Tharisa Mine, North West Province, South Africa

Credit: Tharisa. The Tharisa mine is an open-pit platinum group metals (PGM) and chrome mining operation in the North West province of South Africa. It is operated by Tharisa Minerals, a subsidiary of European integrated resource company Tharisa. The mining rights for the property were awarded by the Department of Mineral Resources and …

Silver Mining In South Africa | The Diggings™

524 records of mining in south africa. 364 producers. 57 plants. 66 prospects. 37 occurrences. Eastern Cape, Gauteng, and Limpopo have the most mining records.

mine owners in south africa database

BBC News - South African mine owner Amplats fires 12,000 workers. Oct 05, 2012 · Search term: Africa. Home; ... South African mine owner Amplats fires 12,000 workers. ...

Finsch mine, Lime Acres, Kgatelopele, ZF Mgcawu, Northern Cape, South

Asbestos hills. Finsch is one of the world's significant diamond mines and South Africa's second-largest diamond operation by production (after De Beers' Venetia mine). Located 2 km from Lime Acres. The pipe was discovered in 1960 by two prospectors, Fincham and Schwabel, for whom it was named, while prospecting for asbestos in the ...

Mining industry in South Africa

Since then, the mining industry has become hugely important to the country, contributing roughly 202 billion South African Rand (roughly 10.9 billion U.S. dollars) in 2023 to South Africa's ...

Silver Mining In South Africa | The Diggings™

Silver Mining In South Africa. Browse 524 mining USGS records in south africa. Most records highlight mining opportunities and activity in Eastern Cape, Gauteng, and …

Zinc Mining In South Africa | The Diggings™

524 records of mining in south africa. 364 producers. 57 plants. 66 prospects. 37 occurrences. Gauteng, Limpopo, and North West have the most mining records.


Responsibly creating value together for a shared future. Thungela is a leading pure-play producer and exporter of high quality, low-cost thermal coal in South Africa. As a responsible thermal coal miner, we recognise society's ongoing needs and …

Introduction: Colonial South Africa, Mineral Revolutions and …

South Africa's gold discoveries would coincide with the transition to a global financial system based on the availability of gold and the 'spirit of Victorian Expansion.' 3. By the mid-nineteenth century, South Africa was a complicated patchwork of British colonies, Boer settler republics and African states.

South Africa Business Directory

The South Africa Business Directory from Global Database contains contact details for 130,730 leading companies, email, phone and key employees within South Africa. Get ahead of your competitors with high quality, detailed company intelligence from the Global Database South Africa business contact directory. - GlobalDatabase.

Kalahari Resources

Kalagadi Manganese (Pty) Ltd, is a black women led company that is 44% owned by Kgalagadi Alloys, 36% by Kalahari Resources and 20% by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC). The company was founded in 2005 and has been involved in the exploration of Manganese in the Kalahari Basin, Northern Cape. Our mine lies on the …

Tharisa Mine, Bushveld Complex, Rustenburg

Tharisa Mine is located in the south-western sector of the Bushveld Complex, 35km east of Rustenburg, South Africa. Owned and operated by Tharisa Minerals, the mine has 17 years of open-pit operations and 40 years of underground mining operations. The mine, which contains platinum group metals (PGMs) and …

African Mines

Track the status, location & contact details of any exploration or development project and mine on the African continent.

Ivanplats Platreef Mine in Mokopane, Limpopo, South Africa

According to the company, "Platreef mine is a major platinum-group-metals (PGM) and base metals underground mine being developed by Ivanplats. The mine is located approximately 280km north-east of Johannesburg, in the Limpopo province of South Africa. Ivanplats (formerly Ivanhoe Nickel & Platinum) is a joint venture led by …

Booysendal South platinum mine project, South Africa – …

The current plan unlocks mineral reserves of almost seven-million ounces of platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold, or 4E PGMs, mineable over an estimated 25-year mine life. Booysendal South mine ...

Major Mines & Projects | Bokoni Mine

Bokoni Platinum Mine (BPM) is the second largest PGM resource in South Africa. BMP was placed on care and maintenance since 2017. African Rainbow intends to resume operations as soon as practically possible whist planning for the mine's expansion in the near future. In March 2024, plans to expand output at the Bokoni mine (a bankable ...

New Mining Projects in Africa| Mine Project Info

Mine owner Facts, figures and general information; South Deep Gold Mine: Gold Fields: Situated in the Witwatersrand Basin near Westonaria in Gauteng, South Africa. The current LoM is 80 years and extends over an area of 4 268 hectares. Exploration of the mine happens at four areas known as the Old Mine, Current Mine, Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Five largest coal mines in South Africa in 2020

Here are the five largest coal mines by production in South Africa, according to GlobalData's mining database. 1. Grootegeluk Mine. The Grootegeluk Mine is a surface mine located in Limpopo. It is owned by Exxaro Resources and produced an estimated 28.864 MTPA of coal in 2020. The mine will operate until 2040.

List Of Richest Mine Owners In South Africa

Where is the richest gold mine in South Africa? 1. South Deep gold mine – 32.8 million ounces (Moz) South Deep gold mine is the largest gold mine in the world, by reserves.Located 45km southwest of Johannesburg in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, South Deep is also the seventh deepest mine in the world, with a mine depth up …

Major Mines & Projects | Tharisa Mine

Tharisa Mine Open Pit Mine is located 8 km E from Wonderkop, South Africa. Data Access; Keep me signed in. Forgot your password? Forgot Your Password? ... 8 km E from Wonderkop, South Africa Address: Portion 8 Farm 342 JQ Marikana South Africa 0284. Contacts: ... igraulich@tharisa ... Owners Source. Company Interest Ownership; …

List of Mines in South Africa | Projects IQ

Gain access to the largest, most comprehensive intelligence portal available for Africa's mines. 10 000+ contacts; executable contact info to put you in touch directly with mine owners and engineers. Verified, up-to-date project info; Our dedicated team of researchers ensure all project info is accurate and up-to-date.

Mining industry in South Africa

Coal mining in South Africa began around the same time as gold mining and is one of the country's most valuable commodities, accounting for 26 percent of mineral …

Physical hazards of abandoned mines: A review of cases from South Africa

1. Introduction. Abandoned mines (officially known as Derelict and Ownerless Mines in South Africa) are defined in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (Act No. 28 of 2002) of South Africa as those mines for which a closure certificate has not been issued; no part can be traced to assume responsibilities; the government may …

Cullinan Diamond Mine, Gauteng, South Africa

The Cullian Diamond mine is undergoing a major expansion plan. The Cullinan Diamond mine is an open-pit mine that produces 25% of the world's gem quality diamonds. Image courtesy of Vaiz Ha. The Cullinan diamond mine is located in the Gauteng province of South Africa. The site is situated 40km east of Pretoria in Cullinan.

Online database of mine planning and peripheral software used …

These copper mining scenarios are then compared to the 20 largest existing copper mines and projects, and their owners, to determine if any represent an appropriately robust exploration targeting proxy: none do. ... software, database, South African mining industry, utilization. The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and ...

New chrome mine owner plans to grow in 'very sustainable manner'

The new owner of a chrome mine in North West province that was placed on care and maintenance following the Covid-19 lockdown, plans to grow production in a phased, sustainable manner that will ultimately lead to the creation of more than 1 000 jobs, Mining Weekly can today report. The international privately owned Clover Alloys South …

ProjectsIQ | Africa's largest subscription-based mining …

We track over 2 000 mining projects across Africa so you can identify relevant business. opportunities early on and get in touch with key project contacts. All from your computer …

Boosting black ownership of South African mines

To overturn this inequality, the previous 2002 Mining Charter stipulated that 26% of mine ownership in South Africa must be held by black people, which was achieved by 2014 with coal mining now seeing the largest percentage of black ownership at 47.2%, whereas diamond mining is lowest at the minimum 26%. Reading the Mining Charter

Strategy for the management of derelict and ownerless mines in South Africa

The National Strategy for the. Management of Derelict and. Ownerless Mines in South Africa. Published by: Department of Mineral Resources. Private Bag X 59. PRETORIA. 0001. Tel: (012) 444 3000 ...

Five largest gold mines in South Africa in 2020

Here are the five largest gold mines by production in South Africa, according to GlobalData's mining database. 1. Kloof Gold Mine. The Kloof Gold Mine is a surface and underground mine located in Gauteng. It is owned by Sibanye Stillwater and produced an estimated 351.986 Thousand Ounces of gold in 2020.

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