Modeling and Simulation of Petroleum Coke Calcination …

Petroleum coke is one of the main raw materials used for carbon anode in the aluminum electrolytic industry. Calcination of petroleum coke is the first process of prebaked anode preparation.1,2 Green petroleum coke needs be calcined to remove moisture and volatiles, and to obtain an appropriate crystalline structure.3 The class of …

(PDF) Energy optimisation of vertical shaft kiln operation …

The calcination of dolomite stone, which is one of the main stages of the sintered. dolomite manufacturing, is chemical process which proceeds in a vertical shaft or rotary kiln. When heated, the ...


numerical model, i.e. HYSYS, to simulate the petroleum coke calcination based on industrial data, and found the relationship between the real density of CPC and the calcination tempera-ture. Morever, based on the First law of thermodynamics, Filkoski et al. [11] were devoted to the research of flue gas waste heat recovery from shaft kiln.

Simulation of the Coke Calcining Processes in Rotary Kilns

The objective of this study is to simulate the green petroleum coke calcining processes using the simulation program HYSYS and using actual industrial data. Because counter-current mass flow is not allowed in the HYSYS program, the kiln was described by using fictive streams and unit operations. By the simulation, it is possible to predict the …

A Real-Time Mathematical Model for the Two-Dimensional

Compared with studies on a rotary kiln, fewer studies have been conducted on numerical simulations of petroleum coke calcination in a vertical shaft calciner. Zhang et al. 9 – 11 studied the gas combustion in the flue and the temperature and pressure distribution in the pot via the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) numerical simulation …

A schematic of the calcination process

After removing the moisture by the drying kiln, dried green petroleum coke is then undergone the calcination process in the rotary kiln. Afterwards, it is then cooled to a temperature below 80 o C ...

The comparison between vertical shaft furnace and rotary kiln …

Calcined coke is the best material for making carbon anodes for smelting of alumina to aluminum. Petroleum coke is usually calcined in a gas-fired rotary kiln or rotary hearth at high temperatures ...

Modeling and simulation of petroleum coke …

The calcination of green petroleum coke in rotary kilns presents low operational costs due to the fact that the process is energy self-suf®cient (i.e. does not require fuel), and that it presents higher processing …

Profitable Calcining of Non-Calcinable Pet Coke

Principle. In a "Shaft calciner" green coke is filled on top into individual shafts and flows by gravity through these shafts in 24 to 36 hours, resulting in a heat up rate of ~1°C per minute (compared to 50°C in a rotary kiln). Thanks to this very slow heat-up rate, green coke with high VCM (12 – 16%) contents can be calcined.

3D-simulation of the thermal performance of a coke calcining kiln

Keywords Coke calciner, rotary kiln, mathematical model, heat transfer. Introduction Green petroleum coke must be calcined before being used for electrode manufacturing. Moisture and volatiles are removed from the coke during calcination in order to prevent cracking due to shrinkage in the subsequent baking of the electrodes.

Influence of Calcination Temperature and Sulfur Level on Coke …

Four hundred thousand tons of green coke is calcined at the calcining facilities in the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Smelter per year using four kilns ... It is likely that, under industrial calcination in a rotary kiln, there is not only an explosive release of volatiles, the result of which is an increase in the number of larger pores, but also an ...

Mathematical modeling of the rotary coke calcining kiln

A more elaborate description may be found in Perron et al. (1992a) and also in Bui et al. (1991). A typical kiln is 60 m in length. 2 to 3 m in diameter, and rotates at 2 to 4 rpm. A typical green coke contains 8 to 12 mass% moisture and …

Simulation of the Coke Calcining Processes in Rotary Kilns

Published Online: . The objective of this study is to simulate the green petroleum coke calcining processes using the simulation program HYSYS and using actual industrial data. Because counter-current mass flow is not allowed in the HYSYS program, the kiln was described by using fictive streams and unit operations.

Structure and calcination characteristics of green coke in …

Calcination of green coke in industry is usually carried out in rotary kilns, with maximum calcination temperatures in the range of 1400–1450 ℃. ... due to the low condensation degree of aromatic ring molecules and more branched chains in the green coke, the calcination temperature of GC-U must be further increased to 1100 ℃ to …

Lining of the Rotary Kilns for Petroleum Coke Calcination

Abstract. The paper provides a brief description of the technological process and design of the rotary kilns for petroleum coke KEP-1 and KEP-2 calcination, as well as specifies the lining ...

Mathematical modeling of the rotary coke calcining kiln

A three-dimensional steady-state mathematical model of a rotary calcining kiln for the petroleum coke is presented. The model takes into account all the physical phenomena of interest, from gas flow, heat transfer, volatile matter and coke dust evolution and combustion, to the granular bed motion and the thermal effects of the refractories.

CFD Modelling of Air Injection Nozzles in Coke Calcination Kilns

The injected oxygen (O 2) reacts with the volatiles and entrained coke fines liberated from the coke travelling downhill.As the injected O 2 is not sufficient to burn all volatiles, the O 2 concentration in the kiln gases travelling upstream reaches very low values towards the upstream end (gas outlet) of the kiln [].Typically, carbonaceous …

Method of calcining coke in a rotary kiln

Definitions. This invention relates to the calcination of carbonaceous materials, particularly petroleum coke such as intended to provide carbon for making electrodes or the like. Calcining operations of this sort are commonly performed in a rotary kiln into which the green petroleum coke in suitable particulate form is fed at one end, for delivery of …

Rotary kiln process: An overview of physical mechanisms, …

The rotary kiln is used in many solid processes, including drying, incineration, heating, cooling, humidification, calcination and reduction. This widespread application can be attributed to factors such as the ability to handle varied loads, with large variations in particle size [1].The rotary kiln is a slightly inclined steel cylinder that rests …


by the drying kiln, dried green petroleum coke is then undergone the calcination process in the rotary kiln. Afterwards, it is then cooled to a temperature below 80 o C by the cooler.

Production and Application of Calcined Coke In Rotary …

Keywords—Calcination, coke, rotary Kiln, petroleum . I. INTRODUCTION ... experience with multiple rotary kiln and shaft calciners. When green coke quality changes significantly, it is easier and ...

Rotary Kilns | ScienceDirect

Select 11 - Rotary Kiln Petroleum Coke Calcination Process: Some Design Considerations. Book chapter Full text access. 11 - Rotary Kiln Petroleum Coke Calcination Process: Some Design Considerations. ... In its raw form, it is also called "green coke" or green petroleum coke. Calcined petroleum coke is an important …

A Real-Time Mathematical Model for the Two-Dimensional

A one-dimensional mathematical model was developed for the simulation of petroleum coke calcination in rotary kilns. The model is comprised of 14 ordinary differential equations derived from mass ...

Petroleum Coke Types, Uses and Specifications

There are two main types of petroleum coke: green coke and calcined coke. 1. Green Coke. Green coke is the raw material used to produce calcined coke. It is the solid carbon byproduct of the oil refining process. Green coke has a high moisture and volatile matter content. 2. Calcined Coke. Calcined coke is the product from the …

Development and Testing of the Advanced CHP System …

During the calcination process, the GPC is heated to remove the volatiles and sulfur to produce purified calcined coke, which is used in the production of graphite, electrodes, metal carburizers, and other carbon products. Currently, more than 80% of calcined coke is produced in rotary kilns or rotary hearth furnaces.


Rotary kilns have been used successfully for many years to produce calcined coke for the aluminium industry and they offer a high level of automation, performance and flexibility. Shaft calciners make a high bulk density, coarse particle size product and several papers have been published recently highlighting these benefits. This paper presents a …

AISC 256

Calcination is accomplished by the gradual heating of the green coke (GC) from ambient temperature to temperatures around 1390°C in a rotary kiln. The kiln is operated as a counter-flow heat exchanger and described elsewhere [4]. There are certain properties in green coke that a calciner must take into consideration such as: moisture, sulfur ...

Modeling and Simulation of Petroleum Coke Calcination …

A one-dimensional mathematical model was developed for the simulation of petroleum coke calcination in rotary kilns. The model is comprised of 14 ordinary differential equations derived from mass ...

Mathematical modeling of the rotary coke calcining kiln

A three-dimensional steady-state mathematical model of a rotary calcining kiln for the petroleum coke is presented. The model takes into account all the physical phenomena of interest, from gas flow, heat transfer, volatile matter and coke dust evolution and combustion, to the granular bed motion and the thermal effects of the refractories. The …

Rotary Kiln Design Characteristics | Download Table

Download Table | Rotary Kiln Design Characteristics from publication: Influence of Calcination Temperature and Sulfur Level on Coke Properties | The majority of RUSAL's Russian smelters have to ...

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