
Overview. Education is a powerful transformative force in the lives of ASEAN peoples. Thus inclusive and quality education is key to the sustainable development of the region. Quality education leads to better health outcomes, higher social capital, peaceful and gender-equal societies, and decent work opportunities.

ASEAN Mineral Awards 2023

The ASEAN cooperation in minerals and stakeholders across the region are eagerly awaiting the announcement of winners and awardees of the 3 rd ASEAN Mineral Awards this year during the week of 20 th November 2023. The ASEAN Mineral Awards (AMA) honour mining and minerals processing companies operating in the region which …

Golden Anniversary of ASEAN-Japan Relations

The relationship between ASEAN and Japan started with the Forum on Synthetic Rubber in 1973, six years after ASEAN was established in 1967. For the past 50 years, Japan has been closely working with ASEAN to promote peace, stability, and prosperity through ever-expanding concrete projects for the benefit of the people.

An overview of Asian cement industry: Environmental

In this paper, literatures focused on the Asian cement industry assessing environmental impacts and sustainability improvement measures were reviewed with an …


The Cement-Building Materials business generated Revenue from Sales of 204,594 Million Baht, an increase of 12% from the previous year, with EBITDA of 17,540 Million Baht, a decrease of 7% from the previous year, and Profit for the Year of 3,789 Million Baht, a decrease of 11% from the previous year. Normalized Profit for the Year was 4,670 ...

FACT SHEET: U.S.-ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic …

The U.S. Transaction Advisory Fund (TAF) continues to provide best-in-class legal and consultative services to help ASEAN countries build quality, sustainable infrastructure in support of ASEAN ...

The Cement Industry in Asia: Major Producers & Trends

Vietnam is the biggest exporter of cement globally with an export value of 1.4 billion USD in 2020, equaling 12.5% of the global cement exports. Clinker is a nodular material used as a binder in cement products, and Vietnam also exports this product in large quantities. Vietnam exports around 10% to 15% of its cement, having China, the ...

The Cement Industry in Asia: Major Producers & Trends

Production and consumption of cement are largely concentrated in Asia, accounting for 73% of the output globally and a consumption of 81%. Yet, the cement …

ASEAN Integration and Its Effects

The ASEAN Charter The ASEAN Charter defines it as a legal entity and inter-governmental organization that has authority over its members. Underlying the move towards unity and integration is its new motto: "one vision, one identity, one community." The Charter improves ASEAN's system of decision-making and enforcement.

An overview of Asian cement industry: Environmental …

With countries like China and India, Asian cement industries play a big role in the scale of global production and polluting the environment. Fig 1 summarizes the regional growth of demand in Asia for cement production over the years (ICR, 2018)pared to the other industries, environmental pollution from the cement industry reaches such a …

Why you should care about ASEAN integration

This free flow of goods and services means your salary will get you much farther as products become cheaper. You will be able to afford more food or goods. 2. Better jobs and quality of life ...

The cement industries of southeast Asia

The 10 ASEAN countries - Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam - all have active cement industries in one form or another. Vietnam has by far the largest cement industry in southeast Asia, with 58 integrated … See more

ASEAN Services Integration Report

adoption of the ambitious goal of forming an ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015, they are committed to even deeper regional integration. An earlier report - the ASEAN Integration Monitoring Report (2013), which was jointly prepared by the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC) and the World Bank, showed that ASEAN's regional integration agenda has

TOP 5 ASEAN cement markets | Request PDF

The five cement markets of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam are responsible for 98% of the overall cement production capacity of the ASEAN markets. As regards cement ...

CO2 policies in ASEAN Countries and actions required for Cement …

Activated Clay could replace up to 50% clinker without compromising on cement quality. Besides, it could bring about many other benefits for cement manufacturers, such as: - Significantly lower ...

ASEAN, Germany cement stronger ties | The ASEAN Post

ASEAN, Germany cement stronger ties Angaindrankumar Gnanasagaran. 22 March 2018 German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivers a speech to parliament on March 21, 2018 at the Bundestag (lower house of parliament) in Berlin. ... ASEAN's exports to Germany fell nine percent from US$26.7 billion in 2015 to US$24.4 billion in 2016 and …

ASEAN Qualification Reference Framework: Harmonization of ASEAN …

The ASED website underscores the fact that education underpins ASEAN community building. Its core is to create a knowledge based society and to enhance the regional cooperation in education. 6 This contributes to the understanding of the richness of ASEAN's history, languages, culture and common values to create the "we feeling" in the …

About SCG

SCG Distribution Indonesia For Better Living. SCG was founded in 1913 in Thailand, following the decision of the Kingdom, His Majesty King Rama VI to produce cement as the main building material for the construction of infrastructure which was essential at that time. SCG, one of the leading business leaders in the ASEAN, consists …

What You Need to Know About the Quality of Cement

Look at the color. Cement for building construction should be a uniform greenish-gray, while cement for decorative applications is white. 3. Water Tests. When tossed into a bucket of water, quality cement that is free from impurities should float on the surface for a while before sinking.


Being an ASEAN business leader, SCG Cement - Building Materials have been striving to innovate the "Best in class" quality for both products and substantial services, for the Vietnamese. In addition, SCG Cement -Building Materials is also continuing to expand its regional operations and increase its export capacity to serve a growing ASEAN ...

Audit committee structure, institutional quality, and bank …

The quality of governance index = the mean value of six governance dimensions for each country every year, measured by Kaufmann et al. (2009): control of corruption (COC ... (ASEAN) is a regional grouping that promotes economic, political, and security cooperation among its ten members: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, …

Southeast Asia's capacity conundrum

Southeast Asia's vibrant cement industry faces a serious but not insurmountable challenge from the current COVID-19 pandemic. In the long-run, structural overcapacity will be the key force of change, as it …

CemNet | Cement Industry Videos

A review of ASEAN cement markets: Martin Wilkes, Independent Consultant (Indonesia) Filmed at Cemtech Asia 2015, 21-24 June, Grand Hyatt, Bangkok, Thailand. ... Quality control for a smooth kiln operation and good clinker quality. Robert Krist, FL Pfister (Germany) - Preparing for the future with alternative fuels.


The 25 ASEAN FEDERATION OF CEMENT MANUFACTURERS (AFCM) TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM & EXHIBITION. English. Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Blok X - 1, Kav. 1 & 2. Federation of Cement Manufacturers (AFCM). miles) south-east of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, which is about 3-5 hours by car via the toll road or 3 hours by train.

Study and Review of Ordinary Portland Cement

of around 3.8 million cubic meters per year. This cement is suitable for all kinds of. concrete construction (Imbabi et al., 2012). This research aimed to investigate the environmental, economic, and functional pe. formances of ordinary portland cement (OPC). In short, we discussed the definition, the chemical composition and physical perfo.

Secretary-General of ASEAN meets with President and CEO of Siam Cement

April 29, 2024. Secretary-General of ASEAN, Dr. Kao Kim Hourn, met with President and CEO of Siam Cement Group (SCG), Thammasak Sethaudom, at the sidelines of the World Economic Forum's Special Meeting on Global Collaboration, Growth, and Energy for Development in Riyadh. SG Dr. Kao encouraged SCG to actively participate in the …

Vibro concrete columns | Keller ASEAN

This technique involves construction of concrete columns with a bottom-feed, down-hole vibratory probe to transfer loads through weak strata to a firm underlying stratum. ... In-house quality production manager software enables us to capture and analyse data in real time and valid the performance of the ground improvement being carried out ...

The cement industries of southeast Asia

The 10 ASEAN countries - Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam - all have active cement industries in one form or another. Vietnam has by far the largest cement industry in southeast Asia, with 58 integrated cement plants and 91.4Mt/yr of production capacity …


ASEAN Cooperation Project is one of the means to facilitate ASEAN's integration and community building process. ASEAN Cooperation Project addresses challenges at the regional level and creates synergies with other initiatives that address the same issues. It can be implemented over the short, medium, or long term.

ASEAN Federation of Cement Manufacturers (AFCM)

ASEAN Federation of Cement Manufacturers (AFCM) is the cooperation platform between cement manufacturers in ASEAN region which has the objectives to exchange technical cooperation and business development among the members to lead to the development of cement industry in the region. The current members comprise.

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