New Zealand Petroleum and Minerals

Permitting sprint yields resolution of 80% of historical applications. 3 July 2024. A 5 month sprint to resolve over 150 outstanding historical permit applications by the end of June has dropped the queue of applications received before 1 July 2023 by over 80%.


Mexico is a large exporter of mining products, with a trade surplus of USD 12.8 billion in 2022. Mexican exports of minerals and ores to the world totaled USD 17.6 billion in the same year, growing six percent since 2017. Imports have grown over 13 percent annually since 2017. Forty-seven percent of Mexico's imports of minerals and …

Metals & Mining ETF List, Performance & News | etf

Learn more about Metals & Mining ETFs including comprehensive lists, performance, dividends, holdings, expense ratios, technicals and daily news.

Interactive Maps

View the Minerals and Mining Interactive Map. Remote Communities Energy Database. The map of the Remote Communities Energy Database is a public resource that provides pertinent factual information about the generation and use of electricity and other energy sources for all remote communities in Canada.

Nevada Division of Minerals Open Data Site

Open Data Site. Mission: To encourage and assist in the responsible exploration for, and the production of, minerals, oil, gas, and geothermal energy which are economically beneficial to the state. This is the Nevada Division of Minerals' public platform for exploring and downloading our open data.

Minerals and mining

Minerals and mining. Services and data on Canada's minerals and mining sector. Safely transport, store and use explosives, fireworks and ammunition. Services and information. Services for the mining industry. Programs, supports and information to help your mining or exploration company or research organization.


Databases. an interface to a crystal structure database that includes every structure published in both the American Mineralogist and The Canadian Mineralogist, European Journal of Mineralogy and Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, as well as selected datasets from other journals. alphabetical and systematic mineral list according to Strunz ...

A Comprehensive dataset for Australian mine production …

Given that metals, minerals and energy resources extracted through mining are fundamental to human society, it follows that accurate data describing mine production are equally important. Although ...

UK mineral statistics | MineralsUK

Some 185.9 million tonnes of minerals were extracted from the UK landmass for sale in 2022. These can be broken down into the following main categories with percentages of total production in brackets: 126.4 million tonnes (68%) of crushed rock (for both construction and industrial uses) 40.3 million tonnes (21.7%) of sand and gravel. 6.6 ...

Mining Industry Statistics, Market Data & Facts

Global. Space Systems. Mining. Nov 2022. 1 - 50 of 2,405 Data & Insights. Find unique Mining industry statistics, market data & facts. From sector market size and value stats to output value data. Discover more here.

Mining industry email list. Gllobal Mining & Minerals Database

The mining and minerals industry is returning to growth and there is now much more potential available as a result; the global mining equipment sector alone is predicted to reach $128.39 billion by 2025. The Global Database mining and minerals industry database can supply you with all the data you need to run successful sales …

GIS in Mining | Application of GIS in Mineral Exploration

Location Intelligence is fundamental across the mining life cycle, from mineral exploration to mine remediation. With minerals and metals being depleted faster than we can replenish, understanding spatial context and integration with other geoscience technologies is critical in the strategic and environmentally sustainable development of new reserves.

Industrial Minerals

The information below includes brief descriptions of some of Utah's industrial mineral resources and helpful references or articles about those resources. If you would like to speak to a geologist about Utah's …

Sand and Gravel

Sand and Gravel. Sand deposits found on beaches or in rivers and streams, are mostly quartz (silicon dioxide, SiO 2) grains. Weathering of rocks such as granite forms these quartz grains. In the process of weathering, the softer, weaker minerals in granite (such as feldspar) are weathered away. The more resistant quartz eventually is ground ...

National Mine Map Repository | Office of Surface Mining …

The NMMR index system is a database of mining related information. It is a valuable resource for identifying mineral and energy reserves and for addressing mining related environmental issues. The information is made available to Federal and state geological surveys, state mining bureaus, mining companies, oil and gas companies ...

Mining | Definition, History, Examples, Types, Effects, & Facts

mining, process of extracting useful minerals from the surface of the Earth, including the seas.A mineral, with a few exceptions, is an inorganic substance occurring in nature that has a definite chemical composition and distinctive physical properties or molecular structure. (One organic substance, coal, is often discussed as a mineral as …

Oil, Gas, and Mining | A Division of Department of Natural …

1594 West North Temple, Suite 1210 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116. P.O. Box 145801 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5801

Mineral Resources

310 Columbia Ave, 228 Mining and Mineral Resources Building; University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0107; Phone: (859) 257-5500; Toll-Free Phone: (877) 778-7827; ... KGS conducts research on mineral deposits and bulk mineral commodities, and maintains databases of mineral and chemical information for the Commonwealth of …

Mineral Resources Program | U.S. Geological Survey

Mineral Resources Program. The USGS Mineral Resources Program (MRP) delivers unbiased science and information to increase understanding of ore formation, undiscovered mineral resource potential, production, consumption, and how minerals interact with the environment. MRP supports data collection and research on a …

Maps, data and online tools | Energy & Mining

Maps, data and online tools. South Australian Resources Information Gateway (SARIG) Mineral tenement administration online. Exploration Licence Application Status tracker. Tenement returns e-lodgement (TReL) Defined impact mining proposal (MP) eTool. South Australia Mining Register online. Mining and Exploration Regulation System (MERS) …

GIS and Database Management for Mining Exploration

The mining sector has several tools which permits mining exploration works to be done in the most efficient and time conscious way as possible. This chapter is focus on Geographic Information ...

Connecticut Bedrock Mining Sites Database

The Connecticut Bedrock Mining Sites Database (2022) is a comprehensive inventory of active and historic bedrock mines and quarries for the State of Connecticut. This work is integral to the mission of the Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey, and contributes to the National Assessment of Critical Minerals for the USGS …

U.S. Geological Survey mineral databases; MRDS and …

These two CD-ROM's contain the latest version of the Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS) database and the Minerals Availability System/Minerals Industry Location System (MAS/MILS) database for coverage of North America and the world outside North America. The records in the MRDS database each contain almost 200 data fields describing …

About Mining and Minerals | Bureau of Land Management

About Mining and Minerals The Mining Law, as amended, opened the public lands of the United States to mineral acquisition by the location and maintenance of mining claims. Mineral deposits subject to acquisition in this manner are generally referred to as "locatable minerals." Locatable minerals include both metallic minerals (gold, …

Introduction to Mines and Prospects Database

The Idaho Geological Survey's (IGS) Mines and Prospects Digital Database contains information on over 8,000 mining properties in Idaho. This inventory of mining activity and production is a valuable research tool, particularly for mineral exploration and land management. All available sources have been used to compile and correct this ...

South Australian Resources Information Gateway (SARIG)

SARIG, the South Australian Resource Information Gateway, is a mapping portal that delivers a diverse range of open geoscience data, information and products for the mining, petroleum and exploration community. The portal is also available to landowners, native title holders and community. The portal also provides potential investors a key ...

Minerals Commission Official Website

Ensure the mining sector is linked with the rest of the economy. The average price of gold in 2019 (US$ 1,393.34/oz) was higher than that of 2018 (US$ 1,268.49/oz). The improvement in gold price had positive impacts especially, for Ghana because gold is the country's flagship mineral which accounts for about 93% of total mineral exports.

World Mining Data 2023

Database Programming: Michael Schatz Layout of Statistical Tables: Alexandra Masopust Directorate VI/5 – Mineral Resources Policy ... World Mining Data 2023 9 1 Mineral Raw Materials The mineral materials included in this report are arranged in five groups: Iron and Ferro-Alloy Metals Non-Ferrous Metals


Gold is the predominant mineral produced in the country accounting for over 90% of all mineral revenues annually over the past two decades. Ghana is endowed with immense economic mineral resources such as gold, diamonds, manganese, bauxite, clays, kaolin, mica, columbite-tantalite, feldspar, chrome, silica sand, quartz, salt etc.

Metals & Mining | S&P Global Market Intelligence

P. +44 20 7176 9500. E. market.intelligence@spglobal. P. +852 2841 1077. E. market.intelligence@spglobal. Make well-informed mining investment decision with conviction. Evaluate opportunities with essential mining industry data, powerful analytics, unmatched research, and data-driven news.

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