Injury Profiles Associated with Artisanal and Small-Scale …

Keywords: small-scale gold mining; ASGM; injuries; accidents; Ghana; Tarkwa mining district; occupational health; mining 1. Introduction The mining industry is a vital economic sector for many countries, particularly those in the low- and middle-income economic brackets. Th e global demand for export products, as well as inve stment capital

The impact of artisanal small-scale mining on sustainable …

Yaaba Baah-Ennumh, T. and Forson, J.A. (2017), "The impact of artisanal small-scale mining on sustainable livelihoods: A case study of mining communities in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality of Ghana", World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 204-222.

Integrated assessment of artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Ghana …

U2R TW010110/TW/FIC NIH HHS/United States. This report is one of three synthesis documents produced via an integrated assessment (IA) that aims to increase understanding of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in Ghana. Given the complexities surrounding ASGM, an IA framework was utilized to analyze economic, …

Five small-scale mining companies receive mercury

Tarkwa (W/R), July 31, GNA-As part of measures to promote mercury-free mining in Ghana, five Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) companies have received mercury-free processing equipment. ... Mr Opoku said, "In Ghana, the contribution of small-scale mining to total gold production increased from 2.2 per cent in 1989 to about …

sbm list of small scale mining in ghana

Host and manage packages Security. Find and fix vulnerabilities

Is illegal mining socio-politically entrenched? An opinion …

Introduction. Gold mining follows two divisional lines in Ghana; the large-scale multi-national and the small-scale mining sectors (Wireko-Gyebi et al., 2020).Typically, the small scale mining aspect of gold extraction can be further divided into two classes (legal and illegal) depending on its legal approval and operational protocols …

The Need to Regularise Activities of Illegal Small-Scale …

The Need to Regularise Activities of Illegal Small-Scale Mining in Ghana: A Focus on the Tarkwa-Dunkwa ... University of Mines and Technology, Department of Geological Engineering, Tarkwa, Ghana ...

Golden Age Mining Group Ltd| Golden Age Mining Group Ltd

WHO WE ARE. Golden Age Mining Group Ltd is the most reliable small scale mining company in Ghana with operating licenses in Liberia and Sierraleone. We have 150 kg gold dust and 330 kg gold bars for sale. Our vision for success is guided by an over-arching philosophy we call The Golden Age Way: this defines who we are, what we stand for, …

A Contextual Review of the Ghanaian Small-Scale …

Over $117 million in gold and $98 million in diamond product has been obtained from small-scale mining operations since complete legalization of the industry in 1989. Gold production from the small-scale gold-mining industry has increased nearly tenfold since 1989, from 17,234oz in 1990 to 107,093oz in 1997.

Mining Cadestre

The MCAS went live for processing new applications live and application certificates issued to applicant as required by the Minerals and Mining (Licensing) Regulations, 2012. About 900 records of applications and licences have been digitized into the system along with related payments and supporting documents. +233 030 277 1318. +233 030 277 2783.

Environmental Issues of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in The Tarkwa

A rtisanal and smallscale mining (ASM) is a major threat to. sustainability of the environment in the Tarkwa Mining Area. Environmental issues of ASM in the area have been clas sified into. three ...

(PDF) Influence of small-scale gold mining on ambient toxic …

Influence of small-scale gold mining on ambient toxic metal composition in Bonsa River system: a domestic water resource in the Tarkwa district of Ghana ... Adam, J.I., Dampare, S.B., Owusu-Ansah, E., & Addae, G. (2013). Heavy metals level in streams of Tarkwa gold mining area of Ghana. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research …

Influence of small-scale gold mining and toxic element

A preliminary assessment of toxic element pollution caused by artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the Bonsa river of Ghana as well as the influence of TOC and SO4 2− concentration on these traces in the sediment has been determined. With the exception of mercury (Hg), manganese (Mn), and arsenic (As), the concentration of …


(Ghana News Agency, 2011). In Ghana, small - scale mining was legalized in 1989 as part of the minerals sector restructuring and the government established the Precious Minerals Marketing Corporation which became the sole governmental agency for the purchase of the produce of small-scale miners but this was later opened up to private …


promulgation of the Small-Scale Mining Law in 1989 and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency in 1994. The historical importance of mining in the economic development of Ghana is considerable and well documented, with the country's colonial name -- Gold Coast --reflecting the importance of the mining sector.

List of minerals/licences

Mbease Nsuta Small Scale Mining Limited: Active Licence: Small-Scale Mining: SSMP-6/1549: Sikakrom Co-Operative Society: Active Licence: Small-Scale Mining: AR/2116: ADISEF14 MINING & CONST. LTD: Active Licence: Small-Scale Mining: CR/1168: EVANSBUCK MINING ENTERPRISE: Active Licence: Small-Scale Mining: AR/2184: …

Assessing the Environmental and Socio-Economic …

3. It also seeks to assess the livelihood implications of residents due to artisanal small-scale gold mining in the municipality. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Study Area The Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipality is one of the twenty-two districts in …

Small scale mining in Ghana

Abstract. Since 1989 when small scale mining in Ghana was legalised, a lot of interest has been generated in the sector because of it's socio-economic benefits However, owing to lack of the necessary training and inadequate financial base on the part of small scale operators, most operations are poorly managed environmentally.

Integrated Assessment of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Ghana …

A study in the Tarkwa area of southwest Ghana, where large and small-scale gold mining occur along with subsistence farming, found median groundwater and surface water pH (5.71, 5.05, and 6.40 for borehole, well, and stream water, respectively) below the WHO guideline range (6.5–8.5) .

The Impact of Artisanal Small-Scale Mining on …

Artisanal Small-Scale Mining (ASM); Ghana. 1. Introduction Considerable efforts have been made by the mining industry to highlight its commitment to protecting the environment and addressing the needs of affected communities. ... in Ghana including the Tarkwa-Nsuaem municipality. The sector employs about 70 percent of the labour force in the ...

Spatial Analysis of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in …

66 GMJ Vol. 20, , June, 2020 Spatial Analysis of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality of Ghana* 1B. Kumi-Boateng and 1E. Stemn 1University of Mine and Technology, P. O. Box 237, Tarkwa Kumi-Boateng, B. and Stemn, E. (2020), "Spatial Analysis of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in the Tarkwa-

(PDF) The impact of artisanal small-scale mining on …

In Ghana, many measures have been put in place based on integrated approaches by involving relevant stakeholders, legalizing artisanal mining through the Small-Scale Gold Mining Law in 1989 (PNDCL ...

(PDF) The Contribution of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining …

Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) has been practiced in Ghana for many years, and contributes. significantly toward socioeconomic development of communities where it occurs. In this paper ...

The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Mining in Ghana

The Large Footprint of Small-Scale Mining in Ghana. March 29, 2020 JPEG. People have been mining for gold in Ghana for centuries. Long before European colonists set foot in the area in the 1400s, Ghanaians looked for gold with pickaxes, shovels, and pans. They washed or "panned" for gold along river banks or dug holes on the …

List Of Mining Companies In Ghana

There are 20 large-scale mining businesses in Ghana that produce gold, diamonds, bauxite, and manganese, as well as approximately 300 small-scale mining organizations and 90 mine support service companies. Below are some of the mining companies in Ghana. Ashanti Gold Mines; Gold Star Mining Company Ltd ; Rhema …

(PDF) The Socio-environmental impacts of small-scale mining …

The Socio-environmental impacts of small-scale mining operations in the Tarkwa-Nsuaem municipality in Ghana ... Small scale gold mining in Ghana has a long history. It has existed as far back as the eighth century as a economic activity. It was legalised recently when the Small Scale Mining L aw (PNDCL 218) 1989 was passed and public ...

Small-scale Mining, the SDGs and Human Insecurity in Ghana

Abstract. This chapter discusses small-scale mining in Ghana in the context of two intergovernmental development indicators—the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs) and the African Union 's Agenda 2063 (AU2063). Using the management and governance of artisanal and small-scale mining …

Small-scale mining in Ghana: The government and the …

The 1989 laws established a supply chain of registered actors though the market (Ghana Government, 1989a, Ghana Government, 1989b, Ghana Government, 1989c; 2006).However, Ghana's small-scale gold mining and gold market has become populated by more unregistered market actors than registered ones as actors skirt …

Sustainable Livelihoods in Artisanal Small-Scale Mining

This study thus explores ways of sustaining livelihoods in the artisanal small-scale mining communities within the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality of Ghana. Using primary data from a sample of 400 heads, 19 institutions, six artisanal and small-scale mining firms, and two mineral processing companies, the study finds the mining …

Effects of small-scale gold mining on heavy metal levels in …

The effects of small-scale gold mining activities on heavy metal levels in groundwater were determined for the Lower Pra Basin of Ghana. Sixty five boreholes in 45 communities were analysed between January 2012 and April 2012 for the dry season and June and October 2012 for the wet season. The test for significance and the use of …

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