Paste Thickeners

The original concept of the "deep cone" type thickener was developed in the 1960's using a steep floor slope and increased bed volume to produce high underflow densities. Over the years, this thickening technology has evolved and refined to consistently produce non-settling, non-segregating underflow.

Center Drive Thickener

Main Products: Thickener, Flocculent Dosing Machine, Center Drive Thickener, Periphery Drive Thickener, Deep Cone Thickener, High Rate Thickener Company Introduction: Huaibei Zhongfen Mine Machinery Co., Ltd was established in 1995, headquartered in Huaibei city, Anhui province, China, covering over 100, 000 square …

Paper: A Short History of Deep Cone Thickener Development

A Short History of Deep Cone Thickener Development. Authors: brunn, FR. Download Paper. Cite As: brunn, FR 2007, 'A Short History of Deep Cone Thickener Development', in R Jewell & AB Fourie (eds), Paste 2007: Proceedings of the Tenth International Seminar on Paste and Thickened Tailings, Australian Centre for …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Pore Connectivity and Dewatering …

The popular device for PTT production is the deep-cone thickener or deep-bed thickener from different manufacturers. Melbourne University and the CSIRO Center in Australia have published outstanding results on the theoretical model of thickeners in the continuous state [ 22, 23, 24 ].

DualLSTM: A novel key-quality prediction for a hierarchical cone thickener

The hierarchical cone thickener is a critical device for paste filling in the mining industry ( Fang et al., 2022, Huan et al., 2019, Tan et al., 2015 ). The current mining and paste-filling industry still faces some thorny challenges. For example, the underflow concentration of the cone thickener system (CTS) directly determines the quality of ...


combine in the design, contr ol and operation of a modern thick ener. This paper does not seek to. provide all the answers in thi ckener design and control, but hopes to give the reader a greater ...

Application of the FL Deep Cone Technology to the Fertilizer

A Deep cone thickener of 20 m is used to thicken the pulp to above 63 % solids in weight before feeding the reactor tank where it is dissolved by sulfuric acid. Use of Deep Cone Thickener has allowed an optimization of Sulfuric acid consumption during the leaching process and allows a better attack reaction by using a pulp more thickened than ...

DualLSTM: A novel key-quality prediction for a hierarchical cone thickener

This paper presents a novel and deeply efficient long short-time memory (DE-LSTM) method for concentration prediction in the deep cone thickener system. First, the DE-LSTM for thicker systems is ...

Brief introduction of high-efficiency deep-cone thickeners.

An excellent thickener brand needs to meet two basic indicators: good equipment quality and innovation. High-efficiency deep-cone thickener is the product of Xinhai's dependent innovation. Apart ...

Comprehensive Guide to Mining Thickeners | Mining Pedia

Deep cone thickeners are commonly used in processes where particle settling rates vary or where solids compression is beneficial. 5. Selecting the Appropriate Thickener Type. The selection of the most suitable thickener type depends on various factors, including the characteristics of the feed suspension, required underflow density, …

Thickeners and Clarifiers

The TPH Deep Cone Thickener is perfect for lower. flow applications and portable wash plants. It achieves high density underflow solids and has an integrated cyclone support structure. This system automatically discharges the high-density underflow. solids through an automated pneumatic pinch valve system. Flow capacity up to 2500 GPM in a ...

(PDF) Application of the FL Deep Cone Technology …

In thickening, the tailings slurry concentration increases from less than 30wt% to approximately 70wt% after flow through the deep cone thickener (DCT, also called paste thickener), and the ...

Flow part during deep cone thickener discharging tailings.

The high concentration bottom flow of the deep-cone thickener is fully stirred with water and cementitious materials in a mixing bucket according to a certain backfill ratio to prepare qualified ...

Mechanical model of scraper rake torque in deep-cone thickener

Finally, adopting the model, the driving parameters of a deep-cone thickener used in a mine were checked. The results show that the max torque is 633.8086 kN·m, which exceeds the shutdown ...

A Dual-Attention Recurrent Neural Network Method for Deep Cone …

Deep cone thickener, also named paste thickener, is an important equipment in industrial mining process, especially for sustainable mining environment protection. It is a giant complex system to generate raw material for backfill paste in the processed mines. A general framework of thickener and key processing parameters are …

Research on the mathematical relationship between mud …

Low grade is one of the three characteristics of mineral resources in China. With the exploitation of a large number of mineral resources, more tailings will inevitably be produced in the concentrator, and transporting them to the goaf is the best way to deal with tailings. The tailings are compacted by a deep cone thickener (DCT) to prepare a …

Dewatering of Fine Tailings for Disposal in Dams Using a

The test column thickener and deep cone classifier with the best operational parameters found to obtain a maximum percentage of solids in mass were ~ 71% and ~ 67%, with values of yield stress ~ 200 Pa and ~ 100 Pa, respectively. In the hyperbaric filtration, a cake with ~ 10% moisture was obtained.

Modeling industrial thickener using computational fluid dynamics …

Gravity thickening by deep cone thickener is popularly applied in cemented paste backfill, which is essential for tailings management and green mining. To avoid rake bogging, high concentration and high flowability are required for thickened tailings slurry. These properties depend critically on the yield stress of the slurry.

Deep Cone Thickener

The deep cone thickener is circular, suspended solids settle down into bottom conical sludge tank by gravity, clear water flow away from overflow port around the upper tank, which is also called paste thickener. The port of the overflow is equipped with filter and baffle, which improve the water quality that poured out. ...

Dewatering to higher densities

Introduction. Maximising thickener underflow density has advantages in many of the traditional thickener applications. There is a long history of innovations in thickener design to enable the production of higher densities. Large High Density thickeners were pioneered in the late 1980s. The roots of Deep Cone thickeners go back to the 1960s.

Design and operation of the Kupol project CCD circuit …

The Kupol mill is the first precious metals CCD thickener circuit to use deep cone thickeners. 2. Location and Logistics. The Kupol Mine is located in Far East Russia approximately 430 kilometers ...

(PDF) Design and Operation of the Kupol Project Counter …

Deep cone thickeners were originally developed to take advanta ge of advances in flocculant technology. Good flocculation is a key to the successful operation of a DCT and conditions which promote ...

A Critical Review of Thickener Design Methods t

center discharge cone. Small thickeners may have flat bottoms, but usually their floor is slightly tilted toward the center to aid in the discharge of the pro­ duct. According to Coe and Clevenger1l four distinct zones can be distinguished in a continuous thickener. At the top, there is a zone of clear liquid labeled


t CAPEX while maintaining low operating costs. The innovative paste-thickener design facilitates highly clarified liquid r. -liquid separation with crystal clear overflowThe thickening and clarification systems from ANDRITZ Delkor (Pty) Ltd. make use of state-of-the-art sedimentation technology to ofer an eficient and reliable solid-liquid.

Numerical study of flocculation settling and thickening of …

Deep cone thickener (DCT) is the key equipment in cemented paste backfill (CPB), so it is essential to study the flocculation settling and thickening characteristics of the whole-tailings in DCT.

Flocculation, dewatering and sedimentation behaviour of …

DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2024.112168 Corpus ID: 267589855; Flocculation, dewatering and sedimentation behaviour of mine backfill slurry in deep cone thickener (DCT) @article{Wang2024FlocculationDA, title={Flocculation, dewatering and sedimentation behaviour of mine backfill slurry in deep cone thickener (DCT)}, author={Leiming Wang …

Pore Connectivity and Dewatering Mechanism of

DOI: 10.3390/min10040375 Corpus ID: 219100189; Pore Connectivity and Dewatering Mechanism of Tailings Bed in Raking Deep-Cone Thickener Process @article{Chen2020PoreCA, title={Pore Connectivity and Dewatering Mechanism of Tailings Bed in Raking Deep-Cone Thickener Process}, author={Xinming Chen and Xiangfei Jin …

Deep cone thickener | Semantic Scholar

A deep conic thickener, which comprises a shell, a flocculant filling device, a feed tank, a current stabilizing ring, a overflow tank, a current stabilizing plate, a tilting plate, a mixer, a scraper and a discharge device. The shell is a main support part of the deep conic thickener in the utility model, and has inverted conic structure with upper column and …

Thickeners and Clarifiers

10 Paste thickeners Thickeners and clarifiers The 2nd Generation PT has a high sidewall and steep floor slope. With integrated automation, it reacts to changing process conditions. The thickener utilizes control based on consistent solids inventory to achieve and maintain the required underflow density.

Dewatering of Fine Tailings for Disposal in Dams Using a …

The test column thickener and deep cone classifier with the best operational parameters found to obtain a maximum percentage of solids in mass were ~ 71% and ~ 67%, with values of yield stress ...

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