Dynamic design theory and application of large vibrating screen

Abstract. The reliability is a key factor for the design and manufacture of large vibrating screen. In the paper, we presented a new large vibrating screen with hyperstatic net-beam structure. Dynamic characteristic of the vibrating screen was researched and dynamic simulation method of large screening machines was explored.

Buildings | Free Full-Text | Dynamic Response and Optimal Design …

The dynamic response of a radio telpe structure under wind load excitation significantly impacts the accuracy of signal reception. To address this issue, this study established a parametric finite element model of a radio telpe to simulate its dynamic response under wind load excitation. An improved Latin hypercube sampling …

19. Vibrations and waves – Conceptual Physics

A wave is a traveling vibration that transfers energy from one place to another. There are many different types of waves: light waves, sound waves, water waves, gravitational waves, seismic waves, and more. The term periodic oscillation refers to the types of motion that waves make. This is a repeating pattern that causes many wave properties.

Analysis of the Screening Accuracy of a Linear Vibrating …

of the vibrating screen is simplified as follows: the amplitude is 1.5 mm, the swing angle is 0.5°, and the vibration direction angle is 45°. To simulate the screening situation as well as possible, four kinds of particles were structurally improved, and their corresponding aspheric particle models were designed. The method of equivalent

Design of quasi-zero stiffness compliant shock isolator …

The beam element is widely used in the design of compliant mechanisms and is often used in mechanisms with large rotation angle and large stroke [24, 25]. Especially the Euler buckled beam is widely used in shock isolator, used as a negative stiffness mechanism [ 23, [26], [27], [28] ], and can absorb vibration energy harvesting [ [29], …

Chapter 5 Vibrations

5.1.1 Examples of practical vibration problems . Vibration is a continuous cyclic motion of a structure or a component. Generally, engineers try to avoid vibrations, because vibrations have a number of unpleasant effects: • Cyclic motion implies cyclic forces. Cyclic forces are very damaging to materials.


Introduction. A particular engineering design problem is to determine the equivalent static load for equipment subjected to base excitation random vibration. The goal is to determine peak response values. The resulting peak values may be used in a quasi-static analysis, or perhaps in a fatigue calculation.

Optimum design of the stator parameters for noise and vibration …

The excitation in one direction results in the vibration in the three directions. Therefore, directly solving the vibration equations is very complex and due to the applied approximations and simplifications, the accuracy of the analytical solutions is low. Consequently, these solutions are insufficient for this study in which the effects of ...

(PDF) Modelling and experimental investigation of the …

The angle of vibration of the working members and the ratio between the amplitudes of horizontal and vertical oscillations can be changed according to the technological requirements by changing ...

Dynamic analysis of vibratory feeder and their effect on …

slope of the conveying surface in the trough or installation angle (°) β. vibration angle between conveying surface and induced vibration direction (°) ... in which amplitudes of vibration, excitation force, ... its significance in design of vibrating equipment. IE (I) J. MC, 75 (1994), pp. 114-119. Google Scholar [2]

Characterization of vibration in continuous generating …

The superposition of a vibration in one axis was chosen to keep the interpretation of the manufactured wheel topography as simple as possible. A targeted vibration in the grinding process was achieved by excitation with an electrodynamic shaker. Relevant mode shapes and eigenfrequencies were determined by an …

Dynamic Modeling of a Vibrating Screen

The excitation force is circular, and the vibrating screen structure is supported by symmetrical damping springs with equal stiffness. Liu et al. [ 29 ] developed a linear model with three degrees of freedom in 3D that has an excitation force in the vertical direction and different damping spring stiffnesses in each support position.


Keywords: Exciters, unbalanced mass, steady state vibration, amplitude, frequency ratio, tests. -----***-----1. INTRODUCTION A vibration exciter is a machine which produces mechanical vibratory motion to test object. The exciters are designed to produce a given range of harmonic or time dependent excitation force and displacement through a ...

Stepwise shape optimization of the surface of a vibrating …

In this paper, a stepwise optimization method is employed to optimize the screen surface shape of the vibrating screen in discrete element modeling to obtain a high screening efficiency and large processing capacity simultaneously. Adopting this optimization method, a new curved screen with five decks having various inclination …

Hydraulic optimization design of centrifugal pumps aiming …

A centrifugal pump is a kind of general fluid machinery widely used in the field of the national economy. 1 With the improvement of people's quality of life and the country's emphasis on environmental protection, the design requirements of centrifugal pumps with low vibration and noise have been widely agreed. 2–4 The vibration and …

Topology optimization of vibrating structures with …

Olhoff N and Du J Generalized incremental frequency method for topological design of continuum structures for minimum dynamic compliance subject to forced vibration at a prescribed low or high value of the excitation frequency Struct Multidiscip Optim 2016 54 1113-1141

Driving Circuit Design of Vibrating Wire Sensor Based on …

In order to meet the needs of monitoring the pressure and tension of the construction site, a high-precision low-cost driving circuit of vibrating wire sensor is designed. In order to simplify the driving circuit, a single power supply is used to solve the problem of negative power supply that we do not want to face. The STM32 microcontroller is used as the …

Optimization design and experimental

A new type of NES, which is termed as track NES, is proposed in this paper. The optimal mass ratio and track shape expression of NES were determined based on a preliminary optimization design process. To verify its vibration control effects on building structures, a series of shake table tests were conducted on a five-story steel frame.

What Is A Vibrating Screen?

High-frequency vibrating screens usually operate at an inclined angle, traditionally varying between 0° and 25° and can go up to a maximum of 45°. They should operate with a low stroke and have a frequency ranging from 1500 to 9000 RPM. Frequency in High frequency screen can be fixed or variable.

Design of a piezoelectric–electromagnetic hybrid vibration …

2.1 Structure design. Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the proposed HVEH, where Fig. 1a shows the energy harvester with a top plate and four springs. In order to show the internal structure clearly, Fig. 1b is without the top plate and springs. This HVEH mainly consists of a PVEH and an EVEH, where the PVEH is produced by PZTs pasted …

Iterative RF pulse design for multidimensional, small‐tip‐angle

The excitation k-space perspective on small-tip-angle selective excitation has facilitated RF pulse designs in a range of MR applications.In this paper, k-space-based design of multidimensional RF pulses is formulated as a quadratic optimization problem, and solved efficiently by the iterative conjugate-gradient (CG) algorithmpared to …

Vorticity Shedding and Acoustic Resonance Excitation of a …

This paper presents an experimental investigation of the vorticity shedding and the susceptibility of acoustic resonance excitation for a square tube array with an intermediate tube spacing (i.e., pitch-to-diameter ratio (P/D) of 1.73).The tube array could be rotated about an axis normal to the flow direction so that the effect of the flow approach …

Paper18A Vibration Control

• Isolation rearranges the excitation forces to achieve some reduction or cancellation. • Damping is the conversion of mechanical energy (vibrations) into heat. For the simple vibrating system (single degree of freedom), shown in Figure 1A, below, the force input is comprised of 3 distinct components; stiffness, damping, and inertia.

Modelling of transverse vibration of conveyor belt in aspect …

To demonstrate the effect of the trough angle on the vibration characteristics, Fig. 5 presents the model's solution for a brief time interval using standard trough angles, and assuming a ...

Nonlinear dynamic analysis of GTF gearbox under friction excitation …

Fig. 1 shows the structural diagram of the star gear-rotor-bearing transmission system of a GTF gearbox, which is composed of a star gearing system, input shaft (the rotor between the low-pressure compressor and sun gear), output shaft (the rotor that connects the ring gear and fan), and bearings that support the input and output rotors. The gravity …

Fluid-induced vibration analysis of centrifugal pump …

Therefore, it is of great significance to study the unsteady flow characteristics and analyze the flow-induced vibration characteristics of centrifugal pumps for the low vibration noise design of centrifugal pumps. Unsteady pulsating pressure is the main source of fluid excitation (Chen et al., 2018; Li et al., 2021b; Miao et al., 2020).

Research on the screening mechanisms of composite vibrating …

Under the same vibration parameters, the transportation capacity of the composite vibrating screen material was stronger, and its same-time processing volume was 1.61 times that of the linear vibrations; the screening efficiency of composite vibrating screens was 93.75%, while that of the linear vibrating screens was 90.7%, an increase …

Nodal vibration and pattern angle error analysis of the …

In this paper, vibration of imperfect resonators for vibratory cylinder gyroscopes is investigated. A model of the vibration based on the wave superposition is established. For an imperfect resonator, the principal stiffness axis does not coincide with the driving electrodes, so the primary mode and the secondary mode of the resonator …

Journal of Sound and Vibration

1. Introduction. In the current state-of-practice of structural design, human activities are mostly treated as a part of live loads which are static forces exerted on structures [1].Although dynamic loads in the form of Fourier series are given in some design codes [2, 3], the effect of human structure interaction is ignored.The human-structure …

Introduction to Rotor Dynamics

Objective: Find the complex vector Z, the magnitude A, and phase angle 8 of the displacement. Also determine the phase angle ¢2 relative to the key phasor if the reference mark is at 135 degrees. Solution: The magnitude is A= 1z1= Jx 2 + Y 2 =Joi+ c-2)2 A = 2.24 mils = 0.00224 inches (0.0569mm) and the phase angle relative to the x axis as 8= …

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