Overview of the lithium policy in Zimbabwe

Fidelity Gold prices, NEWS. Zimbabwe gold buying prices/ gram 5 December 2023. The first condition is that the lithia content for spodumene should be a minimum of 3% and the lithia content for petalite and lepidolite should be a minimum of 2.5%. That's the first condition for the exportation of value-added lithium.

ZMF to empower miners with equipment | Mining Index …

The Zimbabwe Miners Federation (ZMF) is gearing up to revolutionise the artisanal and small-scale mining sector with its upcoming Mining Mechanization and …

Ten Exemplary Small Scale miners of 2020

Sithole through his mine Chimona Mining has been leading in social corporate responsibility in 2020. The mine scooped the 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility award in the Small-Scale Mining Sector at Mine Entra 2014 as well as Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce 2014 National Small-Scale Miner of the Year.

Starting A Small Scale Gold Mining Business In Zimbabwe

Machinery will definitely be needed in small scale gold mining. You can either purchase equipment or you can hire; you can alternately use your discretion to keep operating costs at bay. The list of required machinery is long; some of them are excavators, detectors, jackhammers, pumps, generators, sluice boxes, dredges, various kinds of …

Fiscal Incentives In The Zimbabwe Mining Sector

Taxable Income of a Holder of Special Mining Lease. A holder of a special mining lease, corporate income is taxed at a special rate of 15% instead of the general tax rate of 25%. However, holders of a Special Mining Lease are liable to Additional Profits Tax (APT). The tax is payable upon attaining a formula based level of profitability.

An assessment of the effect of inventory control systems on

This situation forces local suppliers of mining equipment and spare parts to increase prices and this compels the majority of mining firms to buy spares parts in large quantities in order to manage the volatility of prices and exchange rates (Zimbabwe Economic Report, Citation 2018). The worst case is that, due to massive shortages of …

Taxation and Royalties in Zimbabwe's Mining Industry

Here are some key provisions: • Flat Tax Rate for Special Mining Leases: Holders of special mining leases benefit from a favorable flat tax rate of 15%. This contrasts with the 24.72% rate applicable to other miners. However, special lease holders may also be subject to additional profit tax, calculated using a specified formula.

About Zimbabwe

Taxation. The prevailing taxation regime for mining companies in Zimbabwe includes the following provisions: Corporate Income tax at 25,75%. Exploration, development and capital costs can be deducted against taxable income in the year incurred or carried forward to be deducted against future taxable income.

Zimbabwe: Reviving and Growing Mining Industry

The mining industry in Zimbabwe presents significant opportunities for national growth and prosperity. Government's target to take the mining industry to …

Why Zimbabwe's diamond mines need better regulation, not state ownership

Zimbabwe's former finance minister, Tendai Biti, recently estimated that mining companies may have looted as much as US$14 billion from Zimbabwe over the past seven years. Other factors explain ...

How To Start A Mining Business In Zimbabwe, Establish A …

For instance, coal mining and gold mining both have different requirements. One will also need to buy equipment. Mining requires a lot of equipment, and if one cannot buy, you can easily lease them. Add a transportation service for transporting the minerals as they are bulky. Hire or buy some trucks or rails that will help you transport …

Mining Equipment & Supplies for sale in Zimbabwe

Gloss 440MM/500M/57MM $70. The most popular Zimbabwe Mining Equipment & Supplies classifieds by far. 500,000 visitors per month and over 30,000 adverts.'.

Socio-economic Impacts of China's Mining Investments in Zimbabwe …

Zimbabwe's mining profile differs from many other countries in Africa, such as South Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Ghana, that tend to rely on a much smaller range of minerals and fewer large-scale mines (Weng et al. 2018; Kaseke et al. 2015). As indicated, Chinese mining conglomerates have been venturing …

Zimbabwe showcasing mineral potential & investment …

Diamond Drilling Exploration for small-scale miners initiated. Zimbabwe will from the 5th of February to the 8th of February 2024 showcase its mineral potential and investment opportunities available in the country at Mining Indaba, which is largest Mining Investment Event held on Africa soil. The annual event hosts thousands of investors ...

Promoting sustainable mining in Zimbabwe

Promoting sustainable mining in Zimbabwe. " Both small-to-medium and large scale mining entities in Zimbabwe are encouraged to be sensitive to the environment and to invest in projects and technologies that minimize environmental risks. Relevant authorities and stakeholder representative bodies must embark on deliberate and co …

Mining & Industrial Suppliers – Harare, Zimbabwe

Mining & Industrial Suppliers are agents for renowned product brands such as Dormer Pramet Cutting Tools, Gedore Hand Tools, Insize Measuring Equipment, ... Harare, Zimbabwe +263 (0) 867 7007412 +263 (0) 4 621796/8/9; [email protected]

Mine Finance in Africa | Gowling WLG

S&P Market Intelligence estimates that Africa's exploration budget fell by 10% in 2020, representing a drop of US$111.2M from 2019. Exploration budgets for junior miners in particular declined by 7% (US$21.4M). Gold exploration still makes up most of Africa's budget at US$590M, but this is 4% (US$25.9M) lower than gold's exploration budget for ...

Epiroc Zimbabwe | Epiroc

EPIROC ZIMBABWE (PRIVATE) LIMITED. Visitor address: 122 Lytton Road, Workington, Harare Postal Address: P O Box CY935, Harare Zimbabwe. Phone +263 (0) 772140566 – 9 Phone +263 (4) 621761 - 6 Phone +263 (0) 731 140 567-8 Email ZWE.CustomerCare@epiroc


Financing Options that are availed to the ASSGM sector of Zimbabwe Ministry of Mines Loan (Mining Industry Loan Fund) ASSGM sector is not yet recognised under the Mines …

Mining Equipment For Sale In Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a country in southern Africa with rainy summers and dry winters. It has some of the world's largest deposits of gold, diamonds, copper, chromite, and several other potential mineral reserves. It is for this reason that the country has had a long history of mining and is one of the main markets for purchasing mining equipment.

Essential Small-Scale Mining Equipment in Zimbabwe

This article will explore the most popular small-scale mining equipment used in the Zimbabwean context. These equipment options enable miners to extract …

How to register a mine in Zimbabwe | Mining Index Zimbabwe

Registration fees for a prospecting licence (claim holder) for base minerals. Ordinary block – ZW$2000-00. Special block – ZW$3750-00. Precious metals – ZW$1000-00. Special grant – ZW$5000-00. Precious stones (5 years) – ZW$10000-00. Special lease – ZW$5000-00.

Zimbabwe to Boost Economy with Lithium Mining and …

The mining sector is expected to grow by 7.6 percent in 2024, driven mainly by ongoing investment in PGMs, gold, coal, and lithium. The sector contributes more than 60 percent of Zimbabwe's export receipts, attracts more than 50 percent of foreign direct investment, contributes about 13 percent to GDP, and generates significant employment.

Zimbabwe: Reviving and Growing Mining Industry

The mining industry in Zimbabwe presents significant opportunities for national growth and prosperity. Government's target to take the mining industry to US$12 billion per year by 2023 is noble ...

Mining Zimbabwe

zimbabwe@kanuequipment. Tel: +263 81 2822285/6. Cell: +263 782 361 517. Kanu Equipment Zimbabwe Limited. Soonga Road. Hwange. Kanu Equipment Zimbabwe offers world-class equipment to the earthmoving, construction, quarrying and mining industries. Contact Us Today.

Mining Equipment Finance | Mining Loans and Leasing

Finance lease. Finance leases are flexible leasing options that gives your mining operation the option to buy the equipment at the end of the lease. You can pay out the residual value and take ownership of the equipment. You may also hand the equipment back or start a new lease with new or different equipment. A business can …

Operations | MIMOSA Mining

Investing Beyond Mining. CSR Mtshingwe Nursery Livestock Revitalisation Programme Education / Vocational Training ... Zimbabwe +263242 / 797578 / 797580 / 708106 / 791375 / 799842-9. Google map. The Mine. Dadaya Road P Bag 638 Zvishavane Zimbabwe +263 39 2354444 - 56. Google map.

Finance institution for small-scale miners | The Sunday News

Calls have been made for a financing institution specifically for the mining sector in a bid to aid small scale miners to fund their businesses and purchase equipment.


Mining plays a key role in Zimbabwe's economy, contributing 5% and 23% to the country's gross domestic (GDP) and total exports, respectively. It also generates foreign currency and supplies raw materials to some industries. As a 'robber' industry, it extracts minerals from the earth without replacing them. ...

mining equipment for sale in Zimbabwe

Choosing the right mining equipment involves considering several factors, such as: 1.Type of Minerals Being Mined. Different minerals require different equipment for extraction. For instance, gold mining often requires drilling equipment, while diamond mining requires more specialized machinery. 2.Size and Scope of Mining Operations

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