Pennsylvania Statutes Title 16 P.S. Counties § 2339.3 |

Pennsylvania Statutes Title 16 P.S. Counties § 2339.3. Management of houses for detention of juveniles and appointment of board and ex officio members. The management of houses for the detention and reception of juveniles awaiting trial, hearing or judicial investigation under the laws of this Commonwealth shall be in a board of …

S-2399 3.2 FS Fungicide

As stated by regulations specified in 40 CFR 153.155, all seed treated with S-2399 3.2 FS Fungicide must be colored with an EPA-approved dye or colorant to visually distinguish seed that is treated with a pesticide. It is mandatory that such dye or colorant be added into the slurry mixture containing S-2399 3.2 FS Fungicide prior to application.

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