Employee perceptions of key retention factors in the mining industry…

This study explored employee retention factors in the South African mining industry from the perspective of high-performing employees. Five high-performing employees in a platinum-producing mine ...

The raw-materials challenge: How the metals and mining …

The energy transition presents unique challenges for metals and mining companies, which will need to innovate and rebuild their growth agenda. ... will be expected to grow faster—and more cleanly—than ever before. At the same time, end-user sectors will need to factor potential resource constraints into technology development and growth ...

Build for the Future: Key Factors for Success | BCG

Our latest research sheds light on the six attributes—key success factors—that regardless of sector allow the most advanced companies to outperform, withstand shocks and disruptions, and exploit innovation for value-creating growth. In addition, we have identified the steps companies must take—and how best to take them—to reach the ...

Risks and opportunities for mining and metals in 2024

Download our Top 10 business risks and opportunities for mining and metals in 2024. PDF (3 ) 4. Climate change. Climate change is a complex issue for miners: They must both provide minerals for the energy transition, while also reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Human Factors and Human Error in Mining Industry: A …

This paper reviews current efforts in the mining, aviation, and nuclear industries for detecting, reporting, and managing HEs and HFs. An assessment of the suitability of approaches used in other industries for the mining industry is given and recommendations for next steps in improving how HFs and HEs are managed in the mining industry is …

[PDF] Business Process Mining Success | Semantic Scholar

This paper presents the first set of success factors and measures on the basis of an analysis of real process mining projects, and can serve as a basis for further extension and refinement using insights from additional analyses. Process mining has developed into a popular research discipline and nowadays its associated techniques are widely applied in …


Mining is the extraction of economically v aluable minerals or other geological materials from the e arth. surface. It may be from an ore body, lode, vein, seam, reef or placer deposits. Since the ...

(PDF) The Key Factor of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in the …

The Key Factor of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in the History of the Contribution of Mining Industry to the Prosperity of the United States and South Africa: A Review

A Process Mining Success Factors Model

Published in 2013, it identifies three success measures (model quality, process impact and project efficiency) and six success factors (project management, management support, structured process mining approach, data and event log quality, resource availability and process miner expertise), empirically supported via four case studies.

(PDF) Success factors of theme parks

UDC: 338.48-53:791.75. Birgit Pikkemaat and Markus Schuckert. Success factors of theme. parks - An exploratory. study. Theme parks are important products for the leisure and tourism industry but ...

Identifying key success factors for startups With sentiment …

General objective of the study is to identify and classify key success factors for startups using text mining and sentiment analysis. In this regard, sub-objectives are (1) identifying the success factors of startups using text mining models, (2) classification of identified factors using sentiment analysis, (3) providing solutions based …

A review of factors affecting mining operation | Request PDF …

The aim of the paper is to develop a relationship structure consisting of critical success factors influencing the mineral industry. 16-such operational influencing critical success factors (CSF ...

Technology and Innovation, a success factor in the Mining Industry

There are several key factors for the success of the mining industry, they can range from government policies and permits, the cost of raw material, ease of extraction and human capital. Technology being a support for most of these factors,, influencing them from the production of specialized machinery, software for data collection or training ...

Using text mining and topic modelling to understand success …

Using text mining and topic modelling to understand success and growth factors in Global Renewable Energy projects ... There therefore seems to be a myriad of literature available that each details what key RE success factors could be. ... words per topic. As an example, the top 3 words to appear under topic 1 are "policy", "technology ...

(PDF) Web Mining and Business Intelligence: A Key Factor for Success

web mining helps to take the most suited designing and. marketing strategy for a business company through analysing. various databases of the company and enhance the success. factors of the ...

Critical Success Factors in Project Management in the Mining …

The objective was to determine the factors that mining project managers consider to be the ones that influence the management of mining projects, as well as to determine which are those dimensions according to the PMI in which they have been presenting the greatest results The most influential external factors in the success of …

Zambia's Mining Industry: A Closer Look at the Corporate

The mining industry has been the economic backbone of Zambia since the opening of the first commercial mine in the early 1900s (Mining in Zambia 2020). The industry accounts for over 70% of the country's total export earnings and 12% of gross domestic product (GDP) (IMF 2017; Zambia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative …

Risks and opportunities for mining

the next 12 months, compared to the industry. Organic growth and technological transformation are identified as key strategies for growth as is M&A, reflecting the majority of mining companies who agree on the need for the industry to consolidate and embrace new business models. While the cyclical nature of commodity prices

Process Mining Success Factors and Their Interrelationships

Process mining—a suite of techniques for extracting insights from event logs of Information Systems (IS)—is increasingly being used by a wide range of organisations to improve operational efficiency. Despite extensive studies of Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in related domains, CSF studies tailored to process mining are limited. …

(PDF) Obstacles to strategy implementation and success factors…

Abstract and Figures. The purpose of this study is to identify obstacles and success factors evident from empirical studies affecting strategy implementation and to provide an overview of the ...

(PDF) Policy Enabling Environment of Mining …

respective governments have played a key role in fostering development linkages with the mining industry. Viewed in the context of T anzania, this suggests that there is an important role for the ...

(PDF) Environmental Impacts of the Mining Industry

Environmental Impacts of the Mining Industry : A literature review. Anura Widana *. a Private Researcher, Auckland, New Zealand. 37 Corta Bella Place, Golflands, Auckland 2013, New Zealand ...

Key success factors in a strategic transformation: …

Leadership plays a critical role in building conviction and commitment for a sustained strategic transformation. A strategic transformation can take two to three years. In this video, McKinsey …

How To Determine Key Success Factors (With Examples)

There are seven primary areas to consider the key success factors of your business: Resources: Think about what technology your company requires and what skills your employees have that contribute to the business's overall success. Innovation: Identify new and innovative approaches that your company takes, and consider how this might …

Critical success factors in data mining projects.

organizations need to know the key factors for successful data mining. The key factors can be critical success factors (CSFs), which is "the limited number of areas in which results, if they are satisfactory, will ensure successful competitive performance for the organization" (Rockart, 1979). CSFs commonly exist for industries, corporations,

Mining for the Future to Deliver on an ESG Agenda

The future of the mining industry is increasingly being shaped by environmental, social, and governance (ESG) imperatives. The expectation of a transition to net zero by 2050 (or sooner) is well established, but external stakeholders are gaining more influence on how ambitiously mining companies address a host of ESG-related priorities.

Innovation in the Mining Industry: Technological Trends …

More recent research on the copper industry of Chile and Peru has presented additional supporting evidence that, though not the only factor, innovation, including the adoption of new technologies and managerial changes, remains as a key element for the improvement of labor productivity [].When looking at the following time …

Sales forecasts in clothing industry: The key success factor …

Sales forecasts emerge then as the key success factor of the supply chain management. However, the specificities of clothing sales make the forecasting process very complex. Indeed, except long and incompressible manufacturing and shipping lead times due to complex process of clothing production, forecasting systems have also to take into ...

(PDF) Data Analytics Applied to the Mining Industry

Abstract. Data Analytics Applied to the Mining Industry describes the key challenges facing the mining sector as it transforms into a digital industry able to fully exploit process automation ...

(PDF) Challenges and opportunities for a successful mining industry …

Challenges and opportunities for a successful mining industry in the future. Boletín Geológico y Minero, 130 (1): 99-121. ISSN: 0366-0176. DOI: 10.21701/bolgeomin.1 30.1.007. 99. Challenges and ...

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