Results in Geophysical Sciences | Vol 12, December 2022

Petrography and geophysical characterization of the newly discovered iron ore deposit in Makoure (Bidou-East), Nyong group, South Cameroon Sepwouo Sawouo Alex Duclo Shanel, Kouankap Nono Gus Djibril, Mvodo Hermine, Pemha Nyemb Sayom, ...

Ore Delineation in Three Dimensions

An added complexity in ore delineation geophysics, at least at typical Canadian massive sulphide ore bodies, is that the geometrical complex- ity demands that modelling and interpretation consider a fully three- dimensional earth. This may be considered an aspect of the high required resolution.

Airborne Geophysical Surveys and Their Integrated …

HEM results are verified by ERT and RCPTU results. However, seismic refraction data suggest continuous bedrock below the landslide location instead of ruptured bedrock as suggested by HEM and ERT data. ... Engvik A, Davidsen B, Rønning JS (2017) Geological and ore dressing investigations of graphite occurrences in Bø, Sortland, …


RUTINY/SHORTLISING DETAILSName of the postRecruitment to 05 (UR-04, OBC-01) vacancies for the post of Deputy Ore Dressing Offi. 5Essential Qualification (EQ):EDUCATIONAL:Tech or B.E in Mineral Engineering or Chemical Engineering or Metallurg. from a recognized University or Institution. OR Master Degree in Ore …

Remote Sensing and Geophysical Prospection

Armin Schmidt. Schmidt, A. 2003. Remote Sensing and Geophysical Prospection. Internet Archaeology 15. In archaeological prospection, computer processing is essential for all stages of data manipulation. This article investigates the contributions which informatics has made in the past and looks at its potential for the future.

Magmatic Nickel Deposits: The Needle in the Haystack

While Ni is typically the main economic element (typical grades range from 0.5-3% Ni) magmatic deposits also contain substantial amounts (~0.2-2 %) of copper (Cu) as well as lesser amounts (<0.1%) of cobalt (Co) and variable (~0-10 g/t) amounts of Au and PGEs. Although Co, Au, and PGE grades are typically low, in some cases these …

handbook of ore dressing : arthur taggart : Free …

Addeddate 03:13:04 Autocrop_version 0.0.14_books-20220331-0.2 Bookplateleaf 0006 Boxid IA40750706

An Appraisal of the Geophysical Effects of the Mount Isa Ore …

This paper will present some of the results from these geophysical surveys. Gravity data show a complex but clearly anomalous effect over the mineralisation. A large negative anomaly is correlated with a zone of deep oxidation and leaching in the footwall, with a complex but strong positive anomaly associated with the silica dolomite alteration ...

Mineral Exploration and Prospecting with Geophysical …

Note! Most often a combination of different geophysical methods or other investigations techniques will be most effective. And whilst drilling is a necessity, any means of reducing the quantity of drill sites will have a big impact on the cost of exploration: "drilling generally represents the largest single cost associated with mineral exploration and the …

Marine self-potential survey for exploring seafloor hydrothermal ore

Results confirmed that the self-potential method can detect the presence of ore deposits using only a towed electrode array installed on a deep-tow, even without complicated analysis (Figs 3 and 4 ...

Full article: Minerals geophysics

Bits and bobs. In this piece, I'd like to touch on two somewhat peripheral propositions for mineral geophysics: that the range of petrophysical properties of minerals potentially usable for mineral exploration has not been exhausted, and, that the application of existing geophysical survey techniques extends well beyond mineral exploration usage.

Minerals | Special Issue : Application of …

This Special Issue aims to publish new interpretation results obtained from geophysical methods, such as gravity, magnetic, seismic, electromagnetic, electrical, and radiometric methods, in geological and …

About DMG

This extensive technical prowess combined with State of the art equipment and modern & latest techniques for new mineral discoveries, mineral exploration, along with Remote Sensing and Geophysical Surveys, Chemical, Ceramic and Ore Dressing Laboratories offer variety of services under one umbrella.

The Paleoproterozoic Kristineberg mining area, northern Sweden: Results

The Paleoproterozoic Kristineberg mining area, northern Sweden: Results from integrated 3D geophysical and geologic modeling, and implications for targeting ore deposits Malehmir, Alireza; Thunehed, Hans; Tryggvason, Ari; Abstract. Publication: ...

Ore dressing Definition & Meaning

ore dressing: [noun] mechanical preparation (as by crushing) and concentration (as by flotation) of ore.

Chapter 1: Introduction – Potential Field Methods of Geophysical …

1.2.1 Geophysical signals. Geophysical signals are mostly produced by contrasts in some physical properties of Earth materials. For example: Variations in electrical conductivities of the subsurface rocks produce secondary potentials that can be measured in a DC survey and used for subsurface imaging;

A review of geophysical methods for geothermal exploration

Geophysical methods are among the three main disciplines applied on the surface to explore geothermal resources, including geology and the chemistry of thermal fluids. This paper presents various geophysical methods of exploring geothermal reservoir. Some comparisons, advantages, and disadvantages of each method are discussed.

a Geologic setting and b total field aeromagnetic map of the

This paper reports a study involving integrated geophysical methods, including controlled-source audio-frequency magnetotelluric, gravity, magnetic, and shallow-seismic-reflection methods, to ...

Rapid recognition and quantitative analysis of niobium …

The rapid recognition and quantitation of niobium-rich minerals is crucial for the study on the occurrence state of the niobium element in the ore dressing process. However, niobium minerals have the characteristics of relatively scattered distribution, small grain size and various morphologies, making recognition and quantitative analyses ...

(PDF) Geophysical exploration for gold and …

The results of the magnetic interpretation indicated that the depths of such ore deposits range from 35.9 to 52.7 m and the half width ranged from 27.2 to 87.8 m. The SP contour maps show negative ...

Scandium‐Bearing Minerals in the Bayan Obo Nb‐REE‐Fe …

3.3. Discussion. According to Wang (2004), aegirine-type Nb, REE, and Fe ores have the highest Sc 2 O 3 content of 169 ppm among the various types of ores in the Bayan Obo deposit. Although, as stated here, the aegirine in this type of occurrence does not show any appreciable amount of scandium in the present study (), trace a mounts of …

The Paleoproterozoic Kristineberg mining area, northern Sweden: Results

The results of the seismic reflection study provided regional con- straints for building 2D geologic cross sections and for modeling po- tential field data along the profiles Malehmir et al ...

Ore Deposits: Origin, Exploration, and Exploitation

Sophie Decrée and Laurence Robb, Editors. 2019. ISBN 978-1-119-29053-7. American Geophysical Union and John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Geophysical Monograph 242. 272 Pp. Price: US$199.95 (Hardcover); US$159.99 (ebook). In Ore Deposits: Origin, Exploration, and Exploitation, available in both hardcopy and e-book, editors Sophie …

GATE 2023 Geology and Geophysics

Coal and petroleum geology; marine mineral resources. Prospecting and exploration of economic mineral deposits – sampling, ore reserve estimation, geostatistics, mining methods. Ore dressing and mineral economics. Distribution of mineral, fossil and nuclear fuel deposits in India.

(PDF) Exploration of lead and zinc resources using geophysical data

As a result of modeling and interpretation of the acquired geophysical data, high values of IP and resistivity corresponding to mineralization were observed at two depth levels: 0–20 m and more ...

Geophysical Prospecting Using ERT and IP Techniques to …

The aim of this study is to prove the effectiveness of two electrical geophysical prospecting techniques, namely electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and induced polarization (IP), in locating thin vein structures of metal sulphides embedded in Palaeozoic materials underlying a sedimentary cover. For this purpose, a Quaternary basin known …

Visualization and interpretation of geochemical exploration data …

The study area (103°4′0″-104°36′30″E, 32°40′10″-34°0′0″N) (Fig. 2), as a part of northwestern Sichuan Province, China, is located to the southeast of the Tibetan Plateau and west of the Yangtze Craton (Fu et al., 2004).The tectonic-magmatic activity in this region is very active in geological histories, and significantly controls the extensive …

Editorial for Special Issue "Geophysics for Mineral Exploration…

They constitute 70% of the world's high-grade iron ore reserves, and BIF-type iron mines produce over 90% of the world's iron ores. They are found all over the world, but mainly in Russia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Africa, India, and the United States. They present the results of integrated geophysical surveys in the Anshan-Benxi ...


Chapter 13. SURFACE GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS. Introduction. Surface geophysical surveys have been applied to mineral and petroleum exploration for many years. A magnetic compass was used in Sweden in the mid-1600s to find iron ore deposits. The lateral extent of the Comstock ore body was mapped using self-potential methods in …

Petrophysics and Exploration Targeting: The Value …

THE VALUE PROPOSITION. The interpretation of geophysical data is a cross disciplinary problem. Fundamentally it is necessary to understand the rock mineralogy and geochemistry to put the petrophysics in context with the geophysical results. Several case studies are presented where petrophysics have determined not only which geophysical ...

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