SUPER-500 SUPERMAX Grease Interceptor

MIFAB® SUPER-500 gravity grease interceptor with 500 U.S. gallons of liquid holding capacity has a limited lifetime warranty and is made in the U.S.A. out of seamless, rotationally molded High Density Polyethylene with 3/8" uniform wall thickness. Interceptor is designed for above or below ground installation and includes an adjustable lid ...

Understanding the Three Main Types of Mechanical Lifts

Mechanical lifts, often referred to as Hoyer lifts, are devices designed to help caregivers move a person from a sitting to standing position and from one place to another within a room or house. There are three main types of mechanical lifts: passive floor lifts, overhead lifts, and active sit-to-stand lifts. When deciding if a mechanical lift ...

Oil & Solids Interceptors

61800 – Solids Interceptor: Lint Interceptor with A.R.E. Coating, Non-Skid Cover. Josam Company's Oil Separators, Oil/Sediment and Solids Interceptors. The perfect solution for your restaurant or facility requiring interceptors. Options include Oil Separators with gravity draw-off type and external storage tank, draw-off gravity type, large ...


Sand and Sediment Interceptor. Z1189. Oil/Sediment Interceptor. Z1187-SI. Sand Interceptor. Z1194. Oil Level Sensor Retrofit Kit. ZURN PLUMBING PRODUCTS GROUP. SPECIFICATION DRAINAGE OPERATION, 1801 PITTSBURGH AVENUE, ERIE, PA 16502 PHONE 814/455-0921 FAX: 814/454-7929 WEBSITE:

Products | ParkUSA

ParkUSA wastewater solutions prevent environmental damage, safeguard public health, and support proper treatment. Enhance efficiency, water quality, and security while reducing water loss with our water management products. Stormwater quality products to minimize the impact of runoff on infrastructure, property, and natural ecosystems.

Trim Tabs or Interceptors, Part 2: Interceptors

A heavy trawler that cruises at 8-10 knots does not provide enough water flow over the smaller interceptor blades for them to create lift. For a boat like this, trim tabs with a larger surface area or more interceptors with longer blades, like Zipwake's Series E, are going to be a more effective system for trimming the hull.

MI-SAND Sand Interceptor

MIFAB® MI-SAND Series 1-7 sanitary powder epoxy coated inside and outside fabricated 10 gauge steel sand interceptor. Unit shall include: removable cross bar, four 3" (76) threaded vent connections, solid straining baffles, stainless steel calibrated orifice plate, securing bolt(s), sediment bucket with perforated baffle beside inlet, deep seal trap, …

Considerations When Selecting a Grease Interceptor

A basic principle behind grease separation in an inter-. 52/Plumbing. Pictured above: Clean Water Outlet. lation with cover removed. Separated and clean water exiting outlet on the Interceptor with sensing and alarm. ceptor is that FOG (fats, oils, and grease) is "lighter" than water. It weighs about. lon.

Grease Interceptor 750 Gal | Oldcastle Infrastructure

DWG: TX_HOU_4x8x4_750-Gallon-Grease-Interceptor_55841-1.dwg Your Project Deserves Expert Attention Whether you're looking for additional product information or design assistance, or you're ready to get a personalized quote, our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way.

Vehicle Repair and Sand/Oil Separators

an approved type of Interceptor or Interceptors ! Some type of Floor Drain(s) or Trench Drain(s) must be installed to capture the [ possible probable ] wastes in your Repair Garage [ RE: Section 301.3, `12 IPC ]. The number of Floor Drains and or Trench Drains will depend on how much floor area will be used to service, repair or wash vehicles

MI-SO Sand/Oil Interceptor

MIFAB® MI-SAND/OIL Series sanitary powder epoxy coated inside and outside fabricated 10 gauge steel sand and oil interceptor. Interceptor complete with gasketed non-skid powder epoxy coated lid, removable …

SUPER-750 SUPER MAX Grease Interceptor

MIFAB® SUPER-750 gravity grease interceptor with 750 U.S. gallons of liquid holding capacity has a limited lifetime warranty and is made in the U.S.A. out of seamless, rotationally molded High Density Polyethylene with 3/8" uniform wall thickness. Interceptor is designed for above or below ground installation and includes an adjustable lid ...


Visit for the most recent product information. MIFAB®, Inc., 1321 West 119th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60643-5109, USA Toll Free: 1-800-465-2736 • Fax: 1-773-341-3049. All sales subject to MIFAB's® Terms & Warranties. Please refer to inside front cover. sales@mifab • Canada Toll Free: 1-800-387-3880.


Sand Interceptor. The Z1187-SI Sand Interceptor comes with an acid resistant coated interior and exterior fabricated steel with threaded inlet and outlet, and heavy-duty removable grates. Specs and Installation. Where To Buy. steel construction coated with acid resistant epoxy. Heavy-duty removable grates. Resources.

100-GPM Hydromechanical Grease Interceptor

Highland Tank is proud to introduce our 100 GPM hydro-mechanical grease interceptor, the HM-100-93. These grease interceptors are designed to trap and collect large quantities of sewer-clogging fats, oils, grease, and solids (FOGS) commonly discharged from commercial kitchens. The HM-100-93serves as a central grease interceptor in lieu of …

Commercial Grease Traps & Sand and Oil …

Contact JL Phelps & Associates Plumbing And Mechanical, LLC for your commercial grease traps and sand/oil interceptor needs. You can reach our team by calling (512) 352-0220. ... Having the right grease trap or oil …

Trapping and Venting for Grease Interceptors

The International Plumbing Code (IPC) 1002.1 (exception 3) allows a grease interceptor to serve as a fixture trap - where it is intended by the manufacturer to serve as a trap - for a single fixture or a combination sink of not more than three compartments so long as the vertical distance from the outlet of the fixture to the inlet of the interceptor is …

1009.0 Interceptors (Clarifiers) and Separators.

Hydromechanical grease interceptors, gravity grease interceptors and oil or gas interceptors are examples of devices that use floatation as a primary method of separation. 2. Sedimentation. Sand and other solids, which are heavier than water and also are not soluble in water, tend to settle out of the waste water to the bottom of the container.


Install interceptor as close as possible to fixtures being served 2 ODOR ALERT! Do not install air gap on outlet side of interceptor. 1 ODOR ALERT! Interceptor is not a sewer gas trap. All upstream fixtures must be trapped 3 ON THE FLOOR INSTALLATION GB3 Installation Guide Page 5 of 10 Provide at least 5-1/2" clearance above unit for routine ...

Large Capacity Oil Interceptors (ROI Series)

Sand Interceptor Catch Basins (RCB Series) Bolt-on Extensions . Bolt-on Extensions for RP Series Interceptors; Bolt-on Extensions for RP-SS Series Interceptors; ... ** Exceeds Lift Gate Capacity ** $13,485.00. …

Wisconsin Legislature: SPS 382.34(8)(c)

Sand interceptors and other similar interceptors for heavy solids shall be so designed and located as to be accessible for cleaning. The outlet for the interceptor shall be submerged to form a trap with a water seal of at least 12". ... The lift station pump shall be activated by means of a keyed-switch at the service port. SPS 382.34(15)(f) (f ...

Interceptors Direct

Place your order with Interceptors Direct by 12:00 p.m. central time and we can generally ship same day (weekdays only). We offer small and large capacity and both hydromechanical and gravity grease interceptors for …

shibang/sbm mechanical lift for at master

sbm mechanical lift for sandUse of mechanical patient lifts decreased musculoskeletal, Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of mechanical patient lifts in reducing musculoskeletal symptoms,injuries,lost workday injuries,and workers''

Sand-Oil Interceptors

Sand-Oil Interceptors. Precast concrete Sand-Oil Interceptors are designed to capture sediments like sand, grit, oil, and grease from entering the sanitary sewer systems. They are also designed to sole particle separation problems, and lower phosphate levels.

Sand Interceptors | Jensen Precast

9895 Double R Boulevard, Reno, Nevada 89521. +1 775 352 2700. info@jensenprecast. Jensen Precast's sand interceptors offer effective solutions for the removal of sand and sediment from wastewater, preventing potential damage to downstream equipment. Tailored to meet specific industrial and commercial needs, these …

Trim Tabs and Interceptors: How to Choose the Right Ones

Trim-tab size required depends on your boat, its performance and what you want to achieve. A rule of thumb is that for an average 9.1" (229 mm_ long (transom to trailing edge) plate, 1" (2.5 cm) of tab width is needed for every 11.8" (30 cm) of boat length (i.e. the tab width should be about 1/12 of the boat length).


mechanical equipment, a grease interceptor will usually require some maintenance. In the case of a well-maintained, point-source interceptor, this maintenance requirement may be very low, with your kitchen staff handling most of the work. For a commercial kitchen using a large grease interceptor, however, you may need to hire a contractor to

Grease Interceptors 101 | phcppros

Los Angeles County grease interceptor detail. Some of these large interceptors (basically the plastic ones) come with vent connections on the tank itself. If such is the case, they should be piped to the vent system and not left plugged, otherwise it may void the interceptor warranty. ... Be aware that there is a maximum lift height of the ...

Sand Filters | Oldcastle Infrastructure

Sand traps capture sediments from runoff water, solve particle separation problems, and lower phosphate levels. These vaults contain two chambers, one for filtering large debris and particulates and another that contains …



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