THE MARBLE QUARRIES OF CARRARA. Marble has been used for centuries as an important material in architecture and stone-work. The Apuan Alps, located on the Italian …

Touring the Carrara Marble Mines

For anyone interested in adventure or the art of marble cutting, a visit to the Carrara Mable Mines becomes a fantastic and unusual outing and is highly …

Carrara Marble: Italy's white diamond used for the world's …

Today, Carrara marble is one of the most prized in the world, a true raw diamond that, over the centuries, has inspired the finest generations of sculptors. But …

Tips for Taking a Carrara Marble Mine Tour near …

This way to marble mountain. It's a short drive (approximately 26 miles) from Lucca to the valley of Fantiscritti in the heart of the Carrara marble basin. If the name Carrara sounds familiar to our boomer …

Tips for Taking a Carrara Marble Mine Tour near …

Scratch those itchy travel feet! On a visit to Lucca, Italy, baby boomers will find adventure on a Carrara marble mine tour. See where …

The Cost of Mining Carrara Marble | Architect …

Carrara is synonymous with material perfection. The Tuscan town of about 60,000 on the western coast of Italy is home to one of the most venerated material histories in art and architecture. Carrara marble …

Carrara Marble Quarries in Italy: What It's Like to Visit

Joey Hadden/Insider. The Carrara marble industry is worth $1 billion and a slab can cost up to $400 per square meter, Business Insider reported in 2019. More recently, Italics Magazine reported ...

Jeep Tour of Carrara Marble Quarries in Tuscany

Cave di Fantiscritti Carrara Marble Tour. Check the website for updated hours and prices or to book a tour. The cost is 12 euros (as of 2019). Tours are 50 minutes and can be taken in Italian, English, or French. Note that during inclement weather, the mines are not in operation. At the parking area of the quarry are a museum, gift shop ...

SMR | Enslaved Africans and their Role in the U.S. Mining …

Africans held as slaves made significant contributions to the U.S. mining industry. In the summer of 1849, white southerners brought Black slaves to the California mines. Slaves performed a variety of tasks in the United States, including mining, and contributed to the nation's development. Despite the unpopularity of slavery in the mines ...

A visit to the Carrara marble quarries

When one visits the Carrara marble quarries, the appreciation for the work and workers that contribute to each stage of the journey, from the mountain to the finished product, can be fully understood. In the …

This mine has produced more marble than anywhere on Earth

Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Bernini and Rodin all sourced their marble here. Located in the Apuan Alps in northern Italy, the Carrara Marble Mines have been making marble for over 2,000 years and ...

Carrara Marble Quarry: how to visit the quarries by yourself …

A Carrara marble quarry visit represents an unrepeatable journey inside suggestive tunnels dug into the rock, from which you access the dazzling whiteness of the quarry, a place where the famous marble has been extracted since Roman timesand became famous throughout the world. You can visit a Carrara marble q…See more on dedalostone


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Explore further

Jeep Tour of Carrara Marble Quarries in Tuscany

WEBMap and Guide to Visiting the Quarries Above Carrara. Touring the marble mines in the Apuan Alps in northern Tuscany is an incredible visual …

Carrara Marble Mining | Britannica

Transcript. NARRATOR: The marble quarries of Carrara have been known and exploited since ancient times. The high-quality marble is cut in the pits high in the mountains, then transported to the …

Visiting Carrara Marble Quarries

The marble quarries of Carrara are situated in the valleys of Torano, Miseglia, Bedisano and Colonnata, where both white and coloured marbles are found: the amount of marble is staggering.

The Environmental Impact of Carrara's Marble Quarries

NARRATOR: The Canalgrande marble quarry, 1,000 meters above sea level. It's not a place for Mother Nature. Heavy machinery quarries out 60,000 tons of white marble each year. That's 10 times as much as was quarried 10 years ago. The Carrara …


THE MARBLE QUARRIES OF CARRARA. Marble has been used for centuries as an important material in architecture and stone-work. The Apuan Alps, located on the Italian Peninsula between Lucca to Florence contain vast deposits of marble which can be found especially at three main gullies: Torano Miseglia Colonnata. The experts estimated total ...

Visiting The Carrara Quarries: Italy's Marble Mountains

How to Visit the Carrara Marble Quarries. Carrara Marble Tour offers a 50/60-minute excursion from March to November. In 2023, it costs 15 euros per person. Tours are in Italian or English. You don't need to book in advance unless you are part of a group of at least 20 people. There is also a small museum, gift shop, restaurant and toilet ...

Carrara Marble Mining | Britannica

Explore the ancient quarries of Carrara to learn how some of the world's finest marble is mined and processed. Carrara, Italy, is famous for the brilliant white marble that is mined from its quarries.

Day trip from Cinque Terre: Carrara marble quarries

Carrara marble is the most prized and famous marble in the world and it is mined only in this area at the very northern tip of Tuscany (bordering Liguria, the Cinque Terre's region).

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