Commercial Placer Gold Op

Carrie 1-3. $17,500 for 60 acre commercial midscale placer operation with plan (s) & equipment. Idaho Gold Mining is excited to offer this 60 acre commercial size gold mining operation site, on historic gold bearing Jordan Creek for the serious gold miner looking for gold bearing ground to work. Once this offer of a lifetime is gone, don ...

40 acres in Granby, CO, 80446 | Land

Granby, CO 80446 - Grand County. Recreational. Riverfront. Waterfront. Property ID 4258915. 20 or 40 acre Colorado Gold Mining Claim with Creek. This is a legally registered, 20 acre gold Mining Claim for sale. Total price of $1500. A signed contract will precede payment.

Gold Placer Claim for sale near Elk City, Idaho

If you have been looking for a reasonably priced gold claim with superior access in a historic gold producing area, take a good look at the M&M Placer Claim. *** SOLD *** For More Information email us. and ask about the. M&M …

Beaver Creek Claims

Beaver Bend. Sold. Acreage: 20 acre unpatented placer claim. River footage: 850' of Beaver Creek and 800' of West Fork Beaver, 1 camping areas on claim. Location: Boise County, Township 8N, Range 7E, Sec. 22 SW ¼. Mining claim serial #: ID101825734.

Boise Oro 3-1/2

Boise Oro 3-1/2. This amazing 20 acre unpatented mining claim has over 1400' of the much desired historic gold-bearing Middle Fork of the Boise River, just a short 3.5 miles downstream of Atlanta, Idaho. The claim can be reached from various routes (depending on direction you're coming from.

20 acre placer gold claim for sale in Florence Mining District.

FOR SALE. $10,500. with possible owner terms. The Eve Lode 22 is a 20 acre placer gold claim in the heart of Idaho's Florence Mining district and is centered in the Florence Township. It is mostly meadow placer with some gulch placer and offers excellent access and easy camping and prospecting. It adjoins the Eve Lode 35 claim which has lots of ...

Gold Prospecting in Idaho: 7 Best Locations & Law

With a history of gold mining dating back to the 1800s, this district is a must-visit for gold prospectors. The Yankee Fork Gold Dredge, a historic gold dredging machine, can also be explored, providing insight into the region's gold mining past. Clearwater River. The Clearwater River in Idaho and its tributaries have a rich history of …

102 Yukon Gold Placer Claims – Indian River & Quartz Creek

The area is rich in gold mining history, beginning in 1910. Anvil Creek Claims – 860 Acres; Ophir Creek Claims – 720 Acres for a Total of 1580 Acres Anvil Creek is around 2 1/2 miles long. 5,000 lineal feet of creek channel ground left to be placer mined, along with 2 other known paystreaks. Ophir Creek has over 2 miles of tailings ...

Montana Mining Claims

Rocky Mountain Prospectors Montana Mining Claims. Western Mining Claims for sale ROCKY MOUNTAIN PROSPECTORS,LLC. INVENTORY ... Select. The Golden Eagle (Placer) 20.00 acres Powell County, Montana $19,750 SALE PENDING. The Wild Rose Mine (Lode/Placer) (80 acres) and Clark County, Montana $73,000 Now …

Golden Corner

Golden Corner. This stunning gold placer mining claim, just north of historic Idaho City, Idaho. Includes 950 feet of creek, on a historic gold-bearing drainage of Grimes Creek with an open dredging season in the …

Secesh River

The Secesh River placers were discovered around 1863. Miller's Camp had about fifty miners working to pull out gold, a small number compared to the rush around Idaho City. Historical estimates are around $500,000 worth of gold being pulled from Ruby Meadows (site of Miller's Camp), Burgdorf, the Golden Rule and Secesh Meadows.

Gold Placer Claim for sale near Elk City, Idaho

If you have been looking for a reasonably priced gold claim with superior access in a historic gold producing area, take a good look at the M&M Placer Claim. *** SOLD *** For More Information email us. and ask …

5 Points Claims

Smoky 5P. Sold. Acreage: 20 acre unpatented placer claim. River footage: 1250' of Five Points Creek & 700' of Little Smoky - 1 small camping area on claim or 400' from Five Points Campground. Location: Camas County, Township 3N, Range 14E, Sec. 32, SW ¼. Mining claim serial #: ID106322006.

Mines, Mineral Properties and Mining Claims For Sale

The area is rich in gold mining history, beginning in 1910. Anvil Creek Claims – 860 Acres; Ophir Creek Claims – 720 Acres for a Total of 1580 Acres Anvil Creek is around 2 1/2 miles long. 5,000 lineal feet of creek channel ground left to be placer mined, along with 2 other known paystreaks.

Boise Basin

Boise Basin was divided into several mining districts and it covered an area of 300 square miles. Some of the most notable districts were Idaho City, Moore Creek, Centerville, Quartzburg, Pioneerville and Grimes Pass. All these districts and deposits yielded over 2,800,000 ounces of gold between the years of 1863 and 1959!

Gold Fork Placers

Gold Fork Sold. Acreage: 20 acre unpatented placer claim. River footage: 150' main Gold Fork, 950' of North Fork & 850' of South Fork Gold Fork River - Large area "on" the claim. Location: Valley County, Township 16N, Range 5E, Sec. 31, …

Bruneau River/Jarbidge District

A relatively unknown mining district but nonetheless impressive, the Jarbidge Mining District, associated mainly with Nevada, also dips into the southern portion of Idaho. It's a part of Idaho's gold mining history often overlooked. Idaho Gold Mining's claims along the Bruneau River fall into the Jarbidge Mining District area.

Reynolds Creek Claims

Relaxin Reynolds. Sold. Acreage: 20 acre unpatented placer claim. River footage: 1400' Reynolds Creek - Large area to make camp "on" the claim. Location: Idaho County, Township 3S, Range 4W, Sec. 13, NE ¼. Mining claim serial #: ID106326608.

North Fork Boise River (Bundle of 5 Claims)

Each claim includes from 700' up to 1350 feet of river, on a historic gold-bearing drainage on the NF Boise River, in the Boise Basin. A beautiful Forest Service campground area called "Fourmile" is located right on the "North Fork Boise River #2". Full services available in Idaho City, about 34 miles from the claim.


Placer and Lode Gold Mining Claims In Idaho. Claims for Sale; FAQs; Testimonials; Services; About Us; Contact; Forums. Idaho Gold Mining Forum; Forum Registration; Equipment. Large Shaker Wash Plant Price: $6,500 Sold View. RC 46 Rock Crusher Price: $5,500 Sold View. Thor Chain Mill Rock Crusher

'SNAKE RIVER GOLD' | 20 acre Placer Claim in Fremont, Idaho | Gold

SNAKE RIVER GOLD is a 20-acre closed mining claim in Fremont, Idaho. Ownership and use of this claim is overseen by the Bureau of Land Management's Upper Snake Field Office under the serial number IMC217652. The last action for …

Claims For Sale – American Mining Claims LLC

Six lode mining claims on a high grade system of gold and silver veins. The claims cover quartz veins generally 1-3 feet up to 5 feet in width with values averaging 0.2 oz/ton gold and 2 ounces of silver with smaller …

Jordan Creek

About the Area. Flowing between Idaho and Oregon, Jordan Creek cuts a swath through Owyhee County and into Jordan Valley. Named after the man that first discovered gold along the waterway in 1863, this expanse in the Owyhee mountains of Idaho is still popular for modern-day miners. Running nearly 100-miles-long, this tributary of the Owyhee ...

Mining Claims and Sites on Federal Lands Brochure …

The rights granted by a mining claim protect against a challenge by the United States and other claimants only after the discovery of a valuable mineral deposit. The two types of mining claims are lode and placer. In addition, mill sites and tunnel sites may be located to provide support facilities for lode and placer mining claims (43 CFR 3832).

Grimes Revenge

Grimes Revenge. This amazing 15 acre placer mining claim, is located on the lower portion of the historic Grimes Creek, within the area that is open to dredging year-round. The site has easy access (even by car), with a nice creekside camping area right "on" the claim, large enough for RVs, or other camping adjacent on the south side of the ...

Secesh Claims

These two placer mining claims are located on the historic gold bearing Secesh River, northeast of McCall, Idaho. Sit nestled right off well maintained Forest Service Road NF -48, with adjacent campgrounds, access to both sides of the river, and a well designated pack trail across both the claims. The Secesh River hold a rich gold bearing ...

USA Mines For Sale

Boundary Red Mountain Mine. Patented Gold Mine For Sale - USA. Previously Producing Patented Gold Mine for Sale in the USA. $1.6 Billion Estimated & Inferred Resources including 80,000 tons in Mill Tailings. Developed Project with 4 adit tunnels. 1,274,320 Gold ounces estimated. Estimated Monthly NOI of $6.3 Million based on 400 ton/day operation.

Patented Gold Mine For Sale

Total Resource Value over $1.6 Billion Dollars U.S. (based on $1300 Gold Spot). Patented Gold Mine For Sale with 6 contiguous lode claims (approximately 94.5 acres of Private Land, not BLM) Developed project with 4 adit access levels and 5 sublevels; 1,274,320 Gold ounces estimated; Approximately 80,000 tons of Mill Tailings to be processed

Idaho City

This is the most famous gold-producing area in Idaho history. Idaho City was the city that made miners, broke men and caught on fire four times! The gold pulled from Idaho City helped finance the Union and help win …

Elkhorn Gold

Elkhorn Gold. Elk Creek is one of the prominent gold bearing drainages known for its history, incredible yields with an open dredging season that miners constantly search for. Elk Creek is also large enough to sustain a 5″ dredge through the mining season. As you can see from a simple day dredging a 5′ x 5′ hole, the claim is rich with ...

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