Platinum-group metals greening the future: An interview …

As the world's largest refiner of platinum in 2022, South Africa–based Anglo American Platinum is endeavoring to reduce its carbon footprint through new technologies and renewables while strengthening its community to ensure energy transition projects are implemented sustainably. McKinsey's Gerhard Nel recently spoke to Prakashim Moodliar ...

Rare earth elements: A review of applications

More mining of REE, however, will mean more environmental degradation and human health hazards as waste disposal areas can be exposed to weathering conditions and have the potential to pollute the air, soil and water if adequate monitoring and protection measures are not utilized (Barakos et al., 2015). Some of the REE …

Quantification of energy and carbon costs for …

Comparatively, conventional mining of aluminium, copper, gold, platinum and rare earth oxides consumed 122, 4, 5, 7 and 9 MJ to generate one US$, respectively, indicating that (with the exception ...

Platinum price grows due to infrastructure issues in South …

Alex Donaldson May 2, 2023. Platinum-rich South African mines such as this have been beset by issues that are fuelling a global hike in the price of the metal. Credit: Waldo Swiegers/Bloomberg/Getty images). The price of platinum has risen amid concerns of a coming shortage of the metal. The concerns have been fuelled by mining troubles in ...

Climate-change impacts of graphite production higher than reported

Electric car. (Image from Pxhere, CC0). The true climate change impacts of producing battery-grade graphite can be as much as 10 times higher than published values, depending on the energy and ...

Platinum and Gold Mining in South Africa: The Context of …

Interviews and observations on field visits to the platinum and gold mining areas of South Africa in the immediate aftermath of the Marikana massacre highlight this legacy--including vast quantities of tailings dumps and waste rock, lakes of polluted water and a devastated physical and social environment, high unemployment, high rates of ...

Portugal's Lusorecursos gets environmental OK for lithium …

Total investment in the mine and refinery is expected to reach around 650 million euros. Lusorecursos plans to start construction in the beginning of 2025 and start producing lithium hydroxide in ...

Tesla needs to perform delicate balancing act when it

"Tesla will need to demonstrate that its new approach to lithium mining does in fact have a lower environmental impact than other methods. Transparency — providing plenty of information in a ...

Mineral Resources: Formation, Mining, Environmental Impact

understand the environmental impact of mining and processing of minerals; ... platinum group metals, phosphate rock, silver, titanium, and zinc—they are likely at or near their global production peak and there is a very high probability that there will be a permanent global supply shortfall by 2030; for chromium, copper, indium, iron ore ...

The Environmental Impact of the Platinum Group Elements …

The present paper deals with an extensive review of literature concerning the platinum group elements (PGEs), and their impact on the environment. The increased number of cars and vehicles fitted with catalytic converters, has been linked with the wide spread in the environment of the PGEs, i.e. Pt, Pd and Rh. Numerous studies present …

Community Perceptions on Environmental and Social Impacts of Mining …

For example, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) must be carried out before mining rights are awarded to any company and the submission of an Environmental Management Plan is required before the issuance of Environmental Authorization to carry out mining. ... This study however focused on a platinum mining …


Zimplats establishes programmes to conserve natural resources, comply with applicable obligations and mitigate negative environmental impacts. Environmental management is integrated into all aspects of the business with the aim of achieving world-class environmental performance in a sustainable manner. We are committed to retaining …

Impact of silica mining on environment

A post mining site. environment created in the aftermath of opencast mining is unable to support biomass development in the region (Figure 5). Illegal and uncontrolled mining in the region is a big issue of concern. In an inspection of Directorate of Mines Safety, Varanasi, in August, 2014 in silica sand mines of

Translating mitigation measures proposed in environmental impact

However, since its emergence there has been a growing interest in examining its translation from theory into practice. This paper reviews the translation of mitigation measures proposed in environmental impact statements (EISs) into planning conditions at two platinum mining and processing projects along the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe.

Frontiers | An Overview of Seabed Mining Including the …

1 Greenpeace Research Laboratories, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Innovation Centre Phase 2, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom; 2 Biosciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Geoffrey Pope, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom; Rising demand for minerals and metals, including for …

Sustainable and responsible development of minerals

Environmental and social impact assessments (ESIAs), which evaluate the impacts of a proposed project and alternatives, can support decision making by providing an understanding of present environmental conditions and future consequences of proposed actions. ESIAs can support the development of mitigation measures and compensation …


environmental impact assessment report & environmental management programme report for: the proposed chrome ore and platinum group metals mining right combined with a waste licence application on portion 3 (portion of portion 1) of the farm lekker sukkel landgoed 454, the farm zandfontein 923, portion 44

Legal frameworks need improving for environmental, social impact …

A key recommendation is that Governments should adopt a comprehensive. legal framework for environmental and social impact assessment and management of the mining sector to ensure that it protects ...

Platinum (Pt)

The health effects of platinum are strongly dependent upon the kind of bonds that are shaped and the exposure level and immunity of the person that is exposed. Platinum as a metal is not very dangerous, but platinum salts can cause several health effects, such as: - DNA alterations. - Cancer. - Allergic reactions of the skin and the mucous ...

Evaluation of the Sustainability and Environmental Impacts of Mining …

Remote sensing, GIS and GPS have been used to monitor and manage the impacts of anthropogenic activities on natural resources at multitemporal, multi-spectral and multi-spatial resolution in ...

Effectiveness of Environmental Impact Assessment follow …

The concept of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) follow-up has received considerable attention in recent years. However, a number of EIA practitioners have pointed out that there is lack of EIA follow-up evidence on the effectiveness of implemented mitigation measures in practice. This study examined EIA follow-up …

How Is The Mining Industry Reducing Its …

Waste Disposal. The final way the mining industry has begun to improve its environmental impact is through the proper disposal of waste. With a number of monitoring processes in place, water sludge, …

Palladium: The Secret Weapon in Fighting Pollution

Palladium is one of six platinum group metals which share similar chemical, physical, and structural features. Palladium has many uses, but the majority of global consumption comes from the autocatalyst industry. ... 90% of the world's palladium production comes as a byproduct of mining other metals, with the remaining 10% …

Government of Canada Approves the Marathon Palladium …

. Today, the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, announced the Government of Canada's decision to approve the Marathon Palladium Project following an environmental assessment conducted by an …

Environment – Anglo American Platinum

We do this to ensure a sustainable mining environment that focuses on continuous improvement and prevention of pollution. Certified environmental management systems that are compliant with the ISO14001:2004 standard are entrenched at all our managed operations. In line with this standard, we have systems in place to report, review and …

Translating mitigation measures proposed in environmental impact

This paper reviews the translation of mitigation measures proposed in environmental impact statements (EISs) into planning conditions at two platinum mining and processing projects along the Great ...


ts associated extracting chemicals that reach the tailings disposal facility (TDF). It is therefore important that the effects of these activities on the environment are exam-ined, especially in South Africa wh. re there is a general paucity on data pertaining to pollution from platinum mining.Soil pollutants might generally inhibit enzymatic ...

Addressing the Environmental Challenges in Platinum Mining

Air pollution is a significant environmental challenge in platinum mining. The extraction and processing of platinum metals release harmful air pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. These pollutants can have detrimental effects on human health and contribute to climate change.

Cobalt Mining: The Dark Side of the Energy Transition

Cobalt mining, however, is associated with dangerous workers' exploitation and other serious environmental and social issues. As such, questions have arisen as to whether the transition to electric vehicles and cobalt-based batteries is yet another example of environmental problem-shifting and what a renewable energy transition without cobalt ...

Platinum: a sustainable solution for the energy transition

availability. Once these stocks are absorbed, platinum mining could be expanded with relative geological and operational ease, given sufficient investment. Even if its price increases, the low – and falling – intensity of platinum use means that it is unlikely to negatively impact the viability of FCEVs and other platinum-using technologies.

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