Sand Replacement

Utilization of wood waste ash in green concrete production. Yan Zhuge, ... Yue Liu, in Sustainable Concrete Made with Ashes and Dust from Different Sources, 2022. 9.7.2 Sand replacement. Yang et al. (2016) studied the effect of WWA as a sand replacement (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% by weight) in roller-compacted concrete (RCC). …

Influence of limestone waste as partial replacement material for sand

Using quarry waste as a substitute of sand in construction materials would resolve the environmental problems caused by the large-scale depletion of the natural sources of river and mining sands. ... 50% and 75% replacement from sand. Twelve mixes incorporating lime stone waste 25%, 50% and 75% replacement from sand with marble …

Influence of manufactured sand's characteristics on its …

Furthermore, the appropriate amount of stone powder content in manufactured sand has a certain influence on the properties of concrete or mortar [9, 10,[15][16][17][18][19]. For example, Ji et al ...

Comparative Study on Concrete Using Stone Dust As A …

which can be effectively beused in construction as replacement of natural sand.This is a waste product obtained ... strength of concrete from stone powder showed 14.76% higher value than that of the concrete made of normal ... "Use of quarry dust to replace sand in concrete –An experimental study", IJSRP, volume 3, issue 12, pp 1-4. [6 ...

Demystifying Concrete Sand: Why it's Vital for Strong and …

The role of concrete sand in construction. ... 2 parts sand, and three parts gravel or crushed stone, also known as a 1:2:3 ratio. In terms of volume, a strong mix would have 1 part cement, 2 to 3 parts sand, and 3 to 4 parts aggregate. ... Fly ash, recycled glass, and crushed recycled concrete can be used to replace some of the sand and ...

A Study on the Suitability of Quarry Stone Dust as Sand …

Submitted to The Ethiopian Construction Project Management Institute (ECPMI) A Study on the Suitability of Quarry Stone Dust as Sand Replacing Material in Concrete Production Around Jimma Town for Sustainable Construction Table 4.1: Sieve Analysis Data of Gambella Sand sieve size trial 1 trial2 average mass retained trial3 % retained cum ...

New insights into the contribution of quartz powder

Manufactured sand has been used as a green and economical alternative to natural aggregates in concrete due to resource shortage []. Inevitably, some particles ner than 75 μm 1 with the same mineral composition as parent rock are pro-duced in the production of manufactured sand [], which 2 are normally called stone powder or stone dust. As exces-

Microscopic mechanism analysis of the influence of stone powder …

Mix proportion. The base ratio of the test concrete is shown in Table 1, the fineness modulus of sand is 2.7, and the coarse aggregate is 5–31.5 mm continuous grained crushed stone.The replacement rates of stone powder are 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. As the water-cement ratio has a large influence on the concrete, the water …

Use of Stone Dust and Ceramic Waste in Fine Aggregate

The use of stone dust and ceramic waste has great potential to replace the conventional fine aggregate. This replacement shows three directional boons to the society and helps to achieve a sustainable future in the construction industry as an alternative to conventional fine aggregate leads the protecting and saving the natural resources of …

SAFER- A review paper on partial replacement of …

Concrete is one of the most widely used building materials on earth. The authors examined the use of construction and demolition waste to replace fine aggregates. in M20 concrete. As a control ...

Production of recycled sand from construction and demolition waste

The CDW head sample represents the aggregates after the second crushing stage at Urbem recycling plant (crushed < 19 mm).Around 50% of this product's weight is below 4.8 mm (sand fraction) and 6% is below 0.15 mm. Regarding just the fraction bellow 3 mm of head sample, named as CDW-sand, it has 15% of its weight below 0.15 mm.. …

Cleaner production of high-quality manufactured sand and …

Manufactured sand is featured by its irregular shape, rough surface, high elongated and flaky particles content, poor gradation and high stone powder (SP, particle size<0.075 mm) content, which made it a lower quality succedaneum of natural sand (NS) and greatly restricted the engineering application of MS (Cepuritis et al., 2017; Hafid et al ...

Crushed rock sand – An economical and ecological

The admixture dosage was increased from 0 to 1% and the slump values were measured. The slump values for concrete manufactured using NS and replacement with CRS were plotted (Fig. 1).The plots reveal that at low level of admixture dosage (upto 0.70%), the concrete manufactured using CRS as fine aggregates …

Marble dust as a binding material in concrete: A review

1. 1 tone of concrete with a carbon footprint (CO2 emissions) of 410 kg/m 3 is reduced to 350 kg/m 3 with replacement of 15% marble dust in concrete [40]. 2. The cement production requires energy of 1.18GJ/tonne while a concrete with 15% replaced MD has 1.05% less utilization which is a huge saving of energy. 3.

Influence of Stone Powder Content from Manufactured Sand …

The market demand for manufactured sand has grown rapidly, and the solution to the problem of optimum stone powder content from manufactured sand concrete is imminent. The workability, early age shrinkage strain and cracking, strength, chloride ion penetration, and pore structures of concrete with different stone powder …

Concrete containing waste recycled glass, plastic and rubber as sand

The concrete mixtures containing waste aggregates are donated as follows: plastic – PAC 15 and PAC 30, rubber – RAC 15 and RAC 30, and glass – GAC 15 and GAC 30, for the 15% and 30% replacement levels, respectively. The Concrete and Cement Institute (C&CI) mix design approach was adopted for developing all mixtures [38].

Experimental study of concrete made with granite and iron …

The percentages of GP and IP added to replace sand were 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of the sand by weight. ... Granite powder is an industrial byproduct obtained from crushing of granite stone and granite stone polishing industry in a powder form. It is also generated from recycling marble tops, terrazzo, granite pavers, and stone scraps and …

Study of concrete mix by adding Dolomite in

The important aim of this paper is to utilize the dolomite waste in concrete and to make the construction ecofriendly and to make concrete work economic to some extent. It is also essential to protect the natural raw resources like stone aggregates, sand etc. ... of Sand with M-Sand and Cement by Dolomite Powder in Cement Concrete 8(6) (2017).

Effect of steel slag powder and stone powder by-product …

During the manufacturing process of manufactured sand, a substantial volume of stone powder (SP), with the same composition as the mother rock and a particle size of <75 μm, is formed. Large volumes of SP (the SP percentage of the manufactured sand production process might be as high as 20%) ( Li et al., 2016 ) resulted in …

Stone Dust as Fine Aggregate Replacement in Concrete: Effect …

The percentages of stone dust replacing sand were varied from 0, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 and to find out the maximum percentage of stone dust to replace sand from river to produce the maximum ...

(PDF) Strength aspect of concrete using stone …

It has been found by Ahmed et al., 2010 from their research that the stone dust concrete acquired around 15% higher strength than conventional concrete. Mahzuz et al. (2011) examined the effect of stone powder as …

Materials | Free Full-Text | Impact of Stone Powder Content …

Manufactured sand, known for its artificial production, eco-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability, serves as an excellent alternative to natural sand. Stone powder content plays a crucial role in determining the performance of manufactured sand, significantly enhancing concrete compaction and its ability to withstand environmental …

Utilization prospects of eggshell powder in sustainable construction

This paper presents the latest studies on the use of eggshell powder in construction materials such as concrete, cement mortar, brick, alkali-activated binder and a soil stabilizer. ... Cement is a binder that is commonly used in construction. It is mixed with sand and crushed stone to produce concrete or with a fine aggregate to produce …

Adding granite polishing waste as sand replacement to …

On the use of stone waste from quarries, Ilangovana et al. [16] and Hameed and Sekar [17] found that the addition of quarry dust to replace sand could result in either equal or higher strength. Shanmugavadivu and Malathy [18] tested that the addition of quarry dust to replace 70% sand could improve the durability in terms of water, chloride …

Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregates with Coconut Shell …

The 28 days compressive strength test of concrete replaced with 0, 5 and 10% coconut shell ash as fine aggregate along with PPC and PSC was found to be 37.33, 28.00, 19.68, 26.37, 24.88 and 19.70 N/mm 2, respectively. As the replacement percentage kept on increasing, it was observed that the compressive strength of concrete decreased.

(PDF) Technical Application of Machine-made Sand in the

proportion (kg/m3) was shown in Table 2. Machine-made sand was used to replace river sand with. 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and of sand mass respec tively. The total amount of river sand and. machine ...

Construction and Building Materials

1. Introduction. The high consumption of construction materials at present has the main effect in increasing environmental pollution [1].The construction industry consumes a huge amount of cement essential to produce concrete [2], [3].This cement is responsible for the generation of about 7% of total carbon oxide (CO 2) worldwide …

Use of Stone Powder with Sand in Concrete and Mortar: A …

Stone powder produced from stone crushing zones appears as a problem for effective disposal. Sand is a common fine aggregate used in construction work as a fine aggregate. In this study, the main concern is to find an alternative of sand. Substitution of normal sand by stone powder will serve both solid waste minimization and waste recovery.

Stone Dust: What It Is, Uses, and Where to Buy It

Its exact composition will depend on what kind of stone ran through the machine, such as granite or limestone. The machine has a screen that traps the larger crushed stone and lets the smaller material (or "screenings") fall through the screen. Depending on the size of the holes in the screen, the texture of this stone dust can be …

Materials | Free Full-Text | Enhancing Mechanical Properties …

The production of manufactured sand and stone processing can cause dust pollution due to the generation of a significant amount of stone powder. This dust (mainly granite powder) was collected and incorporated as a cement replacement into mass-manufactured sand concrete in order to enhance the mechanical properties and …

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