Luamata, Mwinilunga District, North-Western Province, Zambia

Distance. Mwinilunga. 13,798 (2012) 11.6km. Shaba-type Cu-Co (-Ni) Deposit located West of the Kabompo Dome (11°50'S, 24°28'E). Host rock: Tectonic slice of Katangan Roan Supergroup (Mines Group) Sedimentary formations: altered dolostones and dolomitic shales (meta-evaporites). Alteration into talcose dolomite, sericitization, intense ...

Gift Lukhele

Feb 2021 - May 2022 1 year 4 months. Solwezi, North-Western, Zambia. - Manage the day to day operations of the Company. - Advertise and distribute flyers or any other approved mode of Advertisement to the public. - Manage the business cashbook / ledger and make sure it is up to date. - Avail to the Director the monthly Sales and collections.

Ntambu licence | Zamare Minerals Plc

Over the last 13 years, three new major copper mines have been discovered and constructed in this new western part of the Zambian Copperbelt. Zamare's owned Ntambu licence lies on the edge of the Kabombo dome, adjacent and in analogous geology to First Quantum Minerals' Sentinel and Enterprise mines and Arc Minerals' …

Yvette Kuiper

Structural geology of the eastern Nadaleen Trend, Yukon Territory, Canada: implications for recently discovered sedimentary rock-hosted gold. Ore Geology Reviews. Ore Geology Reviews 80, 48–60. Kuiper, Y.D., 2016. Development of the Norumbega fault system in mid-Paleozoic New England, USA: an integrated subducted oceanic ridge model.

Solwezi district, North-Western province, Zambia.

Download scientific diagram | Solwezi district, North-Western province, Zambia. from publication: Modelling areas for sustainable forest management in a mining and human dominated landscape: A ...

The Central African Copper Belt | Geology for Investors

This world-class mineral province stretches from the Copperbelt Province in Zambia, North through the Katangan Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo and back in to the North Western Province of Zambia. Index map showing the distribution of structurally controlled replacement and vein (SCRV) deposits and prospects in the …

The Central African Copperbelt: diverse

The Central African Copperbelt, including the Zambian Copperbelt, Congolese Copperbelt, and deposits in the North West Province of Zambia, is the world's largest and highest-grade sedimentary copper province, with approximately 200 Mt of contained copper and the world's largest cobalt reserves. It is hosted in Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks …

Mwinilunga, North-Western Province, Zambia

The most common minerals on earth Information for Educators Mindat Articles The Elements The Rock H. Currier Digital Library Geologic Time. ... North-Western Province, Zambia: Region: North-Western Province, Zambia: Latitude: 11° 44' 9" S: Longitude: 24° 25' 45" E: Lat/Long (dec):-11.73584,24.42926:

Enterprise Nickel Project, Kalumbila, North Western Province, Zambia

Location, geology, and mineralisation. The Enterprise nickel project is situated in the northwest portion of the Trident project area, approximately 12km away from the Sentinel copper mine. The project site lies in the Kalumbila district of North Western Province, Zambia, approximately 150km west of Solwezi.

Geological Survey – Ministry of Mines and Mineral …

The Department of Geological Survey was established in 1950 and is mandated to compile and provide geoscience data and information aimed at encouraging primarily the mineral sector and non-mining sector investment and undertake regional geoscience and geological resource mapping, and compile resulting quality products ready for publication in ...

Jifumpa Mine, Kasempa District, North-Western Province, Zambia …

The most common minerals on earth Information for Educators Mindat Articles The Elements The Rock H. Currier Digital Library Geologic Time. ... North-Western Province, Zambia i. Regional Level Types; Jifumpa Mine: Mine: Kasempa District: District: North-Western Province: Province: Zambia: Country: This page is currently not sponsored. …

A new look at the geology of the Zambian Copperbelt

The Mkushi district is located close to the southeastern tip of the Central African Copperbelt (Fig. 1a), the world's largest and highest-grade sediment-hosted copper province (Selley et al. 2005 ...

Lumwana Technical Report

North-Western Province of the Republic of Zambia, approximately 65 km from Solwezi, the provincial capital. It lies about 50 km south of the border between the Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia. The Project comprises of a 260,000 tonnes per day open pit mining operation and a 68,000 tonnes per day processing facility.

Technical Report on the Geology and Exploration of the …

located in the North-western Province of Zambia, Southern Africa, currently owned and operated by Afromi Investments Ltd. The author has read the National Instrument 43- 101 and Form 43-101 documents and this technical report has been prepared in compliance with above mentioned documents. The author is a registered Professional

Kalengwa Copper Mine In North-Western, Zambia | The …

North-Western, Zambia. The Kalengwa Copper Mine is located in the North-Western province of Zambia. Its discovery dates back to 1963, and it primarily operates as a surface mining facility. Production at the Kalengwa Copper Mine commenced in 1969, and the mining operations cover an area of 17.50 hectares (43.24 acres).

Two Ages of Copper Mineralization in the Mwombezhi …

Geology; Economic Geology; Approximately 10% of copper resources in the Central African Copperbelt, the world's largest, sediment-hosted stratiform copper province, occur in the Domes region of northwestern Zambia. ... (40 Mt of 1.07% Ni) is located on the eastern edge of the Kabompo dome in the North-Western Province of …

Economic potential of industrial minerals in Zambia

The brief history of the geology of Zambia is believed to have begun in the Proterozoic eon of the Precambrian (Geology and mineral resources of Zambia, 2001). ... North of Luano area in Central province and West of Kalumbila area in North-Western province (See Fig. 4). The major uses of graphite include making high temperature …

Volume 110 Issue 1 | Economic Geology | GeoScienceWorld

Geology of the Enterprise Hydrothermal Nickel Deposit, North-Western Province, Zambia. Patricia L. Capistrant; Murray W. Hitzman; David Wood; ... Holly Stein. Abstract . View article titled, Geology of the Enterprise Hydrothermal Nickel Deposit, North-Western Province, Zambia. Open the PDF for in another window. Add to Citation …

Structural framework of the Lufilian Fold Belt in the Domes …

The area around the Kabompo and Mwombezhi Domes in the North Western Province of Zambia is characterized by poor outcrop, and as is common with other areas in Zambia, correlation of units between ...

Stratigraphy, metamorphism, and tectonic history of the …

Includes bibliographical references. Stratigraphy, metamorphism, and tectonic history of the Solwezi Area, Northwest Province, Zambia: integrating geological field observations and airborne geophysics in the interpretation of regional geology, The

Sentinel Mine, in the Remotest Corner of …

August 4, 2016. The new $2,1-billion Sentinel mine, in the remotest corner of Zambia's North-Western province, is the mining industry's most-ambitious venture ever, and the single-largest upfront infrastructure …

Geology of the Fishtie deposit, Central Province, Zambia: …

The Fishtie copper deposit, located in the Central Province of Zambia, contains approximately 55 Mt of 1.04 % Cu at a 0.5 % Cu cut-off in oxide, sulfide, and mixed oxide–sulfide ores. The deposit is hosted in Neoproterozoic diamictites and siltstones of the Grand Conglomérat Formation and overlying Kakontwe Limestone Formation of the …

(PDF) Geology of the Fishtie deposit, Central …

The Fishtie copper deposit, located in the Central Province of Zambia, contains approximately 55 Mt of 1.04 % Cu at a 0.5 % Cu cut-off in oxide, sulfide, and mixed oxide–sulfide ores.


Investment opportunities exist in mapping and exploration to delineate resources. Geological maps are available to the members of public at a scale of 1:100,000. A large proportion of the unmapped area lies in Western Province. This is because it is covered by thick layer of Kalahari sands; hence, requires geophysical methods to map.

Economic Geology

Economic Geology. Zambia's amazingly wide spectrum of mineral resources spans a range of metals, particularly copper-cobalt and gold, gemstones, a variety of industrial minerals and potential energy resources – uranium, coal and hydrocarbons. Ranging in size from world-class operating mines to small prospects, the multiplicity and variety ...

Geological characteristics and prospecting direction of …

North China Center of Geoscience Innovation, China Geological Survey, Tianjin 300170, China 3. Southern African Mining Research Institute, China Geological Survey, Tianjin 300170, China ... North-Western Province, Zambia[J]. Economic Geology, 2015, 110: 9-38. doi: 10.2113/econgeo.110.1.9. CrossRef Google Scholar [6]

Lumwana Copper Mine

The Lumwana Mine is an open-cut copper mine project in the North West province of Zambia, 220km west of the Copperbelt and 65km west of the town of Solwezi. The mine was officially inaugurated in April 2009 by Equinox Minerals, which was acquired by Barrick Gold Corporation for C$7.3bn in July 2011. The bulk emulsion manufacturing …

Kansanshi Operations

Kansanshi Operations Technical Report May 2015 1 Kansanshi Operations North West Province, Zambia NI 43-101 Technical Report 31st May 2015 David Gray (QP) BSc(Geology), MAusIMM, PrSciNat(SACNASP), Group Mine and Resource Geologist, FQM (Australia) Pty Ltd

Gold enrichment characteristics and exploration prospects in Zambia …

1. Introduction. Gold (Au) is a precious metal element that is mainly used in jewelry, investments, and electronics. The average value of gold is 1.0 × 10 −9 in the Earth's crust (Chi QH, 2002).And gold exists as natural gold and gold minerals (Du SW et al., 2005).The success of applied geochemistry, especially geochemical mapping, has …

Lumwana Copper Project, Kalumbila District, North-Western Province, Zambia

Lumwana Copper Project, Kalumbila District, North-Western Province, Zambia : A copper project located 65 km west of the town of Solwezi. The project covers approximatley 8,700 hectares, of which 5,000 hectares us within the Acres 05 National Forest. ... M.I (2013) Geology and Mineralisation of the Chimiwungu Cu-Co-U Deposit. Mineral ...

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