Extracting antimony from high arsenic and gold-containing stibnite ore …

The As-Au-Sb ore consisted of stibnite (Sb 2 S 3 ), pyrite (FeS 2 ), arsenopyrite (FeAsS), and quartz (SiO 2 ), along with a small amount of muscovite (KAl 2 (AlSi 3 O 10 )(OH) 2 ) and other ...

Antimony Recovery from End-of-Life Products and Industrial …

It is mainly produced from stibnite ore (Sb 2 S 3), but also occurs as oxide (Sb 2 O 3), and as antimonides and sulphoantimonides of metals like lead ... This creates arsenate- and antimonate-containing residues. Highly pure Sb 2 O 3 is usually obtained by oxidation of technical grade antimony metal (99.0–99.8 % pure), followed by a refuming ...

Fluid inclusions and ore precipitation mechanism in the giant

The ore mineral assemblages include early-stage quartz-stibnite, fluorite-quartz-stibnite and barite-quartz-stibnite, and late-stage calcite-stibnite. In spite of numerous research works on the Xikuangshan deposit during the past several decades, the signatures of the ore-forming fluids and the ore precipitation mechanisms are poorly …

Treatment of antimonial gold ores

The rate of oxidation of stibnite is strongly dependent on pH with appreciable dissolution at pH 10 reducing to low levels at pH 12. Fig. 1 shows Hedley and Tabachnick's (1958) results of the cyanidation of a synthetic ore containing 0.25% stibnite at pH values of 10, 11 and 12.. Download : Download full-size image Fig. 1.


Stibnite is a typical hydrothermal deposit associated with other sulfide minerals and is the principal source of antimony. The metal is used as flame retardant, textiles, and coatings, …

Experimental research on mineral processing for a stibnite ore …

Abstract. The refractory stibnite used in this research is from Shan yang, Shaanxi. The ore characteristics are coarser grain size of the stibnite, which is favorable for flotation. But the clay minerals (kaolinite and illite), pyrite and arsenopyrite in the ore will bring some difficulties to flotation. Through on the research of the slurry ...

Anodic process of stibnite in slurry electrolysis: The direct collision

Mineralogical analysis had previously shown that the main antimony-bearing mineral in the As-Sb-Au ore was stibnite [8]. Therefore, pure stibnite was taken as the research object in this study. Furthermore, the direct collision oxidation reaction of minerals with an electrode during the SE process in the HCl-NaCl system was studied. 2. …

Pilot Plant Studies on the Extraction of Antimony Metal …

Ubaldini [10] obtained electrodeposited pure antimony metal from stibnite ore by alkaline leaching in sodium sulphide and sodium hydroxide solutions. P. Balaz [11] leached stibnite with a basic ...

The metallurgy of antimony

Industrially, stibnite (Sb 2 S 3) is the predominant ore of interest and importance. Stibnite deposits are usually found in quartz veins. The deposits frequently contain minor amounts of gold, silver and mercury sulfides. ... Rougher concentrate is thrice cleaned to make a pure stibnite concentrate. Overall 33% of the ore is treated by hand ...

(PDF) Stibnite froth flotation: A critical review

for obtaining a stibnite concentrate from an ore deposit in New Zealand. Just over a decade later, Lager and Forssberg (1989a, 1989b) carried out an extensive analysis of published studies ...

Mineral Magnetism | SpringerLink

The magnetic rate of pure magnetite is 42.8%. The low magnetic rate of iron ore indicates its high degree of oxidation and weak magnetism. In industry, iron ore with magnetic rate ≥36% is classified as magnetite. Iron ore with a magnetic rate of 28–36% is classified as semi pseudo hematite.

A graphite-modified natural stibnite mineral as a high …

To improve the electrochemical performance of the natural stibnite ore, an effective and unsophisticated approach was adopted to prepare graphite/stibnite (G/Sb 2 S 3) anode …


nabar-stibnite ore by bulk flotation and controlled-atmosphere roasting of the concentrate. Ore from the Red Devil mine near Sleetmute, Alaska, was selected for testing; it is typical of ores widely distributed throughout the Kuskokwim River Basin. The material, consisting of stibnite and cinnabar in ankerite, dolomite, and quartz, as-

Understanding Stibnite | Gem-A

Understanding Stibnite. Gem-A assistant gemmology tutor, Dr Juliette Hibou FGA explores the history, origins and chemical composition of the mineral, stibnite, …

A graphite-modified natural stibnite mineral as a high …

Stibnite is a primary Sb 2 S 3 mineral and belongs to the orthorhombic system (a 0 = 11.20 Å, b 0 = 11.28 Å, and c 0 = 3.83 Å), which has been found in huge crystals and crystal clusters in many regions. 19 Note that the natural pure mineral usually exhibits unfavorable electrochemical properties. 20 Hence, it is necessary to improve the ...

A general ore formation model for metasediment-hosted Sb …

The formation of native antimony in stibnite may have been due to ore-forming fluids with low oxygen fugacity, in which the element Sb was reduced to form native antimony. Low oxygen fugacity is unlikely to be associated with pure magmatic fluids, so we infer meteoric fluids with low oxygen fugacity participated in Sb ore formation ( Li et al ...

Stibnite recovery from complex Tolukuma ore

For the complex Tolukuma ore grading 16 % Sb, 0.6 % As and 27 g Au /t, optimum reagent conditions to achieve favorable stibnite recovery by froth flotation has been established. The use of CuSO4 ...


Stibnite is the principal ore of antimony. The mineral is widely admired for its spectacular crystalline habits, which exhibit extremes of sharpness, luster and size. Its …


Stibnite: Quick Facts and Characteristics Some quick facts for Stibnite: Transparency: Stibnite is opaque. Crystallography: In terms of crystallography, stibnite is orthorhombic. Luster: In terms of luster, stibnite is metallic. Streak: Stibnite streaks dark gray or gray. Hardness: Stibnite's hardness is 2 on the Moh's scale. Specific Gravity: Stibnite's …

Stibnite Ore

Stibnite Ore is a block added by the GregTech 5 mod. It is an ore which generates in Tetrahedrite Ore Mix as a sporadic ore. It can be found in Overworld with 4% chance per chunk and in Nether with 9.86% chance …

Mineral Resource of the Month: Antimony

The principal ore minerals of antimony are stibnite and jamesonite, but it can also be a byproduct of certain other minerals. Eighty percent of the world's antimony is …


Stibnite (Sb2 S 3) is the most prevalent mineral, primarily found in siliceous or carbonate sedimentary rocks. Common secondary antimony minerals in ore deposits include senarmontite (Sb 2 O 3 ), kermesite (Sb 2 S 2 O), and stibiconite (Sb 3 …

Natural stibnite ore (Sb

To incorporate green chemistry, natural stibnite ore (Sb 2 S 3) after modification via carbon sheets was applied as a first-hand material in SIBs through a facile and efficient strategy. The unique composites exhibited an outstanding electrochemical performance with a higher reversible capacity, a better rate capability, as well as an …

Antimony | Geoscience Australia

Antimony is rarely found in its pure state and most commonly occurs in nature as the sulphide mineral stibnite (Sb 2 S 3). ... Ore Reserves were down 73% from 2018 levels owing to reclassification of the Hillgrove deposit in New South Wales. Hillgrove had been on care and maintenance since 2016 but recommenced production of gold, …

Leaching of Antimony from Stibnite Ore in KOH Solution for …

Their results indicated that using 1 g Na 2 S and 1 g NaOH per g of pure stibnite can provide an antimony leaching efficiency up to 98–. Ubaldini et al.17 developed a new process for the extraction of antimony and gold from refractory auriferous stibnite. They used alkaline sulfide leaching as pretreatment for Sb recovery.

Antimony Statistics and Information | U.S. Geological Survey

Estimates of the abundance of antimony in the Earth's crust range from 0.2 to 0.5 parts per million. Antimony is chalcophile, occurring with sulfur and the heavy metals, lead, copper, and silver. Over a hundred minerals of antimony are found in nature. Stibnite (Sb 2 S 3) is the predominant ore mineral of antimony. The most important use of ...

The Schlaining quartz-stibnite deposit, Eastern Alps, Austria

The microthermometric data from stibnite-hosted primary and pseudo-secondary fluid inclusions define a cooling trend, at relatively stable salinities (Fig. 6) and …

Stibnite | Properties, Occurrence, Formation and Uses Areas

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(PDF) On the structure of stibnite (Sb2S3) bing/images

Natural stibnite ore (Sb2S3) embedded in sulfur-doped …

extent. Stibnite, primarily a Sb 2S 3 ore that belongs to the orthorhombic system (a 0 ¼ 11.20 ˚A, b 0 ¼ 11.28 ˚A, and c 0 ¼ 3.83 ˚A), has been found as huge crystals and a crystal cluster (chemical purity: 99% Sb 2O 3) in many areas around the globe.25,26 In addition, stibnite is a signi cant raw mineral


Stibnite (Sb2 S 3) is the most prevalent mineral, primarily found in siliceous or carbonate sedimentary rocks. Common secondary antimony minerals in ore deposits include …

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