Copper Concentrate

With the operation of the flotation process, 31% lead concentrate, 35% zinc concentrate, 36% sulfur concentrate, and 16% copper concentrate were obtained. 5.4.2 Lead flotation, copper-zinc depression As shown in Table 5, cyanide has the weakest depression on lead minerals.

Sequential Copper–Lead–Zinc Flotation

As shown in the summary tables, copper was, on average, 63% recovered into the copper concentrate grading 24% copper. The recovery and grade of unwanted lead and zinc was very low when compared to the other flowsheets. Lead in the feed was, on average, 36% recovered into a concentrate, grading 55%.

Estimated Water Requirements for the Conventional …

This report provides a perspective on the amount of water used by a conventional copper flotation plant, including the makeup water required to compensate for water losses. Much of the global supply of copper originates from mines that also produce byproduct molybdenum, but for simplicity, a single copper concentrate has been modeled for this ...

Operational optimization of copper flotation process based …

In the copper flotation processes, the characteristics of working categories show the characteristics of irregularity and density, as Fig. 3 shows. Therefore, the distance-based clustering algorithm AP cannot perform well in the clustering process of copper flotation processes due to ignoring the density information of each point.

Froth Flotation Handbook

Conditions of operation of froth-flotation. Froth-flotation is in general effective only on ores ground to pass 0.3-mm. aperture or less and the agitation-froth and bubble-column processes are most effectively practiced when the bulk of the feed will pass a 0.074-mm. screen.

Digital twin of minerals processing operations for an …

2.1 Froth flotation process. Froth flotation is extensively used to enrich sulfide minerals (galena, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, molybdenite, and pentlandite) as well as non-sulfides such as phosphate minerals, iron ores, and fine coal [1, 2].The mineral ore is ground to fine particles of typically 10 to 100µm in diameter and mixed with water to …

A Moderately Thermophilic Mixed Microbial Culture for …

Bioleaching of chalcopyrite concentrate at a pulp density of 20%. Figure 7 shows the variations of pH, cell density, and concentrations of copper and ferrous and ferric iron in the solution during bioleaching of chalcopyrite concentrate at a pulp density of 20%. It was found that only minor amounts of copper were leached before the fifth day.

Sulfide Flotation

The concentrate tested was a flotation concentrate from the Northmet project, USA, assaying 14.7% Cu, 3.05% Ni, 0.14% Co, 26.7% S, 1.4 g/t Au, 2.2 g/t Pt, and 9.9 g/t Pd. Pressure-oxidation conditions were 225 °C, pulp density was 11%, retention time was 120 min, and oxygen overpressure was 689 kPa. The ore treated had a P80 of 15 μm. After ...

Bioleaching of copper, zinc and gold from a polymetallic ore flotation …

The average recoveries from flotation process in the copper concentrate were ca. 90% for copper, 55-58% for gold, and 35-40% for silver. The average recoveries from leaching were ca. 92-93% for ...

Flotation of gold and gold-bearing ores

Flotation of copper–gold ores. For the bulk flotation of copper minerals and gold from supergene copper ores, it is normal practice to add a xanthate as the primary collector and dithiophosphate as a secondary collector (Bulatovic, 1997). This combination gives satisfactory results in respect of copper concentrate grade and …

Effect of pre-oxidation on copper-lead bulk concentrate flotation

For Cu-Pb bulk concentrate containing 3.03 % Cu and 62.32 % Pb, the use of PAAS combined with H 2 O 2 as a galena depressant for flotation separation yielded a Cu concentrate with 28.02 % Cu and a recovery of 82.56 %, containing 5.54 % Pb. The separation efficiency reached 65.44 %, comparable to that of potassium dichromate …

A novel copper depressant for selective flotation of chalcopyrite …

Conclusions. This work evaluated the performance of S 2 O 32− and the mixture of S 2 O 32− and Cu 2+ as a novel copper depressant in the selective flotation of chalcopyrite and molybdenite. The depression effect was studied by flotation test, and the depression mechanism was revealed through Zeta potential, contact angle, XPS and …

Advancements in Removing Fluorine from Copper Concentrate

Penalties can significantly reduce the value of copper concentrate. For instance, in this paper, the fluorine penalty deduction ranges from $7 to $54 for copper concentrate containing 0.1 to 0.57% fluorine ion, accounting for 0.3 to 2.4% of the net value of the concentrate before the penalty element deduction.

A novel hydrometallurgical treatment for the recovery of copper…

The leaching of the concentrate that contained 14.7% of copper and 5.0% of zinc for three leaching cycles (total duration, 5.75 h) allowed the obtainment of a leach residue containing 15.3 and 0. ...


Table 2 reports the density measurement, liberation estimation and blend proportions to build the ... LaRonde flowsheet contains a flotation circuit producing a bulk copper-lead concentrate. A ...

A mineralogy characterisation technique for copper ore in flotation …

The bulk ore sample and flotation reagents used in this study were provided in-kind by Aurelia Metals. ... the chosen processing route was to produce a copper concentrate. 2.1.1. Flotation pulp sample generation ... 0.056 g/image and 0.085 g/image for fine and coarse respectively yields a bulk density of about 1,200 kg/m 3 to 1,800 …

Copper Concentrates

The production of concentrates implies the crushing and later milling of the ore down to a particle size allows releasing copper by flotation. The concentrates from different regions have approximately between 24% up to 36% of copper. Copper concentrates are then submitted to a final filtration and drying process to decrease the humidity to 8-9 ...

Flotation Flowsheets

The roughing-table concentrate carries about 4 1/2 per cent. copper and 38 per cent. iron. Flotation and table concentrate mixed, forming the mill concentrate, assay 9 per cent. copper, 30 per cent. iron …

Improvement of copper–molybdenum ore beneficiation using …

The conditions of efficient flotation of chalcopyrite fraction correspond to complete flotation of other copper sulfide minerals [12], [13]. The inhibition of pyrite fraction flotation allows obtaining bulk copper–molybdenum concentrate of high quality. In addition, it increases the total sulfide content in the feed of bacterial leaching [14].

Bulk Handling Global

Bulk density reference list Approximate minimum bulk density: kg/m 3: lb/ft 3 Approximate maximum bulk density: kg/m 3: lb/ft 3 Average particle size: Abrasiveness: ...

copper bulk flotation

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A novel hydrometallurgical treatment for the recovery of copper…

Bulk flotation followed by a novel hydrometallurgical process can dodge these difficulties. In this work, an integral hydrometallurgical process consists of two ferric leaching steps, followed by a hot brine leaching stage, is proposed to recover target metals from a bulk sulphide concentrate (2.9% Cu, 7.4% Zn, 2.5% Pb, 67 ppm Ag and 37.2% …

Chalcopyrite (Cu) Sphalerite (Zn) Separation by Flotation

Copper 3.78%. Sulphur 42.38%. Zinc 12.45%. Gold 0.01 oz/ton. Iron 32.84%. Silver 1.50 oz/ton. Insoluble 8.50%. In order to meet smelter requirements it is desired to produce at least a 20% copper concentrate with not over 8% zinc. The copper is present principally as chalcopyrite in extremely close association with both the …

Combined Effect of Operating Parameters on Separation

The optimum solids content of the pulp is 35%, because by increasing the pulp density, more particles report to the concentrate and increase copper recovery (also reducing concentrate grade). Drawing on the literature in the flotation area, a dependence of mineral recovery upon pulp density can be seen [ 24, 26, 32 ].

Bulk Flotation | SpringerLink

The bulk flotation includes partial bulk flotation and full bulk flotation. The bulk concentrate can be separated by flotation or other methods to obtain a single concentrate as needed. For example, the lead-zinc sulfide ore first obtains the lead-zinc bulk concentrate through partial bulk flotation (Fig. 1 ), and then carries out flotation ...

Investigating the impact of inoculation on bioleaching of copper …

The liberation rates of the Tizert ore and flotation concentrate samples were presented in Fig. 6. For the Tizert ore, more than 40 % of copper deportment particles were middling, and an average of 40 % of particles were locked. For the flotation concentrate, 47 % of chalcocite grains were liberated, 37 % were middling, and 16 % were locked.

(PDF) Dewatering of Copper Flotation Tailings: Effect of …

Dewatering of Copper Flotation Tailings: Effect of Feed Dilution on the Thickener Performance July 2018 Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review 40(1):1-7


BULK MATERIAL BULK DENSITY PARTICLE SIZE MOISTURE CONTENT FLOWABILITY ABRASIVENESS lb/ft 3 g/cm AC Teat Dust 60 0.96 Accelerator 31 0.5 Acetate 35 0.56 Acetate Flakes 21 0.34 Acini Pepe 53.6 0.86 Fine Dry Free Non Acrawax 15 0.24 Acrawax & Carbon Black 34 0.54 Acrawax C 32 0.51 "Acrylic Concentrate …

A novel approach for preferential flotation recovery of molybdenite

There are several flow sheets (listed in Fig. 1 a and b) used in the flotation recovery of copper and molybdenum from their porphyry sulfide ores. Fig. 1 a is a typical flow sheet that consists of two stages (Raghavan and Hsu, 1984, Bulatovic, 2007, Liu et al., 2011).The first stage, commonly known as the copper circuit, produces a bulk copper …

Insight into mineral flotation fundamentals through the DFT …

The surface is the contact region where many adsorptions occur during the flotation process. Unlike these of stable coordination composition in the bulk structures, the atoms of the surfaces tend to form different terminations due to the breaking of the fracture bonds [33].Therefore, the surface structure has very different atom states from …

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