recycled asphalt shingles crusher in kenya

a. asphalt binder 604 b. tack coats 604 c. mineral aggregates 605 d. reclaimed asphalt pavement (rap) 606 e. recycled asphalt shingles (ras) 606 f. non-woven pavement overlay fabric 606 6.02 asphaltic concrete mixtures 607 a. general 607 b. superpave volumetric mix design 608 c. production sampling and testing 614 6.03 equipment 616

(PDF) Sustainability of using reclaimed asphalt pavement: …

course s) if crushed, hot recycling, ... High reclaimed asphalt pavement content, recycled asphalt shingles, and . warm-mix asphalt technology Transportation rese arch record 2208 17-25.

Bitumen Based Waterproofing Products & Equipment in Nairobi, Kenya

Bitumen Based Waterproofing Products & Equipment in Nairobi, Kenya | Bitumen Bituseal, Marglass, Roofing Felt, DPC, Asphalt Shingles, APP Membrane | Waterproofing in Kenya | Roof Leakage Solutions ... Asphalt Shingles; APP Membrane and much more. Contact us via 0716259682 | 0722671352 | 0722522452 for more information or custom / bulk …

Crushed Asphalt Driveway (Reasons to Choose)

Aggregate Asphalt Driveway Cost. The cost of a crushed asphalt driveway can vary, but it depends mainly on the material quality. However, the price is about $2 to $5 per square foot on average, while the total cost of the driveway including labor and material costs, can range from $1,200 up to $3,600. Nonetheless, a driveway can be a good ...

Recycled Shingles are Keeping Asphalt Out of Landfills

According to estimates by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 11–13 million tons of asphalt shingles are torn off roofs in the U.S. every year. Less than 10% of that material is recycled into roads or other paving projects, while the remaining 90% ends up as waste in landfills. As the leading manufacturer of asphalt shingles, …

Read "Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Recycled Asphalt Shingles

Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Recycled Asphalt Shingles in Asphalt Mixtures. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23641. ... RAP material can be obtained from the demolition of old pavement that produces chunks that have to be broken up or crushed, milling of existing pavement surfaces, and fresh mix- …

Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) as a Clean Fill …

The asphalt pavement industry is America's biggest recycler. More than 60 million tons of asphalt pavement material is reclaimed each year during road widening and resurfacing projects, and nearly all of that material is reused. Incorporating reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) into new pavements reduces demands for asphalt

Shingles | Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council

Although shingles have potential to be recycled and reused, they make a large contribution to the waste accumulating in landfills. T he nails in shingle waste cause problems with landfill equipment, often damaging their tires. Shingles manufactured before 1980 may contain asbestos.This can lead to serious health issues for people exposed to …

Recycled Asphalt: Learn The Benefits and Process of Recycling Pavement

There is a stronger cracking resistance because of the added mineral fillers and organic fibers used in the recycled materials. Other benefits include: Reduced demand for new asphalt pavement. Reduced demand on aggregate. Improved HMA mixes. Improved asphalt stiffness. Decreased likelihood for cracking.


PUGET SOUND AREA ASPHALT SHINGLES RECYCLERS . Evergreen Shingle Recycling . 6405 233rd Place SE Woodinville, WA 98072 . 425-482-0266 . Contact: Pat Coaker E-mail: esr.pat@gmail . Miles Resources . 1200 East D Street . Tacoma, WA 98421 . 253-383-3585 . Contact: Tim Shearer . PUGET SOUND AREA HMA …

ShingleRecycling | Alabama

Recycled asphalt shingle (RAS) material is limited to 3% by mass of the total aggregate content for surface layers and 5 % by mass of the total aggregate content for all other layers. ... Testing Manual: Approval of Recycled Asphalt Pavement Stockpiles & Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles . EPA Regional Asbestos Contacts. EPA Region 4. 461 …

Construction Materials

What happens after C&D materials are recycled? Asphalt pavement and asphalt shingles are usually separated, crushed and used to mix new asphalt or used as a road base. Once the processing is complete, recycled concrete can be used much like concrete and can be recycled many times.

Multi-Purpose Horizontal Asphalt Shingle …

Multi-Purpose Shingle Grinders. For companies that need the versatility to grind more than just asphalt shingles, our multi-purpose shingle grinders bring advantages to companies grinding asphalt shingles in addition to …

FAQs: Ashphalt Roofing Shingles in Kenya | REXE Roofing …

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Asphalt Roofing Shingles in Kenya. REXE roofing shingles features, cost, installation and projects. Call us 0704 646664 | 0731 068184


When recycled, asphalt shingles can be used in road paving projects. Petroleum and aggregate can be recaptured during the recycling process, reducing the need for new materials. The Michigan Department of Transportation has specifications on use of recycled asphalt shingles in their pavements. Check out some of the Community …

shingle recycling crushersshingles crusher

shingle recycling crushersshingles crusher T15:02:53+00:00 shingle recycling crushersshingles crusher. recycled asphalt shingles crusher in kenya shingle crusher Asphalt Shingle Grinding Service LLC ASGS is dedicated to recycling asphalt shingles or RAS Since the early 1990s ASGS has been working with asphalt …

Canadian Roofing Contractor Launches Shingle Recycling Program

Pictured at right: Tear-off shingles that have been processed to 3/8″ / 9 mm minus for use as a hot mix asphalt paving supplement.. Starting a RAS operation from the ground up. In June of 2008, when Krueger contacted his Rotochopper sales rep asking about asphalt shingle recycling and the RG-1 shingle grinder, all he had was an idea, …

Recycled Asphalt Shingles in Asphalt Pavements

ton (Hanson 1997). From these statistics, the benefits of recycling waste shingles into asphalt pavements are certainly worth further investigation. Several methods exist for preparing discarded shingles for use in asphalt pavements. Various types of crushers, rotary shredders, and hammer mills are used to process the shingles. Most commonly, a

Recycled Materials in Construction

Roofing shingles are asphalt, aggregate, and a small amount of paper or fiberglass binder; in principal, suitable for recycling for road construction materials. Vermont produces about 25,000 tons of waste shingles per year. Our one shingle recycler is collecting and processing about 2500 tons per year. Recycled Asphalt Shingles (RAS) continued.

Evaluation of Recycled Components in Stone Matrix …

Two stone matrix asphalt mixes were sampled for mixture performance testing, including control sections (no recyclates) those containing recycled materials. The mixes were produced by two different contractors on two different interstates in Missouri. One of the mixtures was paved on I-44 in Franklin County.

sbm/sbm asphalt shingle grinder for sale stone crusher …

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CBI Shingle Pro Portable Grinder | Asphalt Shingle Recycling

CBI Shingle Pro XL 406 Portable Grinder. CBI's purpose-built asphalt shingle grinder, the Magnum Force Shingle Pro XL 406, is specifically designed for asphalt shingle recycling. This one-pass grinding machine processes both tear offs and reject shingles as the industry's most robust asphalt shingle shredder. Compared to other shingle ...

Asphalt Shingles Recycling – Can Old Shingles …

HMA can contain up to 5% (by weight) asphalt shingles. Recycled asphalt shingles can also be used for aggregate subbase and base, cold patches to repair parking lots, ramps, driveways, sidewalks, …

Asphalt Recycling And Other Green Asphalt Solutions

At Wolf Paving, recycled materials play a key role in crafting environmentally-friendly custom asphalt solutions. Eco-friendly road materials and eco-friendly procedures allow us to protect our natural world while giving our customers what they want when it comes to sustainable asphalt. About 90 million tons of old asphalt pavement are crushed ...

San Antonio Aggregate Recyclers LLC (SAAR)

San Antonio Aggregate Recyclers (SAAR) manufactures Asphalt Millings and Re-Base from construction and demolition debris that once again can be used for roads and buildings. Some of the highest quality aggregates are already in use on roads, highways, and infrastructure, recycling is a means to extract and reuse aggregates.

How to Add Shingle Grinding to Your Asphalt Business

Every ton of shingles recycled saves 1 - cubic yard of airspace in a landfill. Normal asphalt roof shingles processed through a grinder will contain between 18 to 20% asphalt cement (AC) For every ...

R.A.S. For Sale — Crushcrete

For each ton of recycled shingles there is up to 18-28% of asphalt cement. While the market does not see recycled shingles as a valuable commodity, each ton of RAS can cost on average as little as $30.00 per ton. With pure asphalt cement costing as much as $600.00 per ton, the savings can be significant.

Establishing Strategies to Improve Cracking Resistance of High Recycled …

Moisture-resistant aggregates that do not require anti-stripping agents, reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), and recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) were sampled for this study from sources in two climatic zones, south and north. The south-moisture-resistant (SR) mixtures were designed with 0.16 and 0.29 RBRs with RAP, while the …

Evaluation of use of recycled asphalt shingles in HMA

The best use of recycled asphalt singles (RAS) in hot mix asphalt (HMA) was the focus of this comprehensive study. There is a discussion of the consistency of processed RAS. Findings were that in Texas the processed RAS, which includes both tear-off asphalt shingles (TOAS), as well as manufacturing waste asphalt shingles (MWAS), have very …

Shingle Grinder Selection Questions | For Construction Pros

Assuming a conservative asphalt content of 20% binder in the shingles, this represents a savings of 234,000 tons (1.5 million barrels) of asphalt binder.

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