Clarkston riffle design questions PICS!!

Primary Interest: All Treasure Hunting. Jun 13, 2014. #5. joebwhit said: So I got a wild hair and weled up some new riffles. I based everything off the clarkston research. I used 3/4"x3/4" angle iron and 1 1/2" flat bar. at 3/4" tall they should have been spaced 1 1/2" apart from down stream edge to up stream edge with a 15 degree pitch to them.

Gold Mining Sluice Boxes & Accessories for Sale

Washing gold paydirt over riffles breaks up the dirt, introduces bubbles and creates a lot of turbulence. ... Dredges & Accessories 6; Facebook Feed 7; Fine Gold Recovery 2; Gold Cube Accessories 5; Gold Panning Kits 8; Gold Panning Machines 5; Gold Pans 7; Gold Trommels 2; Highbankers 22; Hiking Gear 2; International 157; Made in the U.S.A. 46;

High Production Power Sluice & Combination Dredge

This Power Sluice is 20 inches wide, 8 feet long and capable of processing up to 4 cubic yards per hour. The sluice is equipped with 4 different riffle designs. Mirikal matting protected by a large 1/8th classifier screen, traditional Hungarian riffles, The simple but effective small expanded metal over carpet and some larger expanded metal ...


The filter mesh is typically about half the size of the holes in the hydraulic riffles. The filter principle harnesses the high velocity of washwater passing by the filter surface to constantly wipe the media from any collected debris, ensuring maintenance-free operation. No motors, no moving parts.

4 Dredge Instructions

visible gold in the primary recovery riffles Stage #2 Secondary recovery of coarse gold Stage #3 Allows fine material to enter lower section & protects it from high velocity water, providing super fine recovery of gold and black sand Sluice Box Tilt A d j u s t m e n t Move the sluice Box forward to increase or backward to decrease the angle.

Homemade 3 Stage Under Current Sluice Box catching Gold …

The riffles on the first (front) set are 3/4 inch high, the riffles on the upper deck of the under current are 1 and 1/4 inches, and the lower under current riffles are 3/8 ths of an inch high. I used standard mild 1/16 th inch steel for all the riffles. The sluice box itself is just a big sheet of aluminum bent into a trough, and was no big deal.

Gold Pan Dual Riffles (SET of 4 sizes $19.95)

Save big on a set of 4 gold pan sizes! 4 pans for 19.95!! Individual gold pans start at just $4.95 for 8" size. Just 8.95 for the 14" pan. Or you can order a set of 4 sizes of the dual riffle gold pan at a big discount. These make excellent finishing Gold Pans - very lightweight with sharp riffles - perfect for cleaning up your gold concentrates.

Hydraulic Riffles ? | Gold Dredging Forum

cannot say enough about the westcoast miners very helpful in showing there gear and all vouch for hydraulic riffles,liked the idea of a boil box at the start of the riffles, my dredge is getting fabricated and should be ready this coming summer had a lend of a 6 inch keene dredge for a few days from a friend from naseby, worked well but still ...

Gold Dredges & Gold Dredging

The creek is quite small, averaging 20 feet wide by a foot deep; but the dredges work out the whole area of the valley bottom and work at different levels controlled by dams. The whole field of dredging for gold is yet in its infancy, and it offers a promising field for investment under proper conditions.

Dredge instructions

2. Check the pump for loss of prime or blockage. The foot valve may be too close to the surface of the water and air may enter the intake of the pump via a small whirlpool. The pump intake or foot valve screen may be plugged with leaves or moss, restricting flow into the intake of the pump.

RDH Dredge Riffles | A&B Prospecting

RDH Dredge Riffles. $65.95. RDH Dredge Riffles. Hungarian riffle cage that replaces your sluice riffles highbanking or dredging set up. Designed for 10" sluices. RDH Highbank/Dredge Hopper. Keene P90/GX50. RDH #48 Sluice Box.

Gold Dredging

There are numerous styles of dredge and sluice components. And you can get them in any size your budget and mining license will allow. Generally speaking the bigger the dredge the more material you can move in a day, but also the higher your outlay and running costs will be. The difference between a four inch dredge and a six inch dredge (they ...

Devin Gold VDR (Vortex Drop Riffle) mats for …

Devin Gold VDR (Vortex Drop Riffle) mats for sluices & highbankers. $ 173.04 – $ 329.57 +GST for NZ. We stock these mats in 3 different widths – the choice is yours. All prices are subject to 15% GST for customers …

Here's My Take On Drop Riffle Units/Battery Operated Type …

Drop riffles allow the gold to drop out of the water flow, like it happens in nature. Standard riffles require more water flow, to create a low pressure zone, hopefully capturing gold. Larger stones can knock flour gold out of standard riffles, but just roll over drop riffles, where the gold has already dropped out of sight.

Dredge Mats

Our Gold Dredge Matting Makes Clean Ups 10x Faster. (Per order, 1-2 weeks delivery) Dream Mat Dredge Mats take a fresh look at fine gold & large gold recovery. True active exchange, captures only what you …

2 Powerful Backpack Dredges For Ultimate Portability & Power

Backpack dredges contain all the equipment necessary to dredge for gold in streams, ponds, and lakes. Some of these are equipped with suction hoses, while others have power jets. ... riffles or carpet, a pump, and the necessary hose and fittings. ... the larger the output. Dredges the size of boats can cost upwards of $50,000. Full-sized ...

Proline 4 inch Gold Dredge

Proline Mining - 4" Gold Dredges. "The most popular suction dredge on the market just got better!" 4" dredge w/GX160 & HP350 pump (NO AIR) $4180. 4" dredge w/GX160, HP350 pump & T-80 Air $4590. 4" dredge w/GX200, HP400 pump & T-80 Air $4790. 4" dredge w/GX200, HP400 pump & PCA10 Air $5075. For decades the 4" suction dredge has …

Gold Sluice Box Design

On one dredge, gold recovery was 90% for 12-hour gold cleanups and increased to 94% when sluices were cleaned every 2 hours (Zamyatin and others, 1975). For cleanup, clear water is run through the …

Dream Mat | Jarvine Riffle | Gold Prospecting

USA made Jarvine Riffles available in various sizes. Screened fluid bed design traps fine gold without clogging, perfect for high bankers & dredges. ... Gold Cube Dream Mats; Dredge Mats; Menu. Best Sellers ; New Products; Shop. Mats. Vortex Mats ; Micro Mats; Mini Mats; Combo Mats; Gold Cube Dream Mats; Dredge Mats; ... Size: 8" Width x 8 ...

High low rubber riffle mat, 520 mm long x 254 mm wide

When submerged sideways in the water it takes only seconds to clean and helps get you running material again quickly. Simple to use, fits under the riffles of most sluice boxes….Using expanded mesh is not necessary. The blue colour lets you spot the gold easily. • Size is 520 mm x 254 mm, L x W

14" Green Dual Riffle Gold Pan, 3" x 1/4" Deep Riffles

14" Green Plastic Gold Pan with Two Different Types of Riffles.• Dual Riffles:(1) 3 x 1/4" Deep Riffles(2) Micro Riffles• Diameter : 14"• Color : GreenWhy Choose SE's Plastic Gold Pan over Traditional Metal Pans?• Plastic does not rust or corrode.• The shallow and deep riffles trap the gold better, making your pan as

Keene 2.5 inch Dredge 12" box (FREE SHIPPING)

FREE SHIPPING SPECIAL!: 2 1/2 inch KEENE Pontoon Dredge with an optional air compressor. The 2.5 Inch Ultra Series has set a new standard for smaller size dredges. The unmatched performance of this new dredge system is designed for those who operate in extremely remote and challenging locations. It can be easily transported and quickly …

How do Suction Gold Dredges Work?

Gold Suction Dredges come in a wide variety of designs and sizes of intake. Suction dredges are commonly available "off-the-shelf" in sizes ranging from a small backpack size intake of 2 inches up to a very large commercial dredge intake of 10 inches. ... The sluice captures the gold behind the riffles exactly like it would when you use it ...

Hydraulic Riffles ? | Gold Dredging Forum

The inclusion of hydraulic riffles on a dredge is the main way known to professional Kiwi dredgers to dramatically improve fine gold recovery when dredging in areas of abundant heavy black sands. However hydraulic riffles are not a practical option to use on a portable dredge as the design would be complicated and the whole dredge …


Dredges fall into four basic types: (1) flume; (2) screen and flume; (3) combination; and (4) stacker. Each works by means of an endless chain of buckets, linked one behind the other, rotating around a digging ladder that is capable of being raised and lowered as necessary. [] The modern equivalent in principle although not in use, and on a much, much smaller …

Which Riffles Work Best in the Sluice Box?

This is my 4th riffle reconfiguration in this dredge. and larger magnetite that plugs up nearly all riffles. The other area this dredge operates in has even finer gold and the most fine black sands I have ever seen. Keep in mind this is a 5" dredge with a massive amount of water flowing through the box.

4 Inch Dredges: Online

Our 4 inch dredge has all of the features you would expect from a larger professional dredge but in a more compact model. These 4 inch dredges are ideal for the prospector requiring a light, portable dredge with capacity to move large amounts of material. Experience the professional recovery features of larger dredges in this package.

Riffle size? | TreasureNet The Original Treasure Hunting …

Riffle height should be no more than 1" tall and then at the top not extend forward more than 1/2 inch and the 1/2 inch part should be elevated 15 degrees above perpendicular to the sluice box and the riffles should then be only 2 inches apart. any more and any less apart will not create the optimum vortex. GG~.

Proline Mining – 2.5″ Dredge/Highbanker Combo W/Jet …

27502.5″ Dredge/Highbanker Combo. Perfect Size Dual-Purpose Machine. Our Proline 2.5″ combo has become very well accepted with many prospectors who feel it's the perfect size dual-purpose machine. When this unit is being operated as a dredge, it's capable of processing in excess of five cubic yards of material per hour.

Sluice box length...? | Gold Dredging Forum

Lets say start with a 2.5" dredge and conventional single surface sluice box. The suction nozzle tip is probably restricted down to say 2.125" so a 2" round rock will roll thru the sluice with relative ease! Now upsize to a 6", suction nozzle tip restricted to say 5.5" a 5.25 diameter rock is now required to roll thru the sluice.

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