BC Placer

Placer Mining in BC - Claims and Leases. BC Placer. ... Before 2005, a claim was acquired by staking - using wooden stakes with metal tags - and then recording the claim in the mining office. These old staked claims were generally 500 metres by 1000 metres (50 hectares). A small proportion of these claims were bent and were defined by 3 posts.

Properties Archive

Property type - Gold claims and placer mines for sale Contract type - Sale PERRY CREEK GOLD Placer Mining Claim $3000 for LOCATION:… Added date: 2 years ago View details Sale


8.5" x 11" map identifying the placer claim and placer lease designated areas for the Province. UTM zone map (PDF, 402KB) 8.5" x 11" map showing the UTM zones across the Province. Grid systems (PDF, 370.6KB) Mineral Titles Grid Systems. Cross reference (PDF, 239.3KB) BCGS and NTS. Miscellaneous Maps. Mines regional offices …

Placer Claims for Sale BC | ClaimStakes

Placer gold claims ranging from prospective ground right through to proven machine permitted mine sites. We also have BC placer claims for platinum and other minerals for sale from the Fraser, Cariboo, Cassiar, Atlin, …

The Golden Triangle: British Columbia's Exploration Hotbed

The Brucejack Mine is operated by Pretium Resources (TSX: PRG) and is considered to be one of the highest grade gold mines (16.2 g/t) to have opened in recent years, with estimated reserves of 4.2 million ounces of gold and a project mine life of 13 years. The underground mine, located 65 km north of Stewart, British Columbia, went …


Placer Gold Claim $4500 for ... Sale Description BRIDGE RIVER GOLD Placer Mining Claim for Sale $2500… Added date: 2 years ago View details Sale. BRIDGE RIVER GOLD Pemberton, British Columbia. …

Rules+Documents | BC Placer Gold Claims

On Gold Claims in BC you can pan for gold at the creek/river using a shovel and pan. You can run equipment such as a water pump with a 1.5" intake and a sluice box or highbanker 3 meters or more from the rivers edge (and you must ensure the waste water does not run back directly into the creek/river.) You can feed the sluice with a shovel only ...

Current Listings

Our office: British Columbia Canada 7am - 4pm PST Mon-Fri (excluding holidays) +1 250 999 1221 info@bcgold

Green River Gold to begin placer mining on Wabi claims near Quesnel, BC

Green River Gold (CSE: CCR; OTC Pink: CCRRF) is ready to begin placer mining of its Wabi claims in May 2024. The claims are located on the Swift River 45 minutes from Quesnel, B.C. The claims are fully permitted. Green River holds six contiguous placer mining claims straddling the Swift River, a river with a significant …

Mines, Mineral Properties and Mining Claims For Sale

The area is rich in gold mining history, beginning in 1910. Anvil Creek Claims – 860 Acres; Ophir Creek Claims – 720 Acres for a Total of 1580 Acres Anvil Creek is around 2 1/2 miles long. 5,000 lineal feet of creek channel ground left to be placer mined, along with 2 other known paystreaks.

Claims FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Mineral and Placer Claims for Mineral Titles Branch. How to acquire a claim and apply work to keep the claim in good standing.


PERRY CREEK GOLD. Placer Mining Claim $3000 for . LOCATION: BC placer tenure 1097000. 21.01 hectares / 51.91 acres. The property is located 27 km …

BC mining claims, Gold Claims, Silver Claims, Copper Claims

BC mining claims, Gold Claims, Silver Claims, Copper Claims

Court rules B.C.'s mining claims system does not comply …

The B.C. Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that the province's system of granting mineral rights to mining companies does not comply with its duty to consult Indigenous groups. The government has been ...

British Columbia Mines For Sale

Defot Creek. Placer mine B.C. For Sale. Defot/Canyon creek consists of 5kms of ground 451.50 ha. Historically was one of the top producing creeks in the area, coarse gold up to a 45 ounce nugget and daily find of 6-8 ounce nuggets by the old timers. Commodities: Gold. Location: British Columbia, Canada.

Mining Claims

Aurora Gold Mining Claim on Williams Creek (BC Archives: A-00782) But by the summer of 1861 there was a great deal of excitement. One company estimated that they had made a profit of $80,000 by early August. A day's worth of work was not being measured in ounces of gold any more, but in pounds of gold. Sometimes it added up to …

BC Placer

Mineral Titles Online (MTO) is a web-based system provided by the BC Government. You can use it to... Make Maps that show placer claims, parks, private property, etc. look up …

Fraser River

Gold claims for sale along the mighty Fraser River. Not only is the Fraser the epicentre of the BC gold rush it continues to be a top prospect for placer mining. From the bars at Hope to the canyons through Lytton, Lillooet and beyond; these properties present an opportunity to start your BC gold mining adventure.

"gold claims" in All Categories in British Columbia

Find gold claims in All Categories in British Columbia. Visit Kijiji Classifieds to buy, sell, or trade almost anything! ... Must have valid mining licence, claim is for mining purposes ... $1,600.00. GOLD CLAIM. SWIFT RIVER. $1600 OBO. Quesnel. GOLD CLAIM SWIFT RIVER. TITLES 1104591 AND 1104579. ALL CROWN LAND. 19.51 HA EACH. $1600 …

Claims FAQ

Information Update #21 - Amalgamation of Cell Claims. Information Update #26 - Effect of Reserves on Converted and Amalgamated Claims. Information Update #30 - Cell Availability upon Automatic Forfeiture of Tenure. Information Update #14 - Submitting Exploration and Development Work Reports. Information Update #35 - Subdivision of …


Old-timer's sunk shaft into deep channel in 1930's. Limited, recent (2016) bench mining done and almost completely reclaimed. Two travel trailers and test-trommel are included. Asking $60,000 CAD. Contact Skip at …

Thompson River

Gold Junction - Placer Gold Claim - Thompson River, BC. $3,500.00 Contact us for more info on this opportunity. Request A Call. Claim: 1060932. Type: Placer Gold Claim. Location: Lytton, British Columbia. This is a unique placer claim encompassing the junction of two great rivers. Sitting right in Lytton at the confluence of the mighty Fraser ...

BC Jade & Gold Mine Seeks Investor Partner For

Featured Listing. Yukon Gold – Livingstone Creek. Yukon Gold Placer Mining/HardRock Opportunity. 43 Placer Claims, 200+ Quartz Claims, 10-year Water License, 3 Miles of Prospecting Leases totaling a combined land area of over 4000 hectares Several high-grade surface quartz vein structures exist, including one that measures 14 meters wide …

Help Guide

The Mineral Claim and Placer Claim tabs in the Main Menu provide access to tools for claim acquisition, maintenance (work, cash in lieu of work), conversion, …

Mineral and placer claims

Mineral and placer claims. An overview and understanding of various processes involved in claim acquisition and maintenance.

BC Gold Claims

Out. Gold Junction - Placer Gold Claim - Thompson River, BC. Save. $500. Wolfe Gold - Placer Claim - Princeton, BC. A full listing of mining properties on sale throughout the province. From Fraser River panning claims, to Cariboo Gold mines, we'll help you map and stake your very own BC gold rush.


Placer Gold Claim for Sale $7500. LOCATION: 42.8 hectares / 105.76 acres. The property is comprised of BC placer title 1102894. The property is located 28km west of Sooke, accessed by logging road north of the West …

Kanaka Bar

Claim: 1047037 Type: Placer Gold Claim Location: Lytton, British Columbia. This two-cell placer tenure comprises approximately 100 acres on the Fraser River at Kanaka bar. A quick 2.5-hour drive or less from the lower mainland, Kamloops, and Kelowna.. The claim encompasses the historic mining locations of Fountain Flat and Rocky Point both dating …

BC Placer

The government rarely interferes with claims being acquired and forfeiting. In particular, no matter whose fault it was, if a claim forfeits, it is gone. At 10:00 the next morning, someone may acquire a claim over the newly-opened cells. Sometimes, mining companies accidentally let claims forfeit - sometimes very valuable claims.

Pine Creek

FINANCING OPTION. Select to start mining for $100 + 25% down And take 3 months to pay. Sold Out. Request A Call. Claim: 1062739, 1066803, 1066814. Type: Placer Gold Claim. Pine Creek - Atlin, British Columbia. This group of three individual titles along lower Pine Creek provides an extensive 1.25km of frontage on this historic creek.

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