EAGLE PREMIUM COAT is a premium acrylic concrete sealer specifically designed for all types of exposed aggregate concrete. This premium solvent-based acrylic solution is specially formulated to achieve both a protective and rich decorative finish. Available in clear, or brown and gray tinted, PREMIUM COAT beautifies your concrete surface with a …

Quality Assurance Methods Applied For Exposed …

The exposed aggregate pavement technology for construction of ... curing is analyzed in respect to the long term durability in wet-freeze ... To support the construction process the adequate quality

Exposed Aggregate Driveway | Superior Concrete Townsville

Exposed aggregate can be made from various materials, including concrete, stone, and gravel. The concrete mix creates exposed aggregate by adding a chemical retardant. This slows down the curing process, allowing the aggregate to be exposed. Once the concrete has been poured and cured, the next step is to wash away the retardant revealing the ...

How We Pour An Exposed Aggregate Driveway-

5. Mixing the concrete. Exposed aggregate driveways are crafted by mixing the aggregates with the concrete to produce a single, pourable mix. Depending on the layout of the yard and accessibility, the concrete can be poured directly from the concrete mixer onto the area, or, into a wheelbarrow which can then be taken to the right area for ...

The production and properties of cold-bonded aggregate …

Various types of additives can be used in the manufacturing process of cold-bonded aggregate to improve productivity or to enhance the properties of the final product. ... From amongst these studies, a number of research designs have exposed the impact of different curing regimes on the mechanical and microstructural properties of …

Exposed Aggregate Concrete | Construction Materials

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION. Exposed aggregate concrete has a type of surface appearance where the coarse or fine aggregate portion of the concrete matrix has been exposed at the surface. The principle method for exposing the aggregate on the surface is to apply a retardant to the concrete's surface, wait the prescribed amount of time and …

The Ultimate Guide: How Long Does Concrete Sealer Take to …

The drying time for water-based concrete sealers can vary, but generally, they dry to the touch within 1 to 4 hours and are ready for a second coat in 4 to 6 hours if needed. Full curing, where the sealer achieves its full hardness and is ready for traffic, typically takes around 24 to 72 hours.

Maintaining Exposed Aggregate Driveways and Patios

Keeping it Clean. Keep your exposed aggregate patio, driveway or path clean by sweeping it regularly to keep it free of debris. (You can also use a leaf blower to remove debris.) A regular rinse with a garden hose is also a good idea. For more stubborn soil such as tire marks, leaf stains and oily spots, try the following cleaning methods:

Protection for Color Concrete Exposed Aggregate and Burnished Block

Bright Kure & Seal was formulated to protect architectural concrete such as exposed aggregate, colored, and stamped concrete. A 26% solids, non-yellowing, cure and a seal made from pure acrylic. It has been tested and approved by the Minnesota (DOT) Department of Transportation for the curing of decorative concrete surfaces.

Curing performance indicators of exposed aggregate …

Table 1. Concrete mix design [kg/m3] Concrete series Cement type Cement 3)Water 4) Aggregate SP AEA Fine 1) 2)Coarse P-I-34 CEM I 42,5N SR3/NA 430 145 553 1326 3.0 0.9

Curing of concrete techniques

Concrete curing techniques fall into two groups - those designed to prevent loss of water, such as the application of impermeable membranes; and those that supply moisture throughout the early stages of the hydration process, such as ponding or the application of wet sand or hessian. Selecting the method of curing is generally a matter of ...

How To Resurface Over Exposed Aggregate Concrete

Steps to Resurface Over Exposed Aggregate Concrete. Preparation: Remove any loose stones or debris from the concrete surface and clean it thoroughly. Repair: Fill in any cracks or gaps with a concrete repair mix. Primer Application: Apply a primer to help the new surface adhere to the old one. Resurfacing Mix Application: Apply the resurfacing ...

Exposed Aggregate Patio (Pros & Cons and Designs)

The national average cost of materials to install an exposed aggregate concrete patio is $2.04 per sq foot; raging around $1.90 to $2.18. The Basic aggregate concrete patio material price for 100 square feet area can cost around $125 to $150 while the Best material price for 100 square feet area can cost around $200 to $235.

Tips for Curing Cast-in-Place Architectural Concrete

COLORED FLATWORK Except for exposed-aggregate surfaces, where most of the wet curing methods can often be used, it's generally inappropriate to pond or sprinkle decorative flatwork, since the added water interferes with the development of uniform color. Instead of using wet cures, consider applying an appropriate curing …

What is Exposed Aggregate Concrete? | Concrete Ideas

Exposed Aggregate Concrete is a commonly used method of creating a designer, decorative and classic finish around a pool deck, on driveways, patios and walkways. There are a few different ways of creating an exposed aggregate finish in concrete. ... Retarder's are designed to slow or stop the curing process of the concrete …

Curing Methods

Curing Methods. There are three basic ways of curing concrete. The first involves keeping the surface of the concrete moist by the use ponding, spraying/sprinkling, damp sand or damp hessian. The second prevents the loss of moisture from the concrete by covering it with polythene sheeting or leaving the formwork in place.


Mix one 65 lb. bag of SGM Bond Kote with 1/2 pail of SGM Bond Kote Liquid Resin. Coat the existing plaster using a 1 1/4" nap paint roller. Allow material to set for one minute then create stipple texture by going over the area again with roller. Allow Bond Kote to cure for at least 6 hours before plastering.

Guide to Cast-in-Place Architectural Concrete Practice

Chapter 9—Curing, p. 24 9.1—General 9.2—Curing in forms 9.3—Moist curing 9.4—Membrane curing 9.5—Hot weather curing Chapter 10—Treated architectural surfaces, p. 24 10.1—Surface retarders 10.2—High-pressure water jet 10.3—Acid wash 10.4—Abrasive blasting 10.5—Tooling or other mechanical treatments

Exposed Aggregate Concrete

About the process. Exposed aggregate concrete is a finish achieved by laying a concrete with the chosen type of aggregate (either naturally rounded or crushed) and applying a "surface retarder" to the concrete once placement has been finished which prevents the top 3mm or so from setting. After a period of time (perhaps hours in summer, or ...

Effect of aggregate exposing and curing agent on the …

The exposed aggregate is a popular decorative finish for concrete because of its wide range of texture, good friction and excellent low-noise properties [1], [2], [3]. ... The results indicate that the aggregate exposing process is detrimental to the compressive strength of EAC, but the curing agent offsets this effect. ... In this study, the ...

What Is the Curing Time For a Concrete Driveway?

The curing time for a 5-centimeter thick concrete driveway can range from 7 to 10 days. Factors such as temperature, weather conditions, and the concrete mix used can affect the curing process. It is important to follow proper curing methods to avoid cracks and structural weaknesses.

Exposed Aggregate Solvent-Based Sealer (Wet Look)

DESCRIPTION. EXPO-GLOSS exposed aggregate sealer is a transparent, high solids, film-forming, curing, sealing, and dustproofing compound that improves resistance to staining and wear. EXPO-GLOSS is specifically formulated to enhance the beauty of natural stone in exposed aggregate concrete surfaces, while providing maximum surface …

Surface Retarder Reference Guide

Surface Retarder Reference Guide for Exposed Aggregate Concrete Aggregate size Etch Sandblast/Acid Etch Blue 1/8 in. - 1/4 in. Gold 1/4 in. - 3/8 in. Lilac 3/8 in. - 1/2 in. Pink 1/2 in. - 5/8 in. Tan 5/8 in. - 3/4 in. Brown 3/4 in. & up Grey Etch on white concrete will generally be lighter than grey concrete

Effects of early-age carbonation curing on the properties of …

Morshed et al. [76] prepared lightweight aggregate concrete with a w/c of 0.25 and 0.4 and observed that the dehydration rate suitable for early-age carbonation curing was 58 %–62 %, which was higher than that (40 %) reported by Zhang et al. [27], possibly related to the excellent water storage characteristics of lightweight aggregate. …

How to Enhance and Seal Exposed Aggregate

EXPO-GLOSS is a transparent, high solids, film-forming, curing, sealing, and dustproofing compound that provides improved surface protection and resistance to staining and wear while enhancing the natural beauty of the exposed stone. Achieve an aesthetically pleasing "wet-look" finish when EXPO-GLOSS is properly applied. EXPO …


Pigmented cure & seal for exposed aggregate concrete • Enhances color • Provides a glossy appearance ... • Highlights tone of exposed aggregate concrete surfaces • Excellent seal for exposed LUSTERSEAL 300 ... of protecting the surface after the curing process is complete, and enhancing the surface appearance with a glossy shine. All

How to Achieve Success on Polished Concrete Exposed Aggregate Floors

Pour the concrete as late in the process as possible. 7. Edges. Install non-load bearing walls as late as possible to reduce hand edge work — saves the contractor labor time and results in a ...

Concrete Mix Design | Concrete Mix Steps and Design …

Curing Methods: The curing process plays a critical role in concrete strength development and durability. The mix design considers the curing method and duration required for the specific application. ... In decorative applications like stamped concrete or exposed aggregate finishes, customized mix designs create aesthetically pleasing surfaces ...

Tar and Chip Driveway

Once the aggregate is in place, use a roller to press the stones into the tar. This compaction process embeds the stones firmly within the tar, creating a solid, cohesive surface. The rolling also ensures that the tar and chip driveway will be level and smooth, with the aggregate securely fixed in place. 10. Curing the driveway for the ...

My New Concrete Has White Stains on It | Hunker

Allow New Concrete to Cure Completely. Wait 60 days before attempting to remove any white stains on new concrete. This will allow the moisture in the concrete to rise to the surface and evaporate, leaving behind the salts that cause the whitish discoloration. Attempting to clean the concrete before all the salts have risen to the surface may ...

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