Awards & Recognitions | Propel Industries

Propel Industries has been profiled in 'Leading Mid-Corporates of India 2020' released by Dun & Bradstreet India on November 30, 2020. Propel Industries has been recognized by Economic Times as one of the Iconic brands of India. We are happy to announce that we have been shortlisted for the second time as the winner under the category of ...

Track Mounted Cone Crusher Manufacturer

Propel TMC Series feature a unique combination of crusher speed, throw and cavity design. This combination is known for its revolutionary higher capacity and better product quality. It has been designed to ensure …

Pro fast Jaw Crusher Manufacturer India | Propel

Propel Pro fast series is a new breed of mobile crushing machines engineered to handle even the hardest of rocks. Call us! ... Crusher Weight: kg (Ton) 20700 (20.7) 23000 (23.0) 32,000 (32) Toggle Mechanism: mm (inch) Single Toggle Type: Single Toggle Type: Single Toggle Type: Construction: mm

About Us | Propel Industries

ABOUT PROPEL. Crushing and screening processes are integral to the mining and construction industries. In both the sectors, the need for fast and efficient crushing and screening operations is vital and it makes a sea difference in terms of quality and productivity. This is the prime reason, customers nationwide bank on PROPEL …

Grizzly Feeder Manufacturer | Propel Industries | India

Propel's Grizzly Feeder manages feed rates with coarse blasted rock, as well as material impact from dump trucks or wheel loaders. Explore further! ... replaceable tapered grizzly bars with cartridge type arrangement for effective scalp and bypass material to …


TRACK MOUNTED ENDURER QM 250S Propel QM 250S is designed to maximise throughput and product shape in a wide range of crushing applications. The inclusion of a plant mounted double deck vibrating screen allows for oversize material to be re circulated for re crushing and for sized end products. Its cost effectiveness is justified by.


Screen. Propel Vibrating Screen 1837 is a 3 product mobile screen with effective screening area of 6.6m2 in top deck and 6.2m2 in second deck. Circular motion created by flange mounted vibromotor which offers maintenance free operation. It handles maximum feed size up to 150 mm and handles material capacity up to 250 TPH in feed.

AVC Series Cone Crusher | Propel Industries

The AVC Series of Propel Cone Crusher offers the higher crushing efficiency and end product quality with lower cost per ton production. These crushers feature a unique …

Vibrating Screen Manufacturer | Propel Industries

MVS 1540. MVS 1845. Dual Slope 1860. MVS 2060. MVS 2561. Screen Size (W x L) mm. 1500 x 4000. 1800 x 4500.


Propel Pan Feeders have been designed to operate in the hardest of applications and conditions. High-capacity vibrator motors generate up to 8 mm stroke for maximum production in most materials ranging from small granular materials to large lumps produced from primary crushers.

Semi Mobile Series | Mobile Crushing Machines | Propel

PROFAST VERTICAL SHAFT IMPACTOR. The Profast Vertical Shaft Impactor Crushers produce excellent product shape and can be fine-tuned to match the specific requirements in gradation curves. They are best suited... Propel's Profast series is ideal for top-tier aggregates and sand production with multi-stage crushing and screening units.


Crusher Weight: kg: 20700 (Ton)-20.7: Toggle Mechanism: Single Toggle Type: Construction: High Grade Carbon Steel with Welded Structure: FEEDER: Model: AVGF 1142 V2: ... Propel QM series Cone Crushers combine the best power utilization per cone diameter, cavity design of higher density, optimized crusher speed and efficient throw. ...

Track Mounted Jaw Crusher Manufacturer | Mobile Jaw …

Propel's track mounted mobile jaw crushers become an extension of your workflow, seamlessly integrating into your existing systems and empowering you to optimize …

Propel 3D Product Tour Experience

Notice! Kindly enable Auto Rotate option in your device and view in Landscape Mode.

JAW CRUSHER AW Series Propel AVJ series single …

Propel AVJ series single toggle Jaw Crusher offers maximum possible fatigue strength and best reliability with various mounting possibilities. The fully-welded sturdy construction results in lowering the production cost per ton. Salient …

Cone Crusher at Best Price in India

View Mobile Number. Contact Supplier Request a quote. Mild Steel Rsc1200 Cone Crusher ₹ 5,50,000. Get Quote. Cast Steel Cone Crusher ₹ 50,00,000. Get Quote. Mild Steel Rsc210 Automatic Cone Crusher ₹ 68,00,000. Get Quote.

Profast Vertical Shaft Impactor | Propel Industries

36500. (36.5) 38800. (38.8) * Details may vary based on application. ** Weight inclusive of motor & accessories. Note: All the above technical details may vary at any time during engineering process & design development.

News and Events | Propel Industries

Propel Industries launched the Track Mounted VSI, Gyratory Cone crusher, Horizontal Shaft impactor (HSI), Roll crusher and Prowash 250 (Duo Sync Technology) at Excon 2019. The 10th edition of the exhibition on construction equipment and construction technology was held in Bengaluru from December 10 to 14, 2019.

Propel Aggregate Crushing & Screening …

The AVC Series of Propel Cone Crusher offers the higher crushing efficiency and end product quality with lower cost per ton production. These crushers feature a unique combination of crusher speed, throw and …

Track Mounted Jaw Crusher Manufacturer | Mobile Jaw Crusher | Propel

HIGHLIGHTS. Heavy duty track unit with dual speed (optional) configuration. Safety guards in compliance with machinery directive. Sturdy walkway with handrails, kick board and access ladders. Dual power mode – flexibility to power the plant either by external electric connection or by on-board diesel generator power pack unit (optional).

Propel Industries: Leading The Way In Crushing Equipment …

One of Propel Industries' key strengths lies in their ability to provide versatile solutions, offering crushing, screening, and washing plant configurations in capacities …

In- depth – Components of a Jaw Crusher | …

The jaw crusher is one of the most admired and most sought after equipment from the house of Propel Industries. For the benefit of newcomers in the industry, here is an explainer of the various …

Contact Us | Propel Industries

Contact Propel mobile number +91 95006 01666 or send us an email to marketing@propelind for all your crushing equipment needs.


Originally developed and manufactured by since 1985, ® mobile crushing and screening plants are widely used in aggregates production and recycling applications around the world. Thanks to track-mounted construction, ® machines are easy to move at a production site, and transport between sites on a low bed truck.

Propel International | Crushing| Screening | Washing Solutions

Propel Industries is synonymous with advanced engineering, cost-effectiveness, innovative thinking and custom-made solutions. We are fast emerging as a most sought-after brand in the construction and mining sectors, both in Indian and international markets. #1. Fastest growing crushing company in India. 26+.

Concrete Batching Plant Manufacturer | Propel Industries

Know Better. Propel Industries provides innovative, technologically-sound and cost-effective solutions to the crushing and screening industry. We are the strategic business division of the 62-year-old Coimbatore-based AV Group. We provide a comprehensive range of products with high reliability.

Propel AVC Cone Crushers | Screen 2 Crush

Key Features: Automatic Variable Control (AVC): The highlight of Propel AVC Cone Crushers is their automatic adjustment system, which dynamically regulates the …

Careers | Propel Industries

We provide a conducive environment which help employees maintain a perfect work-life balance. If you are looking for a challenging career and an exciting professional journey ahead, send in your updated resume to. career@propelind In you have any queries, call +91 96004 49922 or +91 90434 26600.

Sand & Aggregates Washing Systems | Propel Industries

THICKENER. Propel AVTH Thickener Series is designed for seamless integration with Propel washing solutions for efficient water treatment. With flocculent delivery system, it ensures... Read More. Propel Washing systems producers, the ability to remove excess water, reject deleterious material, and separate particles by size. Learn More!

Horizontal Shaft Impact Crusher Manufacturer | Propel

Hydraulic crusher housing, high reduction ratio. Durable Construction, robust and reliable design. ... PROPEL INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. SF.No: 38/1-B, Kangayampalayam, Trichy Road, Sulur, Coimbatore– 641 401, Tamil Nadu, India. FOR GENERAL ENQUIRY +91 99940 60001 +91 99940 60002.

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