Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Sustainable Sand Substitutes …

The United Nations has declared a global sand crisis, called for reduced sand consumption, and proposed solutions to address the crisis, including adopting sustainable substitutes for sand. The construction industry is a major consumer of sand, yet a recent study found a very low level of awareness by stakeholders of the crisis. The …

Experimental Observation on Beach Evolution Process with

For observation on the influence mechanism of environmentally and aesthetically friendly artificial submerged sand bars and reefs in a process-based way, a set of experiments was conducted in a 50 m-long flume to reproduce the cross-shore beach morphodynamic process under four irregular wave conditions. The beach behavior is …

Artificial Sand Making Machines, Jaw Crushers, Cone …

With the Machine invented by Akashganga, these impurity is separated and concentration of the ore increase. This reduces the costly process of water washing and is more economical. read more. Manufacturer Supplier Exporter of Artificial Sand Making Machines, Jaw Crushers, Cone Crushers, Special VSI Crusher, Plaster Sand Making …

(PDF) Artificial Intelligence and Decision …

Abstract. Public sector organizations literature has addressed the influence of AI on decision-making process, looking mainly at rationalization and efficiency. However, recent adoptions of AI ...

Artificial Sand Making Machines, Jaw Crushers, Cone Crushers…

Manufacturer Supplier Exporter of Artificial Sand Making Machines, Jaw Crushers, Cone Crushers, Special VSI Crusher, Plaster Sand Making Machines from India. ... In crushing process fine dust below 75 micron is generated . Fine dust is having more surface area hence requires more water. It increases water cement ratio. Increase in Water cement ...

Artificial sand in construction industry

It is sand processed by sand making machines and other sand making equipment. The finished product is more regular. It can be processed into different rules and sizes according to different process requirements, which can better meet daily needs. Artificial sand requires professional equipment to produce qualified and suitable sand …

(PDF) Feasibility Of Artificial Sand In Concrete

The replacement of natural sand by artificial sand is feasible for 60% to 80%. It is seen from above studies there is a variation in strength enhancement of concrete made from artificial sand to ...

How to Make Artificial Sand:Process and Machines

The equipment configuration of a sandstone sand making production line with an hourly output of 60-80 tons is: silo + vibrating feeder + jaw crusher + impact crusher + sand making machine + vibrating screen + sand washing machine + fine sand recycling machine + belt conveyor. 5. Limestone sand processing plant.

Artificial sand provides green solutions for the construction …

An ever-growing population and a continuing trend towards urbanisation mean that around 40 billion tonnes of sand are mined each year to meet the world's increasing demand for construction materials. Because sand from the desert is unsuitable as a building material, it must be mined or dredged from rivers, deltas, and coastal and …

A Comparative Study of Fabrication of Sand Casting …

Materials for traditional sand casting and 3D printed casting molds The traditional sand casting process used for this study was -bake, also known as 2no part sand - casting. The grain size of the sand used for nobake sand casting process is around 200- 220 μm - with AFS (American Foundry Society) fineness number 6065.

(PDF) The Role of Artificial Intelligence in …

The system asks decision-making process (that is, to borrow from Simon's a series of questions from a particular "folder" chosen from [lo51 terminology, SDSS should target the intelligence and the following: 1) …

How is sand processed

There are two ways of vertical axis breaking sand production: open circuit production and closed-circuit production. Each way can be divided into dry process, wet process and semi dry process. In dry production, the sand production rate and stone powder content are high, but the dust pollution is serious.

Custom Sand Making Plant Equipment And Solutions

Stone sand-making machine. 1. Professional sand making equipment – VSI sand making machine. VSI sand-making machine is a professional sand-making equipment with many advantages such as good sand-making effect, high output, and stable operation. It has a high market share and saves 50% of energy compared to …

Manufacturing sand

1. Sand making. In crushed aggregates production, up to 30% (rock dependent) of materials acquired from the bedrock are reduced to sizes smaller than 4 mm, meaning they end up as waste. These stockpiles are a perfect feed for the production of …

[PDF] Strength Characteristics Of Concrete With Recycled …

Growing concern of the planet due to heavy consumption of sand and rock in concrete made it a necessity to find way through sustainable construction practices. A possible solution to these problems is to use of C& D waste in concrete. Recycled concrete can produce an alternative aggregate for structural concrete as partial or total replacement. …

Artificial Island Construction Methods, Design and Advantages

The depth of water is the first and foremost factor that influences on the design of artificial Island. More the depth more complicated is design and execution. The height of the waves that hit on the structure. Currents of the ocean. Top construction material available in the nearby vicinity. Existing pipelines or cables.

(PDF) Artificial Intelligence Regulation: a framework for …

This article develops a conceptual framework for regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI) that encompasses all stages of modern public policy-making, from the basics to a sustainable governance ...

(PDF) 3D Printed Smart Molds for Sand Casting

Abstract. Additive manufacturing, also commonly referred to as 3D , stands to transform sand casting with binder jetting technology that can create sand molds with unmatched geometric ...

Quality assessment standards and production technology of artificial …

In artificial sand, the content of stone powder will affect the workability, polishability, durability, permeability and water release of concrete. In the artificial sand and gravel production process system, crushing and sand making equipment are the most important sand and gravel production equipment.

Production of Manufactured Sand | SpringerLink

2.1 Production Process of Manufactured Sand. At present, most enterprises are backward in production, with low efficiency, poor quality, and high cost, which has a negative impact on the quality of construction engineering [ 1 ]. Small hammer crusher or impact crusher was usually adopted to produce MS in most small-scale sand and gravel …

Establishment of Casting Manufacturing Technology by

Table 1 shows an example of the composition of silica sand and artificial sand. The main component of natural silica sand is SiO 2, and its content is as high as about 90%.When crushed, it becomes fine powder and dust (SiO 2) is scattered to the atmosphere.If the capability of the dust collector is high, the dust is not scattered but is …

(PDF) The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Auditing and Accounting

Introduction. Artificial Intelligence plays a significant role in the performance of the audit procedures as well. as facilitating proper decision making by accountants in making use of the ...

B M P for Construction of Sand-based, Natural Grass …

fields, 2-inch pipe is recommended and on flat fields, 4-inch. pipe. After subsoil drains are installed, surface drains are added. The first step is sand injection, which involves cutting slots 0.6 i. ches wide on 19-inch centers at right angles to cross field drains. The patented machinery required for. this oper.


sand acquired from waterway beds has been utilized primarily in the process of fine aggregate in the production of concrete. Because the supply of River sand is insufficient and its continuous supply is uncertain, use of Manufactured Sand (M-Sand) and Quarry Dust Sand as a substitute for Natural Sand has been inevitable.

(PDF) Casting Process Improvement by the Application of Artificial …

Abstract: On the way to building smart factories as the vision of Industry 4.0, the casting process. stands out as a specific manufacturing process due to its diversity and complexity. One of the ...

Artificial Graphite

Artificial graphite is fabricated by heat treatment of petroleum coke, coal-tar pitch, or oil. Specific capacity and reversibility is lost at high temperatures from 1000kg−1 (at 500°C) to 150kg −1 (1800°C). Above 2000°C, an increasing degree of graphitization improves capacity again (200–300kg −1) and minimizes ...

(PDF) Artificial Rain Making

Artificial Rain making / cloud seeding. Rainmaking, also known as artificial precipitation, artificial rainf all and. pluviculture, is the act of attempting to artificially induce or increase ...


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has re volutionized business decision-making in numerous. ways, significantly impacting various i ndustries and sectors. From automating repetitive tasks. to analyzing ...

Mechanical Sand Processing Flow Design

Artificial sand is also called machine-made sand, which is processed by sand making machines and other auxiliary equipment.The finished product of machine-made sand is more regular, and can be processed into different rules and sizes according to different requirements to meet the needs of different purposes.

Optimizing Sand Production: Selecting the Ideal Sand Making …

The VSI6X sand making machine features multiple crushing chambers and an advanced hydraulic adjustment system, enabling precise particle size control and increased production efficiency. Input Size: 0-50mm. Capacity: 100-583TPH. Material: Granite, quartz, basalt, pebble, limestone, dolomite, etc. Product Features: Lower …

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