[PDF] Differentiation of Ustilago scitaminea isolates in …

Differentiation of Ustilago scitaminea isolates in greenhouse tests. A. Gillaspie, R. Mock, J. L. Dean. Published 1983. Agricultural and Food Sciences. Plant Disease. TLDR. 8-mo-old cane had been field-grown and Natal, South Africa, in 1877 and the purpose of this research was to compare the pathogenicities of U.S. sugarcane scitaminea to that ...

Studies on sugar-cane smut (Ustilago scitaminea) in Kenya

Agricultural and Food Sciences, Environmental Science. 2009. TLDR. Results suggest that teliospores of sugarcane smut can only survive for a few months at high soil moisture level (>10%) or when buried in soil, however, teliosphere of the smut fungus have potentially greater longevities when maintained in dry environments. Expand. 3. 1 Excerpt ...

Characterization of physiologic races of sugarcane smut (Ustilago …

The results suggested existence of smut races in Kenya and indicated that some varieties are resistant to smut in one zone and susceptible in another. Sugarcane smut disease caused by the fungus Ustilago scitaminea significantly reduces the yield and quality of sugarcane. The disease was first reported in Kenya in 1958, in Nyanza and Coastal …


Abstract. SUGARCANE smut, caused by Ustilago scitaminea, is an important disease of sugarcane worldwide. Spores of the smut fungus infect sugarcane plants through buds. Germination and infectivity ...

(Open Access) The establishment of in vitro screening …

The fungal disease smut (causal agent: Ustilago scitaminea H. & P. Sydow) and stalk borer Eldana saccharina Walker place major constraints on sugarcane agriculture in South Africa. The best approach for management is the introduction of resistant cultivars; however, conventional field-based screening for pest and disease …

Biochemical responses of sugarcane plants to smut (Ustilago scitaminea).

Ustilago scitaminea Sydow & P. Sydow. Spore . ge rmi n at i on is achieved on the internode surface, and . it is followed by the fo rmation of appressoria,

Variability of sugarcane smut pathogen, Ustilago scitaminea Sydow …

Corpus ID: 82701372; Variability of sugarcane smut pathogen, Ustilago scitaminea Sydow in the Philippines. @article{Luzaran2012VariabilityOS, title={Variability of sugarcane smut pathogen, Ustilago scitaminea Sydow in the Philippines.}, author={Rosalyn T. Luzaran and Fe M. dela Cueva and Christian Joseph R. Cumagun and Luis Rey Ibanez Velasco …

Molecular and Genetic Variability of Sporisorium …

Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) is an essential agro-industrial crop in tropical and subtropical regions of the world (Patel et al. 2018).Various microorganisms infect sugarcane; among them, Sporisorium scitamineum (Syn. Ustilago scitaminea) is a major pathogen (Vicente et al. 2021).Barnabas et al. have reported smut disease as one …

Effect of Sugarcane Smut (Ustilago scitaminea Syd.) on …

Sugarcane smut, caused by Ustilago scitaminea Syd., is one of the most severe fungal diseases affecting sugarcane productivity, and all producing countries have developed protocols for the protection

Inoculation of in vitro cultivated sugarcane with smut (Ustilago

Sugarcane plants of the cultivar B72 191 have been cultivated in tubes and inoculated with a pure culture of smut fungus and the teliospores produced on these are viable and have retained their pathogenicity. Sugarcane plants of the cultivar B72 191 have been cultivated in tubes and inoculated with a pure culture of smut fungus (Ustilago scitaminea Sydow) …

Smut of sugarcane

Laboratory and field evaluation of fungicides for the management of sugarcane smut caused by Sporisorium scitamineum in seedcane. S. Bhuiyan B. Croft R. James M. Cox. Agricultural and Food Sciences, Environmental Science. Australasian Plant Pathology. 2012. TLDR. Nine fungicides were tested in vitro at various concentrations for their efficacy ...

Pathological Test of BSRI Akh 45 Against Sugarcane …

131 Bangladesh J. Sugarcane 37: 131-135 June 2016 SHORT COMMUNICATION Pathological Test of BSRI Akh 45 Against Sugarcane Smut (Ustilago scitaminea Sydow ) M.J. Uddin1, M.S. Rahman2, M.O. Khaiyam2, M.A.K. Al Azad and M.l. Hossain2 1BSRI Sub-Station, Chuadanga, 2Pathology Division Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute …

PCR-Mediated Detection of Sporisorium scitamineum in

Culmicolous smut caused by Sporisorium scitamineum (Syd.) M. Piepenbr., M. Stoll & Oberw (= Ustilago scitaminea H. & P. Sydow) is a major disease of sugarcane and causes considerable yield losses and reduction in cane quality (Ferreira and Comstock 1989; Piepenbring et al. 2002; Sundar et al. 2012).Sugarcane smut was first reported in …

Evaluation of smut inoculation techniques in sugarcane …

Smut disease of sugarcane, caused by the fungus Ustilago scitaminea Sydow, can cause considerable yield losses and reductions in cane quality. To investigate the reactions of the seedlings to smut, three different inoculation methods were employed. Data on number of smut whips per stool, disease incidents per population and number of …


Strong evidence for distinct races of the smut fungus, Ustilago scitaminea, among different sugarcane growing regions was observed, where the response of highly susceptible or highly resistant cultivars to the pathogen differed from location to location. An international project was conducted to identify races of the smut fungus, Ustilago scitaminea, among …

Toxic effect of Ustilago scitaminea on sugarcane callus.

Ustilago scitaminea Sydow is the agent of the sugarcane smut. The changes induced by the fungus in the host development suggest alterations of the growth factor content in the plant (Byther and Steiner 1974; Pêros 1984). The use of in vitro leaf tissue culture systems to investigate the mechanisms occurring in

The establishment of in vitro screening methods for …

PDF | On Apr 1, 2010, N. Devnarain and others published The establishment of in vitro screening methods for evaluating sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) susceptibility to Ustilago scitaminea H ...

Evidence for the dispersal of a unique lineage from Asia to …

The basidiomycete Ustilago scitaminea Sydow, which causes sugarcane smut disease, has been spreading throughout Africa and America since the 1940s. The genetic diversity and structure of different populations of this fungus worldwide was investigated using microsatellites. A total of 142 single-teliospore were isolated from 77 …


THE sugarcane smut fungus, Ustilago scitaminea, first appeared in Australia in the Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA) in July 1998. The most likely source of this infection was thought to be wind blown spores from Indonesia. Currently, the sugar industries of eastern Australia, Fiji and Papua New Guinea are still free of the disease. However, the

Reacción de cultivares de caña de azucar a la inoculación con Ustilago …

PDF | On Dec 12, 2007, Emma Ramirez Poletto published Reacción de cultivares de caña de azucar a la inoculación con Ustilago scitaminea mediante método combinado | Find, read and cite all the ...

Genetic variation in a worldwide collection of the sugarcane …

The DNA finger technique of amplified fragment length polymorphisms was used to assess genetic variation between isolates of the sugarcane smut fungus, and revealed a low level of variation at the genomic DNA level, but a divergent group of isolates from Southeast Asia was identified. THE sugarcane smut fungus, Ustilago scitaminea, first appeared in …

(PDF) Reacción de 100 variedades de Caña de Azúcar …

Reacción varietal de la caña de azúcar al Carbón (Ustilago scitaminea Sydow). Según los resultados obtenidos las plantas inoculadas presentaron estructuras fungosas en forma de látigo, localizado en las yemas terminales o laterales (Figura 4). Figura 4. Estructura de un látigo de Carbón de la Caña de Azúcar (Ustilago scitaminea Sydow).

Plants | Free Full-Text | Variety-Specific Flowering of …

Sugarcane smut is the most severe sugarcane disease in China. The typical symptom is the emerging of a long, black whip from the top of the plant cane. However, in 2018, for the first time we observed the floral structures of sugarcane infected by smut fungus in the planting fields of China. Such smut-associated inflorescence in sugarcane …

Efectividad de tratamientos químicos con fungicidas sistémicos …

Efectividad de tratamientos químicos con fungicidas sistémicos del grupo de los triazoles, sobre Ustilago scitaminea Sydow, agente causal del carbón de la caña. January 1987;

Full article: Evaluation of native Trichoderma isolates for the

1. Introduction. Sugarcane smut (Ustilago scitaminea Syd.) was identified as a priority threat to the sugar industry in Ethiopia, with a loss of 19% to 43% in cane and 29.5% to 42.8% in sugar yield (Firehun et al., Citation 2009).A recent survey made on sugarcane smut distribution and intensity across plantations of the Ethiopian Sugar …

(PDF) Screening of Sugarcane Varieties/Lines against

Smut disease of sugarcane, caused by the fungus Ustilago scitaminea Sydow, can cause considerable yield losses and reductions in cane quality. To investigate the reactions of the seedlings to smut ...

Smut disease assessment by PCR and microscopy in …

Introduction. Smut disease in sugarcane caused by the fungus Ustilago scitaminea (H and P Sydow) occurs in all sugarcane-producing countries except Papua New Guinea, and has produced epidemics in several parts of the world. The disease has been severe in nearly all countries at one time or another [1]and can be sufficiently …

Study on Cultural and Pathogenic Variability of Ustilago scitaminea

Sugarcane plants of the cultivar B72 191 have been cultivated in tubes and inoculated with a pure culture of smut fungus (Ustilago scitaminea Sydow) in an otherwise microorganism-free environment.

Teliospore formation by Ustilago scitaminea in sugarcane.

The establishment of in vitro screening methods for evaluating the susceptibility of sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) to the fungal disease, smut (causal agent : Ustilago scitaminea H. and P. Sydow) and the stalk borer, Eldana saccharina Walker (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae). N. Devnarain

Reaction of twenty sugarcane clones to smut disease …

(Ustilago scitaminea Sydow), using the methodology of cuttings immersion in a smut spores suspension. Materials and methods This essay was carried out in the fourth phase of selection for the

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