Mineralogical Characterization of Limonitic Laterite from …

Nickel sulfide and nickel oxide ores are the two primary resources for nickel production . Nickel sulfide ores are mainly distributed in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, such as Canada, Russia, and northern China. ... The valorization analysis is displayed in Table 10 and the value recovery rate is 78.81% by calculations. …

Nickel Sulfide

Nickel* CATHERINE KLEIN, MAX COSTA, in Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals (Third Edition), 2007. 3.1 Production. Nickel exists as a natural earth element, primarily in sulfide or oxide ores that are mined underground or in open pits. It is the 24th most abundant element on earth, with the greatest deposits of nickel ores in Canada, Siberia, and New …

Towards understanding nickel converter matte solidification

The main assumption underpinning the predictive calculations is phase and chemical equilibria could be calculated reliably from critically assessed ... Nickel-bearing sulfide ores are primarily treated by pyrometallurgy process at present (Wang and Gao, 2010; Liu and Xu, 2011; Thyse et al., 2011; Thyse et al., 2013). High grade nickel matte …

Nickel (Ni) Ore | Properties, Formation, Minerals, Deposits

Nickel (Ni) Ore. Modified date: 23/04/2023. Nickel ore refers to the naturally occurring rocks or minerals that contain significant amounts of nickel. Nickel is a chemical element with the symbol Ni and atomic number 28. It is a silvery-white metal with a relatively high melting point and excellent corrosion resistance.

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Nickel Laterites—Mineralogical …

Battery manufacturing together with the demand for stainless steel is the biggest driver for the global nickel mining industry. About 60% to 70% of the current worldwide nickel resources are derived from laterites whereas the rest is extracted from nickel sulfide ores [1,2].However, nickel laterites account currently only for about 40% …


1. INTRODUCTION TO NICKEL SULPHIDE EXPLORATION. Jon Hronsky Western Mining Services (Australia) June 2007. 2. INTRODUCTION. •This presentation provides a succinct introduction to nickel sulphide geology -- a complex field with many uncertainties that remain to be resolved. •Our intent is to communicate the KEY IDEAS that form the basic ...

Sulfide Ore

The nickel concentrate from sulfide ores normally contains approximately 10% Ni, 2% Cu, 40% Fe, and 30% S. Various processes may be used depending on the types of ores and the smelters employed. Smelting sulfide ores can be accomplished in a reverberatory, flash, or electric smelting furnace.

Materials | Free Full-Text | Coupled Preparation of …

Nickel slags can be produced through ferronickel preparation by the pyrometallurgical processing of laterite nickel ores; however, such techniques are underutilized at present, and serious environmental problems arise from the stockpiling of such nickel ores. In this study, a modification to the process of ferronickel preparation by …

Nickel Sulfide Versus Laterite : The Hard …

Nickel is an important metal in modern infrastructure, with major uses in stainless steel (~65%), metal alloys (~20%) and plating (~9%), as well as electric batteries and chemicals [1]. Economic resources of nickel are found in either sulfide or laterite-type ores. Globally, the bulk of historic production has been derived from sulfide ores ...

High-Grade Ferronickel Concentrates Prepared from Laterite Nickel …

However, with the diminution of high-grade nickel sulfide ores, recovering nickel from laterite nickel ore as an alternative of nickel sulfide ores is drawing increasing attention since laterite nickel ore constitutes 72.2% of the world's land-based nickel reserves [6,7,8]. Therefore, an economical method is urgently needed for recovering ...

Geochemical and fluid dynamic modeling of

This interpretation has several implications for the mode of emplacement of sulfides, their degree of equilibration with the host komatiite, and the compositions of sulfide ores: (1) the solubility of sulfur in komatiite is relatively low, so most of the sulfide in eroded sediments will be melted and remain as a dense layer at the base of the ...

Analysis of Oxidation of Sulfide Minerals in Copper–Nickel …

Abstract The oxidation-induced alteration of properties of sulfide minerals is analyzed. The air-and-gas content and thermodynamic parameters of mine air are experimentally investigated as a case-study of blind roadways in sulfide deposits at a depth of 300–1500 m. The microclimate conditions of sulfide ore oxidation are determined and …

(PDF) Heap leaching and perspectives of bioleaching

Cut-off grade sulfide ores from both abandoned and currently developed deposits, overburden rock while being a major source of non-ferrous metals, pose a serious environmental hazard if unprocessed.

Processing of oxidized nickel ores with ammonium chloride …

Abstract. A method for processing nickel ores with ammonium chloride is considered. The results of thermodynamic calculations for the reactions of the oxide components of nickel ore with ammonium ...

Nickel: New king of PH minerals

Before it reaches its purest form, nickel is found in nickel sulphide ores such as this. As the world's second-biggest supplier of nickel ore, the country exported 577,000 metric tons of it in 2016 and …

The High Temperature Co-Processing of Nickel …

The pressure oxidation of low-grade nickel sulfide concentrate with high iron sulfides content generates significant amounts of sulfuric acid that must be neutralized. This acid can be utilized to leach …

Nickel Sulfide Deposits: Classification, Composition, and …

Nickel sulfide ores can be classified in terms of the rock types with which they are associated and the tectonic setting into which these rocks were emplaced. Certain combinations of rock type and tectonic setting have proved to be particularly productive. These are (1) noritic rocks intruding an astrobleme (Sudbury); (2) intrusions feeding ...

Selective Extraction of Cobalt and Copper From Cobalt-Rich …

Cobalt, as a key element of LiNixCoyMnzO2 cathode materials, is becoming progressively crucial. The cobalt-rich copper sulfide ores in Africa are one of the most important cobalt resources in the world. However, few literatures aimed at cobalt-rich copper sulfide ores were reported. In this study, the process of activation roasting …

Nickel Sulfide Ores and Impact Melts

Nickel Sulfide Ores and Impact Melts: Origin of the Sudbury Igneous Complex presents a current state of understanding on the geology and ore deposits of the Sudbury Igneous Complex in Ontario, Canada. As the first complete reference on the subject, this book explores the linkage between the processes of meteorite impact, melt sheet formation, …

Bioleaching of six nickel sulphide ores with differing …

Highlights Examined the bioleaching of six nickel sulphide ores at 30 °C and several pH levels. Nickel was present primarily in pentlandite and secondarily in pyrrhotite. Nickel extraction after 3 weeks at pH 2 and 3 ranged from 49% to 86%. An increase in pH from 2 to 3 resulted in approximately the same nickel extraction. Same pH increase …

Metals | Free Full-Text | Sulfation Roasting of Nickel Oxide–Sulfide …

Sulfation roasting, a common activation technique, is a potential method for cleaner production of nickel from complex low-grade ores. In this study, nickel oxide–sulfide mixed ore concentrate was roasted with the addition of ammonium sulfate under a static air atmosphere, and the roasted products were leached by water, in order to evaluate the …

Comprehensive Review on Metallurgical Upgradation Processes of Nickel

The main methods have been extensively reviewed for nickel extraction from nickel sulfide ores which maybe are potentially applicable to provide new ideas for smelting technology innovation of nickel and even other similar metals. The main metallurgical methods include pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgy, containing smelting, leaching, and ...

Oxidative Hydrometallurgy of Sulphide Minerals

number of processes have been developed to leach sulphide ores and concentrates and the conditions are well established. However, there is a renewed interest in hydrometallurgical processes for copper production due to environmental issues and the increasing need to exploit mixed and low grade ores and re latively small isolated deposits.

Smelting of Nickel Sulfide Concentrates by Roasting and …

The main methods have been extensively reviewed for nickel extraction from nickel sulfide ores which maybe are potentially applicable to provide new ideas for smelting technology innovation of ...

Roasting of Sulfide Minerals | SpringerLink

Where more than one metal sulfide is present in the concentrate, the reactions are truly complex and very large in number. The composition of a product in sulfide roasting depends not only on the chemical and mineralogical composition of the concentrate, temperature, and partial pressures of O 2, SO 2, and SO 3 but also on the …

Associations of platinum-group minerals of the Noril'sk copper-nickel

Pd and Pt sulfides, tellurides, and bismuthotellurides are characteristic of veinlet-disseminated and breccia ores.A short review of the platinum-group mineralogy shows that, in addition to platinum-group minerals commonly found in other copper-nickel deposits, the Noril'sk ores are characterized by: (1) a wide spectrum of platinum-group ...

12.3: Metals and Ores

Metal ores are generally oxides, sulfides, silicates (Table 12.3.1 12.3. 1) or "native" metals (such as native copper) that are not commonly concentrated in the Earth's crust, or "noble" metals (not usually forming compounds) such as gold (Figure 12.3.1 12.3. 1 ). The ores must be processed to extract the metals of interest from the waste rock ...


This problem can be overcome by using depressants like car-boxymethylcellulose (CMC) and guargum deriva-. Table 2 Distribution of Ni and S in sulfide ores. copyrite. Figure 3 shows that 93% of chalcopyrite can be recovered in 12 min in the presence of SO2, but the co-recovery of 12% pentlandite and 23%. Ore source.

(PDF) The relative roles of magmatic segregation …

This experiment suggests that the unusual chromite (low in Mg and Al) which is associated with the sulphide phase in Western Australian nickel ores may have formed in a similar way. View Show …

Nickel Sulfide Versus Laterite : The Hard Sustainability …

Nickel is an important metal in modern infrastructure, with major uses in stainless steel (~65%), metal alloys (~20%) and plating (~9%), as well as electric batteries and chemicals [1]. Economic resources of nickel are found in either sulfide or laterite-type ores. Globally, the bulk of historic production has been derived from sulfide ores ...

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