27 Types of Daisies to Grow in Your Garden

The National Garden Bureau named 2013 the Year of the Gerbera, declaring the pleasing shape and luminous colors of the flower to be irresistible to gardeners. Unlike some daisies, this South African native is a tender perennial, hardy only in warm climates.

10 Native Wisconsin Perennial Flowers (2023 Guide)

As a reminder, the below factors are common native Wisconsin perennial flowers: Thrives in Heat & Drought. Thrives in Cold. Can Grow anywhere in your yard. Hardy against Pests & Insects. Requires Little Care & Water. Attracts Pollinators. Ground Covers. Great for Small Garden Space.


Dwarf Crested Iris. (IRIS CRISTATA) This charming woodland wildflower blooms in April and May and can be found in sunny to shaded sites along streams, lower wooded slopes, and ravines. The light- to dark-purple flowers have a yellow and white splotch and crest on their sepals. In the right conditions, their rhizomatous habit enable …

Native Pollinator Perennial and Annual Flowers

Wild quinine, Parthenium integrifolium, is a perennial that is native to fields, prairies, rocky woodlands, and pine savannas in southeastern North America. Wild quinine is a clumping perennial that reaches 2 to 4 feet tall. It is primarily found growing in full sun and is quite tolerant of dry, shallow or rocky soils.

49 PURPLE Wildflowers in Ohio! (ID Guide)

Look for this perennial in various habitats in the wild such as plains, fields, foothills, and along roads. This purple beauty is an easy-to-grow wildflower and makes an excellent addition to your home garden. But watch out for rabbits, squirrels, and deer who enjoy eating their fresh blooms. #19. Great Blue Lobelia.

Ohio Native Plants of Distinction! — Ohio Native Plant Month

Ohio Native Plants of Distinction. In 2022, we started a new initiative to highlight some of the GREAT Native Plants of Ohio, called the Ohio Native Plants of Distinction. We selected 4 amazing plants for 2022: Bur Oak (a large canopy tree), Eastern Redbud (an understory tree), Northern Spicebush (a woody shrub) and Purple Coneflower (a …

51 Wildflowers in Ohio (Pictures and Identification)

1. ia Spring Beauty. The ia Spring Beauty (Claytonia ica) is a low-growing and delicate wildflower that can be found in tree lawns, meadows, and woodlands. The foliage is close to the ground with sprawling flower stems with edible, potato-like corns. ia Spring Beauty.

11 Beautiful Ohio-Native Plants Every Gardener Needs

Some variations of wild geranium with scented leaves are natural mosquito and wasp repellents--perfect for those who want to spend time in their garden without worrying about being pestered by insects. Sun: partly sunny. Soil moisture: average. Use this native Ohio plant as a garden border.

10 Native New Hampshire Perennial Flowers (2023 Guide)

As a reminder, the below factors are common native New Hampshire perennial flowers: Thrives in Heat & Drought. Thrives in Cold. Can Grow anywhere in your yard. Hardy against Pests & Insects. Requires Little Care & Water. Attracts Pollinators. Ground Covers. Great for Small Garden Space.

Best Drought Tolerant Perennials

Agastache Hyssop is a southwestern native but it will do well in cold climates, especially drier regions up to zone 5. Tall spikes of tiny blue flowers from midsummer til fall, deadhead to encourage more blooming. Full sun. Sedum Stonecrop has dense succulent foliage with a wide variety of form. Dense flowerheads bloom from midsummer into fall.

Native Plant List for Ohio and Indiana

This is a "starter" list of native plants for Ohio and Indiana. It is intended for residential or commercial landscapers who want to create ... White flowers & edible, bright red fruit attracts birds: Ohio and Indiana Flowering Perennials. Common Name ... Ohio and Indiana Perennial Ferns. Common Name Scientific Name Sun Soil Moisture Heights ...

Ohio Native Planting Guide | Garden Goods Direct

Now that we've briefly gone over the main advantages of planting native, the Garden Goods Direct team has compiled a list of six Ohio native plants to add to your yard this planting season. 1. …

Hardy Hibiscus | Petitti Garden Centers

Hardy Hibiscus produces a 2-5′ tall, rounded, shrubby plant covered in soft green to bronze colored foliage, providing a bold texture effect in the landscape. Huge, 8-12″ wide, dinner plate size flowers of vibrant rose-pink, scarlet, white, plum and multicolor bloom vigorously in late summer. This makes an excellent perennial for late ...

10 Native Mississippi Perennial Flowers (2023 Guide)

As a reminder, the below factors are common native Mississippi perennial flowers: Thrives in Heat & Drought. Thrives in Cold. Can Grow anywhere in your yard. Hardy against Pests & Insects. Requires Little Care & Water. Attracts Pollinators. Ground Covers. Great for Small Garden Space.


If you grow it, they will come! Riverside Native Perennials, LLC grows Midwest and North American native perennials that serve as hostplant and nectar sources for bees, birds and butterflies. We work closely with environmental and reclamation professionals, professional landscapers and homeowners seeking to restore their land with beautiful ...

10 Native Pennsylvania Perennial Flowers (2023 Guide)

As a reminder, the below factors are common native Pennsylvania perennial flowers: Thrives in Heat & Drought. Thrives in Cold. Can Grow anywhere in your yard. Hardy against Pests & Insects. Requires Little Care & Water. Attracts Pollinators. Ground Covers. Great for Small Garden Space.

10 Best Ohio Native Plants

If you'd like to add a few native flowers, shrubs, or trees to your Ohio home's landscape, consider one or more of these 10 Ohio native plants: Ohio Native Flowering Plants ... Duration: Depending on growing conditions can act as a biennial, annual, or short-lived perennial. Fragrance: Sweet. Bloom time: June-October. Water …

Bee Balm

A mint family member with pinkish to whitish, purple-spotted flowers in dense heads at the top of square stems. Each flower head rests on a whorl of showy, purplish, leafy bracts. Flowers attract bees and butterflies …

10 Native Georgia Perennial Flowers (2023 Guide)

As a reminder, the below factors are common native Georgia perennial flowers: Thrives in Heat & Drought. Thrives in Cold. Can Grow anywhere in your yard. Hardy against Pests & Insects. Requires Little Care & Water. Attracts Pollinators. Ground Covers. Great for Small Garden Space.

22 Native ia Perennials (Pictures & Care Tips)

Its flowers close at night, and it grows naturally in salt marshes, rocky woods, cliffs, and rich woods. If you want to attract birds and bees, then the wild bleeding heart is one of the best native ia …

Best 6 Perennial Flowers To Grow In Kentucky

The saskatoon fern is a tough perennial that can grow well in full sun but doesn't require much water. Sweet shrub: This low-growing perennial grows to eight to ten feet and spreads equally. Its fragrant, blue flowers bloom in early to late spring and will persist through the summer.

10 Native Connecticut Perennial Flowers (2023 Guide)

As a reminder, the below factors are common native Connecticut perennial flowers: Thrives in Heat & Drought. Thrives in Cold. Can Grow anywhere in your yard. Hardy against Pests & Insects. Requires Little Care & Water. Attracts Pollinators. Ground Covers. Great for Small Garden Space.

13 Best Perennials for a Beautiful Ohio Shade Garden

Astilbe is a nice option for bright, beautiful flowers in partial shade areas. If you have sunnier areas, it will also do well but will really prefer shade in the hottest afternoon hours. Astilbe is great for soil that doesn't drain well (hello Ohio clay soil), and will bloom in early summer. It is perennial in zones 4-8.

40 Native Michigan Flowers and Wildflowers

27) Swamp Milkweed. Swamp milkweed is a fragrant herbaceous perennial from the dogbane family. Swamp milkweed thrives in wetland habitats such as swamps and river meadows throughout the eastern United States. These Michigan native flowers produce dense clusters of vanilla-scented pink flowers from July until August.

7 Low-Maintenance Perennials That Flourish in Southwest Ohio

Bee Balm. This fragrant flower will attract all sorts of wildlife visitors. From butterflies and bees to hummingbirds, bring nature back into your space with beautiful blooms of purple, pink, white and more! • Best grown in full sun. • Plant in spring or fall. • Use loamy soil. • Height: 1–4 feet. • Width: 1–3 feet.

10 Native Illinois Perennial Flowers (2023 Guide)

As a reminder, the below factors are common native Illinois perennial flowers: Thrives in Heat & Drought. Thrives in Cold. Can Grow anywhere in your yard. Hardy against Pests & Insects. Requires Little Care & Water. Attracts Pollinators. Ground Covers. Great for Small Garden Space.

Native Plants Spotlight – Shade Loving Perennials

Native shade loving plants are a nice choice for shady areas because it is an opportunity to mimic a naturalized forest structure. Native plants add biodiversity needed to attract beneficial insects and songbirds that are generally found in wooded areas. According to the University of Delaware, research shows that aiming for a minimum of 70% ...

51 Hummingbird Plants Ohio

Ohio has cold winters and warm and pleasant summers, with most of the state being in plant hardiness zone 6, but some areas in zone 5. ... Plant Type: Perennial; 15. Cardinal flower. ... Choose Salvias with red, pink, and orange-colored flowers. Native species are best, but Salvias from Europe are hardier and will grow further north, extending ...

11 Best Native Plants for Your Cincinnati Garden

Mature height: 2-3 feet. 3. Bee balm ( monarda bradburiana) John Lodder | Flickr | CC BY 2.0. If your garden is lacking in life, bee balm is just the thing to revive it. This member of the mint family sports vibrant whorled flowers in red, pink, purple, and white and a spicy, citrusy fragrance.

26 Flowers That Attract Hummingbirds in Ohio

Red Cardinal Flower, or Lobelia cardinalis, is a perennial herbaceous plant that is native to North America. It typically grows to a height of 2-4 feet and prefers moist, well-drained soil. It thrives in full sun to partial shade and is often found growing in …

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