

With little variation, silver to copper and antimony concentrate ratios were 50:1 and 63:1 respectively. The ore was crushed by staged gyratorys in closed circuit to minus 2 cm. Grinding was then carried out in three primary ball mills to 60% passing −200 mesh for optimum liberation. The combined throughput rate of the primary grinding mills ...

Central Asia: Market for Antimony Ores and Concentrates …

In 2023, the Central Asian antimony ore and concentrate market decreased by -1.9% to $107M for the first time since 2020, thus ending a two-year rising trend. In general, consumption, however, saw a strong increase. Over the period under review, the market hit record highs at $259M in 2016; however, from 2017 to 2023, consumption …

Combined Flotation and Gravity Separation Process for Antimony Oxide Ore

The -15 mm antimony ore is further classified into three grades: 6-15 mm, 2-6 mm, and 0.25-2 mm, which enter jigging for sorting, resulting in Jigging Concentrate I, Jigging Concentrate II, and ...


The content of the antimony ore is the most important point for determining the area of usage. ... a concentrate assaying 66.8 % Sb content with 79.5 % recovery was obtained while the arsenic ...

Process Flow-Sheet for Gold and Antimony Recovery from Stibnite

For a high calcium low antimony–goldGold concentrate (Ca–Sb–Au ore), this study proposed to pre-remove antimony using slurry electrolysisSlurry electrolysis in HCl–CaCl2 system.


Tin concentrate is smelted to resmelted slag for additional tin recovery. The furnace charge consists of tin ore (cassiterite), a carbon reducing agent (coke), and limestone and silica fluxes. The quantity of coke and flux is carefully adjusted so as to produce an almost neutral slag (ie, acid-to-base ratio is 1). The smelting takes 10–12 h ...

Thailand: Market for Antimony Ores and Concentrates 2024

The Thai antimony ore and concentrate market declined to $376K in 2023, which is down by -5.4% against the previous year. Overall, consumption, however, recorded a abrupt shrinkage. Over the period under review, the market hit record highs at $3.2M in 2013; however, from 2014 to 2023, consumption failed to regain momentum.

How Antimony is Processed by Flotation

The problem discussed in this antimony process study is limited to a concentrator capable of beneficiating 150 tons per day of antimony ore.The antimony in this study occurs as the mineral stibnite (Sb2S3) in association with small amounts of pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena and lead sulfantimonides. The gangue is composed largely of …

Antimony Ore/Concentrate

Antimony Ore/Concentrate. The principal ore minerals of antimony are stibnite and jamesonite, but it can also be a byproduct of certain other minerals. Eighty percent of the world's antimony is produced from two types of deposits — carbonate replacement deposits and gold-antimony epithermal deposits. There are two types of …

Metals | Free Full-Text | One-Step Extraction of Antimony in …

A new process for one-step extraction of antimony in low temperature from stibnite concentrate by reductive sulfur-fixation smelting in sodium molten salt, using iron oxide as sulfur-fixing agent, was presented. The influences of molten salt addition and composition, ferric oxide dosage, smelting temperature and duration on extraction efficiency of …

ANTIMONY & COMPOUNDS (as Sb) | Occupational Safety …

NIOSH: Occupational Safety and Health Guideline - Antimony and its Compounds (as Sb). 1988. Quiroz, W., et al.: Heavy weight vehicle traffic and its relationship with antimony content in human blood. J …


data, China imported 30% less of antimony ore and concentrates from January through August 2020 than for the same period of 2019. This caused a supply shortage of antimony ingots on the market and the antimony price increased to about $4.00 per pound in 2020. In 2020, China imported 83% less unwrought antimony than in the previous year.

How to Assay Tin & Antimony Ore

Assaying Antimony. Place about 2,000 or more grains of broken-up ore in a crucible, the bottom of which is perforated, and the hole in which is partially closed by a small piece of charcoal. Now fix the bottom of this crucible into the mouth of another crucible, so as to be about halfway down its depth. Then lute the lid and also the joint ...

Basic theory and optimization of gold containing …

Gold containing antimony concentrate in Shandong, China was selected as the research object in this study. The main chemical composition of the ore sample is shownin Table 1. The leaching rate of gold will be weak due to the influence of antimony if direct leaching gold is carried out by cyanide. As is

Antimony in the metallurgical industry: A review of its …

Aside from antimony ore grade, this decision falls on the mineral's association with other metals, for e.g. lead, copper, iron, mercury, arsenic, silver and gold, as well as other parameters such as ore matrix and type (sulfide or oxide). ... Biotechnology of concentrate and antimony ore processing. J. Min. Sci., 37 (5) (2001), pp. 534-541.

A selective process for extracting antimony from refractory gold ore

Arsenic-containing antimony gold concentrate (As-Sb-Au ore) is an important raw material for antimony and gold extraction [1–3]. Antimony often exists in the form of stibnite and usually needs to be removed before gold extraction [4–7]. Zhang et al. [8] proposed a slurry electrolysis (SE) method to pretreat this As-Sb-Au ore.

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