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An introduction to seismic reflection data: acquisition

The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) (Thigpen et al., 1975) defines the two types of polarity convention used for displaying seismic data using minimum-phase or zero-phase wavelets as either 'positive standard polarity' (American polarity) or 'negative standard polarity' (European Polarity) (Fig. 22.3).

A Handbook for Seismic Data Acquisition in Exploration

Thus, the seismic exploration industry was born, and the seismologists working in that industry came to be called exploration geo-physicists. Today seismic exploration encompasses more than just the search for resources. Seismic technology is used in the search for waste-disposal sites, in determining the stability of the ground …

Exploration & Geotechnical Drilling Equipment

Large Diameter Drilling Top Drives and Accessories. The MPP 100K and 50K RC/RAB Top Drives are high torque rotation units that can configure for both reverse circulation and rotary air blast drilling. The top drives …

1. Seismic Exploration | A Handbook for Seismic Data …

The underlying concept of seismic exploration is simple. Man-made seismic waves are just sound waves (also called acoustic waves) with frequencies typically ranging from about 5 Hz to just over 100 Hz. (The lowest sound frequency audible to the human ear is about 30 Hz.) As these sound waves leave the seismic source and travel downward into the ...

Seismic methods in mineral exploration and mine planning

Seismic methods provide high-resolution images of geologic structures hosting mineral deposits and, in a few cases, can be used for direct targeting of mineral deposits. Applications are not limited to only surface seismic surveys, but also include borehole seismic methods such as VSP and crosshole imaging. To date, tens of 2D and 3D …

What is a Seismic Geophone?

What is a Seismic Geophone? Seismic geophone is a device used in surface seismic acquisition, both onshore and on the seabed offshore, which detects ground velocity produced by seismic waves and transforms the movement into electrical impulses. Geophones detect motion in only one direction.

MASW seismic methods, applications, equipment, and …

MASW seismic near surface geophysical applications, surveys, equipment, and software. MASW or the multi-channel analysis of surface waves the method was a tremendous breakthrough in the field of geophysics. Historically, surface waves presented an immense obstacle for near-surface CDP seismic reflection surveys and necessitated an exorbitant ...

Evaluation of the 2D reflection seismic method toward the exploration …

Malehmir, N. Hellqvist, T. Voipio, and C. Wijns, 2015, Building a 3D model of lithological contacts and near-mine structures in the Kevitsa mining and exploration site, Northern Finland: Constraints from 2D and 3D reflection seismic data: Geophysical Prospecting, 63, 754–773, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12252.

Seismic exploration equipment

You can connect Exploration Seismograph equipment together to build systems of over 1,000 channels. They are shock-proof, dust-proof, submersible and able to withstand extreme temperatures. - Configurations: 8, 12, 16, or 24 channels. - Record Length: 16,384 samples standard, 65,536 samples optional. - A/D Conversion: 24-bit.

Seismic methods in mineral exploration and mine planning

Seismic methods provide high-resolution images of geologic structures hosting mineral deposits and, in a few cases, can be used for direct targeting of mineral deposits. …

Developing cost-effective seismic mineral exploration …

Within an on-going project involving petrophysical, geological and geophysical studies, we have examined the potential of a newly developed, for urban environment, …

Seismic Hardware | Sensors, Data & Communication | IMS

Seismic data is transmitted to a central server for storage and processing, or to a local disk in the case of a standalone system. Data communication can be tailored to suit specific applications. The Institute of Mine Seismology offers seismic monitoring hardware including sensors, data acquisition devices & seismic data communication solutions.

equipment for sismic exploration mining

equipment for sismic exploration mining. Exploration seismics | DMT GROUP. The non-destructive method of reflection seismic is used in mining and the natural resources industry to image subsurface structures in two or three dimensions and to build geological deposit models.. With its many years of experience, DMT is the expert in the non ...

High-density seismic exploration for mining

High-density seismic exploration for mining. Explor approached STRYDE to trial our STRYDE Nimble system™ in conjunction with their innovative Pinpoint® seismic source for a mining client.

Seismic Survey

Seismic surveys are conducted by deploying an array of energy sources and an array of sensors or receivers in an area of interest. Figure 3.9 shows a seismic survey on land. The source of seismic waves is either an explosive which directly generates the seismic wavelet or a mechanical source which is commonly a vibrator, which uses a steel base plate in …

Cost-Effective Seismic Exploration: 2D Reflection Imaging at …

We show that by using an advanced pre-stack depth imaging algorithm it is possible to retrieve meaningful and robust seismic images with sparse shot points, using only 3–4 source points per kilometer along a seismic profile. Our results encourage the use of 2D seismic reflection profiling as a reconnaissance tool for mineral exploration in …

Minago Nickel Project in the province of Manitoba …

Minago Nickel project is a planned mining project located on the Thompson Nickel Belt in the province of Manitoba in Canada. The project was acquired by Silver Elephant Mining from Victory Nickel in …

Environmentally friendly seismic technologies will …

by Wits University. Wits geophysicists have invented cost-effective and environmentally friendly seismic technologies that will contribute to sustainable mining exploration. The innovation, a ...

Breakthrough technologies for mineral exploration | Mineral …

Breakthrough technologies for mineral exploration are discussed from two perspectives. The first perspective is intended to discuss the important factors required for exploration technologies, derived deductively from a review of the role and expectations of exploration in the mining industry and the current situation of the mining industry. The …

What Methods Are Used For Marine Seismic Operations At Sea?

Transition zone exploration (on shallow waters) For marine seismic operation, various methods of acquisition are used. But the popular ones are: a) 2D (single streamer cable) b) 3D ( Two streamer cables or more) These are the two most popular methods used to acquire seismic data, which helps to locate the exact position of wells …

Global Top 6 Geophysical Equipment and Services …

Check out the global top 6 geophysical equipment and services companies, including seismic survey, seismic engineering, and seismic exploration companies. Call +1(917) 993 7467 or connect with one of our experts to get full access to the most comprehensive and verified construction projects happening in your area.

Seismic Hardware | Sensors, Data

The Institute of Mine Seismology offers seismic monitoring hardware including sensors, data acquisition devices & seismic data communication solutions.

3D Seismic Technology: Are We Realising Its Full Potential?

Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) se smic data h ve hada substantial impact on the successful exploration and production of hydrocarbons. Although most commonly acquired bythe oil and gas exploration industry, these data are starting tobe used as a research tool in other Earth sciences disciplines.


The Engineering and Environmental Geophysics Group at ETH Zürich owns ten 24-channel Geometric's Geode Seismographs.We have used them for a wide variety of projects that have included ultra-high resolution seismic reflection studies, relatively conventional seismic reflection surveying, surface and crosshole tomographic investigations and long-term …

Exploration seismics | DMT GROUP

Whether as a sub-discipline of feasibility studies in mining, for the exploration of intermediate or final storage sites, or in geothermal projects for power or heat generation: As a full-service provider, DMT is ideally …

Drilling Rigs | Mining Equipment | Excavation Equipment

Canyon Equipment Supplies Products For Mining, Tunnelling And Excavation Including Drilling Rigs And Drilling Equipment. View Our Product Line. Toll Free: 1-866-999-1123

Seismic methods for deep mineral exploration: Mature technologies

Promising results of the use of seismic methods for mineral exploration and mining planning are documented from different geographic environments (Eaton, Milkereit and Salisbury 2003; Wood et al ...

A Petroleum Geologist's Guide to Seismic Reflection

The acquisition of seismic data (Land and Sea) is then the next logical procedure in the exploration sequence. This chapter reviews the techniques, procedures, and equipment from which field seismic surveys are formulated and here possible illustrative materials are presented.

3D Seismic Exploration for Mineral Deposits in …

Tests of 2D and 3D seismic surveying have met with varying success: the Sudbury basin in Ontario, the Matagami and Val d'Or mining camps in Quebec and Halfmile Lake in New Brunswick (figure 1). The goal has …

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