Nangodi, Bongo-Nabdam, Upper East, Ghana: Maps

Upper East / Bongo-Nabdam / Area around 10° 38' 32" N, 0° 46' 30" W / Nangodi / ... From simple political to detailed satellite map of Nangodi, Bongo-Nabdam, Upper East, Ghana. Get free map for your website. Discover the beauty hidden in the maps. Maphill is more than just a map gallery. Graphic maps of the area around 10° 38' 32" N, 0° 46 ...

Namdini Gold Project, Northern Ghana, West …

The mine is estimated to produce approximately four million ounces (Moz) of gold through its life of 14 years. Namdini gold project location, geology, and mineralization. The Namdini mining license is …

(PDF) Effect of Small Scale Mining on …

Open pit is the dominant operational method used by miners in the community. ... in the Talensi-Nabdam District of the Upper East Region, Ghana. A total of 20 plots (10×10 m) were studied in the ...

Small-Scale and Industrial Gold Mining Histories in Nangodi, …

This paper examines gold mining history in Nangodi, which has linked residents of this small, rural community in northeastern Ghana with successive political …

NAMDINI: Ghana – Cardinal Resources

The Namdini Mining Licence is located approximately 50km south-east of the regional town of Bolgatanga, the capital of the Bolgatanga Municipal District and Upper East Region of north Ghana. It is approximately 60km south of the Burkina Faso-Ghana border and 12 km from Cardinal's Ndongo East Prospect.

Assessment of the mineralogy of granitoids and associated …

Location and climatic conditions. The Vea catchment is a sub-catchment of the White Volta Basin in Ghana and is located between latitudes 10°44′30″ N and 11°01′00″ N, and longitudes 0°42′00″ W and 0°58′30″ W (Fig. 1).The catchment cuts across Bongo and Bolgatanga districts in the Upper East Region (UER) of Ghana with an …


REGULARISING SMALL SCALE MINING IN GBANE AND SHERIGU IN THE UPPER EAST REGION OF GHANA: THE MINER‟S PERSPECTIVE Ayamba, Henry Awinibod A Thesis submitted to the Department of Silviculture and Forest Management, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi in partial fulfillment of the …

(PDF) Effect of Small Scale Mining on Agricultural Land

Open pit is the dominant operational method used by miners in the community. ... in the Talensi-Nabdam District of the Upper East Region, Ghana. A total of 20 plots (10×10 m) were studied in the ...

Namdini Gold Deposit, Upper East Region, Ghana

Mining Licence granted by the Government of Ghana for an initial 15-year period and is renewable. Regionally, the Namdini Project occurs in the Paleo-Proterozoic Bole-Nangodi Greenstone Belt, a granite–greenstone terrane which hosts significant gold mineralisation in Ghana and Burkina Faso.

(PDF) The Impact of Child Labour in Galamsey on the Education …

Manaf (1999) suggested that, despite its significance to economic development, Galamsey activity posed serious environmental challenges, the most widespread being land degradation. 3 Though land degradation is a matter of concern for Ghana in general, it is particularly serious in the Upper East Region, and for that matter Nangodi, due to ...

Assessment of Non-cancerous Health Risk from Exposure to …

This study assessed non-cancerous health risk from exposure to mercury, arsenic and cadmium via oral ingestion of contaminated water bodies by resident children and adults in Nangodi, Upper East region, Ghana in accordance with US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The mean concentration of arsenic, mercury and cadmium …

Ghana – Cassius Mining

Bolgatanga Project The Gbane Project lies within the Talensi District of the Upper East region in northeastern Ghana. Cassius' Large Scale Prospecting Licence covers a 13.791 km2 area. The Project is at an advanced exploration stage. The Bolgatanga region is characterised by a series of highly prospective granite-greenstone belts (Bole /

Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediments and

Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals in Water, Sediments and Tissues of Some Selected Fishes from the Red Volta, Nangodi in the Upper East Region of Ghana January 2014 DOI: 10.9734/BJAST/2014/5389

Namdini Gold Deposit, Upper East Region, Ghana

Cardinal Resources' Namdini Gold Deposit is the first major gold discovery in Ghana since 2009 with an open pit ore reserve of 5.1 Moz, a strike length of 1.33 km and a width of …

Small-Scale and Industrial Gold Mining Histories in …

Nangodi, Upper East Region, Ghana ELISHA P. RENNE University of Michigan ABSTRACT This paper examines gold mining history in Nangodi, ... 10 concessions currently under option agreement with Red Back Mining Ghana Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kinross Gold Corporation.—Abzu Gold Ltd.3

Project MUSE

Contact Support. Journal of West African History

The Effects of Artisanal and Small-scale Mining on the …

The Effects of Artisanal and Small-scale Mining on the Development of Rural Communities : The case of Nangodi in the Upper East Region of Ghana Aganah, Gamel Master thesis

An integrated structural and geophysical approach to …

Found within the Nangodi belt, Upper East region of Ghana, the study area is underlain by Paleoproterozoic Birimian rocks (Fig. 1).These Paleoproterozoic formations are found in the Baoulé Mossi domain (Abouchami et al., 1990) of the WAC.In Ghana, there are five (5) NE-SW trending belts and one (1) N–S trending belt of the Birimian …

Nabdam District

The District has its Administrative capital as Nangodi. The Nabdam District is located in the Upper East Region of Ghana and lies between latitudes 100 47° and 10057° North and Longitudes 0031° and 1015° west. It has a total land area of 251km2. It is bordered to the north by the Bongo District, south by the Talensi District, to the east by ...

Identifying Gold Mineralization Potential using …

In the course of identifying the mineralization potential for gold of an area in Nangodi located in the Upper East region of Ghana, soil geochemical data was analyzed for elemental concentrations.

Integrated Assessment of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Ghana …

A recent study on gold mining in Nangodi, Upper East Region, documents the intersecting gold-mining histories which have linked residents of this small rural community with successive political regimes, changing mining laws, and the vagaries of the global economy reflected in fluctuating gold prices.

(PDF) Effect of Illegal Small-Scale Mining Operations on …

Nearly every region in Ghana has had a taste of surface mining stretching from Nangodi, Yale, and Gbani in the Upper East Region of the Northern part of Ghana to Tarkwa in the Southwestern part of ...

Upper East Region

The Upper East region is located in the North Eastern part of Ghana covering a total area of 8,842km2. The capital is Bolgatanga, sometimes referred to as 'Bolga'. Other major towns in the region include Navrongo, Paga, Bawku and Zebilla each headed by a Municipal/District Chief Executive. It lies between longitude 0° and 1° West, and ...

The Upper East Region, the hub of investment opportunities …

Also, the Region is located in the north-eastern corner of the country and is bordered to the north by Burkina Faso; the east by the Republic of Togo, the west by Sissala District in Upper West ...

(PDF) Effect of illegal small-scale mining operations on …

The study tested the hypothesis that density and diversity of key native tree and shrub species differ in the mined and unmined areas of Nangodi in the Talensi-Nabdam District of the Upper East Region, Ghana. A total of 20 plots (10×10 m) were studied in the mined and unmined areas. A total of 8 tree species and 9 shrub species were recorded.


Kologo and its surrounding communities are located in the north-eastern Ghana which forms part of the Bole-Nangodi belt. The Bole- Nangodi belt is among the six Paleoproterozoic greenstone belts in the Birimian province of the West African Craton. ... Kologo falls within Kasena Nankana district in the upper east region of Ghana which is …

About The Region – UERCC

The Upper East Region is located in northern Ghana and is one of the 16 administrative regions in Ghana, occupying a total land surface of 8,842 square kilometers or 2.7 per cent of the total land area of Ghana. The Upper East regional capital is Bolgatanga, sometimes referred to as Bolga.Other major towns in the region include Navrongo, …

Petrographic Study and Rock Quality Assessment …

00o 51'W, along the north-eastern part of the Upper East Region, Ghana. It has Zebilla as its administrative capital and covers a total landmass of about 1275km . The study area lies about a kilometer from the district capital. It is bordered to the north with Burkina Faso, and the south,west,and east with the Talensi, Bawku

Assessment of Non-cancerous Health Risk from Exposure to …

Cobbina et al. [56], for example, found elevated levels of cadmium and arsenic in a borehole at Kalin near Nangodi in the Nabdam District of the Upper East region, where mining is present.

Small-Scale and Industrial Gold Mining Histories in …

Establishment of Small-Scale Industrial Gold Mining in Nangodi This mine was in built during the colonial period. It operated during the reign of Naba Azure II (also known as Langyel), who was then the Divisional Chief of Nangodi. He reigned from 1903-1942.—Ibrahim Amoore17 Gold mining began in Nangodi in 1935 with the …

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