Saskatchewan Gives Green Light to Canada's Biggest Uranium Mining

Denison Mines has successfully completed the inaugural In-Situ Recovery (ISR) field test program at the The Heldreth Túé uranium deposit (THT) within its 67.41% owned Waterbury Lake Uranium Project in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Close to key infrastructure, including roads and the McClean Lake mill, the test achieved all …

NexGen, Metis Nations sign IBA for Rook 1 uranium project in Saskatchewan

The first deposit to be mined will be Arrow with measured and indicated resources of 3.8 million tonnes grading 3.10% uranium oxide containing 256.7 million lb. of U3O8 to support an initial mine ...

Uranium mining in Saskatchewan

The mines of northern Saskatchewan make Canada the world's leading uranium producer. Canada supplied 29% of global demand, or 11.60 million tonnes of the metal in 2004. Here are two bright ideas – how to mine an orebody by neither pit nor underground method, and how to mine high-grade ore without miners – that Cogema and Cameco are ...

Cameco U101

Download. Uranium in Saskatchewan 2020 Fact Sheet. Cameco Corporation and ORANO Canada are the two uranium producers in Saskatchewan, producing all of Canada's uranium. For additional information on the Saskatchewan uranium mining industry, please visit the following websites:

Sask. Research Council defends uranium mine cleanup plan …

The Saskatchewan Research Council is defending its work on the cleanup of an abandoned uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan, following Ottawa's claim that the SRC's plans are "not cost-effective ...

Saskatchewan's First Cold War Uranium Mine

Nicholson's discovery of uranium was the first in the Lake Athabasca region, and indeed the first in Saskatchewan. In 1948, Nicholson Mines sent a test shipment of material to the Eldorado refinery at Port Hope, Ontario. The results were encouraging, and Nicholson Mines started shipping shaft-sinking equipment and supplies over the frozen ...

Uranium mines and mills

Operating uranium mines and mills. At this time, all operating uranium mines and mills in Canada are located in northern Saskatchewan. Orano Canada and Cameco Corporation are the licensees of the active mining and milling facilities. Cigar Lake Mine (Saskatchewan) Key Lake Mill (Saskatchewan) McArthur River Mine (Saskatchewan)

Gunnar Uranium Mine Environmental Remediation: Northern Saskatchewan

The Saskatchewan Research Council has been contracted to manage the clean-up of these abandoned northern uranium mine and mill sites. The Gunnar Mine, because of the magnitude of tailings and waste rock, is subject to an environmental site assessment process regulated by both provincial and federal governments.

Uranium Mining News

Investors should heed growing supply after uranium's recent runup. Uranium prices surged from just over US$50 per lb. in April 2023 to more than US$100 per lb. by January 2024. Since then, there has been a moderate pull-back; …

Saskatchewan juniors jostle to advance Canada's next new uranium mine

Located about 35 km northeast of the Key Lake mill and 35 km southwest of the McArthur River mine, the project is a joint venture between Denison and JCU (Canada) Exploration in a 90-10 split. Denison acquired 50% of JCU in 2021, giving it 95% of Wheeler River. The project comprises the high-grade Phoenix and Gryphon deposits. Phoenix …

Geochemistry of arsenic in uranium mine mill tailings, Saskatchewan …

Uranium mines in the Athabasca basin, northern Saskatchewan, Canada produce 33% of the world's U (Canada, 1998). U ore typically contains 1.2 wt.% As (Canada, 1998) although as much as 10 wt.% As has been reported (Langmuir, 1999) As a result, U mine tailings management facilities (TMF) can contain significant quantities of …

Gunnar Uranium Mine Environmental Remediation: Northern Saskatchewan

The Gunnar Mine and mill site was the largest of some 38 now-abandoned uranium mines that were developed and operated in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada, during the Cold War years.

Fission Announces 2024 Project Development Program at …

The company is the owner and developer of the PLS uranium project – a proposed high-grade mine and mill located in the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada. The company is headquartered in ...

Events Reporting: Uranium Mines and Mills

The CNSC was informed by Cameco that it has temporarily suspended production at its Cigar Lake uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan. This suspension is due to the increasing risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and will extend over the coming weeks, in order to ensure the safety of local northern Saskatchewan communities and …

Uranium Mining News

Investors should heed growing supply after uranium's recent runup. Uranium prices surged from just over US$50 per lb. in April 2023 to more than US$100 per lb. by January 2024. Since then, there has been a …

Proposed nuclear facility – Rook I

In February 2019, the CNSC received an initial project description from NexGen Energy Ltd. for its proposal to construct and operate a new underground uranium mine on the Patterson Lake peninsula in the southwestern Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan, approximately 155 km north of the town of La Loche.

CA SK: 'They are absolutely huge:' Wolves attack in Northern

And the pattern is similar across the uranium-mining region of Northern Saskatchewan, one of the richest sources of uranium in the world. On a continent that can go years without a major wolf attack, the area has hosted three suspected wolf attacks on adult men in 12 years. The attacks are all within 100 km of one another, and thus within the ...

Uranium developer Denison options Saskatchewan lithium

Denison, focused on uranium further north in the Athabasca Basin will pay up to C$15.1 million for the interest, in cash payments of up to C$3.1 million. It will also fund project costs of up to C ...

An interpretation of surface and borehole seismic surveys for mine …

ABSTRACT The Millennium uranium deposit is located within the Athabasca Basin, in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The deposit is hosted within moderately dipping Paleoproterozoic gneisses that are unconformably overlain by more than 500 m of flat lying, porous Paleoproterozoic to late Mesoproterozoic Athabasca Group sandstones. The …

The Government of Canadaʼs Legacy of Contamination …

watersheds in the Uranium City area of northern Saskatchewan are seriously contaminated with uranium and selenium. Most of the contamination dates back to the 1952‐1982 period when Eldorado Nuclear Ltd., a federal crown corporation, operated numerous mining


The Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan is home to some of the world's richest uranium deposits, making it a good place to drill for more occurrences. ... URANIUM CITY RESOURCES has reported initial drill results from its East target in the Uranium City Mining District. One shallow hole, drilled to a depth of 113 m, returned …

Cover Systems and Landforms for Remediation of Uranium Mining …

Key aspects associated with decommissioning a tailings WSF and waste rock pile at the former Cluff Lake uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan are included to illustrate many of the practical ...

Sacred land, unholy uranium: Canada's mining …

Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin currently supplies about 20% of the global uranium market. It is mined out in ore 10 to 100 times more uranium rich than any other deposits found on Earth. This is of …

McClean Lake uranium mine in Canada to resume production

Denison Mines (TSX: DML; NYSE: DNN) and joint venture partner Orano Canada said on Wednesday they will restart the McClean Lake mine, located in the uranium-rich Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan, amid improving project and commodity economics.. Operations at McClean Lake, owned by the namesake joint …

NexGen Rook I uranium project wins environmental approval in Saskatchewan

Uranium prices touched a 15-year high of $74.50 per lb. last week as the demand to replace fossil fuels increases. About 60 nuclear plants are under construction in countries such as China, Russia ...

Businesses | Cameco Northern Saskatchewan

Cameco has operated mines and mills in northern Saskatchewan for more than a quarter century. Uranium products from Saskatchewan's north are used exclusively to generate clean electricity in nuclear power …

Gunnar Uranium Mine: From Cold War Darling to …

SRC is managing the Gunnar Mine and Mill Site remediation, as well as 36 other abandoned uranium mine sites in northern Saskatchewan. Learn more about Project CLEANS. This is a …

Pursuing openings and navigating closures for

Since 1991 all proposals for new uranium mines and mills have been referred to the Joint Federal-Provincial Panel on Uranium Mining Developments in northern Saskatchewan. This was meant to address the health, safety, environmental, and economic impacts of uranium, and to provide opportunities for public consultation, …

Uranium City | Mining Town, Northern Saskatchewan

Uranium City, municipal corporation, centre of the Beaverlodge Lake mining region in extreme northwestern Saskatchewan, Canada. It lies near the north shore of Lake Athabasca. The discovery in the early 1950s and the subsequent mining of uranium ore there by the Eldorado Mining and Refining Company.

Skyharbour Announces Additional Uranium Property …

Skyharbour has acquired from Denison Mines, a large strategic shareholder of the Company, a interest in the Moore Uranium Project which is located 15 kilometres east of Denison's Wheeler ...

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