Equipment selection for high selective T excavation …

equipment selected. Moreover, equipment selection directly affects the pit design and production planning. In open pit mining, equipment selection is made according to many factors related to the ore and mining conditions. These factors can be qualitative and quantitative in nature. The main purpose of equipment selection is to choose the

[PDF] Equipment Selection for Surface Mining: A Review

A simulation-based algorithm for solving surface mines' equipment selection and sizing problem under uncertainty. A robust long-term mine plan depends on the precise prediction of mining fleet productivity and the estimation of the required fleet's size over the mine life, according to a mining industry expert. Expand.

Equipment selection in mineral processing

1. Introduction. Mineral processing equipment selection is the task of examining various machinery alternatives being considered and choosing the most suitable equipment that involves multiple criteria such as technical, environmental, and socio-economic aspects (Sitorus et al., 2019b).The selection of suitable equipment in mineral …

(PDF) Handling equipment Selection in open pit mines by …

Process of handling equipment selection is one of the most important and basic parts in the project planning, particularly mining projects due to holding a high charge of the total project's cost.

(PDF) Multi-Attribute Fuzzy Methodology for the Selection of Mining

Burt et al. (2005) indicated the classiication of equipment selection techniques into three categories: classical methods, operations research techniques and artiicial intelligence techniques. Some of the classical methods utilized for equipment selection are the match factor, the bunching theory, the productivity curves and the queuing theory.


The aim was to use the factors and mining methods as inputs to the developed MMSM. In the result section, case studies were used to analyse the MCDMs following a descriptive ... selection of mining method in the coal mining industry. From the research findings, it was generally concluded that OCRA, ARAS, CP, SAW, and COPRAS are simplified ...

An Application Of The Analytic Hierarchy Process In Equipment Selection

In the field of mining engineering, many scholars have introduced successful MCDM applications such as equipment selection for open pit mines [9,10], drilling technology investment analysis ...

MSAHP: An approach to mining method selection

The mining factors -extraction, mining height, overbreak dilution, and mining losses - are under the control of the mining engineer, subject to constraints imposed by the mining method. As such, these factors are not selection criteria per se and are used in MSAHP mainly to test the robustness of the mining method ranking order in the face of ...

(PDF) A Selection of Drill Rigs using Overall Equipment Efficiency

Events that may lead to the nonutilisation of the machine include dozer works, delays in marking up and operator convenience time. Other factors that may affect the utilisation of the rigs include competency of mine personnel, efficiency of mine plan and support equipment commitment [14]. Utilisation is expressed in Eq.

Methods for Equipments Selection in Surface Mining ; …

An expert system was developed for equipment selection for various unit operations in open pit mining that incorporates the uncertainty that is an inherent characteristic of the factors affecting equipment selection and allows users to specify the site-specific relative importance of each of the governing factors. Expand

(PDF) Methodology for underground mining …

The mining method selection Methodology for underground mining method selection 213 has a direct impact on the economic operation of the mine, i.e., on its income or losses. The mining method selection …

A Decision Support System For Optimal Equipment Selection …

For applications in the mining world, there are studies in which to make decisions using multiple applications of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) such as fuzzy applications in open mine ...

(PDF) An expert system for hydraulic excavator and truck selection …

A typical expert system is shown in Figure 1.3,4 Some examples of surface mining equipment selection expert systems are given briefly below. Scoble et al.5 developed a prototype knowledge based excavation equipment selection expert system that depends on geotechnical and equipment characteristics. It is developed by using Turbo Prolog.

(PDF) Multi-Attribute Fuzzy Methodology for the …

Burt et al. (2005) indicated the classiication of equipment selection techniques into three categories: classical methods, operations research techniques and artiicial intelligence techniques. Some of the classical …

An MILP approach to multi-location, multi-period equipment selection …

In the surface mining industry, the Equipment Selection Problem involves choosing an appropriate fleet of trucks and loaders such that the long-term mine plan can be satisfied. An important characteristic for multi-location (multi-location and multi-dumpsite) mines is that the underlying problem is a multi-commodity flow problem. The problem is therefore …

[PDF] Loading-haulage equipment selection in …

Equipment selection is one of the most important aspects of open pit design. Mining costs are mainly affected by the number and capacity of equipment. Equipment selection for open-pit mines is definitely a …

An expert system for hydraulic excavator and truck …

suitable equipment is the most important factor. The wrong equipment selection causes low production efficiency and increases the unit cost. So, selecting proper equipment for surface mining must be carefully analysed and the optimum equipment configuration must be determined. There are several techniques for surface mining equipment selection1 ...

Studies on availability of the mining equipment: An overview

Availability is a measure of t he usable. quality of technical systems. Increasing the. availability of mining mecha nization en a-. bles the safe and stable production. It is of great importance ...

(PDF) Investigation of Excavator Performance Factors in …

PDF | On Jan 1, 2017, Samwel Victor Manyele published Investigation of Excavator Performance Factors in an Open-Pit Mine Using Loading Cycle Time | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ...


Definition of Longwall Mining. A high extraction method of mining along the face of a predefined block of coal, referred to as a panel, while allowing the immediate roof to collapse upon advancement. Panel Configuration. Panels generally range in size from 500 to 1,000 feet in width and lengths exceeding two miles.


Nunnally et al. (1977) stated that equipment selection is a critical factor in the execution of many construction. projects. This is to be much more critical in hea vy construction projects where ...

Optimizing truck-loader matching | Semantic Scholar

Match factor for heterogeneous truck and loader fleets. C. Burt L. Caccetta. Engineering, Business. 2007. The mining and construction industries have used match factor for many decades as an indicator of productivity performance. The term match factor is usually defined as the ratio of truck arrival rate…. Expand. 71.

Mine Design Selection Considering Sustainable Development

Sustainable development and sustainable mining is the key factor of future mine designs. In this paper, two mine designs based on profit maximization, life maximization of Sungun copper mine is investigated. A method based on the concepts of Folchi method is used to quantify the level of sustainability of each mine designs.


activity all the factors influencing the selection of mining equipment are tabulated, followed by a review of possible mining methods and an ... I declare that this project report entitled "Mining Equipment Selection for a Typical Opencast Mine in the Withank Area" is my own work, except to the extent indicated in the acknowledgement and ...

Decision making in equipment selection: an integrated

The equipment selection process is considered in the early stage of the design process since the equipment selection process decides the quality, cost, and reliability, which are important for customer satisfaction. Due to the availability of large numbers of equipment, the selection of suitable equipment for certain …

15 Selection of Material Handling Equipment

terial Handling Equipment15.1 IntroductionMaterial handling equipment selection is an important function in the design of a material handling system, and. hus a crucial step for facilities planning. Using proper material handling equipment can enhance the production process, provide effective utilization of manpower, increase.

Sizing equipment for open pit mining

Since equipment selection in an open-pit mine influences all stages of mining [10], the indiscriminate selection of larger equipment may not always be advantageous, especially in haulage equipment ...

Match Factor Extensions | SpringerLink

The match factor is defined as the ratio of truck arrival rate to loader service time. For the mining industry, this ratio is an important performance indicator with a dual purpose: during the equipment selection phase, it can be used to determine an appropriate fleet size such that the truck fleet productivity matches that of the loader …

[PDF] A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning

Several decades of literature on optimization and simulation applied to both surface and underground mine planning problems, including mine design, long-and short-term production scheduling, equipment selection, and dispatching are reviewed. Applications of operations research to mine planning date back to the 1960s. Since that …

(PDF) Mining method selection by multiple criteria decision …

Mining method selection by multiple criteria decision making tools by M.R. Bitarafan and M. Ataei* Mining method selection is the first and most important problem in mine design. In this selection some of the parameters such as geological and geotechnical properties, economic parameters and geographical factors are involved.

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