12 Steps to Get Gold from Computer Parts Without Chemicals

Step 4: Connect the apparatus to an air pump. Take another glass beaker and insert a tube connected to an air pump. This setup will help to circulate oxygen and remove unwanted gas from the stripping solution. You need enough oxygen to ensure that the solution strips as much gold from the electronic parts as possible.

Metal whispering: Finding a better way to recover precious …

Metal whispering: Finding a better way to recover precious metals from electronic waste. Inspired by nature's work to build spiky structures in caves, engineers at Iowa State University have ...

Extracting Gold from E-Waste

This extraction process involves the chemical reaction between the pulverized e-waste and sodium cyanide, which produces a soluble gold cyanide solution that allows for easier extraction of the precious metal 3. While useful, gold cyanidation remains a controversial technique that is prohibited in several countries around the world.


It is shown that the models obtained using the probabilistic-deterministic approach of Malyshev V.P. allow forecasting the gold extraction from the electronic waste with sufficient accuracy.

Scientists extract gold from electronic waste using a …

Scientists extract gold from electronic waste using a cheese byproduct. M any electronic devices, such as smartphones, computers, and televisions, contain small amounts of gold in components like ...

Extracting high-purity gold from electrical and electronic waste

Extracting high-purity gold from electrical and electronic waste. Korea relies on imports for most of its metal resources, and in recent years, due to resource depletion and rising raw material prices, 'circular resources' that recycle waste metal resources have emerged. In response, SK hynix has established a mid- to long-term plan …

Cheesemaking material used to recover gold from e-waste

Although electronic waste is the most promising starting product from which they want to extract gold, there are other possible sources. These include industrial waste from microchip manufacturing ...

Using cheese waste to recover gold from electronic waste

Scientists use cheese-making waste to recover gold from electronic waste. From 20 old computer motherboards, the researchers retrieved a 22- carat gold nugget weighing 450 milligrams. Let the best of Anthropocene come to you. In a double whammy for sustainability, researchers have extracted high purity gold from electronic waste …

Scientists develop greener method for extracting gold from …

The method uses a reduction-oxidation reaction to selectively extract gold and platinum group metal ions from a liquid containing dissolved electronic waste. In the lab, the team dissolved ...

Challenges and opportunities in the recovery of gold …

e cient manner. The use of an acidic ferric chloride solution, ffi. along with simultaneous electrowinning, results in a higher weight percentage of gold in the remaining solid residue.96 In this instance copper recovery was high (99%), and electro-chemical recovery of gold was more e cient as the residues. ffi.

Sustainable aerogels transform food and electronic waste into pure gold

Transforming both electronic and food waste simultaneously into new sustainable value has so far exceeded the capabilities of recycling technologies. Now, researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a promising sustainable solution to extract gold from e-waste by using amyloid aerogels derived from food waste.

Current trends in gold recovery from electronic wastes

E-waste contains significant concentration of gold which is 10 times more than its concentration in gold ores. It approximately contains 10–10,000 g of gold/ton, whereas the gold ore contains barely 0.5–13.5 g of gold/ton. In this chapter, insights on the importance of precious metal recovery (PMR) from e-waste are emphasized.

How to Extract Gold From E-Waste Using Old Milk

To test the protein sponge with real e-waste, the team dissolved computer motherboards in aqua regia, a mix of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid. Gold ions from the mixture settled on the surface of the aerogel and were reduced, forming metallic gold. Each gram of aerogel snatched 190 mg of gold. Burning the aerogel freed the gold, turning it ...

Environmentally Benign, Rapid, and Selective Extraction of Gold …

The extraction of gold from ores and electronic waste is an important topic worldwide, as this precious metal has immense value in a variety of fields. However, serious environmental pollution and high energy consumption due to the use of toxic oxidation reagents and harsh reaction conditions is a well-known problem in the gold industry.

Researchers Turn Electronic Garbage Into Gold

From Garbage to Gold. Extracting gold from e-waste is desirable for the obvious reason: Gold is valuable. Prices vary but as of press time, 22-karat gold is valued at roughly US $60 per gram ...

Electrochemistry helps clean up electronic waste recycling, …

The method uses a reduction-oxidation reaction to selectively extract gold and platinum group metal ions from a liquid containing dissolved electronic waste. In the lab, the team dissolved catalytic converters, electronic waste such as old circuit boards, and simulated mining ores containing gold and platinum group metals using an organic ...

Scientists use dairy waste to extract 22-carat gold from

In tests, the scientists extracted 450mg of 22-carat gold – about 91 percent gold and 9 percent copper – from 20 used motherboards. Although less environmentally harmful than e-waste, diaries ...

Recovery of precious metals from electronic waste and spent catalysts

Among these products, electronic waste (e-waste) and spent catalysts are more concentrated since they account for over 90% of precious metals in industry. ... However, the highest gold extraction rate was about 70% in thiourea acid leaching process. Behnamfard et al. (2013) developed a multi-step hydrometallurgical processes …

New Technique to Extract Gold From Old Electronics Could …

A team of researchers at ETH Zurich in Switzerland has made a discovery that they say could turn recycling e-waste into a literal goldmine. The researchers devised a novel way to extract precious ...

Eco-friendly breakthrough extracts gold out of e-waste

In an era where electronic waste grows as rapidly as our reliance on technology, a timely discovery emerges from the laboratories of ETH Zurich in Switzerland. Researchers have found a way to ...

Extracting Gold from Electronics Waste (Ultimate Guide)

Gold is a finite and valuable metal and extracting it from e-waste helps conserve natural resources and reduces the environmental impact of gold mining. Additionally, recycling gold from e-waste prevents electronic devices from ending up in landfills or being incinerated, thereby reducing pollution, and minimizing the release of hazardous ...

Scientists use food industry byproduct to recover gold from electronic

Although electronic waste is the most promising starting product from which they want to extract gold, there are other possible sources. These include industrial waste from microchip manufacturing ...

(PDF) Extraction of Precious Metal "GOLD" from Electronic Waste …

Keywords: Electronic waste, metal extraction/recovery, Pyro & Hydro-metallurgical process, Bio-leaching, Precious metals. * Corresponding Editor – Contact: +92-323-. 4034492 E-mail Address ...

Scientists find way to make gold from electronic waste

Scientists have developed a highly effective method to recover gold from electronic waste, an advance they say could yield $50 worth of gold for every dollar spent. ... To extract gold, scientists ...

How To Extract Gold From Electronics

Identify the parts of the device that contain gold, such as connector pins, circuit board fingers, and microchips. Carefully disassemble the device, removing the gold-bearing components. Choose an extraction method, such as acid leaching or the aqua regia method, and prepare the necessary chemicals and equipment.

Britain's Royal Mint to recover gold from electronic waste

At current prices, one ounce of gold is worth around $1,750. "The potential of this technology is huge, reducing the impact of electronic waste, preserving precious commodities, and forging new ...

Smartphones: The Royal Mint to extract gold from old phones

Smartphones: The Royal Mint to extract gold from old phones. Fewer than one fifth of the world's electronic waste is recycled, estimates show. Gold and precious metals are to be extracted from old ...

Turning waste into gold | ETH Zurich

Protein fibril sponges made by ETH Zurich researchers are hugely effective at recovering gold from electronic waste. From 20 old computer motherboards, the researchers retrieved a 22-carat gold nugget weighing 450 milligrams. Because the method utilises various waste and industry byproducts, it is not only sustainable but cost effective …

Environmental footprint analysis of gold recycling from electronic

While e-waste poses significant environmental and health risks, it also harbors valuable metals like gold, ripe for recycling. However, extracting gold from e-waste carries its own ecological footprint. Therefore, employing tools like Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate environmental impacts and identify mitigation measures is …

(PDF) Simple method for extracting gold from …

Keywords: E-waste, Gold extraction, Hydro metallurgical method. Citation: Dehchenari MA, Hosseinpoor S, ... 2S2O8) assisted with oxygen and pressure to recover gold from electronic waste (e-waste

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