The current state of artisanal and small-scale mining in Zambia

ASM in Zambia is known for high levels of formalisation. The World Bank's (2016) Mining and Governance review rates the extent to which ASM operators are allowed to legally operate in Zambia as 'Very High' (4.0 out of 4.0). This is if formalisation is understood as legalisation or the granting of legal title.

Shanta Gold

Shanta Gold is an East Africa-focused gold producer, developer and explorer focused on its flagship asset, the New Luika Gold Mine, located in southwest Tanzania. ... Contact Details Tanzania registered office. Address . Shanta Mining Company Limited. 1st Floor, Horizon Building. Plot No. 157, Haile Selassie Road. Oysterbay. Dar es Salaam ...

Contact Us

Contact Us. Quartier Industriel 2, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo. info@copperbeltkatangamining. +243 976 644 548 ( DRC ), +260 760 689 669 ( Zambia)

First Quantum to fast-track Zambia copper project

The Fishtie copper project, being developed with Zambia's Mimosa Resources, is expected to start production in 2026. First Quantum to fast-track Zambia copper project - MINING

Zambia : Government suspends Kasenseli gold mining operations …

Government has today suspended mining and processing operations at Kasenseli gold mine in Mwinilunga district of North-western province. The mine was operating under mining license number 26457 ...

Times of Zambia | From Mailoni brothers to gold mining …

Illegal gold mining is taking place countrywide with rampant activities recorded in Vubwi, Petauke, Rufunsa and Luano. Recently, the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development undertook a scoping mission to Vubwi in Eastern Province, Rufansa in Lusaka and Luano in Central Province to assess the extent of illegal gold mining and the findings ...

Zambia starts processing artisanal gold

In March, ZCCM-IH started buying gold from artisanal and small-scale miners whose ranks have swelled worldwide as gold prices soar. ZCCM-IH is now buying gold for at least 600 kwacha ($33.33) per ...

Geological Maps – Ministry of Mines and Mineral …

Geological Map of Zambia. Index Map of Zambia, Click for details. Contact Information. The Permanent Secretary. Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development. New Government Complex Building, Nasser Road. 12th & 14th Floor. P.O Box 31969. Kamwala.

KoBold Metals Aims to Revolutionize Copper Mining in Zambia

KoBold Metals Aims to Revolutionize Copper Mining in Zambia. September 25, 2023 Constance. KoBold Metals, backed by a group of influential billionaires, including Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, has unveiled ambitious plans to establish a copper-cobalt mine in Zambia within the next decade. The California-based company, which allocated $150 …

Five Things You Didn't Know about Gold

A burgeoning gold mining sector could provide Zambia with the diversification away from copper that it so badly needs. But government's mineral tax hike in January 2019, which included a new 15% export duty for precious metals including gold, will make it less attractive to develop gold assets in Zambia.

IRH abandons pursuit of Vedanta's copper mines in Zambia

IRH had proposed to purchase a 51% share in Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) for more than $1bn (Dh3.67bn). This move was aimed at bolstering its copper interests in Zambia, the company having already secured a 51% stake in Mopani Copper Mines in March 2024. A source close to the matter indicated that IRH's offer valued a 51% interest …

Grizzly Mining: World-Leading Emerald Producer based in Zambia

Operations. Grizzly's flagship Pilala mine lies in the north of Zambia between Kitwe and Ndola and has produced some of the world's finest emeralds over 25 years of operations. For over 25 years, Grizzly Mining has produced exceptional quality, high-grade emeralds and beryl. Read more.

Gold – Zambia Chamber of Mines

Zambia Chamber of Mines calls on Z to help protect Mine Assets during load shedding. Land-linked Zambia. Barrick Strengthens Zambia Partnership, Invests in Major Expansion of Lumwana Mine. THE 2024 NATIONAL BUDGET IS BUILDING CONFIDENCE, SAYS CHAMBER OF MINES. CNMC TO INVEST US$1.3BN.

Barrick Gold Corporation

All amounts expressed in US$ Lusaka, Zambia – Barrick's transformation of its Lumwana mine into a world-class producer will provide strong impetus for the government's thrust to revive the country's copper industry, president and chief executive Mark Bristow said yesterday after a meeting with Zambian President Hakainde …

Zambia: Five Largest Mines in 2021

Sentinel Copper Mine in North-Western, was the largest mine in Zambia, producing approximately 59.5 million metric tons per annum (mmtpa) of Run-of-Mine (ROM) and primarily produced copper (248.7 thousand tonnes) in 2021. The Sentinel Copper Mine is owned by First Quantum Minerals Ltd, and is due to operate until 2035. The second …

Contact Us | Konkola Copper Mines Plc

Contact Us. Tell us what you think about our website, our products, our organisation or anything else that comes to your mind. ... Zambia +260-212-350604; [email protected]; Postal Address: ... Konkola Copper Mines plc Corporate Center – Lusaka Abacus Square, Thabo Mbeki Road Lusaka, Zambia +260 …

Zambia : What is going on at Kasenseli gold mine

On 19 July 2021, BoZ has purchased 86.84 Kgs of Kasenseli Gold since december 2020 at a cost of K103.8 million. (Appendix 2) More than 140 Kgs of gold were extracted from mining operations in ...


Zambia seeks to develop and expand its road infrastructure by building up to 10,000 km of high-quality single- and dual-carriage roads throughout the country. In addition to public private partnerships, Zambia also aims to expand its use of toll roads to help finance road construction and maintenance. Opportunities

Zambia Country mining guide

Zambia ranked 62nd on Policy/Mineral Potential among the 93 jurisdictions covered by the Fraser Institute's Survey of Mining Companies 2011/2012. Figure 1 provides the country's scores on key indices of the survey. Figure 1: Zambia's scores, Fraser Institute's Survey of Mining Companies, 2007–12. 2007–08 2008–09.

Gold Projects | South Africa | Sibanye-Stillwater

Sibanye-Stillwater has two advanced gold projects underway in South Africa – Burnstone, a developmental stage project, and the Southern Free State (SOFS) project, an exploration project. At 31 December 2023, these projects had a combined gold Mineral Reserve of 2.5Moz and combined gold resources of 15.7Moz. The Burnstone project is a …

Zambia: bringing order to an unregulated gold rush

REGIONAL FOCUS. Zambia: bringing order to an unregulated gold rush. Many developing nations have tried and failed to formalise artisanal mining, but could Zambia have better luck with a new strategy of buying gold directly from informal miners? Heidi Vellainvestigates. Zambia is Africa's second biggest producer of copper, which …

First Quantum Minerals Ltd.

1133 Melville Street Suite 3500, The Stack Vancouver, BC Canada, V6E 4E5. Tel: +1 416 361 6400 Toll Free: +1 877 961 6400 Fax: +1 416 368 4692

Mapping the minerals of the future

April 25, 2022. Zambia's new Government has big plans for the mining sector, with President Hichilema hoping to see the country add some 1.2 million tonnes to annual copper production within a matter of years. While current operations have potential to increase production by around 400,000 extra tonnes a year – subject to investments in …


Mfikeyi is an engineer and seasoned mining professional with over 15 years experience in industry. She worked on one of Zambia & Africa's largest copper mines, First Quantum's Kansanshi Copper-Gold mine in mining operations and the global internal audit division covering Australia, Finland, Mauritania and Panama's operations.

Zambia's Mining Industry Strikes Gold

Potential Profits from Gold Mining. With an approximation of 16,500 pounds of gold (around $400 million in value) within gold ore in Mumbwa, Zambia, continued investments in the Republic of Zambia are indicative of an economically auspicious future for the country. The gold mine is situated in Central Province, Zambia, and had been …

Gold reserves reach $83m – Zambian Business Times

Analyst say ZCCM-IH owned Zambia Gold Company indefinite closure remains a blocker to the further growth of gold mining in Zambia. The Ministry of mines continued to kick the can down the road and it's now about 1 year that the rich gold mine has been closed. ... Contact. Email: info@zambianbusinesstimes Phone: +260 977 754 890, +260 974 ...

Mines in Zambia Contact Details

P.O.Box 71785, Ndola. First Quantum is a global copper company. We produce copper in the form of concentrate, cathode and anode, and have inventories of nickel, gold and cobalt. We operate long life mines in several countr... Verified. Phone. Website. 1 Photos. List of Mines in Zambia Contact Details in Zambia.

Trading Permit – Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development

Trading Permit. Minerals Economics Unit in the Mines Development Department issues the following types of trading permits/ licences; A trading permit can be issued to an indigenous Zambian and can also be issued to a registered limited Company. The trading permit can be used for buying and selling of various minerals. Types of trading permits;


Geita Gold Mine Site. Tel: +255 28 216 0100. Fax: + 255 282 160 104. P.O. Box 532 Geita

Mingomba Mining Ltd

Mingomba Mining Limited (MML) is an integrated Copper mining company that will participate in the different stages of the Copper value chain and will include exploration, development, production, processing, and marketing of Copper. MML is currently undertaking an extensive exploration Programme on its license to develop it …

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