How to Remove Chewing Gum Stains

Using a clean, soft-bristled toothbrush, dip into the vinegar and rub into the stuck gum. Vinegar is naturally acidic, which can help soften the gum, thus making it easier to remove from the fabric. 2. Toothpaste. If you're wondering how to remove chewing gum from clothes with toothpaste, it's a pretty easy process.

The 5 Best Laundry Detergents of 2024 | Reviews by Wirecutter

This liquid detergent was among the top performers in stain removal, but its strong scent lingers long after clothes have dried. Buying Options $20 from Walmart (150 Ounces)

Tide Pod Stains | How To Remove Stains

If that doesn't work, Tide recommends: Rinse the stain under hot water to remove as much as possible. Gently wring the excess water from the item and lay it out flat. Apply rubbing ...

The Ultimate Stain-Removal Guide

Leather: Blot with a damp cloth as soon as possible. Carpet: Blot well. Mix 4 cups of water, a tablespoon of dish soap, and a quarter-cup of white vinegar, and apply with a clean sponge, soaking ...

Presoak Laundry Stains (Why Presoaking Clothes Is Key)

When you presoak your clothes, you allow the detergent to penetrate deep into the fabric. This process loosens the stain, making it easier to remove during the wash cycle. Presoaking is particularly effective for tough stains like oil and grease, dye spills, and heavily soiled clothing.

How to Remove Color Bleed from Clothes: Simple Tips and …

Using Bleach. Bleach can be an effective way to remove color bleed from white clothes. However, it's important to note that bleach can damage colored fabrics, so it's best to use it only on whites. To use bleach, follow these steps: Fill a sink or basin with cold water. Add 1/4 cup of bleach for every gallon of water.

How to Remove Stains from White Clothes | Whirlpool

Prep the garment: Start by removing stain residue with a spoon or dull knife. Blot the area with a clean cloth, then rinse the stain from inside the garment with cold water. Add soap and soak: Add liquid dish soap to the stain, gently massage it into the fabric, and let it …

How to Get Poop Stains Out of Clothes

Go to the cold water tap and turn it on. Hold the item with the poop stain facing downwards under the tap. The water plus the pressure should dislodge remnants. Go over to your treatment area. Spread …

How to Get Rid of Sweat Stains | Maytag

Step 4: Use a Toothbrush to Scrub the Stain. Apply the paste to your sweat stains and let the mixture soak in for 20 minutes. You can apply the paste using an old toothbrush or scoop the mixture with a spoon and rub it into the stain using your fingers.

Bleach Stain Care

Apply a little lemon juice to the bleach stain and scrub it with a cloth. Let the juice dry on the clothing in direct sunlight. Wash the item in warm water after it has dried completely. Repeat until the bleach stain is completely gone. Remove Stains From Bleach off White Clothes. Many different stains are effectively removed by combining salt ...

Clothes Stained After Washing: Get Rid of Stains Fast

Vinegar. Place your stained clothes in the washing machine and fill them with hot water. Add 1 cup (250 ml) of white vinegar, which will help break down any remaining detergent residue on the fabric surface. If you don't have white vinegar, use lemon juice or an enzymatic laundry booster instead. Let your clothes soak for 15 …

Rusty Water Laundry Problems and Solutions

The first step in resolving a rusty water problem is to do a physical inspection of your home plumbing system. A rusty water heater or pipes can leach enough iron into your washer to cause problems. …

How to Remove Grease Stains on Already …

Soak and Wash. Using a grease-fighting dish soap is one of the easiest methods to try with a set-in grease stain. Cover the greasy area with the soap, rubbing it gently into the fabric to help it penetrate the …

How to Get Crayon Out of Clothes

Wash in the hottest water that the fabric can safely tolerate using your normal laundry detergent. Add 1 cup of baking soda to the wash. Baking soda is mildly abrasive and can get crayon out of clothes by breaking up the wax and dyes. Add oxygen-based bleach, fabric-permitting, to help wash out the crayon.

How to remove iron stains from clothes [ Detailed Answer ]

Make a cleaning solution by mixing three tablespoons of baking soda and 1 cup of laundry detergent into a gallon of cold, clean water. Soak the stained area in the solution for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, toss your treated garment into the wash, set your wash machine into the warmest setting allowable on the fabric.

How to Remove Semen Stains: A Complete …

Step 2: Apply a Cleaning Solution. You can remove semen stains with an upholstery stain remover spray or a weak mixture of water with detergent, borax, or white vinegar. Make sure to use cool water to …

The 10 Best Laundry Stain Removers of 2024, Tested and …

Best for Grass Stains: Shout Advanced Ultra Concentrated Gel Stain Remover at Walmart ($4) Jump to Review. Best for Red Wine Stains: OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover Powder at Walmart ($15) Jump to Review. Best for Set-In Stains: Carbona Laundry Stain Scrubber at Amazon ($15) Jump to Review.

9 Best Washing Machines: Front-load and top-load of 2024

The best washing machines remove stains, help prevent wrinkles, and get rid of odors from your clothes. Over the years, we've tested hundreds of washers to evaluate their stain removal, efficiency, capacity, and ease of use. Out of all of the washing machines we've tested, these are the cream of the crop. ...

How to Get Detergent Stains Out of Clothes

Doing so will prevent the heat from the dryer from setting stains in, by giving you a chance to rinse or rewash the item. If you notice detergent stains on one or two items only, rinse the detergent by holding the fabric taut under cold running water; the force of the water will push the detergent out, rinsing it away.

5 Ways to Get Stains out of White Clothes

Mix up a solution that is equal parts water and lemon juice, and then rub it into the affected area of the garment. Lemon juice and salt can work well to tackle mildew and rust stains on …

How to Get Rust Stains Out of Clothes From Washing Machine …

Apply the paste directly to the rust stains. 5. Rinse with warm (not hot) water. 6. Wash in the washing machine like normal. If you still find stains after a wash cycle, do not put the clothes in the dryer. Repeat this process one or two more times to see if it helps. If not, try the next method. 2.

The 6 Best Stain Removers of 2024 | Reviews by Wirecutter

Tide Ultra Oxi Powder Laundry Detergent (middle) did a better job than both Clorox 2 Stain Remover & Color Booster Powder (right) and OxiClean (left). Photo: Connie Park. It's versatile. Tide ...

Why Are My Clothes Coming Out of the Washer With Stains On?

There are many different reasons that clothes can come out of the washer with stains on, whether they were there in the first place or not. Read on to find out what the culprit might be and how to fix it. 1. The Stains Are Too Tough to Come Out in a Normal Wash. Some stains are notoriously difficult to remove and unfortunately, normal …

How to Remove Blood Stains

Rinse the stain under cold running water . Slightly agitate the fabric with your finger, ensuring that cold water reaches the interior of the fabric. Continue to rinse liberally under cold, running water. You can typically see the blood stain start to lighten in color. If you've caught the stain early enough, you might even see it disappear ...

Eliminate Color Bleed Stains

One alternative for laundry soap is adding vinegar and baking soda to the wash. Pour liquid laundry detergent directly onto the color bleed stain, work it in with an old toothbrush, and leave it to settle for 30 minutes. Rinse the detergent out with cold water and inspect the area. Repeat until no evidence of the dye stain remains.

Downy Unstopables Can Cause Stains To Washables

Many people love Downy Unstopables, which is a laundry scent booster product, but this page has to do with complaints of staining caused by this product. These scent beads are added to the washing machine, to be dissolved during the wash cycle, while the clothes are being cleaned, to impart additional scent to the washing clothes or other ...

What You Should Do if Your Whites are Stained by Color …

Realizing that your white clothes have been stained by color-bleed can be disheartening, but it's important to act quickly. First and foremost, do not dry the stained clothes. The heat from the dryer can set the dye stain, making it harder to remove. The moment you notice the color-bleed, stop the washing machine and remove the affected garments.

How to Remove Blue Jean Dye Stains from Clothes

Fill the machine with the hottest water appropriate for the garment, then add a capful of liquid non-chlorine bleach or a scoop of powdered non-chlorine bleach. Add the garment, then wash normally. Inspect the garment carefully to be sure the stain is gone. If the dye is still visible, repeat the appropriate steps.

10 Best Stain Removers for Clothes, Linens, and Upholstery …

5. Nonsudsing Ammonia . Non-sudsing ammonia, such as the kind used for cleaning glass doors and windows, works great for stains with odors, such as urine or sweat, as well as fatty or greasy stains.For most fabrics, dilute the ammonia with an equal amount of water.

Mud Stain Removal: Proven Techniques For Spotless Clothes

2. Allow the stain to soak before washing. Before tossing the mud-stained clothes into the wash, soak the stain in a mixture of water and high-performance detergent for about 15 minutes. This will help to loosen and lift the stubborn mud stain from the fabric, making it easier to remove during laundering.

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