This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (this "Code") establishes a framework of practices and behaviours intended to promote the highest standards of integrity and accountability in the conduct of SSR Mining Inc. (the "Company") business and the achievement of its values. This Code establishes an expectation of every director, officer ...

Microsoft Word

As the oldest U.S.-based precious metals mining company, Hecla Mining Company ("Hecla," "our," "we," or "Company") has distinguished itself as a respected precious metals producer. We seek to pursue and deliver a higher standard in our business, and our Code of Conduct (the "Code") demonstrates our commitment to

Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct provides detailed guidelines for this "Integrity". As a member of the NEC Group, we promise to comply in good faith. with this Code of Conduct so as to be connected with people. all over the world, beyond boundaries, and to enable the solving of. social issues and sustainable economic growth for the future.


Zimbabwe's Chamber of Mines 2022 state of mining report projected significant growth in the diamond, coal, and chrome subsectors, with PGM continuing to lead the sector. The Chamber of Mines reported gold output reached an all-time high of 37.3 tons in 2022, up from 31.5 tons in 2021, and projected to increase to 42 tons in 2023.

About Us

Zvishavane town is situated in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe along the mineral rich Great Dyke which stretches from the north-eastern side of the country. ... is a mining town lying 97 kilometres west of Masvingo, on the main Bulawayo-Masvingo road. ... Code of Conduct, Regulations, Standing Orders, Circulars and Ministerial Directives ...

Mining Industry Seeks to Define One Global Standard for …

Four of the world's leading mining associations—representing 86 companies operating 700 mines across 60 countries—are developing a responsible mining code to define one minimum global ...

Geological Society of Zimbabwe

The primary objectives are to promote geological research, teaching, exploration and mining in Zimbabwe. It acts as a forum for geological talks and field trips. Read More. Membership. The Geological Society has 5 …

BREAKING: Zimbabwe to conduct a countrywide responsible Mining …

Cabinet has agreed that for a period of two months, May and June 2023, a responsible Mining audit will be conducted countrywide. This was announced at the 10th post cabinet Press briefing yesterday. The Ministry of Mines and Mining Development will coordinate the audit which is set to start on the 10th of May, 2023.

SI 2012-107 Judicial Code of Ethics | veritaszim

SI 2012-107 Judicial Code of Ethics. Whereas it is recognized that the Constitution has vested the Judicial Authority of Zimbabwe in the Judiciary and has further entrenched the universally accepted norm of Independence of the Judiciary; And Whereas it is recognized by the Zimbabwean judiciary that a competent, independent and impartial ...


9. Labour (National Employment Code of Conduct) Regulations, 2006 122 - 124 11. Labour Relations (Protection Against Any Acts of Interference Between Workers' Organisation and Employers' Organisation) Regulations, 2003 125 12. Labour Relations (Retrenchment) Regulations, 2003 126 - 129 13.

The disciplinary hearing and the ancillary processes

The disciplinary hearing and the ancillary processes. This section discusses the several stages one expects to go through when partaking in a disciplinary hearing process. The processes we describe and outline in this section are borrowed from almost every code of conduct that is applicable in Zimbabwe. Employers are under a legal …


As a premium listed company on the London Stock Exchange, we adhere to the principles and comply with the provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code, our main applicable governance rules. We seek to apply best practice, ensuring that our approach is up-to-date and relevant. Governance documentation

Update on the Zimbabwe Mining Export Laws

On the 6 th of January 2023 the Minister of Mines and Mining Development in Zimbabwe issued an order prohibiting the export of unprocessed raw base mineral ores. It is known as the Base Minerals Export Control (Unbeneficiated Base Mineral Ores) Order, 2023 (the " Order "). The Order defines Base minerals as coal and all other minerals and ...

SI 2018-037 Legal Practitioners (Code of Conduct) By laws

Legal Practitioners (Code of Conduct) By-laws, 2018. IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Justice. Legal and Parliamentary Affairs has, in terms of section 63 of the Legal Practitioners Act [Chapter 27:07], approved the by-laws set out in the Schedule, which were adopted by a majority of members present at a general meeting of the Law Society of …

Mining Zimbabwe Magazine

Download your copy today and immerse yourself in the riveting articles that will undoubtedly rekindle your passion for the Zimbabwe mining industry. Remember you can write to us or submit contributions on the details below. Email: info@miningzimbabwe or WhatsApp: +263 242 777728.

Collective Bargaining Agreement, Commercial Sectors

Statutory Instrument 224 of 2019. Collective Bargaining Agreement: Commercial. Sectors fi SCHEDULESupplement to the Zim. 25th October, 2019. Printed by the Government Printer, Harare.1436S. I. 224 of 2019DeclarationThe employers' organisation and the trade union, having arrived at the agreement set forth herein, the unde.

The Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers

Our History. "Promoting appropriate standards of engineering competence since 1953". The early background of the Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers dates back to 1943, where engineers practicing in Southern Rhodesia had tentatively discussed the need for a society which would be truly representative of all disciplines of the engineering ...

Endeavour Mining

Endeavour Mining


For information sessions and more: Zimbabwe School of Mines Coghlan Avenue Extension, Killarney, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Weekdays: 9:00 AM to 4:15 PM. Phone: +263 292 291247, +263-292-290596-8.

Fossil Contracting | LinkedIn

Fossil Contracting | 4,454 followers on LinkedIn. For us, honesty is the only policy | Founded in 2010 and going from strength to strength since, Fossil Contracting is a Zimbabwean Contracting firm, specializing in Civil Works, Contract Mining, Road Construction, Earth works, Building & Structural Works and Plant Hire.

The Chronicle

In terms of Zimbabwean legislation, we have three different types of codes of conduct. There is the National Employment Code of Conduct (Statutory Instrument 15 of 2006), in-house Code of Conduct ...

Code of Conduct

associated with the Code, please contact the General Manager - People, Culture and Sustainability of Black Rock Mining Limited (GM - People, Culture and Sustainability). 3. Code of Conduct Standards 3.1 Personal and Professional Behaviour When carrying out your duties, you should: a. conduct all work ethically and with honesty and integrity; b ...

SI 2021-046 Mining (General) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021 …

SI 2021-046 Mining (General) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021 (No. 25) IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Mines and Mining Development has, in terms of section 403 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05], made following regulations:—. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Mining (General) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021 …

Energy Sector Code of Conduct

We blog & write about Labour law in Zimbabwe. Menu. About me; Events; The Blog; ... NEC Commercial Sector Code of Conduct. File Size 1.36 . Downloads 2794. Download. SI 15 of 2006. File Size 30.78 KB. Downloads 2653. Download. The Basics of Labour Law in Zimbabwe, Volume 1. File Size 9.36 . Downloads 2156. …

Code of Conduct | Newcrest

Newcrest's Code of Conduct outlines the way we conduct ourselves at work. It applies to all our employees, officers, directors, contractors, consultants and third parties who work with us, or on our behalf. Our vision is to be the Miner of Choice for our people, for local communities and for our investors. We achieve our vision by living by ...

Commercial Sector CBA

Commercial Sector CBA. Download 859. File Size 1.15 . File Count 1. Create Date April 22, 2019. Last Updated April 22, 2019. Download.

6. Promoting and enabling responsible business conduct

The SADC Code of Conduct on Child Labour sets out the aim to create public-private and multistakeholder partnerships to encourage and promote responsible business and to prevent child labour in Article 6.8 (SADC, 2022[27]). At this stage, it is unclear from publicly available sources where the implementation process of this Code of Conduct stands.


This Code covers a wide range of business practices and procedures. It does not cover every issue that may arise, but it sets out basic principles to guide you in the conduct of business on behalf of SSR Mining . This Code is intended to operate alongside the s pecific policies we refer to in this Code,

Code of Ethics and Conduct

Mission. 3. Purpose of the Code of Ethics and Conduct. This document serves to set out the fundamental principles and standards that the Foundation strives to maintain, and as a guide to the actions and decisions of all those working with and for the Foundation. The code recognises that the Foundation is defined by the people who work in it ...

Zimbabwe Institute of Geomatics – Where every geomatics …

Our Work, Promise & Goal. The Zimbabwe Institute of Geomatics (ZIG) is an Organization dedicated in advancing the field of geomatics in Zimbabwe. Geomatics is the science and technology of gathering, analyzing, interpreting, distributing, and using geographic information. Our institute is committed to promoting excellence in geospatial science ...

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