Glencore to pause funding for troubled nickel plant in New Caledonia

September 28, 2023. The French Government is looking to reorganise the nickel industry in New Caledonia. Credit: Stefan Schweihofer from Pixabay. Glencore has decided to halt funding for the Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS) business from the end of February 2024. The decision comes as KNS in the Northern Province of New Caledonia continued to …

Goro Nickel Project, South Pacific Island of New Caledonia

The Goro Nickel mine is the largest mining projects in New Caledonia. Around 4 million tonnes of dry ore are expected to be removed each year at the Goro Nickel site in New Caledonia. Equipment for the Goro Nickel plant is being supplied by , ABB, Cimprogetti. See more

New Caledonia: a mine challenging democracy

Yet, historically, New Caledonia had not been opposed to mining. Mining activity had been going on in the territory for over a century. Nouméa was even home to a nickel mine operated by Société Le Nickel (SLN), which was founded on the island in 1880 to tap into this local mineral resource. But the project on the Goro plateau was different.

Kanaky/New Caledonia – Goro Nickel Mine

Inco's Goro project in New Caledonia (Collective for De-fence and Control of the Prony Heritage). Product and Reserves: Goro is a laterite ore body. The Goro project is …

Goro Nickel

The Goro project, which is expected to become the world's largest nickel mine, is designed to produce as much as 60,000 tonnes a year of nickel and 4,600 tonnes of cobalt a year. ... April 26, 2010 - Vale said on …

Trafigura, New Caledonia group complete takeover of Vale's Goro nickel …

Published on 31 Mar 2021. The Prony Resources New Caledonia consortium announced March 31 it has completed acquisition of Vale Canada's Nouvelle-Calédonie S.A.S. (VNC) nickel and cobalt operation. Prony Resources is owned by New Caledonia entities together with international commodities trader Trafigura. This article was originally published ...

Vale aims to boost nickel production by 70

Vale's New Caledonia mine, one of the world's biggest nickel operations. ( Image courtesy of Vale.) Brazilian mining giant Vale (NYSE:VALE) said on Wednesday it would hike nickel production...

Goro nickel project is not just Vale's problem now: Andy …

Vale inherited the Goro project when it bought Canadian nickel producer Inco back in 2006. It was originally slated to come into production by the end of 2008 but it was a full two years later ...

Goro Nickel

The Goro project, which is expected to become the world's largest nickel mine, is designed to produce as much as 60,000 tonnes a year of nickel and 4,600 tonnes of cobalt a year. ... April 26, 2010 - Vale said on Monday that it had partially halted commissioning work at its already delayed Goro nickel operation in New Caledonia following an ...

Glencore to stop funding New Caledonia nickel mine as …

Mining and trading giant Glencore is to stop financing a lossmaking nickel mine in New Caledonia, as growing Indonesian production of a key metal in electric car batteries squeezes rivals. Closure ...

New Approaches to Mining in New Caledonia | Cultural …

Further, many New Caledonians, especially the Kanaks, are concerned about profits from the Goro project leaving the territory because of the minimal local stake in Goro Nickel. Not only are the largest shareholders of the project from Canada and Japan, with the local governments holding only a combined 10 percent of the venture, but the foreign ...

Tesla to become adviser on nickel project in bid to secure …

New Caledonia is one of the largest nickel producers, but in December protests by groups seeking independence from France for the island delayed the sale of the lossmaking Goro mine and refinery ...

Goro power station

Nickel Plant. The Goro nickel processing plant is the world's fourth-largest nickel ore producer. It is a key economic driver for New Caledonia, but has had a difficult history, benighted by protests, arson attacks, and environmental damage. It also struggled to make money for its owner, Vale, despite millions in investment.

Goro nickel operation Report | Wood Mackenzie

Report summary. The Goro nickel operation has been plagued by capital cost over runs, start up delays and operations issues since commencing production in 2011. Initial capital costs were put at US$1.4 billion, although final costs were closer to +US$6 billion. As of 2024, the Société de Participation minière du Sud calédonien (SPMSC ...

Kanaky/New Caledonia – Goro Nickel Mine

The Proposed Goro Nickel Mine Location: Goro, Southern Province, New Caledonia. Type: Open pit mining. High Pressure Acid Leach processing.13 Effluent, but not tailings, will be piped into the sea. Ownership: Inco currently owns 85% of the Goro project. Inco has an agreement-in-principle to buy back 15% of the project cur-

The Decolonisation Process Without Independence in the …

Nickel is the main mineral resource of New Caledonia. Depending on the year, it represents up to 90% of the territory's exports and 10% of its GDP (Morvannou 2015).This chapter focuses on the strategy deployed by pro-independence parties gathered in the Front de Libération Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (FLNKS) to control nickel in …

Goro nickel project is not just Vale's problem now: Andy …

GORO'S TROUBLED HISTORY. Vale inherited the Goro project when it bought Canadian nickel producer Inco back in 2006. It was originally slated to come into production by the end of 2008 but it was a ...

Trafigura, New Caledonia group complete takeover of Vale's …

The Prony Resources New Caledonia consortium announced March 31 it has completed acquisition of Vale Canada's Nouvelle-Calédonie S.A.S. (VNC) nickel …

Prony Resources announces completion of transfer of ownership and a new

Nouméa, 31 March 2021 - The Prony Resources New Caledonia consortium ("Prony Resources") today announces the successful completion of its acquisition of Vale Nouvelle-Calédonie S.A.S. from Vale. The transaction means that New Caledonia's Usine du Sud will be majority owned by New Caledonian interests, including Prony Resources …

Profiling the top nickel producing countries

New Caledonia – 210,000mt. New Caledonia, an overseas territory of France, is home to nickel mines including Kouaoua, Kouaoua Mine Center, Moneo Mining Center, Nakety Mining Center, Etoile Du Nord Project, Poum Project, and Nepoui-Kopeto Project in the North Province. The Goro Nickel Project operated by Vale, on the South …

CVRD aims to complete Goro nickel project by end-2008 -CEO

Brazilian mining giant CVRD said it still plans to complete its Goro nickel-mining project in the French territory of New Caledonia by the end of 2008, its chief executive said in an interview on ...

Goro Nickel Project

Goro Nickel Project - New Caledonia. Wagner Investments Pty Ltd completed a contract to supply approximately 160,000 cubic metres of concrete, and crush and supply the concrete aggregate, for the …

(PDF) Contesting the Goro Nickel Mining Project, …

to the Goro nickel mining project in the South Pro vince of New Caledonia, which concluded in 2008 with the signing of a 'sustainable development pact' between the local Kanak population and ...

Vale offloads New Caledonia nickel asset to Prony Resources …

Brazilian mining firm Vale has completed the divestiture of its stake in Vale New Caledonia (VNC), which operates the Goro nickel mine and a processing plant in …

Nickel, Tesla and two decades of environmental activism: …

Mongabay: Nickel is mined extensively in New Caledonia, and the southern refinery project, known as Goro, lies in the Grand Sud area. Twenty years ago, you set up the environmental organization ...

Nickel mining in northern New Caledonia

1. Introduction. In the south of New Caledonia, a French overseas territory in the South Pacific, the majority shareholder of the Goro Nickel project, the Brazilian company Vale, recently declared it would shut down its nickel processing plant in June 2018 if the economic situation does not improve.

NEW CALEDONIA: Indigenous people take on mining giant

The indigenous Kanak people of New Caledonia have fought for decades to protect this unique environment from the degradation caused by mining and for the recognition of their rights as indigenous people. On March 25, management for the Inco-operated Goro Nickel mine, situated in the Southern Province, acknowledged a huge …

Goro nickel mine faces increased regulation after tailings leak

Authorities in New Caledonia imposed additional regulations that could limit production in the future at the Goro nickel mine — one of the world's largest deposits — after a recent waste-dam ...

Major Mines & Projects | Goro (VNC) Mine

Location: 51 km E from Noumea, New Caledonia Address: Route de Kwa Neïe BP 218 New Caledonia France 98845. Contacts: ... Website; Additional Resources for Suppliers & Investors. Drill results over 30 g/t Au ... The Goro nickel-cobalt mine is a fully-integrated mining operation involving an open-pit mine, a processing plant and a port facility. ...

All eyes on Tesla as it invests in a troubled nickel mine

American manufacturing giant Tesla invested in New Caledonia's Goro mine in 2021, raising local expectations that international scrutiny and the mine's new …

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