Quantification of Airborne Dusts From Powders

A minimum five decimal place analytical balance (i.e., from 1-g, readability to 0.01 mg) is required for quantifying the dusts collected on the size-selective s and filter (EN15051-2) [CEN 2013b]. Clean metallic s typically weigh ~40 to 60 g. Clean 80-mm quartz-fiber filters typically weigh 270 to 285 mg.

Cement Dust Exposure and Perturbations in Some Elements …

1. Introduction. Deleterious effects of exposure to constituents of cement dust on organ system in humans have been described. Molecules of primary importance in cement dust in terms of content and potential health effects basically include 60–67% calcium oxide, 17–25 silicon oxide (SiO 2), and 3–5% aluminium (Al) oxide, with some …

Characterization of quarry dusts and industrial by …

the production of asphalt mixtures: (i) lime, hydrated lime, or portland cement and (ii) fine parti-cles retained in the separation units of a mixing plant (known as back/back-house filler) or those

Cement Production Effects on Human health with Respect to Cement

In this novel study, the effects of cement production have been studied using life cycle assessment tool. System boundary for Portland cement production 1.4. Eco-indicator 99 Eco-Indicator 99 uses ...

Indian Cement Industry and Best Air Pollution Control Methods …

The Indian cement industry is the second-largest producer of cement globally. ... or sometimes, even shutting plants for violating pollution norms. Shutting down a plant even for a month can seriously impact a company's sales and overall efficiency. The pollutants commonly emitted by cement plants are dust or particulate matter, NOx, SOx ...

Impact of fugitive dust emissions from cement plants on …

The impact of exposure to different sizes of particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5, PM7, and PM10) was evaluated in Babylon concrete plant workers who had been exposed to concrete dust for at least 10 years.

Modern Processing Techniques to minimize cost in Cement …

1.0 INTRODUCTION. Cement industry in the present scenario is under pressure due to increased competition, rising input costs, lower realisation and reducing profit margins. The need of the hour is to offset the continual increase in input costs and minimising the producing cost through optimised operations. This can be achieved by incorporation ...

Green growth in cement | McKinsey

The construction ecosystem accounts for about 25 percent of global greenhouse-gas emissions (GHG). Concrete—specifically, the cement from which it is made—is the largest contributor, accounting for 4.5 percent of global GHG emissions and 7.0 percent of CO₂ emissions in 2019. 1 Decarbonizing the cement and concrete …

Ways to Reduce the Risk of Ready-mixed Concrete Batching Plant …

If we want to reduce the risk of commercial concrete mixing plant in the future, we must do the following points: 1. First of all, we should prepare enough aggregate. In the face of the current ...


ISSN 3244. -. 5621. Impact factor: 7.91. ASSESSMENT OF CEMENT FACTORY IMPACT S IN OBAJANA, KOGI. STATE, NIGERIA. 1 Umar Tauheed Ibrahim, Ph.D, 2 Onoh, Felix Emenike, Ph.D and 3Onyia Chukwuebuka I ...

Exposure to construction dust and health impacts – A review

We utilized CiteSpace (Chen, 2006) to analyze the exposure and health impacts of construction dust in the above-mentioned studies.The country collaboration analysis and keyword co-occurrence analysis were implemented as shown in Fig. 2.The network of collaborating countries consists of 18 nodes and 10 links (Fig. 2 A).The USA …

The 35 Easiest Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

7. Even better, buy vintage or recycled clothing at consignment shops. 8. Wash your clothing in cold water. The enzymes in cold water detergent are designed to clean better in cold water. Doing two loads of laundry weekly in cold water instead of hot or warm water can save up to 500 pounds of carbon dioxide each year.


excavation is carried out. Best management practices would be used to minimize these impacts (e.g., silt fencing, street sweeping, straw bales, etc.). The trenchless technologies mentioned above would also reduce these impacts. Service Strategy 1 Treatment Facilities SS1 involves completion of the West Plant to a capacity of 159 mgd and ...

Frequently asked questions – Dust

Many construction tasks create dust. High dust levels are caused by one of more the following: equipment – using high energy tools, such as cut-off saws, grinders, wall chasers and grit blasters produce a lot of dust in a very short time; work method – dry sweeping can make a lot of dust when compared to vacuuming or wet brushing; work area – the more …

The impact of the addition of diabase dusts on the properties of cement

The insertion of the waste diabase dust into the concrete mix significantly improv ed. the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete after 150 cycles of tes ting and reduced the water absorption by. 6 ...

Dust on construction sites and how to manage it

Measures to reduce dust creation include: Watering: Misting or watering areas will dampen down dust created by both dry weather conditions and construction processes, to reduce dust creation. Any watering should be carefully managed and maintained, so that the volume and timing of water used is correct and water run-off does …

Eight steps to reduce dust in the workplace

Dust is an unnecessary evil for most worksites. Once in the air, it creates an unhealthy work environment and can reduce worksite productivity and safety. Basic construction processes such as cutting, drilling, grinding and breaking are the main causes of dust. Cutting concrete, for example, can produce up to 15 kilograms of dust in one hour.

Environment impact and probabilistic health risks of PAHs in dusts

To reflect the environment impact of individual PAHs from dusts on atmospheric PM, flue dust from one coking plant was collected to compare with the individual PAHs of roof dust and road dust by ...

Use of alkaline process dusts from the cement industry in …

Abstract and Figures. The introduction of alkaline process dusts from the cement industry into various glass production processes was investigated on pre-industrial scales. Particular benefits ...

Monitoring the impact of cement on the environment

A clear example of the benefits of air quality monitoring in the surroundings of cement plants is the project developed by Kunak at the CEMEX plant in Monterrey (Mexico). Cement production represents approximately 7% of global CO 2 emissions, which highlights the need to find ways to reduce its environmental impact to promote more …

Environmental impact of cement production and Solutions: …

This paper reviews the impact of cement industry towards the global environment and solutions to the. problem. The increasing harvesting of raw materials for mounting cement manufacturing causes ...

Air Pollution Control in Cement: Solutions & Impact

Bag filters play a vital role in multiple stages of cement production, including grinding, calcining, and clinker grinding. They help to improve the quality of the cement by removing impurities, and they also help to reduce emissions of dust and other pollutants into the environment. 3. Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying System for Cement Industry

What are the future risks for the cement industry

Sustainability risk: 'The cement industry is associated with significant negative externalities, notably high CO 2 emissions - By 2030 LH aims to reduce net CO 2 /tonne of cement by 40% compared to 1990 levels, and advocates a carbon price, while increasingly aiming the business towards sustainable products and solutions; Political risk: Due ...

Short review on air pollution from cement factories

2Department of Mechanical Engineering & Science, Univ. of Johannesburg, APK, South Africa. emetere@yahoo. Abstract. The paper presents the challenge in the pollution in cement factories. The ...

How to Keep Your Concrete Floor Dust-Free

This maximizes hardness and density to resist dusting. Keep the concrete moist for five to seven days. Apply a curing and sealing agent after finishing. This prevents moisture loss while hardening the surface. Consider adding polypropylene fibers. Fibers reduce surface cracks, allowing for dusting.

Construction Pollution | Types & Prevention Methods

PM 10. These large quantities of construction dust from cement, concrete, silica and wood are collectively classified as PM 10.PM 10 is particle matter less than or equal to 10 micrometres in diameter that is invisible to the naked eye. The diesel engine exhausts of plant and other vehicles is also a large contributor to PM 10 emitted …

Digitization and the future of the cement plant | McKinsey

There's never been a more important time to build resilience into the core of the cement value chain: the cement plant. The cement industry is being hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, with global demand for cement expected to decline by 7 to 8 percent in 2020—though these declines have been unevenly distributed across regions. 1 Paul …


The main objective of this research work is to assess the impact of dusts particles emitted from cement industry on the physico-chemical properties and elemental compositions of the soils around cement factory in vicinity of cement factory in Obajana in Kogi state of Nigeria MATERIAL AND METHOD Soil Sampling About thirty sampling points ...

Everything you need to know about Cement Kiln Dust …

Bhatty found that the use of slag may reduce the workability of the cement, but when CKD was added, the strength increased due to the activation of the slag by the alkalies. ... In the early 1900s, cement plant employees began disposing of waste at the company's on-site landfill. This practice continued until the mid-1980s when ...

How to Reduce Dust in Unfinished Basement | 10 Ways …

1) Dust is a common problem when working with a new kind of material, in our case, drywall. To minimize the amount of dust in your basement, always spray water on the drywall before using a sander or drill. This can reduce the amount of dust that will fly into your face and lungs by up to 85%! 2) Another common dust-producing tool is a grinder.

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