(PDF) Chemical- and Solvent-Free Mechanophysical Fractionation …

An online tribo-charge analysis method should be developed to assess the particle-particle interactions in the tribo-charger tube during electrostatic separation. View Show abstract

Chemical- and Solvent-Free Mechanophysical Fractionation …

Application of tribo-electrostatic separation (T-ES) technique for fractionation of plant-based food ingredients. Journal of Food Engineering 2022, 320, 110916. ... Combination of Dry Milling and Separation Processes with Anaerobic Digestion of Olive Mill Solid Waste: Methane Production and Energy Efficiency. Molecules 2018, 23 ...

Chemical- and Solvent-Free Mechanophysical …

(A) Continuous dry fractionation process of rapeseed oil cakes (ROC) comprising an ultrafine milling (UFM) coupled to tribo- electrostatic separation; (B) diagram of cascade used for the separation.

Triboelectric separator | How it works, Application

Triboelectric separators offer numerous benefits over conventional separation methods, such as: Efficiency: The technology provides high separation efficiency, enabling the recovery of valuable materials with minimal loss. Dry process: As a dry separation method, triboelectric separation eliminates the need for water, making it …

Application of tribo-electrostatic separation (T-ES) …

Electrostatic separation is a sustainable dry separation technique based on triboelectric charging of different cellular tissue components (i.e. protein bodies and fibres). This research aimed to determine the mechanism behind the ineffective electrostatic separation of soy and if it could be altered by de-oiling.

Effect of particle size on the tribo-aero-electrostatic separation …

Custom-designed fluidized bed electrostatic separators Dascalescu et al. 2011) and tribo-aero-electrostatic separators could also be employed for the separation of both mm-and sub-mm-size granular ...

Novel Fluidised-bed Tribo-electrostatic Separator for …

Zhou and Brown (1988) were reported the increase in the coal separation efficiency after chemical pre-treatment. Various inorganic and organic aliphatic, aromatic and hydrocarbon gaseous agents were used in dry nitrogen atmosphere in the fluidised-bed tribo-charging medium for the selective separation of the macerals.

Tribo-electrostatic separation of high ash coking coal …

The tribo-electrostatic separation studies were carried out using in-house designed and fabricated free fall tribo-electrostatic separator. A schematic diagram of the separator is shown in Fig. 1.The details of the tribo-electrostatic separator and operational procedure are described elsewhere [48].However, for quick reference, the …

Chemical- and Solvent-Free Mechanophysical Fractionation …

In this study, an innovative dry fractionation technology combining ultrafine milling (UFM) and electrostatic separation (tES) has been developed for rapeseed oil cake fractionation into protein- and lignin-rich fractions. The physical features as well as the biochemical composition of the produced fraction have been assessed herein.

Micronized plastic waste recycling using two-disc tribo-electrostatic …

Therefore, a nonlinear electric field structure is proposed. The separation process of fly ash particles in the nonlinear electric field is explored through the establishment of geometric model and the application of CFD-DEM coupled calculation method, and the main influencing factors of fly ash electrostatic dry separation are …


The present invention relates to a process for upgrading the value of dry, granular food and animal feed materials using a tribo-electrostatic separation process to separate the components of human food and animal feed mixtures based on tribo-electric charging of the particles of the food and feed mixtures, such as a process for the enrichment of …

Dry Electrostatic Separation of Fine Coal | Semantic Scholar

TLDR. The aim of this paper is the experimental investigation of a patent-pending triboelectrostatic separation process based on a fluidized bed tribocharging system where the fine granules to be sorted are exposed to the electric field generated between a pair of rotating metallic disks connected to two high-voltage supplies of opposite ...

Beneficiation of Ultrafine Iron Ore Using Tribo …

separator. The counter current flow of the separating particles and continual triboelectric charging provides for a multi-stage separation and results in excellent purity and recovery in a single-pass unit. The STET separator is relatively compact: 9.1 m long, 1.7 m wide, and 3.2 m high. The separator power consumption is about 1


1. A process for fractionating a feed mixture having a moisture content greater than 0% and comprising protein and at least one of starches, soluble fibers and insoluble fibers using a single step, continuous tribo-electrostatic separation process, comprising: a. supplying said feed mixture to a tribo-electric separator, said feed mixture comprising pulses, …

Functional properties of navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) …

A sustainable, chemical-free dry tribo-electrostatic separation approach was employed to fractionate navy bean flour. The resulting protein-enriched fractions had 36-38% protein on a moisture free basis, accounting for 43% of the total available protein. SDS-PAGE analysis of the dry-enriched protein fractions showed a similar protein profile …

Dry Beneficiation of Iron Ore Fines Using Tribo-Electric Belt Separator

The STET tribo-electrostatic technology has been used to process and commercially separate a wide range of industrial minerals and other dry granular powders. Here, bench-scale results are presented on the beneficiation of low-grade Fe ore fines using STET belt separation process. Bench-scale testing demonstrated the capability of the STET ...

Charging and separation behavior of gluten–starch

Electrostatic separation based on tribo-electric charging is found effective for separation of small particulates with small differences in conductivity [17], [18]. Tribo-electric charging is achieved by entraining particles in a gas flow through a channel, where the particles collide with the walls of the channel and are charged.

Tribo-electrostatic separation of a quaternary granular …

Many tribo-electrostatic separation studies of binary mixtures of millimeter-sized plastic particles have been performed. The objective of this work is an experimental investigation for separating ...

Application of tribo-electrostatic separation in the …

Tribo-electrostatic separation2.3.1. Materials used in the tests. The plastics mixture used in the initial study of tribo-electrostatic separation consisted of PP and HDPE. These were chosen because of the difficulty involved in separating them. PP has a density of 0.9–0.91 g/cm 3, while HDPE has a density of 0.94–0.97 g/cm 3. Hence, it is ...

Application of tribo-electrostatic separation in the recycling …

Recovery and purity values higher than 90.2% and 95.9% were obtained for PP/LDPE and PET/PVC mixtures, respectively. These results demonstrated that tribo-electrostatic separation is a promising ...

Studies on the effect of electrode plate position and

Several factors affect the efficiency of the tribo-electrostatic separator which may be broadly classified into three groups [48]: (1) physical properties such as particle size, density, surface ...

Analysis of protein enrichment during single- and multi-stage tribo …

The potential of a dry fractionation approach for the production of native plant protein concentrates has been validated for navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) flour as a model system utilizing a lab-scale tribo-electrostatic separator.For this approach, protein and carbohydrate particles in pin-milled flour were tribo-charged to different levels before …

Separation behavior of sieved endosperm-enriched oat …

A tribo-electrostatic separation (TES) process is a recently investigated dry fractionation method, operating based on the different tribo-charging properties of flour constituent particles and not heavily dependent on their limited variation in size and density (Assatory et al., 2019).

Effect of hammer and pin milling on triboelectrostatic separation …

Tribo-electrostatic separation of hammer milled navy bean flour into protein- and starch-rich fraction was performed using a single-stage electrostatic separator (Fig. 1).The effects of plate voltage (−0.5 and − 1 kv) equivalent to 0.01–0.02 μcoulomb/m 2, air flow rate (7, 8, and 9 LPM), and tribo-charger length (60 and 240 cm) …

Compound tribo-electrostatic separation for recycling mixed …

In mode-2, the mixed granules were separated to two groups. The separation results showed that the average separation efficiency (Es) of mode-1 was 72.44%, the average Es of mode-2 was 65.18%. The mixed plastic particles can be potentially separated by changing their triboelectric series as long as their CMR have significant differences.

Dry fractionation process operations in the production of …

Dry fractionation is an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly process for protein separation, preserving protein's native functionality. Cereals and pulses are excellent sources of plant proteins as they are widely grown worldwide. ... The air classification or electrostatic separation settings are crucial in determining the quality of ...

Fly Ash Reclamation and Beneficiation Using a …

patented electrostatic separator has been used to produce over 17.5 Million tons of low carbon product that has been recycled for use in concrete or cement production. Commercial tribo-electrostatic beneficiation of fly ash …

Modelling dense particle streams during free-fall electrostatic separation

1. Introduction. Dry particle processing methods are attracting increasing attention in the resources industries, as they have the potential to reduce the pressure on water resources from mineral extraction, in addition to facilitiating mineral processing in environments where water is scarce or absent [1].One family of processing techniques of …

New Vibrating-Table-Type Tribo-Electrostatic Separator for …

The performances of the tribo-electrostatic separation process (60% to 85% of each plastic was recovered at purities higher than 85%) could be further improved by increasing the residence time of the granules in the rotating cylinder of the triboelectric charging device and by appropriate adjustment of the control variables of the VTE ...

Numerical simulation of the continuous operation of a tribo …

A recently-patented tribo-aero-electrostatic separation process for mixed granular plastics [13], [14] gives an original solution to this problem: the tribo-charging is produced in a parallelepiped fluidized bed device, in the presence of an electric field (Fig. 1). This field, perpendicular to the direction of the fluidization air, is ...

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