Silicosis: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Silicosis is a lung disease.It usually happens in jobs where you breathe in dust that contains silica. That's a tiny crystal found in sand, rock, or mineral ores like quartz.

Cement dust exposure and acute lung function: A cross shift …

A combined cross-sectional and cross-shift study was conducted in Dire Dawa cement factory in Ethiopia. 40 exposed production workers from the crusher and packing sections and 20 controls from the guards were included. Personal "total" dust was measured in the workers' breathing zone and peak expiratory flow (PEF) was measured …

(PDF) Effect of cement dust pollution on the vascular cambium …

This study assesses the effect of cement dust from cement factory on soil in Obajana, Kogi state, Nigeria. Soils samples were collected from the study area and taken to soil science laboratory ...

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Objective: To examine the strength of evidence through systematic review of published literature on the association between effects of exposure to cement dust on …

Impact of cement waste on soil fertility and crop

Impact of cement waste pollutants such as dust and heavy metals are released during cement manufacture, which can contaminate nearby soils and …

(PDF) Assessing the pollution effect of cement dust …

This study assessed the pollution effects of cement dust emission on the soil quality around Ewekoro, southwestern Nigeria. Composite soil samples were collected at six locations from the cement ...

(PDF) Species diversity and genetic evolution in Fragaria

All Fragaria species have been evolved from diploid progenitor, may be Fragaria vesca, through polyploidization. The polyploidy is common in strawberry and in …

(PDF) Cement Dust Spread as Influenced by Wind and Its …

PDF | Distance between cement factories and human settlements is key to determining the extent to which neighbourhoods are affected by cement dust. A... | Find, …

Prevalence of chronic respiratory symptoms among cement …

Cement workers are exposed to various kinds of occupational hazards, dust being the most hazardous. Despite certain exposure limits on the emission of air pollutants in place, several people die each year due to complications from respiratory disease. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of chr …

sbm/sbm bhiwadi khushkera shree cement khushkera …

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Cement Dust Exposure and Perturbations in Some Elements …

1. Introduction. Deleterious effects of exposure to constituents of cement dust on organ system in humans have been described. Molecules of primary importance in cement dust in terms of content and potential health effects basically include 60–67% calcium oxide, 17–25 silicon oxide (SiO 2), and 3–5% aluminium (Al) oxide, with some …

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cement dust on fragaria species

Jun 01, 2011· Studies in the vicinity of Kunda cement plant in northern Estonia confirm that alkalisation of forest ecosystems and changes of soil, soil water, precipitation, etc. are expressed as changes of the species composition and growth of trees and plant communities considering the direct effect of cement dust (Mandre 1995; Liblik …

Is Concrete Dust Dangerous in Manufacturing & Construction?

After the concrete has dried and solidified into the desired shape, the supporting structure is removed using tools such as hammers, chisels, or prybars. The varieties of brands used to make concrete have wide-reaching health implications. This is largely because dry mixes release dust particles while ready-mixed concrete can …

Full article: Occupational Cement Dust Exposure and …

Of the 92 recruits, 46 (study group), were occupationally exposed to cement dust for 2 years and more, aged 20–50 years. The study subjects were from a cement manufacturing plant in Munshiganj, Bangladesh. The other 46 subjects (control group) hailed from Dhaka City (The Capital of the Country) of Bangladesh with no cement dust exposure history.


Cement dust is a potentially phyto-toxic pollutant. Large amounts of toxic substances are emitted during its production viz. carbon dioxide, particulate matter (dust), oxides of nitrogen and sulfur dioxide. Cement dust also …

Cement Dust

Carbon sequestration potential of cement kiln dust: Mechanisms, methodologies, and applications. Saheed Kolawole Adekunle, in Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024. 3.1 Overview. Cement kiln dust (CKD), a type of cement dust, is a fine-grained by-product generated during the manufacturing of cement clinkers.It results from the chemical …

Does Dust Damage Car Paint? (Explained) – VehicleWhat

Fire extinguisher dust is unsafe to the car paint. The chemical fire extinguisher dust, not CO2, will hurt the car paint. It is dangerous to paint. You can even lose the shiny finishing and other particles due to the fire extinguisher dust. This dust can leave a radish or white coating on the car paint.

sbm/sbm bhiwadi khushkera shree cement khushkera cement…

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Effect of Exposure to Cement Dust among the Workers: An …

The cement dust or constituents of cement causes pathogenesis of various lung diseases including chronic bronchitis, asthma, lung cancer, pneumonia and tuberculosis. The study based on workers reported that condition of the oral mucosa in cement plant workers, where clinical examination established features of mechanical …

Concrete dust on residential organic garden

We recommend that you thoroughly wash harvested produce immediately after harvest and gently incorporate the visible dust layer into the top few inches of soil. Maintain the soil pH in the 6.0 - 7.0 range and add compost or other types of organic matter yearly. You may want to have your soil tested for heavy metals later this year.

Effect of Duration of Exposure to Cement Dust on …

1. Introduction. The worldwide community, especially the people in developing countries, is facing increasing risks of respiratory diseases due to production of smoke and dust in different occupational and industrial sectors [1,2].The health risks posed by inhaled dust particles are influenced by the duration of exposure and the biological …

cement dust on fragaria species

Home> dust Collector > electrical equipments involved in cement manufacturing ... Go to Product Center. The Effect of Cement Factory Air Pollution on Thermophilous ..., a species composition very similar to that described by Domin (1928 ... Fragaria viridis Duch. ... caused by dust of cement factories in the literature. Go to Product Center

Everything you need to know about Cement Kiln Dust …

Summary of Cement Kiln Dust Sent To Landfills or Beneficially Reused in the United States from the PCA Surveys. A key performance indicator is the relationship between the amount of CKD disposed versus the amount of clinker produced, summarized in Table 6.3.2. This table shows that the amount of CKD landfilled decreased per unit of clinker from ...

Cement and concrete manufacture

High levels of dust can be produced when cement is handled, for example when emptying or disposing of bags. Scabbling or concrete cutting can also produce high levels of dust that may contain silica. What are the risks? In the short term, exposure to high levels of cement dust irritates the nose and throat.


To study the effect of cement dust on stomata, leaf samples were collected from Shorea robusta trees growing in the vicinity of the Cement Corporation of India (CCI) factory, …

How To Clean Cement Dust Off Car? (4 Methods!)

STEPS. STEP 1- Wear a nose mask or a respirator and use a blower or vacuum to remove the surface cement dust from your car. STEP 2- Washing the car is a very important step before claying. Simply apply a solution of car shampoo and some water to the car's surface using a sponge.

Consequences of cement dust exposure on pulmonary function in cement

Background: Several health conditions are associated with cement dust exposure; obstructive and restrictive lung disorders are the most common consequences. The aims of this study were to assess the pulmonary function of cement factory workers and to determine the distribution of respiratory consequences resulting from dust inhalation.

Influence of bacterial treated cement kiln dust on the …

The present study investigated the influence of cement baghouse filter dust (CBFD) in control and bacterial concrete, as partial replacement of ordinary Portland cement (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%) on ...

Cement Dust Explosion Hazards, in Cement Manufacturing Industries

2) Bag Filters. Fire and explosion hazards in bag filters can arise due to any of the following factors: spontaneous combustion, dust explosion, static electricity, and high temperature materials passing through the filters. Bag filters used for the coal mill rank as one of the highest fire and explosion hazards in cement plants, due to the ...

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