Ambuja Cements Ltd vs Na on 6 April, 2021. National Company Law Appellate Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi. Company Appeal (AT) No. 19 of 2021. (Arising out of order dated 10th December, 2020 passed by National Company. Law Tribunal, Ahmedabad Bench in CA (CAA) No. 50 of 2020.) IN THE MATTER OF:
25 Compliance with regulatory requirements. 26 Customer satisfaction. 27 Sustainable constructions. 28 Transparency and Corporate Governance. 29 Anti-Bribery and Corruption. 30 Anti - Competitive behaviour. 31 Risk Management. 32 Public Policy and Advocacy. 33 Product quality and innovation. 34 Operational efficiency
Ambuja Cements Limited is an India-based cement manufacturing company. The principal business of the Company is the manufacturing and sale of cement and cement-related products. ... 2021; Revenue ...
Our six integrated manufacturing units, eight strategically located grinding units and a network of more than 50,000 channel partners help us cater to the northern, western, …
Increase share ofvalue-added products and services. Introduce value-added products. Capacity utilisation and current demand, Marketing communication and reputation. Introduced one new value-added product in the blended cement category. Share of revenue from the value-added products stood at 11% in 2020 (8% in 2019)
• Enhances Ambuja's clinker capacity by 3 MTPA and cement sales by 5 MTPA . Mumbai, October 1st, 2021: Ambuja Cements Limited a member of Holcim and one, of the leading cement companies in India, today, successfully beganthe commercial production of clinker and cement at its Marwar Greenfield Plant (Marwar Cement Works) in Nagaur district ...
Browse the annual reports of Ambuja Cement and its subsidiaries to learn more about the companies.
EBIT during the year reported a growth of 25%, from ` 2,125 crore in 2020 to ` 2,656 crore in 2021. Pre-tax profit registered a growth of 15% from ` 2,414 crore in 2020 to ` 2,785 crore in 2021. Pre-tax profit margin decline 140 bps from 21.6% in 2020 to 20.2% in 2021. Our net profit for the year registered a 16% increase from ` 1,790 crore in ...
Group location. All persons, including service providers and business partners, will be required to act consistently with our Code when acting on our behalf or in our name. 1.3 Education and training All employees receive introductory and regular ethics and compliance training. These sessions are
NOTICE is hereby given that the THIRTY NINTH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Members of AMBUJA CEMENTS LTD. ('the Company') is scheduled and will be held on Friday, April 29, 2022 at 2.00 p.m. (IST) through Video Conferencing (VC)/Other Audio Visual Means ('OAVM') to transact the following business:-. BusinessTo receive, …
We would like all job aspirants to be aware that AMBUJA CEMENTS LTD. never requires applicants to pay any amount at any stage of its recruitment and selection process. If any job aspirant comes across any such unauthorised demand, they can immediately contact our Recruitment Team at our Corporate Office, Mumbai on 022 6616 7000 / 4066 7000. ...
Ambuja Cement 261h October, 2021 National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Plot No.C/1 'G' Block Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 023 Bandra - Kurla Complex ... (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, please find enclosed the Investor presentation on financial results for ... Commercial Production commenced from …
AMBUJA CEMENTS LIMITED CIN: L26942GJ1981PLC004717 Registered office: Ambujanagar P.O., Taluka -Kodinar, District-Gir Somnath, Gujarat-362 715 Tel No. : 022-4066 7000 •Website: • E-mail: shares@ambujacement Statement of standalone unaudited financial results for the quarter and nine months …
The growth plans will be executed in mid-term for Ambuja to reach 50 MTPA cement capacity. Competitiveness: Ambuja's Operating EBITDA grew by 23% to Rs. 2,647 crores and Net Profit grew by 17% to Rs. 1,790 crores in 2020. Operating EBITDA and Net Profit margin for the year stood at 23.7% and 16% respectively, reporting a growth of 480 basis ...
2. Name of the Company: AMBUJA CEMENTS LIMITED 3. Registered address: P. O. Ambujanagar, Taluka Kodinar, District Gir - Somnath, Gujarat - 362 715 4. Website: 5. E-mail id: investors.relation@ambujacement 6. Financial Year reported: 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2021 7. Sector(s) that the Company is engaged in …
Natural capital. Cement manufacturing is a resource- and energy-intensive process. As a responsible business, we diligently work towards extending our environmental stewardship much beyond complying with applicable laws and regulations for resource conservation and energy efficiency. Read More.
The Union Budget 2022-23 saw a significant increase in proposed capital expenditure, vindicating the government's sustained focus on infrastructure. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana's target of 8 million houses by 2023, will further push cement demand. The recovery in the real estate sector, backed by historically low interest rates, also ...
Target Price and Valuation: We value Ambuja at | 490 i.e.17x CY22E EV/EBITDA. Key triggers for future price performance: New clinker capacity at Marwar Mundwa, Rajasthan …
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time ("Listing Regulations") for the Financial Year 2021 is given herein below: 1. Corporate Governance 1.1 Ambuja's Philosophy on Corporate Governance: At Ambuja Cements, Corporate Governance has been an integral part of the way we have been doing our business since inception.
The impact of interventions is mapped and assessed with the help of third-party agencies to ensure accountability and transparency. Ambuja Cement Foundation (ACF), the CSR arm of the Company, was set up in 1993 to spearhead our community initiatives. We continued to extend our community initiatives during 2020 and undertook additional ...
We would like all job aspirants to be aware that AMBUJA CEMENTS LTD. never requires applicants to pay any amount at any stage of its recruitment and selection process. If any job aspirant comes across any such unauthorised demand, they can immediately contact our Recruitment Team at our Corporate Office, Mumbai on 022 6616 7000 / 4066 7000.
MR. SURESH RATHI . Head - Raw Material, Fuel and Logistics. MR. RAHUL MAITRA. Chief Human Resource Officer. MR. MANOJ CHHURA. Chief Procurement Officer
Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended from time to time ("Listing Regulations") for the Financial Year 2021 is given herein below: 1.Corporate Governance 1.1mbuja's Philosophy on Corporate Governance: A At Ambuja Cements, Corporate Governance has been an integral part of the way we have been doing our business since inception.
Reporting scope, boundary and the Company's value chain. The Integrated Report for 2020 covers information on our business segments in India, along with associated activities that enable short-, medium- and long-term value creation. The report contains detailed reference to sustainability initiatives undertaken by Ambuja Cement to address the ...
The year 2021 was a study in contrast for the Indian economy and the cement industry. While the government's continued policy push towards infrastructure and affordable …
Sub: Commencement of Commercial Production In continuation to our letter dtd: 21st August 2021, we would like to inform you that the Company has w.e.f 30th September 2021, successfully started the Commercial Production of Clinker and Cement at our newly commissioned Marwar Greenfield Project in Nagaur District, in the state of Rajasthan.
Ambuja Cement AMBUJA CEMENTS LIMITED Elegant Business Park, MIDC Cross Road B, Andheri (e) Mumbai – 400059 Tel 022: 40667000, Website: Regd off: P.O. Ambujanagar, Tal Kodinar Dist Gir Somnath Gujarat CIN: L26942GJ1981PLC004717 ACL:SEC: 29th April, 2021 Bombay Stock Exchange Limited …
confidence As one of India's leading cement manufacturers, our strength rests on our scale, integration, product-process innovation, market reach, responsible manufacturing …
Highlights 2021 Driven by the rebound in real estate demand after a prolonged period of sluggishness, the Indian cement industry is registering a strong growth momentum. The government's push towards infrastructure creation is also driving demand for cement in …
Results of AMBUJA CEMENTS LIMITED ("the Company"), which includes a Joint Operation consolidated on a proportionate basis for the quarter ended 31st March,2021 ("the Statement"), being submitted by the Company pursuant to the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) …