Systematic comparison of different recycled fine aggregates …

As the current review focuses on the replacement of natural fine aggregates, keywords such as 'alternative fine aggregates', 'fine aggregate replacement' and 'recycled fine aggregates' were used for further screening of the literature, accounting for around 1436 journals. Only peer-reviewed articles and conferences were considered.

Use of glass wastes as fine aggregate in Concrete

The study indicated that waste glass can effectively be used as fine aggregate replacement (up to. 40%) without subs tantial change in strength. Keywords: Glass, recycling, concrete, construction ...

(PDF) Styro as partial substitution of fine aggregate in

This research used Styro as partial substitution for fine aggregate and variation in mix proportion, which consisted of 0%, 30%, 40% and 50% fine aggregate replacement. The experimental ...

(PDF) Comparison of natural and manufactured fine aggregates …

• The most significant results obtained for the manufactured aggregates studied in comparison to natural fine aggregate were found by using fine aggregate produced using the impact crusher and containing 14.5% microfines. It allowed, with nearly no change in workability, to produce a cement mortar with 28% lower absorptivity and 23% higher ...

Use of power plant bottom ash as fine and coarse aggregates …

Also, a comparison of the properties of the aggregates is shown in Table 2. The specific gravity and water absorption of fine and coarse aggregates were measured according to ASTM 127 and 128 standards. ... The density of concrete decreased to 109 kg/m 3 (4.6%) and 228 kg/m 3 (9.6%) when fine aggregate was replaced with …

Performance of fly ash concrete with ferronickel slag fine aggregate

Ferronickel slag (FNS) is an industrial by-product of ferronickel alloy production at a high temperature which can be a promising potential to be used as fine aggregate to produce more sustainable concrete. In this study, the performance of concrete containing ferronickel slag sand and fly ash relating to alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and …


(FAM) is composed onl y with fine aggregate, filler and binder, with NMAS of the aggregate being less than or equal to 4.8 mm. In addition, a nother fine aggregate matrix is also studied by

Partial replacement of fine aggregate by steel slag and …

But 40% replacement is desirable and economical replacement of steel slag as compare to fine aggregate. Also 10%, 20% and 30% replacement increases the strength as compare to 0% or no replacement. 5.4. Flexural strength. The Flexural strength tests are carried out after curing with water for 7 and 28 days.

Analysis of strength properties of concrete containing sea

A concrete mix utilizing glass powder residue as a fine aggregate was analyzed for its qualities. Glass powder residue was used to replace sand in concrete at percentages of 12%, 22%, and 32%. A comparison of the compressive, split-tensile, and flexural test of 8- to 29-day-old concrete built from natural fine aggregates was produced.

Comparison of Different Aerogel Granules for Use as Aggregate …

In previous work of this group, a structural lightweight concrete was developed by embedding silica aerogel granules in a high-strength cement matrix. This concrete, called high-performance aerogel concrete (HPAC), is a lightweight building material characterized by its simultaneous high compressive strength and very low …

Marble Powder As Fine Aggregates in Concrete

According to Ergun (2011), when 5% of cement is replaced with marble powder, the compressive strength improves to 11.30%, but drops to 12.14% when 10% of cement is substituted. When fine aggregate ...

A comparative life cycle assessment on recycled concrete aggregates …

The increased electricity demand was mainly utilized to transport aggregates and operate carbonation equipment during the carbonation process in comparison to the two-stage crushing (Table 1). In addition, about 10 kg of CO 2 was sequestrated in one ton of RCAs during accelerated carbonation process as reported by Xuan et al. (2016b) .

Rice Husk Ash as Fine Aggregate Sustainable …

The fine aggregate is replaced by RHA in conventional concrete (CC) with six different percentage by weight such as 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% having w/c ratio 0.375 with variation of super ...

Comparing Between Crushed and Fine Aggregate Recycled …

In order to provide recycled aggregates 10 bricks will be crushed. These will be used as recycled aggregates in the mixes at different percentages. The coarse aggregate will replace gravel at the following percentages; 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, . Moreover, the fine aggregate will replace sand at the same proportions.

Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregates || Procedure and Test Results

The Aggregates (fine + coarse) generally occupy 60% to 75% of the concrete volume or 70% to 85% by mass and strongly influence the concrete's freshly mixed and hardened properties, mixture proportions, and economy. All Aggregates pass IS 4.75 mm sieve is classified as fine Aggregates.


This study aims to develop high strength rubberized concrete by utilizing large amounts of fine materials and replacing 15% and 25% of the natural aggregates by volume with a well graded mix of ...

Utilization of ceramic waste as fine aggregate within Portland cement

The effect of CWA replacement as fine aggregates at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and by weight on the density of Portland cement mortars at 28 days is given in Fig. 5. The results indicated that wet bulk densities of mortars with CWA were lower than that of control mortar, and were found to decrease with increasing CWA content.

(PDF) Iron Ore Tailings as Partial Replacement for Fine Aggregate …

40% optimal replacement. [36] examined the Evaluation of iron ore. tailings as a replacement for fine aggregate in concrete. Concrete mixtures containing 25, 50, 75, and IOT. as river sand ...

Characteristics of M-Sand as a Partial …

M25 grad e (cement: fine aggregate: coarse aggregate) is 1: 1: 2 as per IS 383- 1970 & IS 456- 2000 specifications & te sted for its strength for 7, 14 & 28 day s strength in which the

Comparison of Physical Properties o f Various Brands of …

Specific gravity of coarse aggregates = 2.65 It is compare to IS:2836 Part – 4 =2.7 Crushing Strength Test Observation Weight of sample retain in 12.5mm sieve (W1) = 3400g ... We must tests the fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. quality of materials must be controlled for the development of concrete technology.

Assessment of mechanical and durability properties of

Ordinary Portland cement (Binani 43 grade) of specific gravity 3.12 was used for the concrete mixes in this study. Fine aggregates (natural sand) of specific gravity 2.56 and coarse aggregates (crushed gravel) of maximum size of 12 mm of specific gravity 2.59 was used in this work.Rubber fibers of specific gravity of 1.07 and rubber ash of specific …

(PDF) Experimental Study on Seashell as a Fine Aggregate …

Sieve analysis is carried out from various fine aggregates (FA) and coarse aggregates (CA) samples and the sample which suits the requirement is selected. Fly ash will be used to replace cement by weight and by volume respectively. The Fine aggregate is partial replacement with 0%, 15%, 30%, 45%,60% and 75% by seashells.

All About specific gravity and water absorption of fine aggregate

The specific gravity of fine aggregate is typically in the range of 2.5 to 3.0, which means that it is 2.5 to 3 times heavier than an equal volume of water. The specific gravity of fine aggregate is an important property because it affects the strength and density of concrete. It is used in the calculation of the absolute volume of concrete ...

The effects of limestone aggregate on concrete properties

The total of aggregates produced in 2008 by weight was 69% limestone and dolomite, 15% granite, 7% traprock and 9% miscellaneous stones consisted of sandstone and quartzite, marble, volcanic cinder and scoria, slate, shell, and calcareous marl as shown in Fig. 1.By 2020, US production of crushed limestone is expected to increase by …

(PDF) Effect of Size of Crushed Ceramic Tiles as Fine Aggregates …

Effect of Size of Crushed Ceramic Tiles as Fine. Aggregates in Cement Composites. Ravindra R *, Anand kumar BG, Patil Lingaraj. Department of Civil Engineering, RV College of Eng ineering, VTU ...

Compressive Strength of Concrete Using Recycled Glass and …

Generally, crushed stones of rocks are used as conventional coarse aggregates whereas Natural River sand is used as fine aggregate, both are available naturally . As concrete is the 2nd most usable material behind water by humans so due to their higher quantity usage leading to depletion of this naturally available material at …

Utilization of Stone Dust as Fine Aggregate …

concrete at different level of fine aggregate with stone dust. The percentage of stone dust was gradually increased in concrete and investigates its effect in sense of workability and compressive strength. The study shows that compressive strength of concrete made using stone dust as fine aggregate replacement having greater value in comparison ...

Effect of Sawdust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete …

Sand as a primary fine aggregate possesses superior adhesion of components in concrete. It provides strength by serving as small fillers in a mixture. Cement binds sand particles together forming one solid sand mix. ... concrete compare to other lightweight concrete which nail can also easily drive in but fail to hold [11]

Durability of concrete incorporating non-ground blast

Consequently, comparison of these SEM images and test results show that chemical and physical properties of GBFS and BA as fine aggregate single or mutually are the main factors affecting the concrete durability. It is possible to produce durable concrete by using GBFS and BA as fine aggregate.

(PDF) Comparison of Compressive Strength Value of

The result shown the use of pumice sand as a substitute for fine aggregate can reduce the compressive strength of concrete by 23.53%. However, it can reduce the weight of concrete by 7.03%.

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