Limestone Calculator

A cubic yard block of limestone weighs approximately 2.0 US tons or roughly around 4,000 pounds. On the other hand, a cubic yard box filled with crushed limestone rocks weighs around 1.3 to 1.9 US tons, depending on the average size of the rocks. Solid limestone weighs a lot heavier than crushed limestone rocks since, in crushed limestone …

Gravel Driveway Calculator

The formula to find volume is length × width × depth. Multiply the width by the length by the depth in yards to find the cubic yards of gravel needed. For example, if you are creating a driveway that is 30′ long and 12′ wide, and will use 18″ of total material, your calculations will look like this: 10 × 4 × .17 = 6.8 cu yds per layer.

Bulk Crusher Run Atlanta – Order Online | Atlanta Landscape …

A cubic yard of Crusher Run is equivalent to 1.2 tons or +/-2400lbs. This will cover 160 square feet at a 2" depth, 100 square feet at 3" depth, and 80 square feet at 4" depth. What is Crusher Run used for? Crusher Run granite gravel is mainly used as a utility gravel used for driveways, walkways, construction & cement foundation, bedding areas ...

Crushed Stone Calculator

A cubic yard of crushed stone measures a 3 feet x 3 feet x 3 feet area and weighs about 1.35 to 1.5 tons. What are #57 crushed stones? The #57 crushed stone is ¾ inch and one of the most popular …

What You Need to Know About Building Trails with Crusher …

An 8' wide contractor built crusher fine trail in the Denver area costs between $4 and $5 per foot, not including the cost of site preparation and infrastructure such as retaining walls, and bridges. This compares with $12 to $15 per linear foot for concrete. The fines cost about $3.00 per cubic yard delivered in the metro area.


-1 cubic yard = 1 ton Unscreened topsoil 1:1.3 -1 cubic yard = 1 1/3 tons Gravel Bank run gravel 1:2-2" Screened gravel 1:2 ... #2 Crusher run limestone 1:2-1 cubic yard = 2 tons . Gravel; Top Soil; Crushed Aggregates; Map; Calculator; Contact Us; A cubic yard is equal to 27 cubic feet. You can use the online calculator to determine how many ...

Crusher Run Near Me

Crusher Run Driveway Base rock combined with sand packs tightly, so it is a suitable material for installing underneath driveways, you can even use it as a top layer for your driveway if you would like. We sell compact crusher run and 57 limestone for driveway in cubic yards or square feet.

Crushed Stone Calculator

To calculate crushed stones in cubic yards for a rectangular surface, use the following formula: S = (L × W × D) / 27. where: S – Required amount of crushed stones; …

Gravel Calculator

A cubic yard of typical gravel weighs about 2830 pounds or 1.42 tons. A square yard of gravel with a depth of 2 in (~5 cm) weighs about 157 pounds (~74 kg). The gravel is assumed to be clean of dirt and other debris. …

Crusher Run

Crusher run weighs approximately 2,500 lbs. per cubic yard. The depth of the crusher run base recommended in inches will vary depending on the project. What is Crusher Run used for? For driveway installation, a foundation of crusher run can add years to your driveway's life. The durable and compact nature of the material will prevent the ...

Crusher Fine Calculator

Enter the desired depth of the crusher fines in inches. Click the "Calculate" button. The calculator will display the estimated quantity of crusher fines needed in cubic yards. Example Calculation: Suppose you want to cover an area of 2,000 square feet with crusher fines, and you desire a depth of 3 inches.

Convert Cubic Yards Of Crusher Run To Tons

Crusher run volume per tonne Crusher Unit. ... 2012 bank run $6.10 per ton fob crush stone crusher run 2 ... 2013 of 2900 lbs per cubic yard of dry crusher run ... Convert tonne to m3 crusher run, ... how much does a cubic yard of crusher run weight. ... invariably found that unscreened stone or the run of the crusher has a far the cubic yard; ...

Cubic yards into tons | tons into cubic yards

Cubic yards to tons crusher run. To convert cubic yards to tons of crusher run, roughly multiply your cubic yards figure by 1.25 to determine tons of crusher run needed for project's amount in such as, Cubic …

Cubic Yards To Tons Calculator

Cubic yards × 1.4 = US tons (approx). This conversion will give an approximation for many sand and gravel products. To get a more accurate conversion, you'll need to involve a density figure in your calculation. …

How Much Crusher Run Do I Need for a Patio?

Once you've the square footage, you can use a conversion factor to determine how many cubic yards of crusher run you'll need. One cubic yard is equal to 27 cubic feet, so you'll need to divide the total square footage by 27 to get the cubic yardage. It's important to note that crusher run is typically sold by weight, not volume.

Calculate Crusher Run 3/8" minus | Cubic Yard (or Feet) to …

Calculate Crusher Run 3/8" minus. Type in inches and feet of your project and calculate the estimated amount of Base Material in cubic yards, cubic feet and Tons, that your need for your project. The Density of Crusher Run 3/8" minus: 2,480 lb/yd³ or 1.24 t/yd³ or 0.8 yd³/t. Type in your numbers.

Stone Dust Calculator Online

Cubic Yard: Measurement of volume equal to 27 cubic feet: Ton: Unit of weight equal to 2,000 pounds: Example. Consider an area measuring 30 feet in length and 15 feet in width, requiring a stone dust layer depth of 3 inches. Quantity = (30 × 15 × 3) / 324 / 27 Quantity ≈ 4.17 tons.

The ABC's of Gravel

In considering the cost of crusher run vs. washed stone, realize that 25% to 45% of the weight of crusher run gravel is composed of particles smaller than 2 mm. Although quarries price gravel on a per-ton basis, its simpler to calculate gravel needs and compare costs based on cubic yards.

Crusher Run

Crusher run weighs approximately 2,500 lbs. per cubic yard. The depth of the crusher run base recommended in inches will vary depending on the project. What is Crusher Run …

Crushed Concrete Calculator How Much Crushed Concrete …

Feed concrete chunks into a jaw crusher capable of 1-2" output gradation. Screen crushed concrete through a 1-1/2″ screen into coarse and fine fractions. Process fine fraction in an impact crusher equipped with a 1/2″ screen. Combine coarse and fine fractions to achieve specified 3/4″, 1" or 1-1/2″ gradation for subbase material.

Material Weight – Pounds per Cubic Yard

3400. 5100. 6800 8500. Material Weight – Pounds per Cubic Yard. All posted weights were gathered from the EPA & NTEA. DownEaster*.

Crusher Run Calculator: Estimate Your Project Material Needs

Enter the depth of the crusher run in inches. Click on the "Calculate" button. The calculator will display the result in cubic yards. How It Calculates. The calculator converts the …

Calculate Crusher Run | Cubic Yard (or Feet) to Tons

Calculate Crusher Run. Type in inches and feet of your project and calculate the estimated amount of Base Material in cubic yards, cubic feet and Tons, that your need for your project. The Density of Crusher Run : 2,410 lb/yd³ …

Crusher Run Calculator

The density of crusher run typically ranges from 2,200 to 2,700 pounds per cubic yard, depending on the specific composition and moisture content of the material. ... Crusher run offers superior compaction properties compared to other base materials, such as gravel or sand, making it ideal for projects requiring a stable and long-lasting ...


The BF120.4 bucket crusher is suitable for excavators weighing more than 66,100 lbs, and was created to meet the specific needs of crushing in quarries and landfills for aggregate recycling, in large job sites to reduce the volume of materials resulting from demolition work. With a productivity of more than 65 cubic yards per hour, a capacity ...

Landscape Supply Calculators

Topdressing your Bermuda or Zoysia Lawn. Regular application is approximately 1/3″. Thicker application is approximately 2/3″. If it's your first application, do a regular application instead of thick. 1 cubic yard of sand covers approx. 2000 square feet. For deeper applications, use the Bulk calculator above.

STONE CALCULATOR [How Much Stone do I Need]

Otherwise, simply type your dimensions of the stone into the calculator. Our bulk material calculator is a powerful tool that will help you calculate the volume of stone required. In addition, if you know the density of the stone and cost per unit mass/volume, then you can also calculate the total cost. Coupled with a little preparation, this ...

What Is Crusher Run?

Crusher run is typically used underneath concrete slabs, patios, driveways, sidewalks, and walkways and ranges in sizes from ½" to 4" with stone dust. How Much …

30 cu. ft. Graphite Gray Landscape Decomposed Granite, …

Also called stone dust, rock fines and crusher fines is a combination of small (3/8 size or smaller) ... We can get a cubic yard of crushed rocks (1/4 minus, 3/8 minus, 5/8 minus, etc.) for less than $50.00. In my local landscape supplies, it's just $38.00 per cy. I got 10 cy plus delivery fee & tax for $498.

STONE CALCULATOR [How Much Stone do I …

Calculate the volume of stone by entering your dimensions in imperial units (inches, feet or yards) or metric units (centimeters or meters). The calculator will take care of any unit conversions so you don't need to!

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