193 Immelman road, Wadeville, Germiston - P.O Box 14794, Wadeville, 1422 - Tel: +27 11 824 1640 - Web: PRIMARY BACKING. 023PROTECTION:All work is to be done in a well-. lated area. Overalls and eye prot. tion required.Refer to Material Sa.

Safety Data Sheet

Identification of the substance/mixture and the company/undertaking. 1.1 Product identifier Trade name: ECO-BAK Hardener. 1.2 Application of the substance / the mixture: Epoxy Backing Hardener. 1.3 Details of the supplier of the Safety Data Sheet Manufacturer/Supplier: 1.4 Emergency telephone number: ChemTel Inc. (800) 255-3924, …


tling processLOCTITE® PC 7516 is a solids epoxy paste that is ideal for backing mill liners in all types of mills under typical dry service temperatures of -30 to 80 °C (. 20 to 180 °F). Its paste-like consistency eliminates the need for dismantling the mill or removing the. rinding charge. It trowels easily in place in any area of a ...

North America

No more traditional melting or special equipment needed. For a fast return to service when backing wear metal in gyratory and cone crushers, try LOCTITE® PC 9020. This 2-part epoxy system operates under typical dry service temperatures of -30°C to 105°C (-22°F to 220°F), and eliminates the need for traditional melting or special equipment.


No more traditional melting or special equipment needed. For a fast return to service when backing wear metal in gyratory and cone crushers, try LOCTITE® PC 9020. This 2-part epoxy system operates under typical dry service temperatures of -30°C to 105°C (-22°F to 220°F), and eliminates the need for traditional melting or special equipment.


Korrobond 65 is a two-component epoxy backing compound specifically designed for various mining and quarrying applications. It serves as a backing and reinforcing layer between machine parts and as a damper when subjected to impact and shock loads. Very high compressive strength Solids, minimal shrinkage Easy to mix and pour Long ...

Safety Data Sheet Page 1 of 14 Loctite PC 9462 Crusher …

Product name: Loctite PC 9462 Crusher Backing Hardener Intended use: Epoxy Hardener Supplier: Henkel Australia Pty Ltd 135-141 Canterbury Road Kilsyth, Victoria, 3137 Australia ... Dispose of contaminated material as waste according to Section 13. SDS No.: 157192 V001.5 Loctite PC 9462 Crusher Backing Hardener Page 4 of 14 Section 7. Handling ...

Devcon Korrobond 65 | GracoRoberts

Product Information. Renowned in the quarry and mining industries for providing the highest quality crusher backing compounds, Korrobond 65's performance against impact & shock vibrations prolong the life of the machinery and protect it from damage. The low viscosity of the product allows it to freely flow into the smallest cavities and ...

Protective Coatings

It is a single component temperature resistant coating designed for metal substrates exposed upto 600°C. It is a user friendly coating with excellent weathering and corrosion resistance when applied over properly primed surfaces. If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty. A specially developed polymer-based high-performance ...


Package Size: 200l Crusher Backing Stock No.: 81065DH Package Size: 20kg Hardener PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Korrobond 65 is a two-component epoxy backing compound …

HPZ Crusher Backing

Crusher backing for all makes of rock crushers, along with hydraulic clamping and adjustments system for cone crushers.


Korrobond 90 Crusher Backing has been specially formulated to produce a tough flexible backing of low viscosity to ensure free flow into the smallest cavities and contours of. …


EPOXY, CRUSHER BACKING. TECHNICAL DATA SHEET – KORROBOND 65 PRECAUTION For complete safety and handling information, please refer to the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheets prior to using this product. WARRANTY ITW Performance Polymers will replace any material found to be defective. As the storage, ... TDS …

® HP350e™ cone crusher

Benefits. The new ® HP350e™ cone crusher provides better performance and uptime in a more sustainable way. It offers enhanced performance, easier and safer maintenance, and a series of other improvements, making it the perfect choice for aggregate and mining operations. Contact our sales experts.

K-085 XP-2000 High Performance

The ultimate backing material for tough, demanding or troublesome crushing applications. Uniquely designed with extreme impact resistance, very low water absorption and the ability to withstand hard/abrasive media and high temperature crushing environments. High performance backing (XP-2000) does not contain VOC's, Butyl Glycidyl Ether (BGE ...


Korrobond 65 is a two-component epoxy based backing compound and damping material for stone crushers. It serves as a backing and reinforcing layer between machine parts …

1694850 | PC 9020™ Nordbak® Backing Compound

LOCTITE® PC 9020 (known as NORTH AMERICA - NORDBAK HP CRUSHER BACKING) is a blue, 2-part epoxy system for backing wear metal in gyratory and cone crushers under typical dry service temperatures of -20 °F to +220 °F (-30 °C to +105 °C). The product eliminates the needs for traditional melting or special equipment and has high hydrolytic ...


LOCKING COMPOUND. LOCKING COMPOUND. Technical Data Sheet February 2023 193 Immelman road, Wadeville, Germiston - P.O Box 14794, Wadeville, 1422 - Tel: +27 11 824 1640 - Web: NORDBAK® has a wide variety of resin systems now available. Crusher:NORDBAK® Fast-set and Deep Pour Grouts, NORDBAK® Trowel …

LOCTITE ® PC 9593 Nordbak Wear Prevention Coating

PC 9593 Nordbak Wear Prevention Coating. Wear prevention - Faster curing, high performance, impact resistant. Designed to protect, rebuild and repair processing equipment subjected to impact due to dropping, rolling, and sliding of large particles. Its faster cure and increased impact resistance outperforms other products in the market.


Korrobond 90 – Polyurethane Crusher Backing APPLICATION INFORMATION Application Korrobond 90 Crusher Backing is packed in two containers, 'A' and 'B' which together form a balanced unit. The large one contains the base material, the small one the solidifier. These containers when mixed together react chemically to form a solid backing.

Korrobond 65 Epoxy Crusher Backing Compound

Korrobond 65 (aka, High Performance) is a two-component epoxy backing compound specifically designed for various mining and quarrying applications. It serves as a backing and reinforcing layer between machine parts and as a damper when subjected to impact …


High Impact Crusher Backing Ideal for epoxy grout applications. A heavy-duty epoxy resin with impressive strength, HICB helps secure internal parts to minimise vibration, friction and impact during equipment operation. ... TDS; SDS (part A) SDS (part B) At Megapoxy, we help you design, build and work with ease and confidence. 3 Sefton Road ...


HI-PERFORMANCE BACKING Technical Data Sheet January 2023 193 Immelman road, Wadeville, Germiston - P.O Box 14794, Wadeville, 1422 - Tel: +27 11 824 1640 - Web: ... 1422 - Tel: +27 11 824 1640 - Web: NORDBAK® has a wide variety of resin systems now available. Crusher: NORDBAK® Fast-set and …


Preparation of Backing Material LOCTITE® PC 9020 and substrate must be between 15 to 65C (60 to 150F) before use: Lower temperatures give longer working life, but higher viscosity making the material hard to pour. High temperatures reduce LOCTITE® PC 9020 working time to pour into crusher. Mixing: 1. Pre-mix resin approximately 1 minute. 2.

Loctite PC 9020 Backing Compound

The new Loctite PC 9020 Backing Compound is the only product you need! ONE New Product Loctite PC 9020 Backing Compound 10 kg kit Will be Alternative to All of These! Loctite Backing Material 10 kg kit Loctite High Performance Backing Material 20 kg kit PRODUCT IDH NUMBER CONTAINER COVERAGE CUBIC IN. THICKNESS MIXED …

Epoxy Crusher Backing | Crusher Backing Compound | CMS …

CMS Cepcor® are authorised distributors of Korrobond® branded crusher backing which allows us to ship large orders worldwide. Get in touch to find out more. +1-877-CEPCOR1 (+1-877-2372671) 10:18 am CST +1-877-CEPCOR1 (+1-877-2372671) [X] Close Form

Korrobond 65

Two-component epoxy based crusher backing compound and damping material for primary gyratory and cone crushers. Renowned in the quarry and mining industries for providing the highest quality crusher backing …

North America

LOCTITE® PC 9020 is a blue, 2-part epoxy system for backing wear metal in gyratory and cone crushers under typical dry service temperatures of -30°C to +105°C. The product eliminates the needs for traditional melting or special equipment and has high hydrolytic stability (low water absorption) and high volumetric stability.

Korrobond 65

Korrobond 65. Description. Two-component epoxy based crusher backing compound and damping material for primary gyratory and cone crushers. Renowned in the quarry and mining industries for providing the …

Nordbak – Crusher Backing – Lusanga Group

NORDBAK® LOW VISCOSITY BACKING is a low viscosity backing that is tough, resilient and ideal for pouring into small orifices of smaller Cone Crushers, Gyratory Crushers, Rotating Mills, Pulverisers and other heavy reduction machinery. 9505 9960 (2.8 kg) LOCKING COMPOUND. NORDBAK® LOCKING COMPOUND is a high temperature …

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