(PDF) Combined Bacterial and Pressure Oxidation for

of sulfide minerals was provided via bio-oxidation using a microbial culture. The pH value was measured daily, maintained in a range of 1.0–1.2 by adding either concentrated

Application of natural mineral materials in advanced oxidation

1. Introduction. The irregular discharge of wastewater has caused serious hazards to human production and life, such as the deterioration of water quality and the shortage of drinking water [1].Refractory organic contaminants in wastewater have the characteristics of strong obstinacy and high toxicity, which has become one of the most …

Pretreatment of refractory gold minerals by ozonation …

The ozonation of refractory minerals can improve gold extraction through direct treatment or indirect oxidation. It minimizes gold entrapping with refractory minerals by creating desired oxidizing ...


Pressure oxidation of these refractory gold mineral carriers is a very complex reaction system involving several oxidation and hydrolytic reactions which occur in series and/or parallel. Moreover these oxidation reactions are highly exothermic. Since the nature and composition of the reaction products can have a considerable impact on …

Bacterial Oxidation of Refractory Ores

The bulk of the proven ore reserves are sulphidic and refractory. The main minerals are pyrite and arsenopyrite with trace amounts of chalcopyrite, sphalerite, stibnite, galena, pyrrhotite and pentlandite. Temperature has been one of the most important control variables and as can be observed has been held at 40 °C by cooling.

Pretreatment of refractory gold ore by curing with

continuously decreasing, while refractory gold minerals are becoming the most important resources in the eld of gold extraction. In these original ores, most of the gold is encapsulated in the lattice of pyrite and arsenopyrite, resulting in dif- ... at pH 10.5–11.5 after acid pressure oxidation pretreatment of refractory gold ores. However ...

(PDF) A Preliminary Study on Nitric Acid Pre-treatment of Refractory

This study was undertaken to evaluate the nitric acid leaching as a potential pre-treatment. process prior to cyanidation of refractory gold/silver ores. The nitric acid pre -treatment ...

Acid leaching decarbonization and following pressure oxidation …

Carbonate decomposition of carbonic refractory gold ore and the following pressure oxidation were studied. In the carbonate decomposition procedure, the effects of liquid-to-solid ratio and reaction time on decomposition ratio of carbonate were investigated. The experimental result shows that the decomposition ratio of carbonate is 98.24% …

Comparative Study of Gold Extraction from Refractory …

Pressure oxidation is a hydrometallurgical oxidative pretreatment for refractory ores, such as sulfide ores. Here, simultaneous alkaline pressure oxidation and sodium cyanide leaching treatments were carried out on a pyritic ore from the Mulatos Mine located in Sahuaripa, Sonora, Mexico. Mineral characterization, agitation leaching, hot …

Biotechnology in minerals processing: Technological …

The maturation of biotechnology applied to the minerals industry has required some key breakthroughs. Commercial success started with the mesophilic oxidation of refractory gold ores via the now-well-established BIOX® process. This was followed by the development of the BioCOP™ process for extracting copper from concentrates.

Simultaneous sulfide oxidation and gold dissolution by …

Pyrite and arsenopyrite are known to be the most common gold-bearing sulfide minerals in refractory gold ores. Traditionally, these minerals have been first oxidized by roasting, acidic pressure ...

Recent challenges in biological cyanidation and oxidation of …

Refractory gold mining often involves complex extraction processes, such as pressure oxidation or bioleaching, which can release harmful chemicals and pollutants …

(PDF) Gold Extraction from a Refractory Sulfide Concentrate …

sure oxidation has been used to treat refractory gold or es or concentrates as pretreatment and subsequent cyanidation. Alkaline pressure oxidation is an effective pretreatment for

Sulfide Minerals Bio-Oxidation of a Low-Grade Refractory …

Mineral dissolution kinetics and microbial community in bio-oxidation was lucubrated in this work and suggestions were provided for pre-treatment of refractory gold ore. This paper describes the oxidative dissolution kinetics of sulfides with gold occlusion within pyrite and arsenopyrite.

(PDF) Thermodynamic Behavior of Pyrite and Arsenopyrite

refractory gold ores. e advantages of pressure oxidation are that the reaction rate is fast, environmental pollution is low, decomposition of sul de minerals is perfect, mass re-

Bio-Oxidation and Biocyanidation of Refractory Mineral Ores …

In addition, the role of the microbial community in the bio-oxidation of refractory ores for removal of base metal impurities and in the recovery of Au based on biocyanidation is reviewed. They also address the future research directions in the bioleaching of Au in order to make further advances toward practical industrial applications.

Pressure oxidation overview

In unoxidized (refractory) ores, the micron-sized gold is associated with sulfide minerals and organic carbon such as kerogen and asphaltine. Oxidation of the Mercur deposit developed upwards progressively from the bottom of the deposit such that the upper portion of the deposit contains refractory ore.

Bio-oxidation of Gold from Refractory Sulfide Ores: A …

Abstract Biomining through bioleaching and bio-oxidation aims at recovering desired metals at the required specifications with lower environmental impact and costs from ores and waste streams. Research and developments related to the process technology and efficient implementation of this approach are advanced worldwide. Small …

Column bio-oxidation of low-grade refractory gold ore …

@article{Zhang2022ColumnBO, title={Column bio-oxidation of low-grade refractory gold ore containing high-arsenic and high-sulfur: Insight on change in microbial community structure and sulfide surface corrosion}, author={Shiqi Zhang and Hong-ying Yang and Pengcheng Ma and Zuochun Luan and Lin-lin Tong and Zhe-nan Jin and …

Progress in bioleaching: part B: applications of microbial

This review presents developments and applications in bioleaching and mineral biooxidation since publication of a previous mini review in 2003 (Olson et al. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 63:249–257, 2003). There have been discoveries of newly identified acidophilic microorganisms that have unique characteristics for effective bioleaching of …

Recent challenges in biological cyanidation and oxidation of …

Refractory gold mining often involves complex extraction processes, such as pressure oxidation or bioleaching, which can release harmful chemicals and pollutants into the environment. This can lead to water and soil contamination, impacting local ecosystems and communities (Bouffard and Dixon 2004 ; Asamoah 2021 ).

Pressure oxidation of pyrite-arsenopyrite refractory gold concentrate

The refractory ore must be destroyed or attacked by chemical means with the use of oxidative processes, such as oxidation by roasting [2], pressure oxidation [3], bio-oxidation [4], and ultrafine ...

Bioleaching review part B: | Applied Microbiology and

This review describes the historical development and current state of metals leaching and sulfide mineral biooxidation by the minerals industries. During the past 20 years commercial processes employing microorganisms for mineral recovery have progressed from rather uncontrolled copper dump leaching to mineral oxidation and …

Study on Pre-oxidation of a High-Arsenic and High-Sulfur Refractory …

For arsenic-containing refractory gold concentrate, gold recovery by leaching is extremely difficult due to the encapsulation of gold in arsenopyrite and pyrite. In this work, the pre-oxidation of a high-arsenic and high-sulfur refractory gold concentrate in the acidic potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide solutions has been investigated. The …

Oxidation of sulfide mineral and metal extraction

Bio-oxidation of refractory sulfidic gold minerals has been applied at the commercial scale as a pre-treatment to improve gold yields and reduce chemical consumption during gold cyanidation.

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Gold Extraction from a Refractory …

Rusanen et al. argue that oxygen pressure is the most important factor influencing the oxidation of refractory minerals. From Figure 4, we can see that gold dissolution of 89.51% was obtained at pressure leaching and oxidation conditions of 1.1 MPa and 55 °C. Leaching and oxidation under increased pressure enhance gold …

A Pretreatment of Refractory Gold Ores Containing Sulfide …

Pre-oxidation of sulfide minerals using ammonium solutions containing cupric ions can be considered as a pretreatment process for refractory gold ores at …

Oxidation of sulfide mineral and metal extraction analysis in …

Other researchers reported that 97 % oxidation of sulfide minerals achieved 99 % gold extraction (Ahtiainen et al., 2021). The results of the leaching test on roasted gold ore showed that pretreatment is an essential stage in the processing of refractory gold ore. Gold extraction can be increased significantly from 47.5 % without pretreatment ...

Recovery of gold from sulfide refractory gold ore: Oxidation …

In order to render gold amenable to the subsequent cyanide leaching, oxidation pretreatment is considered to be an effective method for treatment of …

Pretreatment of refractory gold ore by curing with …

The most effective method to solve the problem of insufficient contact between gold particles and leaching reagent is oxidation pretreatment before leaching.

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